Keate-a-Fatality/Friendship DLC (not the one in Armageddon)
posted12/20/2011 05:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/10/2011 07:05 AM (UTC)
Ever since childhood, I have played all of the MKs (even the not so good ones) and have done stick sketches of fatalities for years. Everyone wanted to make their own at one point in the game's history. May I propose a mode in that one's bloodiest ideas come true. Completely separate from the game altogether, a very large DLC (GBs of data) or a series of discs (then installed on a hard drive of course) being used to create a your own finishing move. A full blown editor that controls camera. controller input and range, conditions according to different , animations of killer and victim, effects, sound, the whole deal( maybe mocap with Kinect/Move). Not expected anytime soon though. Would pay $15-30 or more bucks to add this much wanted feature.

What do you think?
12/10/2011 11:11 PM (UTC)
i like the idea but i hate dlc. i hate what dlc stands for. i remember good games didn't need dlc because they had lots of modes,character,levels,weapons,items, unlockables, much more and it was already on disc.

anyways i think it's a cool idea. the main reason why i got mka on ps2 was because of the create modes. there's always so much you can do because the more ideas you have the more possibilties there are.

some fatality's i'd like to create if it were to happen are. toasty/acid puke, necromancy army, and so much more.
12/11/2011 03:22 AM (UTC)
probably for next gen would be good. Blu-Ray is the next logical step.
12/16/2011 01:03 PM (UTC)
I like the idea, yet it was a good move to say NOT THE ONE IN MKA.
12/20/2011 05:24 PM (UTC)
As much as everyone would love that kind of mode...I really think it is a bit too much for devs to do. It could probably be done but it would not look too pretty. Look at the current and past wrestling game move creation systems. Some or most of them created moves end up clunky looking and not very smooth. They would not be very engaging like a cinematic fatality that everyone has come to love. Even the MK:A fatality creation was clunky and if you think about it they were not even really created because they were more like chained together moves that had limitations.

If I had to make a choice to have any type of move creation system it would be for special moves,stances,victory poses or grapple/throw moves.

D3V1NdaDOOD Wrote:
probably for next gen would be good. Blu-Ray is the next logical step.

lol...I don't mean to be ill towards you or prove anything but you must be playing MK on Xbox to say that. The PS3 is Blu-Ray.
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