Khameleons moveset, story, and design, if she returns
posted06/23/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Should she finally get her own moves, and her own design, or should she remain a mix of every female ninjas, both in gameplay and design? I've noticed that some people seem to think Khameleon should remain as she is.

I want her to have her own design, and moveset. Two of her variations should affect her appearance and gameplay: Terran, where she's disguised as a human (and not necessarily a ninja), with a moveset that doesn't give away her reptilian nature, and "Zaterrian", where her disguise is off, and she fights in a more reptilian manner (like say, acid spitting as a special move. Just an example, not an actual suggestion).

I've long had this idea of her hiding out among humans, not even knowing that there was another Zaterrian remaining, until she met Reptile during the invasion (something that easily could have happened offscreen). It doesn't make sense to me that she would have been unable to find Reptile for eons. When she first appears in the story mode, she should be wearing her human disguise, and go by a human name like Kamilla. Trailers for Khameleon should feature her in her human form, and present her as a new character. That's one time where I wouldn't mind a new character being actually an old one, to surprise the players.

I'd like her to be connected to D'Vorah in some way, like D'Vorah's species being native to Zaterra, unlike the Raptors who migrated there.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/16/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
I've sort developed my own backstory for Khameleon and Chameleon since they haven't really gotten much love over the years. My theory is that K/Chameleon is a title given to the rulers of the Saurians. Khameleon means Queen and Chameleon means King.

I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion, and a place in his army. That's when Khameleon escapes to another realm and Chameleon claims the title of king of his now extinct race.

Of course I highly doubt we'll ever see either of these characters again so this is just my fancy. I do like your idea about a human and lizard fighting style though. Hopefully Reptile, assuming he's in the game, can use something like that.

I also like the idea that D'Vorah's race and the Saurians are connected.
06/16/2014 04:31 PM (UTC)
I have a good story for her.

She was stalking people in MK9 and got killed by a missile shot by Kano when he tested the rocketlaunchers.

They never got their use in the storymode, their only use was to give Khameleon/Chameleon a quick deserved death.
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06/16/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
You just made your account like a week ago, bandwagon buddy.

I'd like to see Khameleon have some relevance, but she probably won't.
06/16/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
Oh because I made my account today I don't have a saying in ANYTHING.

I'm human, you're human.

I have blood, you have blood.

You take a shower to be clean, I take a shower to be clean.

You spend much time on this forum, I didn't (well I did with another account some years ago)

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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/16/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
I've sort developed my own backstory for Khameleon and Chameleon since they haven't really gotten much love over the years. My theory is that K/Chameleon is a title given to the rulers of the Saurians. Khameleon means Queen and Chameleon means King.

I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion, and a place in his army. That's when Khameleon escapes to another realm and Chameleon claims the title of king of his now extinct race.

Of course I highly doubt we'll ever see either of these characters again so this is just my fancy. I do like your idea about a human and lizard fighting style though. Hopefully Reptile, assuming he's in the game, can use something like that.

I also like the idea that D'Vorah's race and the Saurians are connected.

I love your idea! Sets up a vendetta between Reptile and Chameleon
06/16/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
I've sort developed my own backstory for Khameleon and Chameleon since they haven't really gotten much love over the years. My theory is that K/Chameleon is a title given to the rulers of the Saurians. Khameleon means Queen and Chameleon means King.

I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion, and a place in his army. That's when Khameleon escapes to another realm and Chameleon claims the title of king of his now extinct race.

Of course I highly doubt we'll ever see either of these characters again so this is just my fancy. I do like your idea about a human and lizard fighting style though. Hopefully Reptile, assuming he's in the game, can use something like that.

I also like the idea that D'Vorah's race and the Saurians are connected.

Our ideas could be combined. After Chameleon 's betrayal, Khameleon fakes her death and escapes to Earth, as it's the only world she knows that wasn't occupied by Shao Kahn. All the while, she is unaware that another male Zaterrian, Reptile, remains, and doesn't meet him until the invasion.

Khameleon, in her human disguise, is at the head of a scientific corporation, and one of that company's projects is to bring back extinct species. Khameleon is planning to eventually bring back her entire race through that project. Reptile could prove useful in helping her achieve that goal, and while she hopes to get him to willingly join her, and use his help in capturing Chameleon, whom she wants as a guinea pig, if Reptile won't comply, she's willing to make him a test subject in Chameleon's stead.
06/16/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
Ah, every time when there is a new MK game in sight, those kind of threads pop up.

I like Khameleon - I have a soft spot for underused characters and underdogs, especially if they have some potential in my opinion. But sadly, Khameleon is so obscure and unoriginal, that hoping for her return is rather futile effort. Of course, I would have been glad to be mistaking, but I think NRS has more important priorites, when it comes to characters in MKX, rather then reimagining another clone.

Not that it couldn't be done, considering, that a lot of fan favorites started as barely distinguishable entites, but Khameleon is just too...simple.
Anyway, she still stays as one of my favorite characters in the series.
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06/18/2014 10:25 PM (UTC)
Well I remember a few years back someone on here stated that maybe they could merge Khameleon and Chameleon into one character. The character will ultimately be named Khameleon and will have the ability to change genders at will. So that could be a way of keeping "Chameleon" in the games as an alternate costume I guess. It's kinda stupid sounding but it might can work, who knows?

But my main priority is Khameleon. She's right there with Sareena- they're both two characters who could really be used to help flesh out both Reptile and Subby but they're always neglected. Khameleon would be a blessing to Reptile's story. I could see him and Khameleon turning into this dominant power couple kicking ass while becoming King and Queen of their newly freed realm. As far as a design, I'm stumped. I pictured her looking similar to D'Vorah if she ever got a revamp, but now that's out of the question.
06/18/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion

I don't like the idea that the other races like Raptors and Tarkatans live as long as Edenians and characters alive now like Baraka have participated in ancient historical events.

Reptile doesn't even seem to remember or be aware of his race's history, he's always LEARNING it from Khameleon or Nitara, which suggests he's too young to have been around when Zaterra was conquered and Outworld life is all he's ever known.
06/18/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
I hate Khameleon as clone-character and grey ninja-girl, I don't even want to think about the male version.

I hope Reptile is the one and only Raptor left, I kinda like this last-of-his-species story, i'm sure as hell ain't waiting for another Titanic/Avatar story in mortal kombat, we have enough of that already.

Too much love will kill ya.

So Khameleon must go or become really, really original with her own moves and special non-ninja appearance.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/18/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate Khameleon as clone-character and grey ninja-girl, I don't even want to think about the male version.

I hope Reptile is the one and only Raptor left, I kinda like this last-of-his-species story, i'm sure as hell ain't waiting for another Titanic/Avatar story in mortal kombat, we have enough of that already.

Too much love will kill ya.

So Khameleon must go or become really, really original with her own moves and special non-ninja appearance.

I'm pretty sure if she came back she'd be given original moves, a killer new look, and practically feel like a new character.

Pallet swaps never stay pallet swaps whenever they come back. If Khameleon returns in MKX you can bet she wouldn't be running around in a grey ninja girl suit with Kitana's moves still.
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06/18/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
Completely bummed me out that all they did when K and C were brought back in Armageddon was to copy-paste moves on them. They do need original stuff - well, K does at least. I'm not even a fan of the notion of C being a Saurian member; I was hoping he'd turn out to be an experiment of Shang Tsung's or something from his Flesh Pits. Sad that they didn't even bother clarifying what he was.

I believe one day Khameleon and Reptile will hook up, and I'm hoping MKX will finally be the game that shows us that it's happened in the future. In any case, in the interim I do want her to have some sort of involvement with the rest of the cast and for NRS to flesh her out more as a character. They get looked at as side 'ninja compilation' characters and that should be left in the past.
06/18/2014 10:54 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Completely bummed me out that all they did when K and C were brought back in Armageddon was to copy-paste moves on them

It's better than nothing, especially, considering that Midway didn't plan to include neither of them in the game in the first place.
06/18/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I hate Khameleon as clone-character and grey ninja-girl, I don't even want to think about the male version.

I hope Reptile is the one and only Raptor left, I kinda like this last-of-his-species story, i'm sure as hell ain't waiting for another Titanic/Avatar story in mortal kombat, we have enough of that already.

Too much love will kill ya.

So Khameleon must go or become really, really original with her own moves and special non-ninja appearance.

I'm pretty sure if she came back she'd be given original moves, a killer new look, and practically feel like a new character.

Pallet swaps never stay pallet swaps whenever they come back. If Khameleon returns in MKX you can bet she wouldn't be running around in a grey ninja girl suit with Kitana's moves still.

I also can't really take her name serious... I mean Reptile can already turn invisible, is poisonous, has acid, has a long tongue and everything other reptiles have.

The only thing left to do with Khameleon to make her unique is give her a frilled lizard frill... and that is plain silly.

Reptile is too advanced, he's all reptiles into one, leaving no space for creativity on the side of Khameleon or another Raptor.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/18/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
It's better than nothing, but if they were going to cop off moves they could at least not have been so overt about it and gone that extra little mile to make them seem a wee bit more unique by borrowing from non-ninja characters. Armageddon was basically twenty characters with moves stretched out over a cast of forty; It was just cringe-inducingly blatant in their case.
06/19/2014 01:26 AM (UTC)
I been thinking it would be cool to make a Mokujin style player out of C/Khameleon. A character that randomly picks a moveset in between rounds.

However I imagine that would be better suited for Chameleon. Being Khameleon actually has some threads of a plot and racial background to build on I doubt her fans would be happy to see her using a randomized moveset.
06/19/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
Like any character, Khameleon could be good with some development. Fuck Chameleon, honestly. We don't need him, and if HE comes back, I'd prefer it to be in a Challenge Tower/Secret Fight setting only. He can stay a rainbow ninja that steals moves with no backstory.

As I posted in one of these threads, I think we could get some really good development from her if we include Nitara in the bunch for MKX. Potential allies, perhaps? It could also lend Reptile some much needed development as well, especially if we start devolving him like he should already be doing by MKX.

I think her appearance in MKA was acceptable, if a bit boring. They could definitely go different places with her, maybe something based around Reptile's MK4 outfit? Either way, I think they need to find something that makes her not immediately seem like a female ninja character. Give her something more unique that'll stand out amongst the crowd!

As for moves, definitely no clone moves. I had an idea for a MUGEN game I was working on, where Khameleon would have moves kind of based around Reptile's but with a twist. We could have like a powerful acid spit that arcs similar to Johnny Cage's energy ball, and a faster, but smaller Forceball that pushes opponents back instead of bringing them to you, with an anti-air version that knocks opponents down to the ground. A teleport/counter based around her invisibility would be cool to see as well! Hell, give her those Reptile moves from MK4 that never came back with some differences and she'd be set!
McHotcakes Wrote:
I've sort developed my own backstory for Khameleon and Chameleon since they haven't really gotten much love over the years. My theory is that K/Chameleon is a title given to the rulers of the Saurians. Khameleon means Queen and Chameleon means King.

I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion, and a place in his army. That's when Khameleon escapes to another realm and Chameleon claims the title of king of his now extinct race.

Of course I highly doubt we'll ever see either of these characters again so this is just my fancy. I do like your idea about a human and lizard fighting style though. Hopefully Reptile, assuming he's in the game, can use something like that.

I also like the idea that D'Vorah's race and the Saurians are connected.

I do like this set up as well. For some reason I just always liked Khameleon (moreso over Chameleon) because of her rarity and the implications of her brief back story. Perhaps Khameleon could represent the idea of forced survival, true form hidden behind a human visage (X-men parallels anyone). Chameleons themselves can have rough scales and maybe underneath the disguise lays the animal weathered and jaded over the destruction of her home and Chameleon's betrayal.

Her variations could be her human form, her reptilian form, and a hybrid of the two (this has already been suggested by a few people). As for moves and fighting styles, I took a quick glance at wikipedia and some articles about chameleons for inspiration. Apparently they have complete 360 degree vision and can move their uniquely shaped eyes independently. They also have impressive tongues that they flick at intense speeds to feed on bugs. Reptile already uses his tongue in a pretty iconic fatality so I was thinking a whip would be an interesting substitute for Khameleon's weapon and move set. Combine that with that stereoscopic vision and she could be whipping in all directions ala Super Castlevania IV.

Also I found this interesting tidbit:

"Their studies show that light, temperature and mood cause chameleons to change colour. Sometimes changing colour can make the chameleon more comfortable. Sometimes it helps the animal communicate with other chameleons."

So getting away from the camouflage/invisibility angle that Reptile and others have used, Khameleon could change colours to give different buffs to herself and debuffs to her opponents. This could work like Kotal Kahns totems. Maybe black Khameleon absorbs light and gives her a fire damage bonus.

I think I've over-thought this way too much. Just my two cents at a slow day at work.
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06/19/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
Cant say I'm a Khameleon fan, If they do return I hope they get a drastic redesign.

Her and Chameleon look like Ghosts confused
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06/23/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
I made this design for Khameleon to be more ninja like and an update of her MK3 costume.

I like her being a mix of Jade, Kitana, Mileena, and Tanya and I envision her with the moves they lost over the years. She could even get some of Skarlet's moves.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/23/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
McHotcakes Wrote:
I imagine Khameleon trying to lead her people against Shao Kahn, and the warrior who becomes Chameleon was her best fighter. But when the time came Chameleon essentially allowed Shao Kahn to win in Mortal Kombat and let him conquer Zaterra, in exchange for immunity in the invasion

I don't like the idea that the other races like Raptors and Tarkatans live as long as Edenians and characters alive now like Baraka have participated in ancient historical events.

Reptile doesn't even seem to remember or be aware of his race's history, he's always LEARNING it from Khameleon or Nitara, which suggests he's too young to have been around when Zaterra was conquered and Outworld life is all he's ever known.

I guess the way I figured in in my head was that Reptile was probably still an egg when this Shao Kahn invaded so he was hatched under Kahn's command so he could still live indefinitely and not remember what happened to his people.
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