Jason Voorhees
posted07/22/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Yes, I'm posting another thread that specifically covers one potential guest character in particular, so if it bothers some purists, well, can't please everybody. Don't worry, I'm not about to post dozens of individual guest threads all at once, nor everyday. And I don't care about copyrights, or how unlikely we are to get certain characters as guests. Now, with that said...

Variants for Jason

Undead: The best known version, from Jason Lives to Jason X, before he got upgraded. He is slow, can barely jump, if at all. However, he barely flinches from most attacks, and has boss-like endurance.

Human: the version encountered in the third and fourth F13 movies, and the reboot. Has the same endurance as the undead version, but he flinches from attacks (he'd grab his balls if Johnny low blow'd him), moves faster, and has better jumping prowess (though not exactly acrobatic).

The Jason X design, and the very first one (the potato bag) from the second movie, should be alts for the undead and human variants, respectively. The JX alt should come with a aesthetically-different machete.

Intro: Kobra, with a machete in hand, prepares for the fight, when the ch-ch-ch noise is heard, and Jason, suddenly behind Kobra, kills him (in a variety of ways) and grabs his machete. Alternately, Jason could already have his machete, and kill an MK character (but not any bosses) who didn't make it in as a part of the roster, and/or Freddy, if he too didn't make the cut. "Conversations" between Jason and the opponent would obviously be one-sided, but you'd still see Jason react, in some ways.

Fatalities (just a few)

Crystal Lake: the fight would take place near a lake, with a canoe on the water. The stage fatality sees the opponent uppercutted in the canoe, followed by a young Jason coming out of the water to drag the victim down.

Choke: Grabs the opponent by the throat, and strangles them to death. The camera should focus on the victim's face as they are getting the life choked out of them. Once they die, Jason violently drops the body.

And, the best for last

X-Ray: Pulls a person wrapped up in a sleeping bag out of nowhere to knock down the opponent and beat on them. You'd see both the opponent's bones, and the victim's, being broken. It would end with Jason kicking the opponent away, and throwing the victim at them.
07/21/2014 09:54 PM (UTC)
Impressive thoughts.

If we do get Jason for DLC, he will need to balanced out like Freddy was. Jason would probably have two machetes on his back in sheaths. Maybe he might only have one...who knows.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

07/21/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
That Camp Crystal Lake fatality made me laugh lol

Anyway I think all off these ideas are awesome. The variations, the intros, those fatalities and that X-ray! Good stuff!

That said, if Jason IS in, I REALLY hope that NRS sees this thread. I grew up watching the Friday the 13th series and I don't know if I can top this.

07/21/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the comments, people. Here's one more idea.

Jason's outro/victory pose (when he doesn't kill his opponent): based on that parody of the James Bond intro, the announcer says "Jason wins" and Jason throws his machete at the screen. You hear the announcer scream.
About Me

07/22/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
I would love to see a Jason voorhees for DLC!! There are so many possibilities for x-days and fatalities , it really is endless , you have 12 movies of ideas to pull from , I'd buy this DLC twice lol!
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

07/22/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
Lol, it's too bad they already used the eye popping fatality with Raiden. That would have been perfect for Jason! Remember Friday the 13th part 3?
07/22/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Lol, it's too bad they already used the eye popping fatality with Raiden. That would have been perfect for Jason! Remember Friday the 13th part 3?

No reason we couldn't still have it. We've had lot of decapitations and torso rips in the same games before. I feel Jason crushing an opponent's head with his bare hands so hard the eyes pop out would be significantly different from Raiden's fatality. You could even make it an X-Ray fatality, where you see the skull cracking under pressure.
07/22/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
For Jason only 1 fatality would do.

The eye-pushing horror from Game of Thrones, where the Mountain crushes the skull and eyes from another guy in an arena fight with his bare hands.

Most nasty thing i've seen in a serie EVER.
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