Kitanas ~Fan Lift~ Move: How It Could Be Kooler
posted09/13/2009 04:13 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
This was just a random thought that passed through my mind, when watching Kitana's fan lift move. Some of the moves in MK I think should be toned down to earth a little and put in a more realistic (less cartoonish) interpretation...Kitana's fan lift special is just on of them

You know how she holds her fans in the air and spins them towards her counterclockwise, throwing of colored waves...? This is cool, but I was thinking maybe it would be just as cool, if not cooler if she took her fans and clapped them together (not touching but in the clapping motion). As she does this, the fans give off waves that aren't colorful but instead something similar to what you see when you're looking at something through heat waves or fumes (if you know what I mean) effect, lifting the opponent higher and higher, stunning them into a daze in the air, like the original effect.

It could also be used as a counter move (similar to how Jade's invincibility move is used). It also sounds like it would be one of those slow moves, that would leave you open to attack, but it doesn't have to be at all. It would just add a little freshness to Kitana, who's had pretty much the same moves since she was introduced in MKII. The teleport move in MK:Armagedon, I kind of disregarded as her character, because it was outside her element. Teleports are for sorcerers and gods. Kitana, although immortal is a down to earth fighter.
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Bring Jade, kitana & Mileena back!

09/13/2009 07:30 AM (UTC)
That actually does sound like a good idea.
It could make her overall a better/fun fighter to
use in my opinion. She's been my favorite character
since Mk2, and Jade as well. But yeah, I'd like to see
something like that in the future. smile
09/13/2009 04:13 PM (UTC)
Your revision of Kitanas fan lift is a great idea. I could think of a few other moves that could be redesigned. You should post your ideas of other moves from every character.

Here is a few for ya to get going.

Kung Laos hat throw - Instead of it appearing back on his head it should have the impale effect and a new animation that the opponent staggers back a bit pulling the hat out of their body. (same idea could work with other characters like Kano with his Knives or even Scorpion with his spear)

Sektors special punch - Instead of him flying up and than coming from the bottom of the screen...have it look like rockets under his feet with the appropriate sound effects when he goes up in the air and when he returns to the screen he should either come down from the air fist first or from the left or right.

Sindels scream - pretty much the same wave effect you explained for Kitanas fan lift.

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