Just Beta Tested Mortal Kombat 10. Ask me anything.
posted05/27/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/26/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
1 Question per person please ty
2 I'll post gameplay as soon as my camcorder is fixed!
3 Go ahead make my day
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

05/26/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
Question 1: Isn't it awfully inconvenient that your camcorder is broken and you have absolutely no other means of taking video, when we live in an age when the computer you're typing on has a webcam and even long-outdated phones have cameras? And no friends who have cameras, phones, or computers either? Or would borrowing a friend's device violate your non-disclosure agreement with a corporate media titan that is surely watching these fan boards closely to monitor their marketing achievements?

I'm sorry. That came out as three questions.
05/26/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
About Me
05/26/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
What is the square root of a triangle?
05/26/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
who did you play as?
05/26/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
1 Question per person please ty
2 I'll post gameplay as soon as my camcorder is fixed!
3 Go ahead make my day

No questions needed. The fact this thread was created already made my day. Prepared to be eaten alive, puny mortal. wink
05/26/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
05/26/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah, now I remember you. You did the same thing back in 2011 and no one believed you then. Was that why you kept asking everyone if they remembered you? So you could repeat this again?

*sighs* if you were gonna do this same prank, you could have at least waited until there were some actual news first. You just ruined your own joke.
05/26/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Oh yeah, now I remember you. You did the same thing back in 2011 and no one believed you then. Was that why you kept asking everyone if they remembered you? So you could repeat this again?

*sighs* if you were gonna do this same prank, you could have at least waited until there was some actual news first. You just ruined your own joke.

lol good job on exposing him. No wonder he trolled my wishlist and stuff.
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

05/27/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
1. What's one thing that you can tell us that's in the game that only you would know? Something really specific, not "Scorpion's in this game" or something that could look like a guess like "Hotaru's in the game."

Give us something specific that could actually make us think for a second that you're not completely full of it, like "the new big gameplay thing, (what X-Rays were to MK9) of this game will be _____________." Something you can actually be wrong about and not say "oh yeah, they changed it later."

In fact, you might want to consider giving us a bunch of those things since you're umm... Fixing your camcorder and apparently don't own a phone that takes video (ie a phone that was purchased in the last five years).

Otherwise... I'm inclined to trust Icebaby's memory on this one.
05/27/2014 05:09 AM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
1 Question per person please ty
2 I'll post gameplay as soon as my camcorder is fixed!
3 Go ahead make my day

Oh hey man, its been like what.. 3 years since we saw you last?

This didn't work then, and it won't work now.

If you post proof, then I'll stand corrected, but I still think you're the same ol' troll you used to be.
About Me

big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

05/27/2014 06:44 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:

@umbrascitor: Yes it is! Otherwise i've would have been surely able to show some gameplay.

@DivahMah: Yes, Yes, & Don't know only 11 characters are available right now.

@NS922: SQUARE root, is only for SQUARES.
you cannot have the square root of anything except a square.

@kungkang12: I played as (what looks like) a older version of Ermac, & Sektor but he looks totaly different.

@KenshiMaster16: I'm happy it does! win win

@redman: d:^)~

@Icebaby: I love you

@hankypanky1: No i'm sorry no parKour, and also Khrome doesn't exsist inside the MK universe gg though.

@Baraka407: The X-ray bar is now cut into 2 seperate pieces, one for the X-Rays the other part for brutality finishers, though I found out I can use it as a auto combo launcher as well (5hits) The brutalities are found in the crypt and are 10button inputs, when completed X-rays get mixed with some brutal punch/kick/projectile/throw combo's
Also now you can provide the "Mercy" Move that alows you to do friendships (instead of animalities!)

@ReptileFinally: Okay I understand the soup I served was way 2 salty 3 years ago for ya'll but lets make a deal then! If I haven't posted gameplay from the Beta (MKX) I have here right now, I'll never be alowed to have sex with the sexy pizza delivery girl.

Please if you have more questions make sure to ask me, BTW June 2nd? No mark you calendars FRI MAY 30 8PM.
05/27/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)

I was hoping you'd throw out the insults, but I guess you kinda matured since then.
05/27/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

I was hoping you'd throw out the insults, but I guess you kinda matured since then.

On that thread he says:
"oh the 5 year old is gonna ban me? why, because i have the game earlie??? seriously, are you in charge here?

thats right, i dont think so, i didnt do anything wrong, and you act like a disabled wheelchair warrior :( "

And if u go to his profile and see his Personal/Portrait Picture u will see (unless he changes/removes it)

About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/27/2014 05:12 PM (UTC)
Did NetherRelm Studios comp your air travel from Japan to Chicago?

I 100% believe that the game is being Beta tested but it is very hard to believe that you stated the same thing in 2011 but your claims were proven to be false.

I think Brutalities will return.

It's a Fact that WB games has shown a trailer to some employees. I really know somebody that works for WB.

I would love to believe you? How about answering something really specific about what you played;

What color are the power bars?
Pics next to them like MK9 or none like Injustice?
How many spaces are on the character select screen?
Are they split like Injustice?
Similar to MK9?
Sinilar to Deception?
What Stages did you play on?

Answer these correct and I'll believe and back you once Boon revels them May 30th or June 2nd
@ Icebaby, well I still got my moments.
Anyway the deal stil stands.

wow were you able to find that thread?! Sorry but I tried to find it just nostalgic about it ghehe.

Anyway Wheelchair warriors are an insanely good team, the recommendations are obvious!

So next question please ty.
Excuse me for double post, if you feel for the need to spank me, please do so.

@BADASS6669: Right now im not stationed in Japan, I DO have my apartment there, I was in chicago for about 3 weeks, I'm currently in The Netherlands because of my job.
No I ran into John Edwards a designer for the MK series, we got into a talk about fighting games, then he said he worked on MK 9 and was still working for Netherrealm etc etc thats how it happened.

Yes I agree, though my claims were proven false only because back then my video recorder broken :'( but lets move on.

Brutalities are indeed in.

It has MK 2 colour bars. Also using MK 2 fonts.

It now shows the characters moving "ala" Mk1-MK trilogy.

There are 11 slots that I can slide over, with 1 not selectable.

It feels A LOT more like a redefined MK9, the combos feel more connected like in MK3

No not similar to deception AT all, the only thing that is weird that it shows "Arcade-VS-Mythology" I cant select it though, in my opinion Mythology is going to be just like conquest.

The only stage playable is "The Kombat Tomb"
It will probably have a stage fatality when finished.

05/27/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
I remember you saying you couldn't record gameplay because your camcorder was broken. Good ol deja vu.

Since you said there's only 11 characters currently, who are they?

05/27/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
Alright, I'll ask a serious question just for the hell of it because I'm bored. So I'll ask something we'll probably get a look at in a reveal trailer;

Describe in good detail one of the more popular characters outfits; Raiden, Subby, Scorpion... any of the 'main bunch' that'll likely be featured will do. Since those will likely be the character we're given a glimpse of, this along with some other things will more than likely seal your fate.
05/27/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
I remember you saying you couldn't record gameplay because your camcorder was broken. Good ol deja vu.

Since you said there's only 11 characters currently, who are they?

Yes, intrigue us a little.
05/27/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
RT @RonnyRAGE6669 @noobde Some1 on MKO claiming 2B a Beta tester on ur next game & showing gameplay B4U show yours EB: Some1 on MKO is lying

05/27/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Yes I agree, though my claims were proven false only because back then my video recorder broken :'( but lets move on.

Your claims were not proven false based on having your so-called "camcorder" being broken, your claims were proven false because you never once provided any source of evidence proving you were right/proving you actually tested the game during beta. Don't you feel kind of stupid trying to pull off the same prank you did three years ago and again not fooling anyone?

And I found that thread because you kept asking people if anyone remembered your old username "Cyrax66." This site has a search engine and I thought it would be delightful to bring back that thread just to show those who are slightly thinking you might have done the impossible, to show that you really didn't. Like I said before, you ruined your joke before you even made this thread.

I will be truly stunned if you magically pull out all the so-called stuff you claim to have recorded. But, knowing that I can actually pull out evidence and make claims that are facts, I won't be stunned. And @Redman, noice!
05/27/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
RT @RonnyRAGE6669 @noobde Some1 on MKO claiming 2B a Beta tester on ur next game & showing gameplay B4U show yours EB: Some1 on MKO is lying


05/27/2014 06:16 PM (UTC)
Yes I worked as an alpha tester there...

12 characters are available, 3 characters are new. I took vid/plenty of pics but I can't upload them because of my contract.

Hara Kiris are back with a twist that u kill your apponent in addition to you.

if u finished the game.u unlock MK special forces remake. U play as Jarek. LOL..
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