Kano x Sonya Mortal Kombat plot twist
posted12/02/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)by
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11/23/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
Hey all. Apparently, I posted my message in the wrong spot. Thank you to the gentleman who informed of this.

Anyway, I was wondering what you guys would think of Kano revealing to Cassie that he is in fact Cassie's real father? Would that be too ridiculous or could it be cool?
11/23/2014 07:35 AM (UTC)
Cassie has Johnny's green shadow powers, which Johnny's MK9 bio revealed you can only get by inheriting them.
11/23/2014 07:38 AM (UTC)
Stamp, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for jagging my memory, dude. Say, what do you think of them bringing in Kira as Kano's daughter this time around? Bad move or nah?
11/23/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
If Kira has potential character development and an interesting backstory, sure. I could see Kano banging multiple chicks and siring kids after leaving them to their lives. Talk about a deadbeat dad.
11/23/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
Kira would be a better character if all her ripoff moves were scrapped and they tried to make her her own unique character instead of trying to connect her to Kano.
11/27/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie has Johnny's green shadow powers, which Johnny's MK9 bio revealed you can only get by inheriting them.

are you serious man? what about Jade she has the green shadow kick? Shao kahn had green shadow moves aswell. not to forget Nightwolf has Green shadow moves. it's not about inheriting them.

and the MK9 bio doesn't say anything about the green power, it only says He is a descendant of an ancient Mediterranean cult who bred warriors for the gods, warriors who possessed power beyond that of mortals.

Nothing about the green power. I thought you were a guy who pays attention to every little detail wink.
11/27/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
I would like to believe you're smarter than what you're showing me right now.
There's a logical and frankly, blatantly obvious reason why a person would connect the words in his bio, about where Johnny's superhuman powers come from, directly to the ONLY superpower Johnny Cage has in the games. So obvious, in fact, that I have to believe you're messing with me here, that you're deliberately trying to start an argument.
And there's also a logical reason why Johnny's power is different in origin from Nightwolf and Shao Kahn's, and why Jade's powers are different from all three of them.
And why Cassie's powers, which are the same as Johnny's, could not possibly come from Kano's sperm.
I'd like to encourage you to figure out what that difference is and post it yourself, instead of holding your hand and explaining to you outright what it is.
(I will give you one small hint, though because I fear this one may escape your notice: Jade doesn't do "Shadow" moves, the UMK3 sprites matter.)
11/27/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I would like to believe you're smarter than what you're showing me right now.

There's a logical and frankly, blatantly obvious reason why a person would connect the words in his bio, about where Johnny's superhuman powers come from, directly to the ONLY superpower Johnny Cage has in the games.

And there's also a logical reason why Johnny's power is different in origin from Nightwolf and Shao Kahn's, and why Jade's powers are different from all three of them.

And why Cassie's powers, which are the same as Johnny's, could not possibly come from Kano's sperm.

I'd like to encourage you to figure out what that difference is and post it yourself, instead of holding your hand and explaining to you outright what it is.

(I will give you one small hint, though because I fear this one may escape your notice: Jade doesn't do "Shadow" moves, the UMK3 sprites matter.)

Of course you'd say something like that.

If you are so smart yourself explain to me if Jade doesn't do "Shadow" Moves then why in the hell is her move called "Shadow Kick" she also has "Shadow Flash" let's see how smart you are now...

Which by the way johnny cage's move is also called "Shadow Kick" so they are Obviously the same move.

or are you saying that Johnny's sister is Jade lel.

And don't B.S me with UMK3 Spirits matter. I am not sure if you mean spirits as in the holy ghost of the human body or you made a typo there.

Let us see how you'll explain your way out of this one. but i am sure you'll say something like "I don't have to explain this to you" but it's not a matter of you don't want to. it's a matter of you can't LMAO.
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I will rock you.

11/27/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
I wonder if Kira and Cassie were raised together in this new timeline.
11/27/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
Well...I was trying to be nice.

If you've got a personal problem with me, and that emotional motivation is going to affect your opinions, we can't have a discussion about facts and logic.

For the record though, Jade's move was called "Nitro Kick" before the reboot. She doesn't make shadows, she turns her body green and purple. That is distinctly different from the afterimages Cage, Nightwolf, and Shao Kahn are meant to leave behind when they do their moves.

The move names in MK9 are inaccurate and their canonicity is debatable (for example, Noob's moves list calls his shadow "Saibot" but that never happens in the story, "Noob Saibot" is just treated as his name.)

If you want to be really anal about it, there are no true Shadow Kicks in the 3D games, they haven't gotten the afterimages visual effect right since MK4.
11/27/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well...I was trying to be nice.

If you've got a personal problem with me, and that emotional motivation is going to affect your opinions, we can't have a discussion about facts and logic.

For the record though, Jade's move was called "Nitro Kick" before the reboot. She doesn't make shadows, she turns her body green and purple. That is distinctly different from the afterimages Cage, Nightwolf, and Shao Kahn are meant to leave behind when they do their moves.

The move names in MK9 are inaccurate and their canonicity is debatable (for example, Noob's moves list calls his shadow "Saibot" but that never happens in the story, "Noob Saibot" is just treated as his name.)

If you want to be really anal about it, there are no true Shadow Kicks in the 3D games, they haven't gotten the afterimages visual effect right since MK4.

I don't have a problem with you, other than the fact that you think you know everything which is not emotional it's about principal, when you go around throwing strong words like Johnny's Shadow moves are inherited. and then you say There is no true Shadow kicks. I kinda have a problem with that.

So let's make things clear, I don't think Cassie's father is Kano and maybe although less likely there will be a father other than johnny.

but that's not the issue the issue is you saying nobody can have green shadow moves other than by inheriting them like johnny did.

And I don't get it. the move names in MK9 are inaccurate and their canonicity is debatable. well so are the bios, Some bios changed for characters and you can could say that that's debatable aswell.

And you still have not explained how is it that Jade has Green Shadow moves? and don't tell me it's an issue with 3D or whatever it is you said about 3D. because in MK9 it's obvious not only that both Jade and Johnny have the same move name but it lights the same color and the only difference is that she can do it twice in a row.
11/27/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
the issue is you saying nobody can have green shadow moves other than by inheriting them like johnny did.

That's not what I said. I never said inheritence was the only way to get shadow powers.

I said inheritence was the only way FOR CASSIE to get shadow powers.

Sure, if you want to get crazy with speculation, you could float the argument that Nightwolf or Shao Kahn could be Cassie's dad, or Jade could be Cassie's mom (IF you acknowledge her MK9 moves as shadows, which I have already explained, I do not because UMK3 established them as something else)...or you could theorize that parentage doesn't have anything to do with it - which would require Cassie to have gotten her powers the same way Kahn and Nightwolf did, by stealing or borrowing souls...but none of those suggestions make sense based on story.

We already know she's the child of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. Her last name is even Cage. She was likely conceived AFTER MK9, after the point where Sonya and Kano would have been anything but enemies. We know she's Special Forces, not a shaman or soul stealer. Johnny inherited his powers from his ancestors so it only makes sense that since she displays the same ones, she inherited them from him.

The point is that KANO is out of the running.
I can think of no logical motive to argue against this except a flawed attempt to catch me being wrong about something because you have an issue with me personally, not with the content of the argument.
11/27/2014 07:56 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
the issue is you saying nobody can have green shadow moves other than by inheriting them like johnny did.

That's not what I said. I never said inheritence was the only way to get shadow powers.

I said inheritence was the only way FOR CASSIE to get shadow powers.

Sure, if you want to get crazy with speculation, you could float the argument that Nightwolf or Shao Kahn could be Cassie's dad, or Jade could be Cassie's mom (IF you acknowledge her MK9 moves as shadows, which I have already explained, I do not because UMK3 established them as something else)...or you could theorize that parentage doesn't have anything to do with it - which would require Cassie to have gotten her powers the same way Kahn and Nightwolf did, by stealing or borrowing souls...but none of those suggestions make sense based on story.

We already know she's the child of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. Her last name is even Cage. She was likely conceived AFTER MK9, after the point where Sonya and Kano would have been anything but enemies. We know she's Special Forces, not a shaman or soul stealer. Johnny inherited his powers from his ancestors so it only makes sense that since she displays the same ones, she inherited them from him.

The point is that KANO is out of the running.

I can think of no logical motive to argue against this except a flawed attempt to catch me being wrong about something because you have an issue with me personally, not with the content of the argument.

You see this wasn't too hard was it?

Now we both understand each other and the reason that Johnny is cassie's father is not because she has green shadow moves and he has green shadow moves like you explained in your first comment.
11/27/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Now we both understand each other and the reason that Johnny is cassie's father is not because she has green shadow moves and he has green shadow moves like you explained in your first comment.

Do we though? I feel like you're still being weird about it.

Cassie having the same moves as Johnny is not the ONLY reason we know for a fact who her dad is...but it very much is A legitimate reason, one of several.

I had ASSUMED that the other reasons, like the fact that Johnny and Sonya are already confirmed romantic partners, Cassie has Johnny's last name, and Cassie isn't a soul-user like Kahn/Nightwolf, were already obvious to everybody and I didn't need to list them, I only needed to list the one that was important to proving she couldn't have a secret illegitimate dad - the fact that her and her dad's powers are the same and her dad got those powers by inheritence, thus so would she.
I'm extremely disappointed that I was wrong in my assumption, that this argument had to happen as a result.
11/27/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Now we both understand each other and the reason that Johnny is cassie's father is not because she has green shadow moves and he has green shadow moves like you explained in your first comment.

Do we though? I feel like you're still being weird about it.

Cassie having the same moves as Johnny is not the ONLY reason we know for a fact who her dad is...but it very much is A legitimate reason, one of several.

I had ASSUMED that the other reasons, like the fact that Johnny and Sonya are already confirmed romantic partners, Cassie has Johnny's last name, and Cassie isn't a soul-user like Kahn/Nightwolf, were already obvious to everybody and I didn't need to list them, I only needed to list the one that was important to proving she couldn't have a secret illegitimate dad - the fact that her and her dad's powers are the same and her dad got those powers by inheritence, thus so would she.

I'm disappointed that I was wrong in my assumption, that this argument had to happen as a result.

You are back to being very... Slow, I don't want to use other words because I don't want to go that low :D.

First off it doesn't matter if they had "Romantic" shit going on. Sonya can always cheat on Johnny and end up naming her daughter Cassie Cage and johnny wouldn't have a clue.

and since we already established that there are other ways of getting the shadow green moves and you yourself admitted there are other ways no matter how crazy they are it means that her having shadow green moves prove nothing. and how do you know she isn't a soul-user by the way? not that it matters of course because Jade isn't a soul-user but it's interesting that you just said that without having any hard proof LOL.

11/27/2014 08:11 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
First off it doesn't matter if they had "Romantic" shit going on. Sonya can always cheat on Johnny and end up naming her daughter Cassie Cage and johnny wouldn't have a clue.

Except that's the whole reason I brought up her powers, they prove that's not the case.

sharefrock Wrote:
and since we already established that there are other ways of getting the shadow green moves

We also established Cassie didn't use those ways.

"We" also established Jade doesn't have Shadow moves, she has a "Nitro" kick where she turns her body smoking-hot green or purple. You're just being stubborn about that one.

I do not know why you're still arguing. I feel like you know the argument was over several posts ago, you're just trying to annoy me now.
11/27/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
First off it doesn't matter if they had "Romantic" shit going on. Sonya can always cheat on Johnny and end up naming her daughter Cassie Cage and johnny wouldn't have a clue.

Except that's the whole reason I brought up her powers, they prove that's not the case.

sharefrock Wrote:
and since we already established that there are other ways of getting the shadow green moves

We also established Cassie didn't use those ways.

"We" also established Jade doesn't have Shadow moves, she has a "Nitro" kick where she turns her body smoking-hot green or purple. You're just being stubborn about that one.

I do not know why you're still arguing. I feel like you know the argument was over several posts ago, you're just trying to annoy me now.

Actually you are the who is being stubborn because I myself already said the argument was over about 2 posts ago but you kept going so I don't know what this makes you.

And No we didn't establish that Jade has Nitro moves, I think you are just being a troll or maybe you are this... Slow.

Because if want to go by the fact of Jade has Nitro move and not shadow kick like the MK9 move list clearly states then you are following the first Timeline which means there isn't a cassie cage there which would mean your argument is invalid, now if you are talking about the 2nd timeline. there is something called a shadow kick and Jade does have it and it's clearly shown in her movelist. and Jade has nothing to do with johnny and yet they share the same green shadow move.

So here is the thing. you yourself said there are other ways of getting the green shadow moves. and since you said that I don't really see what you are arguing about.
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11/28/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
I want to flip a table right now.
11/28/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
I don't get why people keep thinking that Sonya banged someone that's not Johnny to get Cassie when there's been stone cold evidence showing us that she is, indeed, Johnny's daughter. Or, to rephrase, would want to think or believe there's a slight possibility. Even if it's just meant for a joke, it's been overdone way too much ever since the announcement that we're getting descendants and children being brought into this. It's kinda not funny anymore. Sorry, I'm a party pooper with this.

Kano and Sonya are the last two characters one would think would ever start to have feelings for one other that isn't hatred. Would it be funny to see this? Eh, not really. And I don't think for once Sonya and Stryker were alone together in a scene in 2011, thus neither of these characters could have a chance to do anything. Even afterwards, I doubt if the good characters were to be resurrected in this game, Sonya would be like, "Oh my god, Stryker, you're alive! Let's have sex!"

And after years of knowing the kind of character Sonya is, she isn't the kind of character I would think would have an adulterous side to her. That's just not who she is.

Cassie has been shown that she is indeed Johnny's daughter by showing us similarities in moves (not counting the ones that don't include whatever kind of magical ability they possess).

I don't get why Cassie is always the one that gets the heated arguments. Can't it be Ferra Torr for once? I mean, we don't know jack shit about them, I wanna see an argument about them for once!
11/28/2014 04:55 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
First off it doesn't matter if they had "Romantic" shit going on. Sonya can always cheat on Johnny and end up naming her daughter Cassie Cage and johnny wouldn't have a clue.

Except that's the whole reason I brought up her powers, they prove that's not the case.

sharefrock Wrote:
and since we already established that there are other ways of getting the shadow green moves

We also established Cassie didn't use those ways.

"We" also established Jade doesn't have Shadow moves, she has a "Nitro" kick where she turns her body smoking-hot green or purple. You're just being stubborn about that one.

I do not know why you're still arguing. I feel like you know the argument was over several posts ago, you're just trying to annoy me now.

Actually you are the who is being stubborn because I myself already said the argument was over about 2 posts ago but you kept going so I don't know what this makes you.

And No we didn't establish that Jade has Nitro moves, I think you are just being a troll or maybe you are this... Slow.

Because if want to go by the fact of Jade has Nitro move and not shadow kick like the MK9 move list clearly states then you are following the first Timeline which means there isn't a cassie cage there which would mean your argument is invalid, now if you are talking about the 2nd timeline. there is something called a shadow kick and Jade does have it and it's clearly shown in her movelist. and Jade has nothing to do with johnny and yet they share the same green shadow move.

So here is the thing. you yourself said there are other ways of getting the green shadow moves. and since you said that I don't really see what you are arguing about.

I'm pretty sure it's a similiar move to Johnny's but it is not the same. Johnny uses his shadow moves in his regular fighting style, unlike Jade. All Jade has is the one kick, while Johnny uses it differently. I don't think they are the same thing, really, same goes for Nightwolf. They all have different properties and therefore are not the same. Doesn't matter what they are called.

Also, why are you calling Razor "Slow"? It's hard to interpret things over text, and you seem to be arguing just for the sake of "winning" the argument instead of trying to end it.
11/28/2014 07:50 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I don't think they are the same thing, really, same goes for Nightwolf.

Well...I would say Nightwolf and Kahn's shadow moves are similar enough to Cage's to suggest a similar origin of power (I wonder if the cult Johnny's ancestors were in used souls to give them their powers, or worshipped a god that would have power over souls, like Shinnok...but that's pure speculation)

They are different in one major way: both have the power to make objects/weapons out of their energy like a Green Lantern while Johnny doesn't...but maybe that's just because Cage isn't trained well enough, hence he just throws raw, unrefined balls...though even Johnny's projectile leaves an afterimage trail while the others don't which suggests some kind of difference. I always wondered what exactly the afterimage graphical effect is supposed to represent...is it a superspeed/"seeing the world in slow motion" thing? In the comics and Injustice, when the Flash runs he leaves shadows behind too..."bullet time" in The Matrix also has a similar look to it. Of course, Kabal has superspeed and when he runs, he just looks like a blurred streak.

Also, Cage can make his powers turn red and do more damage...but I think Nightwolf could do that too in one of the games...Trilogy maybe?
11/28/2014 01:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't get why people keep thinking that Sonya banged someone that's not Johnny to get Cassie when there's been stone cold evidence showing us that she is, indeed, Johnny's daughter. Or, to rephrase, would want to think or believe there's a slight possibility. Even if it's just meant for a joke, it's been overdone way too much ever since the announcement that we're getting descendants and children being brought into this. It's kinda not funny anymore. Sorry, I'm a party pooper with this.

Kano and Sonya are the last two characters one would think would ever start to have feelings for one other that isn't hatred. Would it be funny to see this? Eh, not really. And I don't think for once Sonya and Stryker were alone together in a scene in 2011, thus neither of these characters could have a chance to do anything. Even afterwards, I doubt if the good characters were to be resurrected in this game, Sonya would be like, "Oh my god, Stryker, you're alive! Let's have sex!"

And after years of knowing the kind of character Sonya is, she isn't the kind of character I would think would have an adulterous side to her. That's just not who she is.

Cassie has been shown that she is indeed Johnny's daughter by showing us similarities in moves (not counting the ones that don't include whatever kind of magical ability they possess).

I don't get why Cassie is always the one that gets the heated arguments. Can't it be Ferra Torr for once? I mean, we don't know jack shit about them, I wanna see an argument about them for once!

You are a dude that I would like to argue with all day long, the reason Cassie is Johnny's daughter is not because she has the green moves that are "inherited", but because we know what kind of character Sonya is, even though there is still a chance but it's low. I really don't think She cheated on johnny or that Cassie isn't his daughter. but you can't say "Impossible" there is always a possibility.
11/28/2014 02:06 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I don't think they are the same thing, really, same goes for Nightwolf.

I agree. Also yeah, in Trilogy when Nightwolf used more than one axe in a combo it had a red glow. I also believe that in some versions of UMK3 Shao Kahns shadow moves were either white or blue, I can't really remember.
11/28/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't get why people keep thinking that Sonya banged someone that's not Johnny to get Cassie when there's been stone cold evidence showing us that she is, indeed, Johnny's daughter. Or, to rephrase, would want to think or believe there's a slight possibility. Even if it's just meant for a joke, it's been overdone way too much ever since the announcement that we're getting descendants and children being brought into this. It's kinda not funny anymore. Sorry, I'm a party pooper with this.

Kano and Sonya are the last two characters one would think would ever start to have feelings for one other that isn't hatred. Would it be funny to see this? Eh, not really. And I don't think for once Sonya and Stryker were alone together in a scene in 2011, thus neither of these characters could have a chance to do anything. Even afterwards, I doubt if the good characters were to be resurrected in this game, Sonya would be like, "Oh my god, Stryker, you're alive! Let's have sex!"

And after years of knowing the kind of character Sonya is, she isn't the kind of character I would think would have an adulterous side to her. That's just not who she is.

Cassie has been shown that she is indeed Johnny's daughter by showing us similarities in moves (not counting the ones that don't include whatever kind of magical ability they possess).

I don't get why Cassie is always the one that gets the heated arguments. Can't it be Ferra Torr for once? I mean, we don't know jack shit about them, I wanna see an argument about them for once!

You are a dude that I would like to argue with all day long, the reason Cassie is Johnny's daughter is not because she has the green moves that are "inherited", but because we know what kind of character Sonya is, even though there is still a chance but it's low. I really don't think She cheated on johnny or that Cassie isn't his daughter. but you can't say "Impossible" there is always a possibility.

Don't hold your breath. I'm not going to "argue" with you for the sake of it.

I'm sticking to what I'm saying, don't like that I said "it's impossible" oh well.
11/28/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't get why people keep thinking that Sonya banged someone that's not Johnny to get Cassie when there's been stone cold evidence showing us that she is, indeed, Johnny's daughter. Or, to rephrase, would want to think or believe there's a slight possibility. Even if it's just meant for a joke, it's been overdone way too much ever since the announcement that we're getting descendants and children being brought into this. It's kinda not funny anymore. Sorry, I'm a party pooper with this.

Kano and Sonya are the last two characters one would think would ever start to have feelings for one other that isn't hatred. Would it be funny to see this? Eh, not really. And I don't think for once Sonya and Stryker were alone together in a scene in 2011, thus neither of these characters could have a chance to do anything. Even afterwards, I doubt if the good characters were to be resurrected in this game, Sonya would be like, "Oh my god, Stryker, you're alive! Let's have sex!"

And after years of knowing the kind of character Sonya is, she isn't the kind of character I would think would have an adulterous side to her. That's just not who she is.

Cassie has been shown that she is indeed Johnny's daughter by showing us similarities in moves (not counting the ones that don't include whatever kind of magical ability they possess).

I don't get why Cassie is always the one that gets the heated arguments. Can't it be Ferra Torr for once? I mean, we don't know jack shit about them, I wanna see an argument about them for once!

You are a dude that I would like to argue with all day long, the reason Cassie is Johnny's daughter is not because she has the green moves that are "inherited", but because we know what kind of character Sonya is, even though there is still a chance but it's low. I really don't think She cheated on johnny or that Cassie isn't his daughter. but you can't say "Impossible" there is always a possibility.

Don't hold your breath. I'm not going to "argue" with you for the sake of it.

I'm sticking to what I'm saying, don't like that I said "it's impossible" oh well.

Why would I hold my breath? won't that cause me to die? seems like a dumb thing to do sleep
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