Kombat Pack 2 aint happening, is it?
posted06/24/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
Let's keep it real.

No sign of Tremor, no sign or Predator. E3 has passed and no news. By the time those 2 are released it will be around 5 months since MKX dropped and general public interest will have greatly waned. The PC release was data mined and gave an overview of all the planned DLC with no hint of characters beyond KP1.

Seems that Boon has neither confirmed nor denied additional DLC to keep the community playing his game as long as possible. Pulled the same shit during MK9.

I am seriously disappointed that NRS invested more energy into DLC for Injustice. The general consensus from the MK community is: "Here is my money, please make more DLC characters."

What the hell is NRS playing at??
06/21/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
Yeah I agree with you it is looking less and less likely the way they are going it will be August before we get tremor no way will there be anymore after that the game will be finished and it will be all about injustice 2 unfortunately which is a shame cause given the overall dissapointment with the mkx roster they stood to make some real good money ofF more DLC characters like noob, smoke, Cyrax, Fujin, kabal even reiko and havik since the comic ha propelled them to real high popularity levels
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06/21/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
Mkx seemed to die off a lot quicker than mk9.
06/21/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
The same thing happened with Injustice, then MMH was announced out of nowhere at the end of a trailer.

The data mining revealed the dlc that was already planned when the game was released. MMH and the magician girl are nowhere to be found on the disc.
06/21/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
That's a tad dramatic.

So what if there hasn't been any Tremor or Predator news lately? We didn't get the date for Tanya's stream until 6 days before she was released. Less than a week.

And if anything is killing the game, it's the netcode. Not the lack of characters.
06/21/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
After the Kombat Pack we will have what, 29 characters? Ill definitely take more if they are offered, but if not that's still plenty for me.
06/21/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
They've taken way too long to do the first one. I don't believe we don't have at least 3 of these yet. I've played the game for 2 months straight now, and I'm just about done. I'm not waiting anymore for something to keep it interesting. Switching to Batman on Tuesday.
06/21/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
This is a joke, right?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out its bad business to announce your next DLC Pack when you're only halfway through with your current one. Also, this silence is news to you? Were you not around during the whole of the lead-up to this game where we'd go months without hearing a peep? That's just how NRS works.
06/21/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
JerseyManiac1 Wrote:
They've taken way too long to do the first one. I don't believe we don't have at least 3 of these yet. I've played the game for 2 months straight now, and I'm just about done. I'm not waiting anymore for something to keep it interesting. Switching to Batman on Tuesday.

Sounds like YOU burned yourself out on it.
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06/21/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out its bad business to announce your next DLC Pack when you're only halfway through with your current one.
That's exactly what I was going to say lol. We won't here anything about a second Kombat Pack until Predator has been out for like a month at least.
06/21/2015 09:36 AM (UTC)
I really. really, really doubt there will be a second whole dlc pack. I think we might get Fujin as a fan service like Martian Manhunter in Injustice, but thatll be it. NRS will start on whatever their next project is. Never under estimate NRS's willingness to cut corners *cough* netcode *cough*. MKX is a great game tho so it could be much worse. I'm also very happy with the characters we got in the first pack, although just one guest character would have been cool with me too.
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06/21/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
The denial is strong in this thread, the game's popularity seems already to be waning down significantly. trying to fix this lacklustre roster would have been great but it just wont happen.
06/21/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
lol. Yeah, there is no way they're going to announce a second Kombat Pack when the first is only half done. Plus there is little chance of a second one to begin with.
Like mentioned earlier, we may get 1 or 2 extra characters similar to Injustice. I'd guess Fujin and Rain due to all the complaints. But that's a different debate.

NRS is still trying to sell the Kombat Pack, they're not going to show you new characters until its done.

Also, didnt Zod release in Injustice around ComicCon?
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06/21/2015 02:59 PM (UTC)
It won't be Rain. It'll probably be Fujin and another girl.
06/21/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
The game has been out for a little over two months. People are so impatient when it comes to DLC.
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06/21/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
The game has been out for a little over two months. People are so impatient when it comes to DLC.
I think that happens when you're not excited for the characters and you want to get to what's next. Tanya was the only character I was excited about so now its just waiting to see if we get anything else and its a very harried feeling.
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06/21/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
If you look at MK through the lens of MKO, of course the game looks like it's waning, but it's on fire in the tournament scene. MKX isn't going anywhere for a while.

As for a 2nd kombat pack, it's probably not going to happen... but that was always in the cards. Historically, we have NEVER had a second season of characters. The only reason we got Martian Manhunter in Injustice was because of fan backlash, and Zatanna was probably made because it doesn't make sense to re-open shop just to make one character (hence, the character poll).

Given how well this game sold, I don't think a second kombat pack is impossible. The silence isn't indicative of anything because if they were going to announce another pack, they'd announce it at Evo when they have the attention of 150,000 fighting gamers.

Don't hold your breath, though. For the time being, there's no reason to believe we're getting any more characters.
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06/21/2015 08:55 PM (UTC)
If a Kombat Pack 2 is not happenning then that is minor. NRS never announced there would be another Kombat Pack or more characters outside the Kombat Pack. Looking at the data mine there was no plans or indication of any DLC other then the Kombat Pack.

There will be news when NRS is ready to announce news. NRS said that the DLC characters are not finished so they are obviously still working on them.

Are they supposed to give real time updates on what they are doing? "Today we implemented and balanced Predator's lasar!!!" LOL.
06/21/2015 09:07 PM (UTC)
E3 isn't the only gaming event. There are plenty of other opportunities to announce stuff. Comic-con, PAX, TGS (lol).

With the amount of DLC loaded into MKX, I'd be very surprised if we don't get another batch of characters.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/22/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
While I have no expectations as to future DLC, if they DO end up releasing more content, it won't be another "kombat pack". It'll probably just be one or two more single characters being released (like injustice with Martian Manhunter and Hocus Pocus Girl).
06/22/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
While I have no expectations as to future DLC, if they DO end up releasing more content, it won't be another "kombat pack". It'll probably just be one or two more single characters being released (like injustice with Martian Manhunter and Hocus Pocus Girl).

To which girl are you referring? Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy or Horse Face? (lol)
06/22/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
No. No, it's not happening. But you know what is happening? More DLC characters, that's what. Injustice had 6, and I guarantee MKX will have that many, if not more. It's a newer game, it's on next-gen, and they have the ability to do more with it. MK9 had 5, Injustice had 6. If the trend continues, MKX would have 7.

But, if they really want to please us we'll need 8, including all costumes like the previous DLC. So basically another Kombat Pack!
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06/22/2015 07:23 AM (UTC)
Isn't two months after release a little soon to be making these kinds of assumptions either way? And if the character releases for KP1 are slow, could that possibly be because each character is practically three characters in one, and requires more work in graphics and sound design and motion capture and voice acting than the DLC characters of any other game to date? (And all this for the same price per character as in previous games?)

Maybe if more people were inclined to watch the credits at the end of the game just once instead of skipping over them, we might collectively have a little more respect for the whole project and the hundreds of actual living people who devoted thousands of hours of their lives to creating it, and maybe have a little less entitled bitching over problems that don't even exist yet.

Boon's Twitter shows that they are at least entertaining the idea of a KP2. So there's that. But if they would rather devote their resources to making the next game even bigger and rest on their laurels on MKX, that's their prerogative and they bloody well deserve it.
06/22/2015 08:53 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Isn't two months after release a little soon to be making these kinds of assumptions either way? And if the character releases for KP1 are slow, could that possibly be because each character is practically three characters in one, and requires more work in graphics and sound design and motion capture and voice acting than the DLC characters of any other game to date? (And all this for the same price per character as in previous games?)

Maybe if more people were inclined to watch the credits at the end of the game just once instead of skipping over them, we might collectively have a little more respect for the whole project and the hundreds of actual living people who devoted thousands of hours of their lives to creating it, and maybe have a little less entitled bitching over problems that don't even exist yet.

Boon's Twitter shows that they are at least entertaining the idea of a KP2. So there's that. But if they would rather devote their resources to making the next game even bigger and rest on their laurels on MKX, that's their prerogative and they bloody well deserve it.

The white knight, fanboy dick riding of this post is enough to make us all chafe for weeks just by reading it. Stahp. You love NRS and don't love things that don't love NRS, we get it. Unfortunately people are allowed to speculate on a second KP even if that means expressing their doubts. Try not to take it personal, nobody at NRS would.
06/22/2015 10:07 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Maybe if more people were inclined to watch the credits at the end of the game just once instead of skipping over them, we might collectively have a little more respect for the whole project and the hundreds of actual living people who devoted thousands of hours of their lives to creating it, and maybe have a little less entitled bitching over problems that don't even exist yet.

You act like they did it out of the goodness of their heart.

They did it because it's their job and to make money.
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