Killed off characters you wish they didnt kill. (Spoilers, if thats needed)
posted05/03/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)by
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05/13/2006 05:12 PM (UTC)
This is regarding MKX, and any character previous to the end of the story mode, and if you want, in the arcade endings!

Now, this COULD include those they haven't announced or have been deconfirmed in general, ie characters who haven't appeared and are said to not appear. This also can include people who's roles have been shot down to not be a fighter, such as Li Mei.

So, who do you wish could've been in a future game, but at this point, are not going to be?

I have a few.

Mavado, Shujinko, Nitara, and Mokap.

Mavado was killed by Cassie in the comics, so that's 100% confirmed. It saddens me because he was my favorite in MKDA, both in design, story, and play.

Shujinko was killed in Cassie's arcade ending after she was sent to kill some old 'soul stealer'. Raiden basically tricked her, she beat the shit out of Shujinko, and before he died, he told her his name. Many people hate Shujinko, and got mad when he was said to 'hopefully' be the newest Liu Kang in Deception.

I like his concept because having him be a champion for the Elder Gods and the ability to steal power would help confuse shit in the new timeline. Let's say he meets the new or veteran fighters, or if he finally meets Raiden, or whatever. What if he succeeds and brings back Onaga amidst all this crazy shit? I mean, yea, bland character, but potential for story mucking.

Nitara, as far as I'm aware, has been ignored by NRS. Her vampire flair gave her a different view of the races, but my gripe was that in MKDA, she had some kind of orb thing or amulet that let her travel between realms with ease.

Imagine if the others found out about that. She'd be a target and a controller, both making her a captive, but also someone with power to bargain with.

Mokap was a joke character, yes, I know. But he was, much like Stryker in the old timeline, and uneventful and human character. See, he was supposedly a stunt double for Cage.

What if he were to follow Cage, or make a difference? The thing is, being originally a joke, that leaves a mountain of potential for a serious character in the new timeline. What if, due to Shinnok's changes, Shao's death, and Kotal being the ruler and now enemy of Earth, Mokap is needed? Maybe he changed jobs after Cage left acting.

My ideas are there. What about you?
04/30/2015 10:55 AM (UTC)
Smoke :'(
04/30/2015 11:31 AM (UTC)
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/30/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
I almost want to say Mileena, but damn if that wasn't a great send-off.

And yeah, I'm a bit sad about Shujinko. Hoping that ending wasn't canon. I'm thinking that it'll be a combination of endings that will end up being canon in the next game though. Many of them had bits of story that were consistent with story mode. Kotal's and Raiden's for a main plot point, Sonya's and possibly Reptile's for extra story arcs. With all those Zaterrans, a vessel for the Dragon King is ripe for the pickin'.
04/30/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
Yeah I wish Mileena and Baraka didn't die, but you know the saying...This is MK, they'll be back eventually grin
04/30/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
Li Mei IS a fighter...... I dont understand...
04/30/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Meh... Pretty much just Mileena and Baraka. Though I did find both of their deaths to be rather appropriate. Baraka's was actually a little depressing, considering he was killed by a treacherous bug because HE was actually loyal. There are no villains in MK with that character trait. Except for the new timeline's Mileena, funnily enough, who had yet to betray anyone. She simply attempted to fulfill the role she was created for, however woefully unprepared she might have been. She was pretty much destined to fail, which is disappointing, as the old timeline's Mileena likely could have succeeded. What a way to go though! Hahaha... And very humorous in the karmic sense.
04/30/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
If there's one ending I hope does not become canon, it's Cassie's. I hope NRS has a little more respect for themselves and their characters than that.
04/30/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
While I have my doubts it's "permanent"...

Quan Chi in MKX was uncharacteristically lame, up to and including his "send-off". He only exists to get pummeled, embarrassed, and humiliated in this game. Rather than being the manipulating demon who backstabs Elder Gods, enslaves the souls of the virtuous, and indulges in dark depravity... he's quite literally a joke. A QTE, ball-busting joke.

It wasn't cathartic to see Scorpion "get his revenge" when it came with so little struggle, against such a pathetically weak adversary, and whose actions ended up making things far worse for everyone else.

Quan Chi was an amazing villain, even in the worst games. It's very strange that, in one of the better MK games, he was a horrible villain that didn't do a single thing worthy of fear or respect.

If anything, I was fully expecting HIM to grab the amulet (like last time), betray everyone, and obtain godhood... not just go out with a literal whimper.
About Me
04/30/2015 03:24 PM (UTC)
I'm still waiting for Nitara's return.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/30/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

If anything, I was fully expecting HIM to grab the amulet (like last time), betray everyone, and obtain godhood... not just go out with a literal whimper.

The way I took it is that Quan knew he was as good as dead anyway once he allowed himself to be captured. So releasing Shinnok was the ultimate "middle finger" to all the heroes. What better way to be killed and STILL succeed than leaving behind the departing gift that is the reemergence of a fallen Elder God to clean house?

But I agree overall nonetheless. Even though I had gotten fairly tired of Quan Chi, to see him with such an underwhelming presence was a little off-putting. Especially with such an amazing new design that just screamed "badass Dark Lord walking".
04/30/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
But I agree overall nonetheless. Even though I had gotten fairly tired of Quan Chi, to see him with such an underwhelming presence was a little off-putting. Especially with such an amazing new design that just screamed "badass Dark Lord walking".

To be fair, ALL the villains were weak in this game.

Even the big, bad fallen Elder God got defeated by a preppy college girl who (in my case) punched his balls so hard his conquest of the world lasted less than a few minutes...
04/30/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
There was like one QTE that I performed and I think it was mandatory. The rest I watched everyone get their asses kicked by the "bad" guys.
04/30/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no. Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

Why do you have a problem with women being powerful?
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/30/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
To be fair, ALL the villains were weak in this game.

Even the big, bad fallen Elder God got defeated by a preppy college girl who (in my case) punched his balls so hard his conquest of the world lasted less than a few minutes...

Yeah which is a shame. Cassie is alright and all but taking down Shinnok?

At the very least, Shinnok managed to kill Bo' Rai Cho. The fanboy in me was real sour about that on behalf of Bo. Shinnok also played the part well. Very well. Even if nothing else.

D'Vorah had a great portrayal though. Taking down two fan favorites, ovipositor trollin' on Scorpion and Kung Jin, torturing JC, having a hand in Shinnok's release as well as Kotal's rise to power, and to top it off, surviving all of the aforementioned.

NRS has a new favorite in "This One".
About Me

art by blacksaibot

04/30/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no.

I was with you all the way up to

TigrarShokan Wrote:
Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

That is quite bigoted. She can't be the strongest character because she is a woman? And Kung Jin will be her best friend because he is gay. Wow. That is really stupid.
T0asty Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I really hope the Shujinko thing isn't canon, otherwise Cassie is pretty much the strongest character in the universe. She beats demon Shinnok and the slayer of the Dragon King himself? Please for fucks sake no.

I was with you all the way up to

TigrarShokan Wrote:
Let's just call the next one Mortal Kombat Estrogen. The only playable male character would be Kung Jin, the girls best friend.

That is quite bigoted. She can't be the strongest character because she is a woman? And Kung Jin will be her best friend because he is gay. Wow. That is really stupid.

This this this!
I perceived Cassie's ending as a joke ending, but heaven forbid we have an OP female in MK. That will mind blow everything! -_-
04/30/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
At the very least, Shinnok managed to kill Bo' Rai Cho. The fanboy in me was real sour about that on behalf of Bo. Shinnok also played the part well. Very well. Even if nothing else.

Actually, I don't think he did. After blasting him, Shinnok tells Raiden he's going to keep him alive and kill him later, after all hope is lost.

So I think Bo' Rai Cho is still alive... and Shinnok killed nobody the entire game.

giggles Wrote:
I perceived Cassie's ending as a joke ending, but heaven's forbid we have an OP female in MK. That will mind blow everything! -_-
I have no problem with a main heroine saving the day... But as I joked before, it doesn't feel "earned". No matter your powers, training, or experience, being born a privileged white girl with the right parents is all you need to stop a being so powerful the very gods of the MK universe tremble in fear. Turns out, you can just punch him in the balls really hard and that'll do it. I still like Cassie, but she got Mary Sue'd a little too hard towards the end. Personal opinion, of course.
04/30/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)

If Erron Black's intro with Kano is true that means Erron Black knocked off Kobra. I know everyone and their mother hates Kobra, but I would've liked to have seen him get a revamp. I want his Windmill Kick to be a trying overhead dammit.

Mileena, Baraka, Mavado, and Hsu Hao being dead is no consequence to me.
04/30/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
At the very least, Shinnok managed to kill Bo' Rai Cho. The fanboy in me was real sour about that on behalf of Bo. Shinnok also played the part well. Very well. Even if nothing else.

Actually, I don't think he did. After blasting him, Shinnok tells Raiden he's going to keep him alive and kill him later, after all hope is lost.

So I think Bo' Rai Cho is still alive... and Shinnok killed nobody the entire game.

giggles Wrote:
I perceived Cassie's ending as a joke ending, but heaven's forbid we have an OP female in MK. That will mind blow everything! -_-

I have no problem with a main heroine saving the day...
But as I joked before, it doesn't feel "earned". No matter your powers, training, or experience, being born a privileged white girl with the right parents is all you need to stop a being so powerful the very gods of the MK universe tremble in fear.

Turns out, you can just punch him in the balls really hard and that'll do it.

I still like Cassie, but she got Mary Sue'd a little too hard towards the end. Personal opinion, of course.

A privileged..."white girl"? Was that necessary? Would it have made a difference if her skin color was different?
Look, no matter how you look at it, someone HAD to defeat Shinnok at the end.

Out of curiosity...who "earned" it in your opinion?
04/30/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
Mavado since he is easily my favorite 3D era character. Awesome story and design.

I get that Hsu Hao's design and whatnot is a joke to many but I thought his story was awesome. Being the person who infiltrated the Special Forces had a ton of potential had he stuck around. A rival/enemy for Jax who also had a cybernetic enhancement was a decent idea too. I feel like they could find a good design for him in the current style they are going with.
04/30/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I have no problem with a main heroine saving the day...
But as I joked before, it doesn't feel "earned". No matter your powers, training, or experience, being born a privileged white girl with the right parents is all you need to stop a being so powerful the very gods of the MK universe tremble in fear.

Turns out, you can just punch him in the balls really hard and that'll do it.

I still like Cassie, but she got Mary Sue'd a little too hard towards the end. Personal opinion, of course.

A privileged..."white girl"? Was that necessary? Would it have made a difference if her skin color was different?
Look, no matter how you look at it, someone HAD to defeat Shinnok at the end.

Out of curiosity...who "earned" it in your opinion?

Relax, it was a joke. You know, a "privileged blonde white girl with the right parents":

(albeit Cassie doesn't have a "One Night In The Cage" sextape floating around... that I know of).

But in terms of who "earned" it? Well... even though I don't necessarily like him, probably Raiden, a fellow Elder God. Liu Kang beat a weakened Shinnok in MK4, and he was the champion of Mortal Kombat, and even that was a close match.

Alternatively, it might have been better had Shinnok fallen prey to an even greater power or evil... He lost MK4 due to Quan Chi's treachery, for instance, and was weakened in the Netherrealm for other fighters to pummel.

Heck, Scorpion fighting him would at least atone for him helping free him in the first place.... stupid Scorpion...
04/30/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Sektor and Shinnok,I mean,I know they aren't really "dead" (Sektor's a cyborg and Shinnok was an elder god) but still,the way they died,especially in Sektor's case,was just unneccesary. Hell,Sektor should have at least received one final fight,like Baraka did. that would have been awesome.
05/01/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

I have no problem with a main heroine saving the day...
But as I joked before, it doesn't feel "earned". No matter your powers, training, or experience, being born a privileged white girl with the right parents is all you need to stop a being so powerful the very gods of the MK universe tremble in fear.

Turns out, you can just punch him in the balls really hard and that'll do it.

I still like Cassie, but she got Mary Sue'd a little too hard towards the end. Personal opinion, of course.

I laughed along with you when you made this joke in your larger post, but I do think it's silly that nobody's ever complained much about Liu Kang but Cassie -- who has also been training most of her life for kombat -- is just a bridge too far for most people. It feels sexist to me. Liu Kang can't have been too much older than Cassie in MK1. And even with Cassie's superpower, it still took Raiden to take Shinnok out.
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