11/28/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I don't think they are the same thing, really, same goes for Nightwolf.

I agree. Also yeah, in Trilogy when Nightwolf used more than one axe in a combo it had a red glow. I also believe that in some versions of UMK3 Shao Kahns shadow moves were either white or blue, I can't really remember.

Yeah, Kahn's shadows were white at times in the 2D games but they eventually changed them to match his other moves.

Cage's were sort of a dark blue, almost gray, like more the color of an actual shadow, in MK1. Same deal though, by MK2 they had decided all his moves should be the same color (and added the shadows to his fireball too).
11/29/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Personally I felt that Cages's powers were a type of augmentation. I mean the uppercut, shadow kick, and backflip speed him up and strengthen him. His powers would be like kaioken Goku. They require focus and they increase his natural ability. This gives a logical explanation to his fatality, and shows how he can get the shit kicked out of him by Jax and be fine. The after image is just residual energy he is releasing. If he trains i feel that he can make it an extension of himself. This means he could extend his powers similar to Green Lantern, but then do more acrobatic crazy moves as well. As for the origin, it would be interesting to see which God his ancestors worshipped. It said Mediterranean so maybe it's a nod to Greek Myth, and cults were not uncommon for them. Maybe it was an Ares cult. Kotal Kahn could easily fit that role.

The same way Nightwolf calls raiden a different name, it could be that Kotal Kahn is an earthrealm god who lost followers with the aztecs. His look could easily be explained by the most recent culture to worship him, and historically an aztec war god is closer in time than ares. So say Kotal Kahn is a disgruntled aztec god upset with the fact no one worships him anymore. Thus he would want vengeance on the world that forgot him, so he takes over outworld. He could also be recruited by Shinnok. Disgruntled lesser or forgotten deities to help him get control.

What do you guys think?
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

11/29/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Kira would be a better character if all her ripoff moves were scrapped and they tried to make her her own unique character instead of trying to connect her to Kano.

This, she probably would have been more well-received if this was the case in Deception.
11/30/2014 09:24 AM (UTC)
Guys, chill.

Do I think Kano will be Cassie's father? No. Would I like it to happen? Yes, I would but the reality is that it probably won't happen. You guys are arguing with each other and getting personal with it. It isn't that deep. Everyone's entitled to their opinions but you guys shouldn't be attacking each other. We're all fans here, right?

Also, for the people saying Sonya can't cheat...I don't think you guys are taking many factors into consideration. Who's to say that Johnny and Sonya didn't simply have one night together as a way to cope with what they went through and didn't get married? We don't even know for sure that they are married or even still together at the point of MKX, do we? Secondly, everyone makes mistakes. Sonya, like everyone else in the MK universe, IS capable of screwing up. It is unlikely that she slept with Kano but we won't know for sure until the game comes out. Furthermore, Kano, being the trifling thug he is, could have raped Sonya. That completely invalidates the whole "Sonya wouldn't do that" argument. Last but not least, Cassie doesn't look like Johnny, she just has SOME of his moves. She looks like a younger Sonya so there's a chance that Johnny might not be her father. Who knows for sure, though?

Let's just wait and see.
11/30/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
Is now Cassie Cage the Silk Spectre II or what?
11/30/2014 03:49 PM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
Guys, chill.

Do I think Kano will be Cassie's father? No. Would I like it to happen? Yes, I would but the reality is that it probably won't happen. You guys are arguing with each other and getting personal with it. It isn't that deep. Everyone's entitled to their opinions but you guys shouldn't be attacking each other. We're all fans here, right?

Also, for the people saying Sonya can't cheat...I don't think you guys are taking many factors into consideration. Who's to say that Johnny and Sonya didn't simply have one night together as a way to cope with what they went through and didn't get married? We don't even know for sure that they are married or even still together at the point of MKX, do we? Secondly, everyone makes mistakes. Sonya, like everyone else in the MK universe, IS capable of screwing up. It is unlikely that she slept with Kano but we won't know for sure until the game comes out. Furthermore, Kano, being the trifling thug he is, could have raped Sonya. That completely invalidates the whole "Sonya wouldn't do that" argument. Last but not least, Cassie doesn't look like Johnny, she just has SOME of his moves. She looks like a younger Sonya so there's a chance that Johnny might not be her father. Who knows for sure, though?

Let's just wait and see.

The problem is that you're throwing in many things that wouldn't even fit into the story. Having a character raped in this game isn't something I want to see or hear happened. We know who Sonya is. Just because Cassie looks more like her mother doesn't mean a single ounce that Johnny isn't the father. I look very identical to my mother, does that mean my mom cheated on my dad when she had me? No, because I have my father's features as well as she's not a cheater.

This topic is a joke if you really think Sonya is capable of cheating on Johnny with Kano, who she hates so much after what he has done to her. Even thinking the possibility that he may have "raped" her. Not to mention, Boon has said she's the daughter of Johnny and Sonya, what, we are to believe that's not true and he was trolling immediately when he said that? No.
11/30/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
I'm not the type to argue. It was a simple string of possibilities. If you disagree, that's fine but you're not the "be all, end all" of MK so just because you don't want to see or hear something, it doesn't mean it won't be the case. I was just throwing out what COULD happen, not what I think will. Part of the fun of being a fan of this series is the speculation. Relax.
11/30/2014 07:18 PM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I'm not the type to argue. It was a simple string of possibilities. If you disagree, that's fine but you're not the "be all, end all" of MK so just because you don't want to see or hear something, it doesn't mean it won't be the case. I was just throwing out what COULD happen, not what I think will. Part of the fun of being a fan of this series is the speculation. Relax.

This is a discussion forum. I am simply having a discussion with you. Don't tell me to relax when I am merely having a conversation with you. But just because YOU don't want to have one, doesn't mean someone else might agree with your idea and vent off with it themselves.
11/30/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
I'm completely up for having a discussion with you. However, when you start saying, "I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN" and make it seem like that's the sole reason why a plot twist is impossible, it isn't really a discussion, is it?
11/30/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I'm not the type to argue. It was a simple string of possibilities. If you disagree, that's fine but you're not the "be all, end all" of MK so just because you don't want to see or hear something, it doesn't mean it won't be the case. I was just throwing out what COULD happen, not what I think will. Part of the fun of being a fan of this series is the speculation. Relax.

This is a discussion forum. I am simply having a discussion with you. Don't tell me to relax when I am merely having a conversation with you. But just because YOU don't want to have one, doesn't mean someone else might agree with your idea and vent off with it themselves.

Relax dude... Relax.
12/01/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I'm completely up for having a discussion with you. However, when you start saying, "I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN" and make it seem like that's the sole reason why a plot twist is impossible, it isn't really a discussion, is it?

Here's the thing, I am in for plot twists, but I don't see "who's parent does this child belong to" be significant at all for this story. People can assume and joke and suggest all the want, we don't know how Johnny and Sonya decided it was right to have a kid. But seeing how it's already been confirmed that she is indeed the daughter of Johnny and Sonya, why throw in the suggestion that Sonya could have cheated or could have been raped, when we've been playing this series for twenty-someting years and nowhere has it ever been shown that the writers are capable of going in that direction? Especially the whole "rape" thing because I'm sorry, that's something that isn't necessary at all and I doubt people are interested in hearing/seeing that.

It's not because it's a touchy subject to many, it's because I'm not interested in fan fiction level thrown into a game that has mediocre writing in the first place. (As much as I love this series, it doesn't really have the greatest of all writings) The game is controversial enough as it is, they don't need to throw in one more thing to make it the most controversial game ever. If anyone really wants to play a game with rape in it, play Rapelay or whatever that Japanese game is, or go read fan fiction that is written by a teenage girl who's main character is an obvious Mary Sue. Rape isn't a plot twist, nor should it be suggested as a possibility. Let's just throw that idea away because not too many people here would be keen on having something like that be thrown in this game. Granted that it'll mostly be narrated and not shown, this is a fighting game, nonetheless... not Law and Order Special Victims Unit.

Suggesting that she cheated on Johnny is something that would be completely out of character. She isn't the kind of character I see that would stoop to an act like that, especially after what she's been through. Granted, we have no idea what these two are going to be like in this game, but after all the years that we have seen Sonya, I have never once seen her as the type of character that would do the naughty with someone else, whether that be with a character we know already or someone out of the blue, behind the scenes. Granted that her outfits suggests something else, however, the designers behind her character really have no clue how to make an appealing looking militarized female that can make sense. (Her Deadly Alliance secondary is literally the only costume that she has ever worn that made sense and looked great).

Sorry, you see that there can be some weird twist happening where Cassie is not Johnny's real daughter, I don't. It HAS been confirmed and was stated in an interview right when she got revealed. If she really isn't the daughter of Johnny, I'm sure Boon would have either hinted it in that interview, or made one of his dumb tweets about it.

But just because I don't see your points, doesn't mean I still can't have a conversation with you. Don't immediately jump the gun because one doesn't necessarily see eye to eye with you. And if you still feel this way after reading all this, then I really don't know what to tell you.

sharefrock Wrote:
Relax dude... Relax.

Stop it, would you?
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12/01/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
Rape isn't the best plot twist.
12/01/2014 08:40 PM (UTC)
I base my assumption off the reaction Sonya has to Kano's heel turn in Mortal Kombat: 2011.

When they find out Kano was actually undercover and working for evil, Sonya seems quite upset about it. Jax mentions how they all got screwed over but Sonya says, "But I'm the one that got used." That was her exact quote. You can play through the game and listen to it during the story mode if you don't believe me. That stood out to me because it seems like she had something more than just investigative work invested in Kano BEFORE he turned heel.

If you disagree with that, it is fine. However, I'm telling you my suspicion for a relationship between the two comes from that. As I stated in a previous post, I used to do fanfic of the two of them together but it wasn't until 2011 dropped that I really thought there could be something there.

Again, not saying that Kano is truly Cassie's dad but I think it could be a cool plot twist.
12/01/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I base my assumption off the reaction Sonya has to Kano's heel turn in Mortal Kombat: 2011.

So...Sonya would've been fighting pregnant during the entirety of MK9.

Which means Cassie, as a fetus, survived X-Ray attacks AND the Sindel Massacre completely unharmed.

So theoretically, if she was that durable in the first trimester, then as an adult she should be a thousand times more powerful than Liu Kang, Raiden, Shao Kahn, etc. lol
On a more serious note, if Kano were to get Sonya pregnant before the first tournament, since that's not something Raiden's time-fuckery could've changed, Sonya would've had to be a mom in the original MK4.
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12/02/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
I want to flip a table right now.

Got your back, dude.

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