posted06/17/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/16/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
Hey, guys! Do you want to play Khameleon in MKX?

06/14/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
Not really. Would've been nice DLC for MK9, but for MKX, I think it's unnecessary.
06/14/2015 02:11 PM (UTC)
If they decided to put her in a wouldn't be mad lol I am always down for more
06/14/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Yes. And I want them to purge the ninja from her completely. I want her to have a fully individualized design and moveset.

No more dressing like a ninja (except for alts, maybe), no more transparency.

I've had this idea of giving her a similar design to Mystique's from the X-Men movies.

Another is to make her look like a female reptile, with no breasts.
06/14/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see Khameleon in a game as a true character.

She needs her own design and moveset. I'm not a fan of the transparency but it does set her apart from the others.

I'd like her to be a bit like Vorpax/Kreeya from MKConquest but not to be quite as evil. More neutral but leaning to good side. She could be trying to bring her race back by mating with the mightiest warriors which could have her connect with all sorts of characters and have an interesting dynamic with Reptile.

I also always wanted her race to rivals to the vampires which could bring Nitara back too.
06/14/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)

I would've only taken her as a secret fight, since taking moves from other females is her thing.
06/14/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
I've also thought of making her like an actual chameleon, with her body's colors changing to accomodate the background. That could be her version of Reptile's invisibility, and be used in one of her variations.

*SPOILERS from Reptile's ending below*

She could also be one of those underground Raptors Reptile encountered.
06/14/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
Nope. She's definitely a filler character. I put her one notch above Meat/ Mokap. Of all the characters I'd want for DLC, Khaneleon doesn't even make the list.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/14/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)

Like Meat, Khamelon/Chameleon are not characters (even if they did try to give Khameleon a story in N64 MKT). They are merely jokes, or in the sense of MK Trilogy, simply "super ninjas" with the powers of all of their ninja counterparts. Maybe fun if they were accessible in the game via a code for shits and giggles (unusable in online play), but I would never want to see with Chameleon or Khameleon taking up space on a roster, or as paid DLC, ever. Period.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
Lol the same people saying no and calling her useless are the same ones that are pumped at the likes of Tremor being in the game.

Khameleon alone is more interesting than Reptile. I always re-imagined a new version of Khameleon looking somewhat similar to D'Vorah, though obviously more reptilian than insect.
06/14/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
Yeah, if she's proper grey and not green.
06/14/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
I would love for Khameleon to return. Her design in MKX mobile actually looks awesome. They need to give her her own move set though. She could have ghost-like powers.
06/14/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
For MKX, I think she would be best paired with Chameleon as an added DLC fatality for Reptile.
06/15/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
No. Enough bullshit filler characters.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

06/15/2015 09:02 AM (UTC)
Cant say I'd pick her over other candidates. Never liked her and Chameleons ghost like designs, and character based around move stealing never appealed to me.
06/15/2015 01:29 PM (UTC)
Heh, the people arguing against bringing her back don't have any good arguments.

So she stole moves. So did Smoke, who finally got an individualized moveset only a game ago. Didn't stop people from wanting him back. That, and all his character was about was being Sub-Zero's friend in distress (and still is, he's just a Revenant now instead of a Cyborg). Khameleon's linked to Reptile, but not by being his sidekick.

Or how about Noob Saibot? The guy started out as a joke character with Scorpion's spear being his only move. He was given an individualized moveset and a more serious storyline, even then, until he was revealed to be Bi-Han, he was just a lackey.

Or how about Ermac? He started out as a bloody glitch. Became an actual character, even if a bit of a joke one whose story was directly referencing the rumors behind his existence. His telekinetic slam was his only unique move in UMK3/MKT. Now he's a serious character with a more distinctive moveset, and even a deninja'd design (to the chagrin of some people, lol)

Or how about the ever-so-requested Fujin? The asshole's yet to get a truly unique moveset, and his storyline's either all about being Raiden's sidekick, or succeeding him. Doesn't stop people from going gaga over him.

Yet another similar case is Tremor. NinJax was a more fitting name. Little potential storywise, even though a Lin Kuei becoming Black Dragon is admittedly interesting but that alone wasn't enough to make him the most intriguing character. Now has a memorable design. We still haven't seen his moveset nor do we know what his storyline will be about, but he's off to a good start, imo. No reason Khameleon shouldn't get the same chance.

Saved the best for last: Reptile. He was just an hybrid of Scorpion and Sub-Zero in MK1, right down to his color. If Khameleon stealing moves makes her unworthy of returning, then so was Reptile, by that logic.

What's even funnier, in Reptile and Ermac's cases, is that there are plenty clamoring for them to be reninja'd. Yet Khameleon shouldn't return, because she's just a move-stealing palette swap ninja?

LOL! Rant over.
06/15/2015 01:58 PM (UTC)
I think Khameleon won't be back, at least for MKX. The overall tone of the game is more serious than what came before. There's not much reference to the tongue in cheek of previous Mortal Kombats. It reminds me of Deception. The chameleons, Meat, Mokap and other joke characters don't have much room here. They would be out of place. I hope it's not a total indication of things to come tough.

That being said, I wouldn't mind if Khameleon came back. The moveset thing can be explained by her spying on the warriors to help train when she thought she was alone. Don't give her the exact same moves, but similar ones using weapons that she built herself.
06/15/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:

The moveset thing can be explained by her spying on the warriors to help train when she thought she was alone. Don't give her the exact same moves, but similar ones using weapons that she built herself.

Why are there people who seem to think Khameleon's lack of unique move is a major part of her character? On one hand you have the people who are against bringing her back for lacking moves of her own (which I've already addressed), but on the other hand we have people who insist on keeping her an hybrid of the female ninjas, for some reason.

No more borrowing moves from others. No more transparency. Purge the ninja from Khameleon. She must look reptilian, or something else that is inhuman.

She only borroed moves from others because the developers were lazy. There's no major in-universe explanation for it. They shouldn't come up with one.
06/15/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
With variations, it can go a long way. Why must she 100% stray away from her origins? Smoke still had the teleport punch and air throw in MK9.

I'm all for bringing her back, but dropping everything she is and essentialy create a new character with the same name isn't the way to go.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/15/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Heh, the people arguing against bringing her back don't have any good arguments.

Wow. Spoken like a truly blind, rabid fan.

"I want her in, so no matter what anyone says to the contrary, they are wrong BECAWZ I WANT MY CAWACTER! "

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe not EVERY joke or bonus character that has ever existed is something that people actually want to see?
06/17/2015 01:15 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe not EVERY joke or bonus character that has ever existed is something that people actually want to see?

Word. Otherwise the likes of Hornbuckle and Nimbus Terrafaux and Zebron and whatnot would've all made it into the fucking games ages ago. But they haven't simply because they suck. Tremor took fifteen years to return to the series because he's just as useless.
To compare fodder like Khameleon and Tremor to Ermac or Reptile is laughable at best, and why she was even included in this year's tournament stifles the imagination.
06/17/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
If they gave her an entirely new move set and a new look, absolutely. Would I take her over Reiko, Smoke, Havik, etc? Probably not, but that doesn't change the fact that they can reboot her in a different direction than she was before.
06/17/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe not EVERY joke or bonus character that has ever existed is something that people actually want to see?

Word. Otherwise the likes of Hornbuckle and Nimbus Terrafaux and Zebron and whatnot would've all made it into the fucking games ages ago. But they haven't simply because they suck. Tremor took fifteen years to return to the series because he's just as useless.
To compare fodder like Khameleon and Tremor to Ermac or Reptile is laughable at best, and why she was even included in this year's tournament stifles the imagination.

How is Ermac different than Tremor? He was just a throwaway/joke character they did for shit and jiggles to have more rainbow colored ninjas, and with stolen moves but when they had the chance to revamped they did and he became semi popular. You are so agaisnt Tremor but can't see that you're being 1) hypocritical and 2) delusional.
06/17/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
Khameleon has potential, but so does every character. She's certainly not my first choice to return, but I wouldn't complain if she did.

I've always wanted to see her take more of a full on lizard person form. I think it would be a good way to implement a character like that now that NRS is seemingly so scared of taking Reptile in that direction again.
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06/17/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
If they make her the queen of the underworld reptilians that Reptile found in his ending. Reptilians conspiracy anyone ?
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