kicks, punches, sweeps, locks, holds, throws, parrys, counters, specials, blocks, air combat, and arena activity.
posted08/29/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
with new technology everday video games seem to get more real and more realalistic to a certain standpoint. the fact that mk9 is supposed to be more violent and fun than the rest in the series. that got me thinking what are they talking about. were they talking about the gameplay, story or modes. well mk was always about the fatalitys and specials that got me thinking all the other stuff got left behind. in most fighting games there are alot of strategic elements that enhance the fighting.

in mka they brought back the air fighting and brought in the parry systom that was very unbalenced and looked very cheesy. so in mk9 heres how i would like to see the gameplay get tweaked a bit.

kicks - that includes high, medium, low, special kicks and knee related moves. most high kicks are related to pop ups which you use that way so you can juggle your opponnet for a bit. high kicks also allow you to break through low and medium guards. also high kicks give the enemy an opening to allow medium and low attacks to connect. i'd like to see more variety when you use your lower part of your body to inflict damage to your enemy. like vertical, horazontal, diagnal, across, fast, medium and slow kicks. every kick should be reversable. it's just about timing.

punches - that includes high, medium, low, special punches, chops, elbow strikes, and various palm attacks. most punches are used mostly in a fight. high punches work similar to an uppercutt which can lead to juggles in the air. also high strikes using the upper part of your body can break through low and some medium guards. punches should be mixed up to allow various strikes using the upper part of your body. like kicks i'd like to see more variety. every punch should be reversable. it's just about timing.

sweeps - allow to catch an enemy off guard. sweeps can range from various swipes with your fist or even your feet. sweeps should be very fast and only be able to block if you are guarding low. i'd like to see more variety in sweeps. all sweeps should be reversable. it's just about timing.

locks- are used to stop or stun the enemy for a free hit unless the can counter it which would allow them for a free hit. can be used on low, medium, high strikes. locks can also be accessable while in the air.

holds- like locks there are used to stop an enemy causing for a free hit unless they counter your hold with an reverse button. hold can be accessed in the air or even on the ground.

throws- are used when someone uses the sidestep alot or even if someone wont let you get out of the corner or etc. i'd like to see multiple throws for each fighter. some approaching, some backing up, back, front, left, right, and even air throws. all throws should be reversable.

parrys- my term of parry is quite different than the one in mka. parry for me is you switch sides with your opponnet giving you a possible free hit. which is very handy and also usefull. parry should be accessable on ground and even in the air.

counters- is just what the term means and i feel every move except a fatality should be counterable. cause in real life you need to learn to adapt in order to be a better fighter.

specials- all specials should be unblockable. but you can counter the special with maybe one of your own depending if projectile or strike special. specials should be limited in the fight. they cause the most damage and are very accesable to all fighters. some specials all you have to do is duck or jump back to not be hit. specials should open up new areas to fight in if it hits an wall or floor or etc.

blocking- all moves should be blockable except specials and fatalitys. blocking is more of a defensive strategy to try and overwhelm your opponnet.

air combat- like to see improved greatly. all moves except specials should be unblockable in the air. all moves can be countered in the air. this would make for some sweet air fights. in the air you can use counter, parry, holds, locks to stop juggles and turn the fight in your favor.

arena activity- all arenas should have multiple tiers which cause sever damage. stage fatalitys should be brought back. all moves and throws can lead to another area. specials and powers should play an impact on the arena. heres a few examples - sky temple if you use sub zero he can cause the rain to turn to hail causing small damage. cyrax uses bomb causes a hole in the floor. scorpion uses his spear to swing around the tree to kick the opponnet in the face in the living forest.

sorry for being so long but i had quite abit of time on my hands plus have not posted in a while. like ideas. feel free to comment and post your ideas.
08/29/2009 12:20 AM (UTC)
you write to much buddy lol. i think it is a good idea for the most part i think they will not do this for say 3 to 6 games because they work on other feature and other major things they think would be good i jsut hope that with wb now own mk i hope that they will bring in new surpised.
08/29/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)
I do hope the game comes with more stategy. I'm tired of this button mashing crap, but I do think MKA had a fun combat system (depending on who you played as).
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