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05/01/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
While I have my doubts it's "permanent"...

Quan Chi in MKX was uncharacteristically lame, up to and including his "send-off". He only exists to get pummeled, embarrassed, and humiliated in this game. Rather than being the manipulating demon who backstabs Elder Gods, enslaves the souls of the virtuous, and indulges in dark depravity... he's quite literally a joke. A QTE, ball-busting joke.

It wasn't cathartic to see Scorpion "get his revenge" when it came with so little struggle, against such a pathetically weak adversary, and whose actions ended up making things far worse for everyone else.

Quan Chi was an amazing villain, even in the worst games. It's very strange that, in one of the better MK games, he was a horrible villain that didn't do a single thing worthy of fear or respect.

If anything, I was fully expecting HIM to grab the amulet (like last time), betray everyone, and obtain godhood... not just go out with a literal whimper.

This. Such a true post
About Me

05/01/2015 06:22 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men
05/01/2015 06:42 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

05/01/2015 07:48 AM (UTC)
Mileena and Baraka of course.

The only redeeming factor about Mileena's death is the scene in which she died; most memorable story death by far.

Baraka's death was pretty upsetting due to the fact he was given one second of screen time and died during his first appearance.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/01/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

Actually, I don't think he did. After blasting him, Shinnok tells Raiden he's going to keep him alive and kill him later, after all hope is lost.

So I think Bo' Rai Cho is still alive... and Shinnok killed nobody the entire game.

I dunno man.

I had the impression that Shinnok was referring to Raiden when answering Liu's "Should we kill him?". Hence, "I want him to bear witness as I conquer his realm. Then I shall imprison him as he did me."

The only line that made Bo's death iffy was Shinnok saying "When he dies, I will claim his soul." But even after that Raiden pretty much acknowledges his death by replying "You know not his power. His soul can not be subjugated."
05/01/2015 06:58 PM (UTC)
Baraka and mileena by far. Mileena went out like an old G tho. So much more respect for her. Now Quan chi on the other hand.. lol I'm sorry but I enjoyed all the pummeling this dude received in this game. It was LONG over due. Sonya stomping the hell out of him! Classic!
05/01/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

Are you serious? Wow.
05/01/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

I am starting to like this guy.

But seriously I am sick of the world pretending men can do what women can and men can do what women can do
If this was true a woman would beat a man in the 100 m sprint, but the best man will always beat the best woman. Of course an Olympic female runner will beat a guy who is only average, but if the best of both sexes raced, then Usain Bolt would win.
And equally there are things women do way better than men. But they are not physical things.
So my point is this: stop trying to portray this political correctness rubbish in video games.
I play video games to escape reality, if I wanted it, i would watch the news.
As I mentioned earlier, I actually didn't mind Sonya winning the tournament, but to have this annoying character who weighs 40 kg, no real kombat experience defeat demon shinnok and shujinko (the dragon slayer) is just getting stupid.
I have said it before, now that WB are involved expect more of this sort of thing. Neatherealm must have got in trouble for their portrayal of females in their last game, this is their attempt of redemption. Talk about over compensating.
05/01/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
mattteo Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

I am starting to like this guy.

But seriously I am sick of the world pretending men can do what women can and men can do what women can do
If this was true a woman would beat a man in the 100 m sprint, but the best man will always beat the best woman. Of course an Olympic female runner will beat a guy who is only average, but if the best of both sexes raced, then Usain Bolt would win.
And equally there are things women do way better than men. But they are not physical things.
So my point is this: stop trying to portray this political correctness rubbish in video games.
I play video games to escape reality, if I wanted it, i would watch the news.
As I mentioned earlier, I actually didn't mind Sonya winning the tournament, but to have this annoying character who weighs 40 kg, no real kombat experience defeat demon shinnok and shujinko (the dragon slayer) is just getting stupid.
I have said it before, now that WB are involved expect more of this sort of thing. Neatherealm must have got in trouble for their portrayal of females in their last game, this is their attempt of redemption. Talk about over compensating.

Man oh man are there some fuckin crazy people on the internet. I don't think NRS had some big political agenda to push with Cassie beating Shinnok, I think it was more of a daughter like father moment because the game needed to end and the writers at NRS aren't that creative. Women's rights never factored into it but its funny if you guys think otherwise. I don't think feminists are gonna start lining their banners with Cassie beating up Shinnok haha.

Back on topic. RIP Baraka, at least Mileena had an awesome role in the story. Baraka was just kinda there to make D'vorah look cooler. I approve of his over the top death tho, that was cool. No more super Sindel uppercuts. I'm almost kinda happy he died tho since now in MK11 he'll be on the day one roster.
05/01/2015 10:09 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
While I have my doubts it's "permanent"...

Quan Chi in MKX was uncharacteristically lame, up to and including his "send-off". He only exists to get pummeled, embarrassed, and humiliated in this game. Rather than being the manipulating demon who backstabs Elder Gods, enslaves the souls of the virtuous, and indulges in dark depravity... he's quite literally a joke. A QTE, ball-busting joke.

It wasn't cathartic to see Scorpion "get his revenge" when it came with so little struggle, against such a pathetically weak adversary, and whose actions ended up making things far worse for everyone else.

Quan Chi was an amazing villain, even in the worst games. It's very strange that, in one of the better MK games, he was a horrible villain that didn't do a single thing worthy of fear or respect.

If anything, I was fully expecting HIM to grab the amulet (like last time), betray everyone, and obtain godhood... not just go out with a literal whimper.

I am with you on this Garlador. I found it very VERY strange how tired and complacent Quan Chi seemed to be in this game. Where was the treacherous Quan Chi we know who was manipulating Shinnok the entire time. Who was always 10 steps ahead of everyone.

Up until Scorpion got his hands on him I figured we were seeing things fall into Quan Chi's plan per usual and then all of a sudden he is this tired muttering fool. What happened?

I was expecting his ending to redeem him and reveal that hah it wasn't Quan Chi but a decoy he created and he was sitting in the pyramid in the Netherrealm.

I mean I am all for Quan Chi getting what has been coming to him for serveral games now but this didn't feel earned at all.

No one finally out smarted him or turned his plans in on him. It was just Scorpion being an idiot not listening to reason. And Quan Chi acting as though he was tired...I just...I don't get it.

I'll also say Mileena as well, because it felt like the game's story lost something when she died and, well what can I say. I didn't like seeing this new Mileena die when she didn't come off as a villain to me in this game.

05/01/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
mattteo Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.

You know you all want that.....

Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

I am starting to like this guy.

But seriously I am sick of the world pretending men can do what women can and men can do what women can do
If this was true a woman would beat a man in the 100 m sprint, but the best man will always beat the best woman. Of course an Olympic female runner will beat a guy who is only average, but if the best of both sexes raced, then Usain Bolt would win.
And equally there are things women do way better than men. But they are not physical things.
So my point is this: stop trying to portray this political correctness rubbish in video games.
I play video games to escape reality, if I wanted it, i would watch the news.
As I mentioned earlier, I actually didn't mind Sonya winning the tournament, but to have this annoying character who weighs 40 kg, no real kombat experience defeat demon shinnok and shujinko (the dragon slayer) is just getting stupid.
I have said it before, now that WB are involved expect more of this sort of thing. Neatherealm must have got in trouble for their portrayal of females in their last game, this is their attempt of redemption. Talk about over compensating.

Man oh man are there some fuckin crazy people on the internet. I don't think NRS had some big political agenda to push with Cassie beating Shinnok, I think it was more of a daughter like father moment because the game needed to end and the writers at NRS aren't that creative. Women's rights never factored into it but its funny if you guys think otherwise. I don't think feminists are gonna start lining their banners with Cassie beating up Shinnok haha.

Back on topic. RIP Baraka, at least Mileena had an awesome role in the story. Baraka was just kinda there to make D'vorah look cooler. I approve of his over the top death tho, that was cool. No more super Sindel uppercuts. I'm almost kinda happy he died tho since now in MK11 he'll be on the day one roster.

Sonya stepping on Quan Chi's balls is symbolism, seriously there is a whole psychological reason for it. It's not like she kicked him in the balls, in a struggle, she stepped on them when she didn't need too. But if you want to be believe it's all coincidence then keep thinking that.
05/02/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
I was surprised just how far south Quan Chi went in the game, considering he's one of the developers' faves and his bitchin' new design. He was depicted as nothing short of pathetic and his throwaway arcade ending was the icing on the cake.

mattteo Wrote:

Because they like to get f***** and they like a man entering them and stretching their bodies.
But then they pretend that they don't and they're morally good!
Why do you want to see a little b**** like Cassie be something else than she really is? Which is a little b**** who deserves to get saved and impregnated.
You know you all want that.....
Seriously, nothing bad in that, but just admit that women are not equal to men

Do you make it a habit of talking out of your rear like that?
Spaceman Wrote:
I don't think NRS had some big political agenda to push with Cassie beating Shinnok, I think it was more of a daughter like father moment because the game needed to end and the writers at NRS aren't that creative.

Not only that, we were supposed to buy from the outset that Johnny Cage was actually the leader of a spec ops unit. The story mode was fanfiction-caliber writing more often than not.
About Me

I hate this place.

05/02/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

I remember Black's intro too... I loved Kobra too. RIP

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

At the very least, Shinnok managed to kill Bo' Rai Cho.

.... WHAT?

Toxik Wrote:
I'm still waiting for Nitara's return.

Same. She was a wonderful character.

Garlador Wrote:

Quan Chi in MKX was uncharacteristically lame, up to and including his "send-off". He only exists to get pummeled, embarrassed, and humiliated in this game. Rather than being the manipulating demon who backstabs Elder Gods, enslaves the souls of the virtuous, and indulges in dark depravity... he's quite literally a joke. A QTE, ball-busting joke.

Yes. A million times yes. He was shown to just be a wimpy lackey.

He will hopefully get better in the future, if at all.

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
If there's one ending I hope does not become canon, it's Cassie's. I hope NRS has a little more respect for themselves and their characters than that.

They don't. Boon killed off Hsu Hao on the basis that he didn't like him, and he's brought back Scorpion every game essentially because its his favorite fighter.

My only real evidence for the Scorpion thing is the transition of MK3 to MK4. He went from protecting Sub-Zero's brother to suddenly wanting revenge again. It was poor writing and an easy excuse to shoe him back in. He wasn't even needed to be the Champion of the gods in Deception. They could've kept that out and it would've worked.

Sindel798 Wrote:
Li Mei IS a fighter...... I dont understand...

From what I saw in the story, she was just an informant for the refugees to the SF. She had no implied fighting ability or role in the story minus giving them what happened in Outworld.

Also, to anyone arguing about race and gender and the main heroes...

For one, it's a goddamn video game. Cassie CAN be one of the best fighters over the males.

In the end, her gender and skin color doesn't matter. The key problem is that NRS has clearly found a favorite. It could've been a white male, a black male, a transgender male, whatever the hell you want.

The issue was in how they treated THIS character with such praise and power.
05/02/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?

Personally, I think the problem with Cassie being THAT powerful is that she didn't really earn it. I mean, this is a bit of a problem with Johnny Cage too. It is pretty much the inherited power. Now, if Cassie had spent years training and honing her skills, (and when I say years, I mean like, when she's in her mid 30s), and attained that discipline and experience to be a true warrior, like Liu Kang or Kitana, then yeah, I'd be totally for it.

That being said, I hope her ending IS canon because Shujinko.

As for dead characters that I actually wish WEREN'T dead, well, Mileena and Quan Chi definitely, but considering their popularity, I'm sure they'll be back, somehow.
Oh, and Stryker. I mean, damn, they finally make him cool and fun to play as, only to end up a bit-part Revenant. Bit of a waste.
Garlador Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I have no problem with a main heroine saving the day...
But as I joked before, it doesn't feel "earned". No matter your powers, training, or experience, being born a privileged white girl with the right parents is all you need to stop a being so powerful the very gods of the MK universe tremble in fear.

Turns out, you can just punch him in the balls really hard and that'll do it.

I still like Cassie, but she got Mary Sue'd a little too hard towards the end. Personal opinion, of course.

A privileged..."white girl"? Was that necessary? Would it have made a difference if her skin color was different?
Look, no matter how you look at it, someone HAD to defeat Shinnok at the end.

Out of curiosity...who "earned" it in your opinion?

Relax, it was a joke. You know, a "privileged blonde white girl with the right parents":

(albeit Cassie doesn't have a "One Night In The Cage" sextape floating around... that I know of).

But in terms of who "earned" it? Well... even though I don't necessarily like him, probably Raiden, a fellow Elder God. Liu Kang beat a weakened Shinnok in MK4, and he was the champion of Mortal Kombat, and even that was a close match.

Alternatively, it might have been better had Shinnok fallen prey to an even greater power or evil... He lost MK4 due to Quan Chi's treachery, for instance, and was weakened in the Netherrealm for other fighters to pummel.

Heck, Scorpion fighting him would at least atone for him helping free him in the first place.... stupid Scorpion...

Ohh...les París.
I think I'm getting paranoid on these boards. xD But maybe for good reasons, judging by the latest posts O_O Some guys weren't loved enough by their mottthers, apparently...

I thought you might say Raiden, because it does make the most sense. And precisely because of that, the whole thing would've become predictable. (and kinda redundant if you'd ask me)

"Poster boy" Scorpion already has enough spot light and preferential treatment. Any more and fans (not his, ofc) would riot tongue
05/03/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:

Ohh...les París.
I think I'm getting paranoid on these boards. xD
But maybe for good reasons, judging by the latest posts O_O Some guys weren't loved enough by their mottthers, apparently...
I thought you might say Raiden, because it does make the most sense. And precisely because of that, the whole thing would've become predictable. (and kinda redundant if you'd ask me)
"Poster boy" Scorpion already has enough spot light and preferential treatment. Any more and fans (not his, ofc) would riot tongue

I should clarify that I have ZERO problem with Cassie being the "champion" of this game... But I would have vastly preferred her to EARN it in the game, as opposed to just "oh, well, I'm special".

The suspension of disbelief is sort of the problem, not the character, because she single-handily beats a powered up Elder God without getting a scratch on her... when, moments earlier in the story, she's getting pummeled by the likes of Tanya, Sub-Zero, Kotal Kahn, and others.

She went from punching back to champion in the blink of an eye, and she did nothing other than "glow" for this to happen.

It would have been SO much more interesting to see her work her way to that point, over a greater span of time, and to demonstrate she was actually more capable than her initial scenes showed her to be.

It made as much sense as, say... Erron Black shows up, starts glowing green, and then proceeds to beat Shinnok on his own.
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