Kitanas Future Costume

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I'll see if I can get a picture of her up soon, but I have the concept in my mind, so here's a break down.
Kitana would wear her classic head band from MK II but without the mask. Her hair would be reach to about the small of her back, and would be free flowing. She'd be wearing black lipstick and long diamond earings.
Her torso would be a one piece outfit. It would start as a black choaker around her throat which would connect to the rest of the outfit. From her choaker, the outfit would have two diamond openings in the front. One right above her breasts, showing a bit of cleavage, but nothing that would be considered skanky. The second diamond would be right below her breasts, showing off her abdomen. Along those diamonds, there would be a blue silk trim as an accent. The whole one piece outfit is sleevless as well. She wears a blue sash around her thighs with three golden rings in the center, a bit like Mystique from X-Men.
Kitana would wear her traditional elegant fighting gloves which would start from her bicep and stretch all the way down her arms. Around her biceps she would be wearing two long ribbons that are a deep blue color.
Kitana should loose the high heel thing for combat, it doesn't really work. So instead she'd wear long leather boots that would reach up to her thighs, alot like her boots in MK II, only longer. She would have a deep blue design on her thighs, most likely a dragon.
Kitana would wear her classic head band from MK II but without the mask. Her hair would be reach to about the small of her back, and would be free flowing. She'd be wearing black lipstick and long diamond earings.
Her torso would be a one piece outfit. It would start as a black choaker around her throat which would connect to the rest of the outfit. From her choaker, the outfit would have two diamond openings in the front. One right above her breasts, showing a bit of cleavage, but nothing that would be considered skanky. The second diamond would be right below her breasts, showing off her abdomen. Along those diamonds, there would be a blue silk trim as an accent. The whole one piece outfit is sleevless as well. She wears a blue sash around her thighs with three golden rings in the center, a bit like Mystique from X-Men.
Kitana would wear her traditional elegant fighting gloves which would start from her bicep and stretch all the way down her arms. Around her biceps she would be wearing two long ribbons that are a deep blue color.
Kitana should loose the high heel thing for combat, it doesn't really work. So instead she'd wear long leather boots that would reach up to her thighs, alot like her boots in MK II, only longer. She would have a deep blue design on her thighs, most likely a dragon.
I liked what she had in MK:DA. I think maybe something ninja-y for one costume, and something more regal and exotic for the second one. I don't think either need to be showing a load of flesh: skin tight is just as good. Oh yeah the high heels have to stay. Because i said so.

GoatsAreCool Wrote:
Oh yeah the high heels have to stay. Because i said so.
Oh yeah the high heels have to stay. Because i said so.
In Kitana's MKD trading card thing, it says 'she fell in battle against the Deadly Alliance'..................the heels were her downfall. Imagine fighting in those!!??!! All that tarkatan blood would be slippy.....slippy and heels dont mix well.
The costume I invisage Kitana having is a cross between what Talisa Soto wore in the movies and her MK2/MKDA costumes. It would start just above her breast, showing off her shoulders and a bit of cleavage. There would be no straps or anything, and it would be light blue. As you go down by her breast area, the colour would gradually get darker until it was dark blue around her stomach and waist. There would be a circle cut out around her belly button. Then she would have fully covered legs, in a continuous costume and black knee-high boots. Her hair would be long, in pony tail like MK:DA, and she wouldn't have a mask. Her arms would be covered to the elbow, with medium toned blue gloves, that tied just below the shoulder, and the ribbons tying it woul wrap up round the tops of her arms to the shoulder in a criss-cross pattern.

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