Kira Re-Designing for next Mk or MK11
posted09/08/2011 12:42 PM (UTC)by
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Khameleon Wins! Credit to whoever made the Jade pic.

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07/17/2011 04:21 AM (UTC)
Personally, Kira is one of those characters that have a good story and crappy gameplay. She was/is a Kano and Sonya Clone. Another couple of things great about her is that she doesn't show alot of skin like this ---->
The other thing that is great about her is that she isn't conected to Quan Chi like most characters. (Scorpion,Sub-Zero,Sindel,Shinnok etc..) If she were to come back, I think they should redesign her MKD costume, when I say redesign, I mean update it a little better, not MORE skin. Or HIGH HEELS.
For her moves I think she should just ditch the whole Kano/Sonya movelist.
I think she should be more agile than more characters and sneaky-er in her story. In her original Kira was a spy that sold weapons to terrorists. I think they should keep this, but make it so she creates and builds her own weapons to sell to them so she could create an amulet that lets her manipulate and control energy around her, allowing her to keep the energy ball.
Energy Ball: Kira shoots an energy ball out of her hands that stikes the oppenent.

Backflip kick: Kira Kicks her oppenent in the stomach with one foot and then kicks them in the face with her other one backflipping off.

Dagger Slash: She Leans foward and slashes her oppenent in the stomach with both daggers in an opposite direction.

x2: Kira uses energy powering her attacks x2%
Post more below, I dunno what other moves to add right now, might add more later.

Black Dragon Beatdown: She Punches them in the face multiple times kicks them in the face and flips over their shoulders and stabs them in the back. She then breaks their arm and pulls their head back slashing their neck. Blood Goes at and on the camera.

Raining Chunks: Kira powers up energy around her hands and charges the oppenents head up and they start to melt (Their face) and she then stabs them in the stomach and kicks their head off and it explodes and chunks come down and their brain falls infront of her. She picks it up and holds it above her head.
Any more ideas?
09/04/2011 12:09 PM (UTC)
I like Kira I think she could be revamped tom come in mk11. I also like the fact that she had Kanos butterfly swords. But I dont think her having super power like an energy ball is good. We dont need another human from earthrelm possessing another 'super power' like throwing green orbs at people. Her costumes should be like her alternate in Deception, and they should edit her face a little. Its murder.
About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

09/04/2011 05:04 PM (UTC)
J-Slyde Wrote:
But I dont think her having super power like an energy ball is good. We dont need another human from earthrelm possessing another 'super power' like throwing green orbs at people.

Quoted for truth. I don't like how every character seems to be a master at Chi. It just cheapens it IMO.

But I totally agree that Kira should come back, she has a lot of potential.
09/05/2011 01:43 AM (UTC)
Kira IMO is just Sonya's and Kano's love child. I pray she doesn't come back
09/05/2011 06:52 AM (UTC)
I'd love to see her as a high-tech sniper-loving rooftop-running mercenary/hitman. Something like Sarah Kerrigan without the psychic powers and the Zerg angle.
09/05/2011 11:40 AM (UTC)
Yeah, no offense, but ditch the energy ball projectile. I'm not sure if that backflip kick is something like Sindel already has in MK2011?

Her MKD primary costume was amazing, I hope they bring it back. She has an interesting backstory and cool design, they just need to revamp her gameplay and she'll be awesome.
09/05/2011 12:59 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Kira IMO is just Sonya's and Kano's love child. I pray she doesn't come back

Maybe she could be their child, maybe something could happen behind the scenes that we didnt know about before they started hating each other? Its the re-boot, we wont know what happens till it happens.
09/05/2011 05:27 PM (UTC)
Correction, "crack baby"
About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

09/07/2011 12:37 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Kira IMO is just Sonya's and Kano's love child. I pray she doesn't come back

But she doesn't have to be. It didn't make sense for her to even be a clone of those two in the first place, at least story wise, since she never met either one. Kira as an interesting story and I wouldn't mind seeing it explored in more detail. Just give her an original move set.
09/07/2011 01:11 PM (UTC)
I liked Kira. Busty redhead in leather and had an interesting story.

I think the trouble with the Deception newbies was that they are seen as either boring or a clone character or both.

While I think its mostly fitting, I just cant help Kira would actually fit in nicely in MK still.
09/07/2011 03:50 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I liked Kira. Busty redhead in leather and had an interesting story.

I think the trouble with the Deception newbies was that they are seen as either boring or a clone character or both.

While I think its mostly fitting, I just cant help Kira would actually fit in nicely in MK still.

I agree completely.
09/08/2011 01:20 AM (UTC)
I think Kira would have been a better welcomed charachter if her gameplay hadn't been a mix of Kano's and Sonya's. She has a cool look and a good story and personality. It's not one of my favourite charachters and i would rather having a lot of other charachters before Kira (Like Sareena, Havik, Ashrah, Nitara, Tanya, Kai... etc, etc), but it would be nice seeing her back.
09/08/2011 07:52 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I liked Kira. Busty redhead in leather and had an interesting story.

I think the trouble with the Deception newbies was that they are seen as either boring or a clone character or both.

While I think its mostly fitting to say, I just cant help thinking Kira would actually fit in nicely in MK still.

Fixed a bit. Just finished a 17 hour shift at work when I first wrote it.
09/08/2011 12:42 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Kira IMO is just Sonya's and Kano's love child. I pray she doesn't come back

Thank you. She was a mistake; like most children are these days.
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