Kano speculation [Character Variations]
posted08/12/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/06/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
So i didn't get the gamepro magazine and I haven't seen much talk of Kano's variations. So if his variations are already revealed or their already is a thread speculating what they are, just let me know please.

Anyways What do you guys think his variations would be?

I think one will be the Old Kano that was a topic before, what about the other two? I feel like Old Kano will play very differently from young Kano, with new moves and probably more technology and weapon based attacks. Maybe uses his laser eye as well.

I think there will be a Wrestler/Brawler style with more grapple moves and more combos. This would include his cannon ball and maybe wrestling moves seen in the likes of WWE, like a tombstone piledriver ala Undertaker, or a suplex, also his choke move could turn into a choke, shake then chokeslam. I'm not saying make all of his moves like some WWE actor, but mix them into cool combos and attacks.

Finally I think he will have a variation that utilizes some weapons and some wrestling moves, but is a more defensive type using counters and submission type moves.

What do you guys think?
08/07/2014 07:00 AM (UTC)
Well, we know about the wrestling style, which I assume will involve many olympic-style takedowns with perhaps a few extravagant pro wrestling moves thrown in.

First thing that comes to mind regarding another style is something involving his knives. Perhaps a slight variation of his MK2011 play style.

Third style: After thinking about it, what about a "projectile" style that focuses on his eye laser and possibly his chest strap? One move could invole heating up his knives with his eye which is like a buff of sort.

I'll post more when I have another brainstorm.
08/07/2014 08:15 AM (UTC)
Yeah ive been thinking about this

I think one of his Variations should be "Knife Fighter" Concentrating on obviously his knife attacks (Knife Toss/Throw, Blade Swipe & Blade Spin) Throw in a new move or two and this can be Balanced Variant- able to rushdown and be defensive

The other variant i think should be called "Mad Man" using his Kano Ball move in all its varieties (Up, Down & Psycho) This can be a Zone type of Variant, ables to keep his opponent at bay.

The theres the Wrestling variant. I think this should use obviously grapple type move and combo attacks to be the rushdown variant to keep him on the offensive.

For regular special moves i would like to see
Kano Ball (obviously)
Knife Toss
Choke/Air Grab
Eye Laser (2 forms, Beam & Blast)
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/07/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
I am aware that he is said to have a Wrestling variation style, but I really just thought of the stupid fighting stance the fighters with wrestling styles had in Deadly Alliance, which just involved in throws, but never thought about pro wrestling moves.
Kano doing powerbombs and DDTs? Yes please!

Surely his other Variation will have knifes.

And just like someone else said, heavy usage of laser attacks.

All this had already been discussed already though in that one Kano thread. Can't miss it.
08/07/2014 08:51 AM (UTC)
- Grabbler / Wrestler is already known,

2) Technical.
Adds Spider-Bombs, Laser Rays, Stun Traps and other such mechanical/invention moves, maybe something with his heart-red thing.

3) Pirate
Adds many variation moves with his cannonball attacks, he can spin harder to make harder attacks, levitate into the air as cannonball, has many forms of cannonball attacks, and cannonball combos.
08/07/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Well, the first one seems to be Wrestling... alot of grabs and hard hits, knockdowns and the like.

And like many others, I too would like to see the second Variation involve his knives. A faster Variation with alot of cutting, stabbing, slicing and slashing, hurling his knives at the opponent and such.

As for the third, it would be cool if there were focus on his Cannonball move. Like, in this move he can do alot of different versions of it. There would be the straight one, the diagonal upwards one, maybe rolling along the ground and maybe even an aerial one as well, both aerial straight and aerial downwards.
08/07/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
Stealthy Knives
08/07/2014 12:44 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Kano doing powerbombs and DDTs? Yes please!

Add in some Piledrivers and a Suplex and we got ourselves a wrestler.
08/07/2014 12:54 PM (UTC)
Boon has been hinting heavily at a commando variation. If that's true, Kano has:
- Wrestler
- Commando
- ?

We shall see, though. I hope crazy knife attacks are involved in one of them.
08/07/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Boon has been hinting heavily at a commando variation. If that's true, Kano has:
- Wrestler
- Commando
- ?

We shall see, though. I hope crazy knife attacks are involved in one of them.

what if ed boon not hinting at kano but skarlet also since the second tweet saids i ll be back and james horner who did the score for the movie of the lady in red
08/07/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
gosoxtim Wrote:what if ed boon not hinting at kano but skarlet also since the second tweet saids i ll be back and james horner who did the score for the movie of the lady in red

I saw that speculation on TYM and thought that was absolutely ridiculous.

"In his Commando variation, he fights without any underwear on."
First of all, Ed used "he", and in MK9 it was stated Kano had military training, as he worked with SF for some time. Ergo, he might've been a commando.
From his MK9 bio: From weapons dealing to cold-blooded murder, his military training has made him the go-to man for the Black Dragon.

Then, Ed posted a picture of the Commando poster with "I'll be back," which is a line from The Terminator, starring Arnie, which was the direct inspiration for Kano and his cybernetic eye.

Why on earth would anyone assume he was referring to the goddamn composer's first film he worked on? I know Boon can be vague or misleading, but I think that's deliberately looking past a seemingly obvious hint for a reveal next week (which most fans now know of.)
gosoxtim Wrote:because next week reveal could be two and one the reveal going to be kano an the other reveal could be skarlet

Yeah... I'm not going to hold my breath, though.
08/07/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
gosoxtim Wrote:what if ed boon not hinting at kano but skarlet also since the second tweet saids i ll be back and james horner who did the score for the movie of the lady in red

I saw that speculation on TYM and thought that was absolutely ridiculous.

"In his Commando variation, he fights without any underwear on."
First of all, Ed used "he", and in MK9 it was stated Kano had military training, as he worked with SF for some time. Ergo, he might be a commando.

Then, Ed posted a picture of the Commando poster with "I'll be back," which is a line from The Terminator, starring Arnie, which was the direct inspiration for Kano and his cybernetic eye.

Why on earth would anyone assume he was referring to the goddamn composer's first film he worked on? I know Boon can be vague or misleading, but I think that's deliberately looking past a seemingly obvious hint for a reveal next week (which most fans now know of.)

because next week reveal could be two and one the reveal going to be kano an the other reveal could be skarlet
08/07/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
1. Wrestler - Pretty self explanatory.

2. Blades - Uses knife heavy attacks as his rushdown style.

3. Commando - Uses his eye laser and grenades/explosives for zoning.
08/07/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
hey you may never know how may reveal going to be nex tweek i don't think they going to gamescom just for one reveal it makes no sense to do that
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/07/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
gosoxtim Wrote:
hey you may never know how may reveal going to be nex tweek i don't think they going to gamescom just for one reveal it makes no sense to do that

Well. That's exactly what's going to happen. They're going there to show off their game and possibly gameplay of Kano and the new stage arena. Makes more sense.
08/07/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
gosoxtim Wrote:
hey you may never know how may reveal going to be nex tweek i don't think they going to gamescom just for one reveal it makes no sense to do that

Well. That's exactly what's going to happen. They're going there to show off their game and possibly gameplay of Kano and the new stage arena. Makes more sense.

well im not rulling out the possible for two charactres reveal next week
08/07/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:

3. Commando - Uses grenades/explosives for zoning.

I would hate for Kano to start using grenades all of a sudden. He never had them why start using them now?
08/07/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:

3. Commando - Uses grenades/explosives for zoning.

I would hate for Kano to start using grenades all of a sudden. He never had them why start using them now?

I wouldn't want him to have them either, but he needs something for his zoning style. Really can't use knives for that, and zoning with just the eye laser would be shitty. I don't want him to start using firearms either. Grenades or land mines were a logical choice for a militant character.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

08/07/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
I second that. I dont think he should have grenades or bombs. Cassie already has missiles and we still dont know if there's gonna be a cyborg in the game.

V1. Rasslin' - Hopefully it will be just as ridiculous as WWE. Me Likey

V2. Tactical Knives - Can equip his blades with the push of a button, MK5 style. I think it would also be pretty kool if his blades were "out" during his Kanoball for this variation.

V3. Eye Laser - Can create Laser Blasts or LaserBEAMs. Would have Superman's AND Zod's beam from Injustice, along with Superman's strait beam from MKvDC.
08/07/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:

3. Commando - Uses grenades/explosives for zoning.

I would hate for Kano to start using grenades all of a sudden. He never had them why start using them now?

I wouldn't want him to have them either, but he needs something for his zoning style. Really can't use knives for that, and zoning with just the eye laser would be shitty.

He doesn't have to just zone with the lazer. There are plenty of possibilities with each character's abilities. For example, Kano could use his laser for normal damage, he could perhaps charge it for extra damage, he could target it to the opponent's eyes and blind them for an extra hit. Just don't start giving them random abilities all of a sudden. I'd rather build on what they already got.
08/07/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
Kano's has been proven to be pretty technical, so I hope they give him a style with many technical stuff, not bombs like Stryker, but maybe spider-like mines that he drops and which seek the target and then explode, in that same style could be his eye laser attacks.

This makes Kano more interesting for me, many characters have blades already, so don't really want that, maybe for one style it would be nice.
08/07/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:

3. Commando - Uses grenades/explosives for zoning.

I would hate for Kano to start using grenades all of a sudden. He never had them why start using them now?

I wouldn't want him to have them either, but he needs something for his zoning style. Really can't use knives for that, and zoning with just the eye laser would be shitty.

He doesn't have to just zone with the lazer. There are plenty of possibilities with each character's abilities. For example, Kano could use his laser for normal damage, he could perhaps charge it for extra damage, he could target it to the opponent's eyes and blind them for an extra hit. Just don't start giving them random abilities all of a sudden. I'd rather build on what they already got.

New specials = new abilities. Not everyone is going to have the exact same moves that they had in MK9 or whatever iteration of MK they come from. Change is good, and sometimes very necessary. I said before that I wouldn't want to see Kano with the grenades or mines. Having a variation solely based on his eye laser seems a little dry and unimaginative.

I'm sure that he'll have some moves with it, but he needs to be spiced up a bit. Granted, there are quite a few things that he could do with his laser, but I just don't know if that would be enough for some people. Something has to change with him. He wasn't a very popular character in MK9 for a reason. I would like to see him brought back to prominence. A few new moves wouldn't hurt the cause.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/07/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
The third variation is obviously "Terminator" and he'll be full out cyborged with an eye and enhanced chest laser. tongue

"Black Dragon" seems more likely, with it taking full advantage of his weapons training.
08/07/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
>"In his Commando variation, he fights without any underwear on."
First of all, Ed used "he", and in MK9 it was stated Kano had military training, as he worked with SF for some time. Ergo, he might've been a commando.

Why would NRS only bring that up now? In all his appearances, he was always a mercenary. No mention of him working for the SF's.

In my view, "Commando" means full-out cyborg.
08/08/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Why would NRS only bring that up now? In all his appearances, he was always a mercenary. No mention of him working for the SF's.
In my view, "Commando" means full-out cyborg.

Why did NRS turn Kabal into a cop? Why'd NRS turn Mileena from a capable, intelligent woman into a slutty toddler? I didn't write the story.

Like I already said in the excerpt you quoted from, Kano's MK9 bio states he has "military training", and he was written to (essentially) remove Hsu Hao from the universe.
Hsu Hao was a Chinese spec. ops guy/ Red Dragon mole working within the SF to sabotage it, though he initially began by giving good intel about the Black Dragon so he could kill two birds with one stone.
Now, with Kano being an SF informant who later gave bad intel that got a lot of SF guys killed while working closely with them, how could you not get the impression that he was actually (physically) working with SF to some degree?
And as for him being called a "mercenary", I thought it was common knowledge that (successful) mercenaries often have a background of actual military training before going solo.
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