John Tobias, the missing factor
posted11/26/2005 08:59 AM (UTC)by
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

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02/11/2003 03:19 PM (UTC)
I didn't post anything more than a year now, and the time has come :)
In my opinion Tobias was the real father of MK. He wrote the story, came up with new characters and the bigger part of MK's success is his desert. Now he has his own company, but as I see, it doesn't run so well. He knows the MK characters the best (till MK4), because he was the one who created them. Vogel and others can only speculate what would be with Sub-Zero, Scorpion etc... but Tobias could come up with a true awsome story for them. It would be the best for MK fans, and for the Midway too, to call back Tobias. He is the only guy who could make a true new MK.

MKDA, MKD and MKSM only feeds from Tobias's storyline with minimal new elements. For example Dragon King = mix of Shao Khan and Shinok (The ruler, and the long forgotten). Moloch as ony and subbos= Goro as shokan........ Or at least, if the present MK team don't have any new ideas, which isn't from the roots of the old MK, than they could unoficially ask Tobias to give them some advices glasses
I don't want to blame anybody with anything, especially not the MK team. They worked and still work hard. I just try to say, as a big MK fan, that future MK's could be much better in storyline. Much more simple and without so many backstabings. I want to say to the MK Team to keep up the good work and focus a bit more on storyline.

ps: sorry for the grammar
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11/22/2005 06:33 AM (UTC)
You mean the man who devised storylines on the complexity of a porn movie? Like if he would be better than Vogel. Sory to say it, but Onaga is everything but Shinnok+Shao Kahn (not MK4 Shinnok, that wasn't a real character).

Whats with the backstabbings? Jesus, it's simple, if people would not have to struggle daily for everything in Outworld, than it's importance and relevancy would be lost. If the evil ones stop scheming, than they would not be valid, and would succumb to nothing more than 1990 era bosses with the few word description "I fight you here, suince you made it this far"

Not only the backstabbings are bnecessary, but they give a valid feeling to the chracters. Tanya's a survivalist, Quan chi is a megalomaniac, Li Mei is influenced by the Dragon Kings powers and so on. If the majority would ot backstab, what would they do?
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11/22/2005 06:37 AM (UTC)
Hey man, great post.

I'd agree with you that something has definitely been missing from MK games since Tobias left: Creativity. With few exceptions, the characters that have come after MK3 have been almost completely forgettable. Under Tobias watch, we got characters like Sub Zero, Kitana, Sektor, Shang Tsung etc etc. Whether you liked the characters or not, you couldn't argue with the fact that they were unique, sporting their own style, their own unique moves/finishers, and stories that really drove the series.

Yet after Tobias left, we've seen a bevy of otherwise forgettable characters, many of which seem to serve as filler in old plots that should've grown in new directions a long time ago: Jarek, Kobra and Hsu Hao are prime examples here. Then you have characters that don't serve old plots, but just seem to take up space: Tanya, Bo Rai Cho and Dairou are good examples here. Sure, there have been some interesting plot twists (Noob being the original Sub-Zero springs to mind, even if I still think of him as Boon spelled backwards, almost a prank character if you will as well as the idea of the deadly alliance), but the plot has simply become too convoluted.

The DK, to me, seemed like a lame rip off of True Ogre, and the idea of the kamidogu and the many realms on display in the godawful konquest mode in the last game served to show just how far from its roots this series has strayed. I don't mind evolution if it's done well, but the story, the characters, the backgrounds, the modes...nearly everything about MK:D screamed quantity over quality. MK1 had 7 characters and it sold millions upon millions, people weren't buying MK:D because you could play a puzzle fighter rip off, and most fans felt short changed by the sheer number of characters that had few, if any new, unique moves of their own.

Yeah, I'm going into a bit of a tirade here, but it has a purpose. The MK team has switched its focus to quantity over quality. Creativity is going out the window. Outside of Ermac, we haven't seen any drastic changes to any characters. They simply come back, half the time from the dead, with a slightly different costume and EXACTLY the same moves. Why bother bringing back Nightwolf if he has basically the same moves as he did in MK3? Sure the fighting engine is different, but most people on this site would agree that the current engine is in dire need of repair, or it needs to be scrapped altogether in order to make way for a truly next generation fighting game.

Honestly, since John Tobias left, the MK team has had to resort to gimmicks like the krypt, konquest, and other diversionary tactics (hey look we have online play! Don't pay attention to the fact that you won't want to play it online because all the new characters suck and the old ones haven't changed since they first appeared five games ago!) seem to mask the fact that nothing truly unique and creative has happened in the story or the characters for a very long time. We haven't seen a truly kickass boss since MK3, the sub-bosses have been lame for the most part (can anyone explain to me why Noob-Smoke is the sub boss for MK:D? They didn't seem to have any connection to the DK whatsoever) and they just seem to keep heaping more and more on in hopes that no one will care. Well, I think that true hardcore fans have noticed. The hardcore fighting fans know that the fighting system is broken, and the longtime fans of the series know that the overall quality and creativity of the MK games has gone down significantly since Tobias left.

I disagree with you however on the idea of bringing him back. Sure, he did a great job with the ideas of MK1, 2 and 3...But did you see Tao Feng? Honestly one of the worst, most boring assemblege of characters ever to be in a fighting game (C'mon, a dude in a praying mantis costume is supposed to be taken seriously??). I would simply suggest this: Bring in new blood. New people with new ideas. People that know the series inside and out as well as the fanbase. People that know that MK fans don't want a Tekken clone or a DOA clone, but a quality game with a great fighting engine that utilizes new, cutting edge ideas while keeping the heart and soul of MK intact. Maybe, just maybe....After 6 main games and 1 side game, maybe the MK team is a little tapped creatively? It's the only thing that came to mind when Ed Boon announced that MK7 would have more characters than ever before. Why? So we can have more characters with stolen animations, stolen plotlines, and stolen moves? Characters that are plain and uninspired? Characters that adhere to the vastly overused plot devices (oh no, someone's been double-crossed!).

Either way, I agree that Tobias' leaving way back when hurt the MK team alot in the creativity department when it comes to story, characters, moves and even the overall feel of the game (and I don't mean the move to 3D, I know that was inevitable), but I'd like to see the MK team get some new, fresh ideas, not just more add on characters to go with add on game modes and an add on story. This all may sound harsh, but I say with all due respect to this series that I've followed since the beginning.
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11/22/2005 06:59 AM (UTC)
I disagree, since the whole character thing is subjective. i never really cared for the characters untill MKDA, hat has the best roster so far for me. People are ignorant towards characters like Bo' Rai Cho who I think are much more rounded characters than the character personality-impaired Edenian Princess. Disgusting attacks? Well let me say something, if someone would slash your stomachand disembowel you the first thing what would squrt out with the blood will be the contained waste.

Fat, unable to fight? Tsu Pa Hsien, Zui Ho(Ju) Chuan, and hell even Sumai have overweight methods. There is Bozi Chuan the lame man style... and I could list a few valid points.

Most people just try to pass their opinions as facts, and as we know mass wins, most peope now dislike Bo. But that doesn't change the fact that the accusations are simply nonrealistic and subjective in a sense.
if you don't like him, fine say so, but do't come up with dumb shit like: a fat man would not fight, disgusting etc.

The stories were much more detailed and coherent than MK4. Sadly MKD came with a nasty suprise of dumb finality. (btw, somehwere it is mentio-ned that N-S swore fealty to Onaga for the time of being, thats why they act as sub-bosses, check on that).

11/22/2005 09:07 AM (UTC)
Vogel has done a great job with many aspects of the MK storyline, his attention to detail, and more in depth backstories for characters, especially in MKDA (MKD was a dud on this front).

And although there have been more than a few fillers, or characters that simply didn't work, (Dairou and Kobra for example), MKDA/MKD also introduced a wider range of character types than the past games. He broadened the cast beyond ninjas/martial artists/ninjitsu stripper women. Guys like Kenshi, Mavado, Nitara, Havik, Drahmin, Li Mei and (as much as I hate him) even Bo Rai Cho are all interesting additions to the cast, different and unique enough to be much more than rehashes of past characters.

This said, I do think the series could do with input from the true father of MK, John Tobias. Vogel's biggest weakness is continuity, MKD's storyline basically undoes a lot of the good work he did in MKDA, his introduction of an all new hero (Shujinko) was handled badly. Plus he just casually changes big established parts of a characters storyline just like that (like Johnny's death/ressurection). Tobias's storylines might not have the depth of Vogel's but things did flow more easily from one part to the next, with very few big retcons.

I would personally be interested to see the two Johns work together on the MK plot. I know it's very unlikely, but with each complimenting the other, I think the results would be very interesting to see.
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

11/22/2005 12:40 PM (UTC)
Just think about what's on most MK fans (true old MK fans and not the generation which started MK games with MKDA) mind when they think about MK. The answer is simple: Sub-zero, Scorpion, Rayden, Johny Cage, Shao Khan, Shang Tsung, Sonja.... Where is Bo rai Cho, where is Li mei, where is Onaga, where is Mavado....? Which ones has bigger value for you, the first or the second ones? And with this you can compare the story and the work of Tobias and Vogel. Oh, and one more thing. Bo Rai Cho is a cheap copy of Rayden in mortal form (the teacher and the leader of the earth warriors). So please don't come to me with Bo Rai Cho as an unique character. ps: If they wanna do MK7 as good as it should be, than they must create less than 15 characters, but with very good story, moves, fatalitys and endings. Peace!
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11/22/2005 04:47 PM (UTC)
I never found anything about Raiden being a mentor in MK, but rather a leader if so to speak. Bo is right, becouse he follows a basic element of plotwrioting, an archetype. actually Bo's archetype is interesting ebcouse it doesn't follow a strick definition seen in mentor characters (for example, Gandalf, Mentor in the Odusseia -hence the word mentor, and so on).

The fact is, Bo' has an independent and significant role wether you like it or not. Unlike Raiden (a character what hasn't really done anything signi-ficant in past games) Bo' has a role in Liu Kangs plot as the teacher of a very significant move, and later on as Kung Lao's teacher (flying/whirlwind kick - theese are significant points becouse there is emphasis on them), rescuer of Li Mei, war general.. so much differentiating plots. Very good.

The BAD point about Bo' is that it came a bit late. If Bo' Rai would persay showed up in MK2 than he would be more accepted. The thing is MK characters as a whole show a strong line of Stalinistic personal cult. Too many emphasis on few characters have led to the point where the cnosu-mers of the plotline, we, are driven to select an elite class of characters. Thats why Kitana became a big fan favourite after UMK3 (though the Kitana combos had to do much with her popularity since MK2).

There aren't too many people associating with the characters like Bo' and Mavado, what is a sign of integral poorness. Why? becouse too many people rather associate with the more obvious, and powerful/beautyful-at-first-sight characters. Intellectual characters will never be much of a fan fav. unless they are extremely eccentric or outstanding in game aspects.

The sharkjumper for Bo' as I mentioned that he came too late, too many gruff, and disgusting masters have been produced in the media. (like that idiot Sun Di from a certain game).

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11/22/2005 06:17 PM (UTC)
Chrome, who are you directing your ideas at? I never said anything about not liking Bo Rai Cho because he's fat or disgusting. I have nothing against characters simply based on something like them being fat. I don't like Bo Rai Cho because I personally don't like his moves or his movement. I think that the moves are boring, silly, or just plain unisnspired. Plus, and this is more on the MK team than the character, but for all the hair he has, he still looks like he's made out of plastic, including his hair.

Of course this is subjective, we're all giving our opinions here. No one is trying to pass off their word as gospel. I think that the level of creativity in characters has gone down hill since MK3, possibly even MK2, which is why I was saying that Tobias might not be the answer. I posted what I thought they should do, but I was never intending to pass anything off as fact.

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11/22/2005 06:44 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Chrome, who are you directing your ideas at? I never said anything about not liking Bo Rai Cho because he's fat or disgusting. I have nothing against characters simply based on something like them being fat. I don't like Bo Rai Cho because I personally don't like his moves or his movement. I think that the moves are boring, silly, or just plain unisnspired. Plus, and this is more on the MK team than the character, but for all the hair he has, he still looks like he's made out of plastic, including his hair.

Of course this is subjective, we're all giving our opinions here. No one is trying to pass off their word as gospel. I think that the level of creativity in characters has gone down hill since MK3, possibly even MK2, which is why I was saying that Tobias might not be the answer. I posted what I thought they should do, but I was never intending to pass anything off as fact.

Iho, no it's not wether they aredireted at someone, but I've noticed that people condemn the general base value of the newcomers with semivalid reasonings that wouldn't normally hold place against a real debate.

There are things in each literal work may it be a novel or a computer game bios that can be set as a rule. There are several archetypes that must be used becouse literature and it's tools have reached minimally the 95% of their capacity. To create new now is seemingly impossible.

Therefore with the need of archetypes, the number of archetypes turning into cliche's grow. One has to think about what parts of base lements they use. (and to what reason, Bo's idea was the divergence from the perfect and overaverage that doesn't imply powerfullness at first glympse) And that is why it is so sad that people are so needless about the characters. Whats not something digestible at first take is bad.

As for the storyline itself. there is a maxim for this. If the character is found
"uncool" then people WILL condemn it's storyline. And honestly, if we take the designs of the characters, what could you possibly expected from them? or infact, how would ave you change them to be more fitting for your tastes?

11/22/2005 06:49 PM (UTC)
[Sub-Zero, you do make a very good point in saying that people more readily associate MK with the older characters, Sub Zero, Raiden, Johnny Cage etc rather than newer ones. This is because they have been around since the early days, and I will admit that many of them are still important enough to have a place in MK's future (though I honestly think it's time Jax and Liu Kang were dropped for good).

But MK cannot rely on these same few characters alone, over and over from one game to the next. We have to have new characters introduced into the mix. As the games and the storylines grow, MK will need new characters, whether it's for story purposes, or to introduce more unique fighting styles to keep the gameplay interesting. I have been an MK fan since the first game, but at least three of my favourite characters didn't appear in the series until MKDA (which, imo, had the best cast in an MK game to date).

Why the hell should a character be instantly dismissed just because they came after a certain game, or they're not the usual ninja type? Some of the most boring, generic characters were unfortunately introduced in the Tobias era (Reiko and Rain to name two) so both Tobias and Vogel are responsible for creating duds as well as good characters. I do think the next MK should try for less new characters than MKD, since many of them were either underdeveloped (Hotaru), or just plain crap (Kobra). Maybe about four well done newcomers would be better. One thing MKD did well was bring back a lot of less established fighters, revamp them, and in many cases develop them further. I think the same should happen with some of the guys introduced in MKDA (like Mavado and Nitara), as well as a couple more classics we've not seen in a while (I'm hoping to see Stryker again, I can wish can't I?).

Even with some of the classics, Vogel developed them in ways Tobias never did. Kung Lao finally stepped out of Liu's shadow to become a potential new hero, Raiden became an insane fanatic protecting Earth nomatter who had to die, and even shitty old Scorpion got something other than the usual vengance plotline. Though with Vogel's useless sense of continuity, there's a chance this could all change in MK7.

11/22/2005 11:02 PM (UTC)
I think Tobias Should come back. He has always had good ideas. He kind of messed up on the movies. But he did good with the games!
11/23/2005 12:29 AM (UTC)
tobias needs to come back we should start a petition or sumthing.. hes the orginal mind dat created is nuthin witout him n has been nuthin since he left
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11/23/2005 01:53 AM (UTC)
Whoa Chrome, you think that literature has reached 95% capacity? Honestly, I don't grant that premise at all. Not one bit. Just because the literary world has become similar to the music and movie industries (find something good and than copy it until the market is saturated, then move on to the next fad) doesn't mean that writers are unable to come up with new ideas. Therefore I don't grant the need for archetypes. Unfortunately, given the recent lack of creative drive exhibited by the MK team, I have a feeling that we'll see more and more characters that lean so far into the realm of what's already been done before that they probably will be stereotypes or cliches. Ezra Pound said "make it new" several decades ago. I seriously doubt that there is no "new" left since the time he made that statement.

I have to say also that I have never viewed newcomer's to the series and/or their opinions with any more or less value than anyone else on this board. The only people that I tend to get annoyed by, or at the very least tend to ignore are those that post about the same topic or character over and over again, especially those that mangle sentence structure and spelling. I'm not that big a snob, if someone's typing fast and spells a few words wrong, no problem. It's when I see stuff like "WoWISNT seKtor gunu bE thaBOMM!!!!!!1111!!!!!???/?? HEbE GONa kickAzzzzz and all ThET ime" But no, I'd never roll my eyes because someone says they like the new games better than the old ones, or haven't even played the old ones.

Lastly, I believe that people can seperate character look from moves and storyline. For example, I thought that Havik looked amazing. One of the best character designs ever in the history of MK. However, I thought his moves were corny at best, and his storyline, while hinting at future potential, showed little other than the fact that "you never know what he'll do next." So while the character looked cool, his moves and storyline were less than impressive. Would I like to see him back? Sure, just give him cool moves and drop the order/chaos story and I think he'd be really cool.

Another example would be Kira, I think she fits more of your idea on character versus story. She looked completely derivative (can you say Bloodrayne?) and her moves were ripoffs. A prime example of the corner cutting that we've seen in recent MK games. Her story however left me with a feeling of optimism. She has a past that hasn't been explored much, she's now in Kabal's Black Dragon after killing Kobra (if her ending is to be believed). My first thoughts were "okay, what happens when Kano comes back? Who wil she choose to follow? Will there be a love plot? Will she spy for anyone? What role does the Red Dragon play in this?" Then the MK Armageddon domain was registered and I thought "Armageddon? Suppose there's some force out to end the world, what role would she play in that? The Black Dragon? Could a new evil possibly serve to shake the previously established alliances and possibly reorder the way of things in MK? What if she found herself on a different side than the group she worked to infiltrate and become a part of?"

My gripe is that the MK team hasn't really fleshed out ideas and implications that events have on characters all that well. Furthermore, what we end up with is a group of characters that feel like add-on's simply to bulk up the number of characters. Again with my gripe that MK is focusing too much on quantity and not enough on quality. Why can't we have CG intros for each character, maybe some CG before they fight a character that they have a grudge against, or a vice versa? Why no ending CG's? I think that there are many ways that you can go with a character's story, making it boring or exciting, making a whole plotline boring or exciting (I liked Black Dragon VS Red Dragon in MK:DA, I didn't like Order VS Chaos in MK:D) but those things can be done completely independent of characters. Havik could have awesome moves to go with his awesome look, and I'd like him alot more completely independent of whether his story was better or worse. But this is my opinion, I'm not trying to pass of my word as the voice of the board or anyone else for that matter.
SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

11/23/2005 04:40 AM (UTC)
The main problem is, that there are too many new characters in every MK since MK:DA. MK team simply can't handle that as good as they thought. If they don't stop that, then we will have cheaper and cheaper characters and storyline in every game. Why not focusing on the present characters? I personally think, that in MK7 there is no need of new characters. Picking up 15 of present, most popular characters and makeing a good storyline, moves, fatalitys and endings for them is the solution. And bringing back Tobias of course glasses

11/23/2005 05:51 AM (UTC)
See, I'm not all about doing things that are "new" so much as I am about doing things that are "fun". Whenever I write something, that's what I am for: Not something that'll set a benchmark or revolutionize or something, just something that'll be fun for both the reader and myself.

That's something I think MK has lacked. For all the seriousness to the story, you still had something that was essentially a cheesy Hong Kong action flick. Just more violent. There was some fun to it, despite the darkness and sinisterness of the story (or maybe I'm crazy). That's something they really need to recapture. Mortal Kombat right now is akin to the current trend in comics where everything is dark, heroes do decidedly unheroic things, and everything falls into an area of grey.

That's really the main thing that's turned me off from the story. Vogel's trying way too hard for stuff that'll have impact or shock the reader or whatever that he's kind of forgotten to just have fun with the story. Try and write something good and fun.
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11/23/2005 06:22 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Whoa Chrome, you think that literature has reached 95% capacity? Honestly, I don't grant that premise at all. Not one bit.

Ahh, I don't think....., that is what you learn on university literature class. There is a division of criticism that states that literature has used up all basic elements and new things are uncreatable without borrowing base arche-typical elements. Sure there are other aproaches, but this is what's in common use today, becouse if it is not exhausted, then it's swelling up fast. Like music, all new genres are a mixture of old ones in different rati-os.... so this one what i would say is the most likely.

All of you wishing Tobias back, you understand that he butchered MK4 and otherwise he fucked up Tao Feng as already stated?

SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

11/23/2005 12:18 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Whoa Chrome, you think that literature has reached 95% capacity? Honestly, I don't grant that premise at all. Not one bit.

Ahh, I don't think....., that is what you learn on university literature class. There is a division of criticism that states that literature has used up all basic elements and new things are uncreatable without borrowing base arche-typical elements. Sure there are other aproaches, but this is what's in common use today, becouse if it is not exhausted, then it's swelling up fast. Like music, all new genres are a mixture of old ones in different rati-os.... so this one what i would say is the most likely.

All of you wishing Tobias back, you understand that he butchered MK4 and otherwise he fucked up Tao Feng as already stated?

Well. MK4's simple fighting engine was even better and enjoyable than contemporary MKDA and MKD engines. MK4's storyline is very good, one of the best, but you can fully find it, if you examine MK Mithologys: Sub-Zero. That's the real story of MK4 and it is freakin good. The other thing is, that Tao Feng's fighting engine is absolutly great. I have Tao Feng and those moves, combos and reality is something what MK is missing for years. I agree that there are 2 or 3 stupid characters, but for example Fiery Phoenix, Iron Monk and Devine Fist are very cool guys in my opinion. Tobias's secret is in simplicity and Vogel puts all those shits on Scorpion, for example the ninja sword on his back and 50kg of armor on his body.... Ninja has to be quick and light dressed, but Scorpion and Sub-Zero are like heavy armored medievil knights and not ninjas in MKDA and MKD. ////Ugyhogy légyszíves ne próbáld máskép magyarázni azt, ami már tény, 1992 óta MK-t nyomom és elég idõm volt kielemezni////
All in all, Tobias was is and will be the father of MK and nobody can continue something better than the one, who started it.

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11/23/2005 01:51 PM (UTC)
[SUB-ZERO Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Whoa Chrome, you think that literature has reached 95% capacity? Honestly, I don't grant that premise at all. Not one bit.

Ahh, I don't think....., that is what you learn on university literature class. There is a division of criticism that states that literature has used up all basic elements and new things are uncreatable without borrowing base arche-typical elements. Sure there are other aproaches, but this is what's in common use today, becouse if it is not exhausted, then it's swelling up fast. Like music, all new genres are a mixture of old ones in different rati-os.... so this one what i would say is the most likely.

All of you wishing Tobias back, you understand that he butchered MK4 and otherwise he fucked up Tao Feng as already stated?

Well. MK4's simple fighting engine was even better and enjoyable than contemporary MKDA and MKD engines. MK4's storyline is very good, one of the best, but you can fully find it, if you examine MK Mithologys: Sub-Zero. That's the real story of MK4 and it is freakin good. The other thing is, that Tao Feng's fighting engine is absolutly great. I have Tao Feng and those moves, combos and reality is something what MK is missing for years. I agree that there are 2 or 3 stupid characters, but for example Fiery Phoenix, Iron Monk and Devine Fist are very cool guys in my opinion. Tobias's secret is in simplicity and Vogel puts all those shits on Scorpion, for example the ninja sword on his back and 50kg of armor on his body.... Ninja has to be quick and light dressed, but Scorpion and Sub-Zero are like heavy armored medievil knights and not ninjas in MKDA and MKD. ////Ugyhogy légyszíves ne próbáld máskép magyarázni azt, ami már tény, 1992 óta MK-t nyomom és elég idõm volt kielemezni////
All in all, Tobias was is and will be the father of MK and nobody can continue something better than the one, who started it.



Na igen, csakhogy Sub-Yero nem ninja, és az igazi shinobik sosem rohangaltak kardokkal stb. mondjuk ez igaz. Viszont ha az 50 kg páncél akkor ... hát, egy lovagi csatapáncél nem volt nehezebb 35 kg-nél csatára felkészített állapotban. Másik dolog hogy nem az MK-t kell elemezni, az a saját kis univerzumában megvan magának szépen. Más kérdés hogy ez a kis dolog helytálló-e ás következetes, na akkor ilyenkor kell elõvenni a dekompozicionáló elemzéseket pl. Arisztotelészi, poszt-modern, existenci-alista, akár Marxista.. na akkor szép kis eredményekre jutnánk eme utolsó-val).

its medieval though, no problem...

Ninjas weren§t sppedy warriors but in truth one strike stealth assassins. And they rarely wore black leather, most of the time they were disguised as as samurais, vagrant priests, actors, entertainers with one handweapon at best. So, as Masaaki sensei has already stated in his studies, ninja are not black dressed, assassin clads with superior wea-ponry...and if someone, than he knows what he talks about.

Anyways, the armor is not that bad, a cuirass is for a costume, well its not that bad. Shinobis wore chain or boiled leather cuirasses. More leather and cloth would be velcome. Sub-Zero can have an armor, since chinese culture had good armorsmiths, and the crab-striped system of plated mails (szelvényes vagy rákozott páncél) stems from there, at least partially.

Your opinions over MK4s storyline is subjective. I personally disliked it along with mythologies. Same with tao characters, I find them unispired, though ironmonk was partially entertaining.

OK, back to the core question, I already lingered too away from it. All aspects of storyline are subjective, the structure and execution in the real sense of character assembly is what can be states as either good or bad. The aspects of a character, such as his look, his opinions and choices as a character (via the writers of course), are aslways the ones what can be judged by preference. (the core idea of the decomposition is to determine, not to judge, but multiversality - or characters with multiple relevant sides is what critics determine to be richer, not better, but richer.)
SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

11/24/2005 09:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome. I know the history of old japan very well. Shinobis/ninjas etc. no mather how do you call them, because they had many names but one purpose. The main problem is that you don't see the fact, that those ninjas in MK, who Tobias created in his mind are not equal with the assasins from japanese empire. These are the MK ninjas and their main attributions are the martial arts, hand to hand combat, quickness.. and not the weapon combat. Vogel did the same mistake as you. He thought that making old school ninja from scorpion with katana sword and making Sub-Zero's outfit, style and weapon something simular to armors, weapons and outfits in Chinese empire style is a good point because he didn't see the theory of Tobias. Don't let the literacy dazzle you and try to think with an ordinary MK fan's mind so you will see that he knows one thing, the thing that MK1-4 had something what's missing from MKDA and MKD and he cannot tell you what this thing is. This thing is not simple and Tobias's theory of ninjas in MK was only one of many. That would be a long analysis if i had to try to explain it. Chrome, the fact is that you cannot explain something what simply isn't true only because you lean on literacy and vocabulary. Tobias's theory of MK world was something that cannot be imitated and even if nowdays there are cool characters, more explained story and cool things, the factor is, that Tobias's theory will still miss in all of these. MK died in 1998 and what we see now is a cheap replica of something what made good income for Midway in 90's period. This replica is designed to flay the last oddment of the original MK and the last MK game will be the biggest fall. I suggest to MK Team (beacuse it is true that Vogel and the others are very creative) to make a new fighting game and let the MK rest in peace. You will all see that after a short period of time MK simply won't go so well and wont make enough income so they will throw it in the trashcan, then they will listen to my advice and make another fighting game, but when this become reality they will kill MK.

That's only my opinion, but everybody try to judge it himself.... Anyway, time will answer everything....

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11/24/2005 11:01 PM (UTC)
thumbs up
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11/24/2005 11:30 PM (UTC)
"Chrome. I know the history of old japan very well. Shinobis/ninjas etc. no mather how do you call them, because they had many names but one purpose. The main problem is that you don't see the fact, that those ninjas in MK, who Tobias created in his mind are not equal with the assasins from japanese empire. These are the MK ninjas and their main attributions are the martial arts, hand to hand combat, quickness.. and not the weapon combat."

Who doesn't know the history of Japan if he is occupied with things such as MK? The question is, is that enough? Or is it valid in the first place? But tats aside the point, just an interesting lingering thought.

Irrelevant, they were proficient in martial methods to an extent. Wether that is weapon, unarmed, mounted it's not the point. I am also well aware of the concept scethces of the "MK ninjas" from MK1 and those had weapons just as Shang Tsung had. Err, and you take weapon combat and martial arts as two different entities? Bad move - from personal experience.


"Vogel did the same mistake as you. He thought that making old school ninja from scorpion with katana sword and making Sub-Zero's outfit, style and weapon something simular to armors, weapons and outfits in Chinese empire style is a good point because he didn't see the theory of Tobias."

And is Tobias handled as a maxim here? Becouse thats not necessarily relevant to criticism and deconstruction. Theese are decorations that don't change anything about function of the characters. And the real question is: wether he liked or wether he did not like Tobias' ideas, he changed it, it is YOUR opinion on the matter, the fucntion hasn't changed, therefore Scorpi-on hasn't changed untill the plotline station.

Maybe you are attached to Tobias' verison, but that doesn't applies quality.
infact, it is their property, and -ahem- what do you know of their intentions? I mean, they might have wished Scorpion to be something like this in MKD from the first place? Theese surface things don't mean anything functional.
At least in character assembly. A person is not built up from armors, but from a personality. A profession and it's accessories come secondary.


"Don't let the literacy dazzle you and try to think with an ordinary MK fan's mind so you will see that he knows one thing, the thing that MK1-4 had something what's missing from MKDA and MKD and he cannot tell you what this thing is."

I do. The lack of detailed description and denser and shorter plotlines not linking through games. Every character had alot more simple backgrounds
and that is what you may find as superb to the new one. You could handle the old one as a whole unit. When we are at the sixth or seventh install-ment things get alot more changed becouse we can't let the plot to beco-me stagnant. You may not like the change, fine, but if Tobias were in char-ge now, he would had to change it also, and then you would have the pos-sibility of not liking that too.

what I meant with I do is that i can explain this part of it as of now"

Btw, I do not shameless to admit that I have a little bit more literal knowled-ge than almost 90% of those who are dwelling into the plots. I am not entitled to criticise others, nor would I want to, I merely debate, but I will use all the methods I am learned through the seminars. And those cannot be argumented over of being not valid. If I miss something or have smaller view over the issue, then I modify my opinion on something according to it.

Therefore it is not appropiate for you to say that I am bedazzled by it. I am trained to use it, since it will be my future profession damnit. And if not the literacy, then what else???


"This thing is not simple and Tobias's theory of ninjas in MK was only one of many. That would be a long analysis if i had to try to explain it. Chrome, the fact is that you cannot explain something what simply isn't true only because you lean on literacy and vocabulary."

I lean on axiomic facts. Now there we go, that was too literate wasn't it? It means that it is an indeniable fact, a rule that applies everytime and can-not be interchanged by any debate (such as the sky is blue, -don't get into the deate what spectrum do you experience, thats not the case. It is the reference to the color of the sky that we all know as the same)

One such collection of rules is decomposition as a part of literature. You just -sorry to say that- stated something directly opposing what is accepted throughout the whole word. Error might be in MY interpretation, but not in the facts.


Tobias's theory of MK world was something that cannot be imitated and even if nowdays there are cool characters, more explained story and cool things, the factor is, that Tobias's theory will still miss in all of these.

Especially the detailless and motion-based description. Yup, it cannot be copied since it was the most basic forms of storytelling. And if the theory misses? it's not like we have the right to decide over:
1. either what they give us
2. what they want to do
3. what they are feeling confortable and fitting for their creative needs


MK died in 1998 and what we see now is a cheap replica of something what made good income for Midway in 90's period.

For you. I experienced MK as an overly ridiculous fighter untill MKDA. I weren't into the fighting games all that much, but I clearly remember any part of the MK's plotline if need be.


"This replica is designed to flay the last oddment of the original MK and the last MK game will be the biggest fall. I suggest to MK Team (beacuse it is true that Vogel and the others are very creative) to make a new fighting game and let the MK rest in peace. You will all see that after a short period of time MK simply won't go so well and wont make enough income so they will throw it in the trashcan, then they will listen to my advice and make another fighting game, but when this become reality they will kill MK."

You just stated as it were an overly bad thing. It happens to all products. you are trying to permutate your opinion into facts. Maybe if it's true, who knows, I'm really not bothered with it. Becouse it will only die out if there is no need for it. The next generation of MK players will be -possibly- into the new MK's, and if they can keept the franchise alive, than whats wrong with it? Countless of people are being satisfied with a fun presentation. And those who will outnumber those who play old class MK won't give a rat's ass about your feelings, or about mine thats for sure, and I can't really blame them.


That's only my opinion, but everybody try to judge it himself.... Anyway, time will answer everything....


You missed another key factor. Everyone has different needs and levels of satisfaction from a plotline. Some might be content with Rain returning as a good guy (aside the opinions on character value) and there may be some who are not content with such simplistic matters.

In my taste, MK and everything on the consoles considered so far to have excellent plotlines are mediocre so far, and since I only own a PC, I could check only the most unique games that have good plotlines (StarCraft for example is now not just a game, it has spawned a series of novels, bo-oks, it is the national -cyberspace- sport of South Korea etc.)

For example, Starcraft vs. MK? MK is a fairy tale compared to it. But it has it's shining points. Derivating from the whole discussion: please make sure that you don't try to justify your opinion as fact I beg you, it's exactly what you accused me of.

You are just too attached to MK1-4 era therefore biased about it. Such thing was naming MK4 better than contemporary mechanics. it's not, it may have been enjoyable for you, but to others it wasn't and sicne it can't stand in competition against "contemporary" engines (it wasn't 3D in the first place) it was even then an old thing remade in a new coating. Besides the only thing that engine excelled at was the use of OpenGL drivers and gamespeed. How do you explain the stepback from the different combos of each of the characters in MK3-UMK3? How do you explain the shitty 3D modelling and space handling (characters running backwards and such) and the collision calculating (leg breaker stomps can be abused) and the unbalanced roster? Theese were the basic problems of that engine. it had qualities sure, but MK4 was pulled down by those via ratings who were contemporary at the time.

Peace. I will prevail tough wink
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<img src=

11/25/2005 05:33 PM (UTC)
Chrome, I have been round the university block before. I got my BS in English with a concentration guessed it. Writing. I also have a graduate degree in public administration. I think it's safe to say that I've taken a few writing classes as well as lit classes. But you didn't know that about me, so I'm going to assume that you were talking down to me.

The approach that nothing is new, everything has been done before is one that I faced several times in undergrad. However, I had one prof that believed that new ideas existed, waiting to be found. Honestly, with the capacity of human thought, do you really believe that we can't come up with anything new? Where did the Greeks come up with their ideas? If you think that the Greek tragedies were derivitave, then where did those writers get their ideas? You could say that their is nothing new to be found, but something new is always discovered in writing, math, history, the sciences, and virtually every other field of study. Think about it, we wouldn't be having this discussion without the advent of the internet or the computer for that matter, and neither invention is particularly old. I personally look at writing the same way. Of course you're going to see influences, it's hard to practice any art without learning, but as one of the most advanced societies in the history of this planet, I seriously doubt that people have met their capacity in any field whatsoever.

Of course, I'm way off topic. I agree with Pretentious when it comes to MK. At it's heart, MK really was just a video game version of a cheesy Hong Kong action flick. However, I'd add this: Had that ever been done before in video games? To me, the answer is definitively NO. It was new, and I believe that it can continue with new and unique ideas. All the MK team needs to do is show a little creativity. That's all I'm asking for. No, I don't need something that's never ever before in history ever ever been done before, but c'mon on. Almost all of the new characters had special moves, stances, weapons and/or animations stolen from other characters. Now personally, I always look forward to using brand new characters, so I'm not advocating the use of only past MK fighters, but if this pattern continues for new characters, then they might as well just give us what we already know and love.

You've got some great points and some great ideas Chrome, so don't think I'm baggin on you or anything like that. This has been a good discussion thus far.
11/26/2005 03:47 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
"Chrome. I know the history of old japan very well. Shinobis/ninjas etc. no mather how do you call them, because they had many names but one purpose. The main problem is that you don't see the fact, that those ninjas in MK, who Tobias created in his mind are not equal with the assasins from japanese empire. These are the MK ninjas and their main attributions are the martial arts, hand to hand combat, quickness.. and not the weapon combat."

Who doesn't know the history of Japan if he is occupied with things such as MK? The question is, is that enough? Or is it valid in the first place? But tats aside the point, just an interesting lingering thought.

Irrelevant, they were proficient in martial methods to an extent. Wether that is weapon, unarmed, mounted it's not the point. I am also well aware of the concept scethces of the "MK ninjas" from MK1 and those had weapons just as Shang Tsung had. Err, and you take weapon combat and martial arts as two different entities? Bad move - from personal experience.


"Vogel did the same mistake as you. He thought that making old school ninja from scorpion with katana sword and making Sub-Zero's outfit, style and weapon something simular to armors, weapons and outfits in Chinese empire style is a good point because he didn't see the theory of Tobias."

And is Tobias handled as a maxim here? Becouse thats not necessarily relevant to criticism and deconstruction. Theese are decorations that don't change anything about function of the characters. And the real question is: wether he liked or wether he did not like Tobias' ideas, he changed it, it is YOUR opinion on the matter, the fucntion hasn't changed, therefore Scorpi-on hasn't changed untill the plotline station.

Maybe you are attached to Tobias' verison, but that doesn't applies quality.
infact, it is their property, and -ahem- what do you know of their intentions? I mean, they might have wished Scorpion to be something like this in MKD from the first place? Theese surface things don't mean anything functional.
At least in character assembly. A person is not built up from armors, but from a personality. A profession and it's accessories come secondary.


"Don't let the literacy dazzle you and try to think with an ordinary MK fan's mind so you will see that he knows one thing, the thing that MK1-4 had something what's missing from MKDA and MKD and he cannot tell you what this thing is."

I do. The lack of detailed description and denser and shorter plotlines not linking through games. Every character had alot more simple backgrounds
and that is what you may find as superb to the new one. You could handle the old one as a whole unit. When we are at the sixth or seventh install-ment things get alot more changed becouse we can't let the plot to beco-me stagnant. You may not like the change, fine, but if Tobias were in char-ge now, he would had to change it also, and then you would have the pos-sibility of not liking that too.

what I meant with I do is that i can explain this part of it as of now"

Btw, I do not shameless to admit that I have a little bit more literal knowled-ge than almost 90% of those who are dwelling into the plots. I am not entitled to criticise others, nor would I want to, I merely debate, but I will use all the methods I am learned through the seminars. And those cannot be argumented over of being not valid. If I miss something or have smaller view over the issue, then I modify my opinion on something according to it.

Therefore it is not appropiate for you to say that I am bedazzled by it. I am trained to use it, since it will be my future profession damnit. And if not the literacy, then what else???


"This thing is not simple and Tobias's theory of ninjas in MK was only one of many. That would be a long analysis if i had to try to explain it. Chrome, the fact is that you cannot explain something what simply isn't true only because you lean on literacy and vocabulary."

I lean on axiomic facts. Now there we go, that was too literate wasn't it? It means that it is an indeniable fact, a rule that applies everytime and can-not be interchanged by any debate (such as the sky is blue, -don't get into the deate what spectrum do you experience, thats not the case. It is the reference to the color of the sky that we all know as the same)

One such collection of rules is decomposition as a part of literature. You just -sorry to say that- stated something directly opposing what is accepted throughout the whole word. Error might be in MY interpretation, but not in the facts.


Tobias's theory of MK world was something that cannot be imitated and even if nowdays there are cool characters, more explained story and cool things, the factor is, that Tobias's theory will still miss in all of these.

Especially the detailless and motion-based description. Yup, it cannot be copied since it was the most basic forms of storytelling. And if the theory misses? it's not like we have the right to decide over:
1. either what they give us
2. what they want to do
3. what they are feeling confortable and fitting for their creative needs


MK died in 1998 and what we see now is a cheap replica of something what made good income for Midway in 90's period.

For you. I experienced MK as an overly ridiculous fighter untill MKDA. I weren't into the fighting games all that much, but I clearly remember any part of the MK's plotline if need be.


"This replica is designed to flay the last oddment of the original MK and the last MK game will be the biggest fall. I suggest to MK Team (beacuse it is true that Vogel and the others are very creative) to make a new fighting game and let the MK rest in peace. You will all see that after a short period of time MK simply won't go so well and wont make enough income so they will throw it in the trashcan, then they will listen to my advice and make another fighting game, but when this become reality they will kill MK."

You just stated as it were an overly bad thing. It happens to all products. you are trying to permutate your opinion into facts. Maybe if it's true, who knows, I'm really not bothered with it. Becouse it will only die out if there is no need for it. The next generation of MK players will be -possibly- into the new MK's, and if they can keept the franchise alive, than whats wrong with it? Countless of people are being satisfied with a fun presentation. And those who will outnumber those who play old class MK won't give a rat's ass about your feelings, or about mine thats for sure, and I can't really blame them.


That's only my opinion, but everybody try to judge it himself.... Anyway, time will answer everything....


You missed another key factor. Everyone has different needs and levels of satisfaction from a plotline. Some might be content with Rain returning as a good guy (aside the opinions on character value) and there may be some who are not content with such simplistic matters.

In my taste, MK and everything on the consoles considered so far to have excellent plotlines are mediocre so far, and since I only own a PC, I could check only the most unique games that have good plotlines (StarCraft for example is now not just a game, it has spawned a series of novels, bo-oks, it is the national -cyberspace- sport of South Korea etc.)

For example, Starcraft vs. MK? MK is a fairy tale compared to it. But it has it's shining points. Derivating from the whole discussion: please make sure that you don't try to justify your opinion as fact I beg you, it's exactly what you accused me of.

You are just too attached to MK1-4 era therefore biased about it. Such thing was naming MK4 better than contemporary mechanics. it's not, it may have been enjoyable for you, but to others it wasn't and sicne it can't stand in competition against "contemporary" engines (it wasn't 3D in the first place) it was even then an old thing remade in a new coating. Besides the only thing that engine excelled at was the use of OpenGL drivers and gamespeed. How do you explain the stepback from the different combos of each of the characters in MK3-UMK3? How do you explain the shitty 3D modelling and space handling (characters running backwards and such) and the collision calculating (leg breaker stomps can be abused) and the unbalanced roster? Theese were the basic problems of that engine. it had qualities sure, but MK4 was pulled down by those via ratings who were contemporary at the time.

Peace. I will prevail tough wink

I'll counter your novel of a post with a simple paragraph:

Tobias was involved with all the classic MKs. He left during the early production of MK4, so very few of his concepts were used. We've seen how he would've done his own 3D fighter with Tao Feng, but we have not seen (and possible yet to see) how he would've handled a 3D MK, and anything to argue that is nothing but a partisan assumption.
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11/26/2005 08:59 AM (UTC)
Yes, well that doesn't bring anything on is it? Since he left (well I knew he left during the MK4 and Mythologies era) we won't know, but since the graphic execution is not entirely a part of storytelling, I most probably would have been similar to the 1-3 era.

Who knows, I think Tobias could have been influenced by the overall designs and concepts through game developments and could have had devised a story a bit different from 1-3.

Becouse MK4 is lackluster imo, very simple, and it has so much contra-dictions and unbuilt structures that it's ery sad. I mean Shinnok didn't seem anything but laughable as an attempt. MK4 = as they said is the Quan Chi show, what would be good.

The error I think loies within that the Mythology game is soo necessary for MK4 as an entirety that MK4 isn't realy making so much sense without it as a stand alone game. aAnd I think therein lies the problem. Without MKM it looses so much sense, that it is ridiculous.

MK4 is the most enigmatic and bizzare out of the MK games. Shinnok had great importance, but that didn't manifested itself in the game. To put it simple, MK4 as a story fel flat on the face in my opinion, and the structure isn't so much better either with the inconsistencies.
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