King Gorbak as a character in MK8. (My Prediction.)
posted01/25/2007 07:02 PM (UTC)by
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07/14/2004 01:41 AM (UTC)
Well as we all know Goro has graced us with his present's in almost all the mk game's except a few.

And we're all aware that Goro is Prince of the shokan race.

I think it would be cool to get some background on King Gorbak. Goro's father.

Kinda how ONAGA was once the emperor of outword. And then he devolped in the MKD version of mortal kombat.

Maybe with King Gorbak around he can maintain order in the shokan race.

Seeing as Goro, Kintaro, and Sheeva, have all been defeated at one time or another.

This would be a great game to see him devolpe and what led him to his position.

Even if they have to kill off Goro, and Kintaro. I would love to see this character shokan debut in a game sooner or later.

Maybe then with Shao Kahn if he's still around. Kahn can be the assassin for hire under the thrown of King Gorbak.

Just an idea. But i'd love to see it.

Maybe even the original Kung Lao.
01/23/2007 02:20 AM (UTC)
As long as he doesn't play a role similar to any of the previous Shokans, I'm all for it. I want them to take a new direction, or at least one that really hasn't been expanded on:

A. They should keep him on the track that Goro was taking before he switched sides yet again, and make him good.

B. They should further develop the war between the Shokans and the Centaurs, we really haven't gotten an in depth look at this fued.
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how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/23/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
I think that it is a good idea. I think it would be better if we add a new centaur/minotaur character to the game. We have three Shokan to one centaur. I think Motaro deserves the new characeter
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01/24/2007 04:46 AM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
I think that it is a good idea. I think it would be better if we add a new centaur/minotaur character to the game. We have three Shokan to one centaur. I think Motaro deserves the new characeter

I hear ya bro. I, myself, am a big gorbak fan and alway's have been since the comics. I think having him would be solid. I would suspect with him around his plan's of destruction would be more focalized. I mean goro was pretty smart. To be king you have to hold up so much more order.

And with gorbak im sure he would be a hell of a boss character. I only hope midway decides to use him for future refrence. Id love to have him around.
01/24/2007 07:04 AM (UTC)
i second that notion,great idea...also the new centaur character would be just as awesome...maybe a female centaur
01/25/2007 07:38 AM (UTC)
I'd love to see Grum or King Gorbak in a future MK game. Grum could work for King Gorbak, being his second-hand man, and one of the most powerful remaining Shokans (stronger than Goro & Kintaro since he has 6 arms).

More so though, I want King Gorbak to stay in the storyline. I want to see what happens with him and the shokans.....will he form an alliance with a bigger threat? or maybe he'd want to take all realms for himself. Whatever he does, I think he should be angry at Goro and Kintaro for not obeying his orders, thus sending his troops to slay them.

King Gorbak could also possibly be after the centaurs and tarkatans. If he defeats both races, he may want to rule Outworld and become the next ruler.
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01/25/2007 07:02 PM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
I'd love to see Grum or King Gorbak in a future MK game. Grum could work for King Gorbak, being his second-hand man, and one of the most powerful remaining Shokans (stronger than Goro & Kintaro since he has 6 arms).

More so though, I want King Gorbak to stay in the storyline. I want to see what happens with him and the shokans.....will he form an alliance with a bigger threat? or maybe he'd want to take all realms for himself. Whatever he does, I think he should be angry at Goro and Kintaro for not obeying his orders, thus sending his troops to slay them.

King Gorbak could also possibly be after the centaurs and tarkatans. If he defeats both races, he may want to rule Outworld and become the next ruler.

I love a person who thinks like me. Good shit bro.
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