Just something I have to get off my chest
posted11/26/2008 12:14 PM (UTC)by
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02/28/2004 03:16 AM (UTC)
While I am excited about the prospect of a new era for the Mortal Kombat games (something which we haven't actually had before seeing as all previous installments appear to be within the same canonical grand-arc), it doesn't feel like we have gotten closure on this one yet.

I mean, well, duh. But when you really look at it, Armageddon fucked things up by not being a true sequel. Or at least dealing with the issues it needed to deal with. One prime example is the Noob Saibot vs. Sub-Zero feud that was introduced pretty late into the game. That really should have closure in this era. There is so much to milk for it. Sareena being caught in the middle between the Sub-Zero who is genuinely good, and the Sub-Zero that she did originally love; Scorpion feeling guilt for the creation of Noob Saibot; Sub-Zero's desire to defeat his corrupted older brother. There's so fucking much there, and either a) It's going to spill into the next games when it really didn't have to, or b) It's never going to be addressed.

Yeah, a bit of a pointless rant, I'm sure, but it's just something that really just came up and bothered me. I think reading a post in regards to MK vs. DC Universe being so tainting of its characters' stories sort of making the poster want to see a completely new slate for the new games. I couldn't help but see their point, be a little intrigued, and then think "Fuck, why didn't we get some closure when we could have?"

I'm not sure if there's nothing new to discuss here, but yeah: MK8 -- do you want it to contain the elements of a sequel, or completely do away and hack off some of the plots that were never addressed?
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11/26/2008 12:14 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I'm not sure if there's nothing new to discuss here, but yeah: MK8 -- do you want it to contain the elements of a sequel, or completely do away and hack off some of the plots that were never addressed?

More for a sequel type thing. I mean c'mon! right?

I'd like to see things end before they start something else. I want to know what the hell they're gonna do with all of Raiden's potential. There's a couple different ways I can see to handle it, and a few different ways to end the arc. I think what's going on with Raiden since the taint, could very well effect at least 4 of the good guys, and if they used him and Z-Kang for it, the demise of alot of the dead weight on the MKA roster. Have Z-Kang pick off the straglers like Jarred or whever, and have Raiden + Z-Kang kill off some of these clans. Or something....I just think that pair would be a good scapegoat in the instance that they slash half the roster or something.

But I want details...lol...methodical, gritty, calculated, visceral details.

To add, when they do restart, calm things down again, and build back up to a doom. Gimme a new character that doesn't even want to be in the new MK contest, but is a great fighter, and was told something like; "Or Else".

Gimme a new "champ" that loses or something. Gimme Earth as the aggressor to obtain another realm in some twisted story or something.
What if Raiden doesn't care about the potential of some new champ of earth, because he's busy trying to "secure" another realm with the remainder of the existing good guys? Surprise for everyone involved, right?

Most of all though, I want greatly defined characters. I would like to care about Raiden a great deal, and what's going on in his situation still, but I'd like to find a tremendous interest in a couple of new characters. Sorta like what happened with Sareena, or Kai for me. A new characters very realistic personality, that happens to be involved in a new Mortal Kombat would make me happy.

I want to know everything for a fact with the next game too. Keep the loose ends and the cliffhangers out of this one, and just drive the characters in different direction in a sequel to that game(like a sitcom or trilogy). Gimme a thorough background where nothing is really a secret, but that some things are not exactly supposed to be told about them until it's time for them to leave MK for that game (like living with some one, and finding out all their little bullshit towards when you're ready to kick them out haha!). Gimme how they got their powers, and their "rumored" strengths and weaknesses....and then in-game. I want to improve them to a point myself through playing the game. Gaining and loosing things.


So anyway yea, I want a sort of sequel-type deal in the next MK. But I want that old stuff to take a backseat to the new stuff that is coming in. A transition of events, so to speak. Something that fleshes, and ushers out the old plots and stuff that don't make any sense right now to just drop. But that also does an excellent job of ushering in the new situations, characters, and overall story that is driving the new. All while maintaining a bad-dream theme that intensifies things until the end of the games story period.

I wouldn't even mind not having some huge boss for this next one, but maybe someone who holds the contest that has his//her hands in everyones business behind the scenes. Something that of course, we wouldn't find out until the endings that help lead into the next game, and make that boss seem more powerful at the same time. Something to appreciate, fear, and look forward to come from the following game.
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