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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/15/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
I hope jade sits this one out. Tho I rather her than Kitana!

Honestly they both need rest but there needs to be at least one of them playable to balance out Tanya and (hopefully) mileena

But I hope they make her more interesting! She needs to think for herself for once and not Kitana
06/15/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:

Honestly they both need rest

06/15/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)

I would be really pleased if it was Tanya, Jade and Kitana who were playable. Mileena can sit this one out she's has star treatment in MKD and MK9.

Again, they need to come up with something new for Tanya this time because Edenia isn't freed. Not to toot my own horn but I like the Tanya as Kitana and Jade's servant idea I had on the last page.

There needs to be some reason for their rivalry. Or maybe Tanya is good this time.

06/15/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I would be really pleased if it was Tanya, Jade and Kitana who were playable. Mileena can sit this one out she's has star treatment in MKD and MK9.

Again, they need to come up with something new for Tanya this time because Edenia isn't freed. Not to toot my own horn but I like the Tanya as Kitana and Jade's servant idea I had on the last page.

There needs to be some reason for their rivalry. Or maybe Tanya is good this time.

About Tanya: she can be a waitress. heheh, the "Can I take your order" gets me every time.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/15/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:

Honestly they both need rest


Because they go hand in hand story wise so no point in both other than making both playable, But more importantly they both died...

I feel like they could both benefit from a story break after their deaths. Let some time pass and if they're brought back it could be during different circumstances.
I would say the same for Mileena but she is still alive, hasn't had a POV arc in story mode so there is story left to tell, and is presummably the current queen so it makes sense to include her this round.

What I really want is a Tanya vs mileena. Hehe.

But They're great playable characters. I would just like to see them as DLC instead of main cast.

06/15/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:

Honestly they both need rest


Because they go hand in hand story wise so no point in both other than making both playable, But more importantly they both died...

I feel like they could both benefit from a story break after their deaths. Let some time pass and if they're brought back it could be during different circumstances.
I would say the same for Mileena but she is still alive, hasn't had a POV arc in story mode so there is story left to tell, and is presummably the current queen so it makes sense to include her this round.

What I really want is a Tanya vs mileena. Hehe.

But They're great playable characters. I would just like to see them as DLC instead of main cast.

How about Tanya and Mileena teaming up against Kitana and Jade at some point? I see no reason for Tanya and Mileena to be against eachother, but there's plenty of reason why they should team up.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/15/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
I would love a team up! But it would be more of a mutual enemies/plotting behind each other's back/one betrays the other at the end kind of team up. These two just can't trust each other so it would be interesting to see them forced to work together

Or even a mileena vs Tanya, Kitana, jade, (both resurrected by quan chi or shinnok)

Tho I think it would be interesting to see mileena and an I influenced ruler that won't back down to shinnok a forces, which includes Tanya as an antagonist and see the battle for power between the two villainesses. (Kitana and jade not in story)

I feel like Kitana and jade should take a daenerys approach and stay background and build their forces, (if they are resurrected) because they're current strategy of aligning with earth realm is working out that great.

Maybe I'm just two hyped up on GOT tho lol
06/15/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
I would love a team up! But it would be more of a mutual enemies/plotting behind each other's back/one betrays the other at the end kind of team up. These two just can't trust each other so it would be interesting to see them forced to work together

Or even a mileena vs Tanya, Kitana, jade, (both resurrected by quan chi or shinnok)

Tho I think it would be interesting to see mileena and an I influenced ruler that won't back down to shinnok a forces, which includes Tanya as an antagonist and see the battle for power between the two villainesses. (Kitana and jade not in story)

I feel like Kitana and jade should take a daenerys approach and stay background and build their forces, (if they are resurrected) because they're current strategy of aligning with earth realm is working out that great.

Maybe I'm just two hyped up on GOT tho lol

Blaaah I get so tired of the women against women thing. That's why I like Tanya. Yeah she had her feud with Jade, but she is bigger than that. Anyone can be her archnemisis. She is self serving. I want to see Tanya come in and immediately plan her approach for taking out the big guys.

I also love Mileena, but I've never seen her as the one to desire to be a ruler. I've alway viewed her story as "the one with the thirst for her Sisters crown" as in she just wants to replace her sister, not because she particularly cares for the title.

I certainly want Jade back, but it's time to move her past Kitana. Let Kitana be the focus of Mileena's story because it works. Jade proved she is smart, witty, and loyal so let her be rewarded for it. I hope the lady in her ending comes back to help in this evolution. Maybe the lady is a future reincarnation or something.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/15/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Right while I disagree with your perception of mileena, I'll try to stick to jade.

It's hard to discuss her future without mentioning Kitana. They just need to be seperated at some point so jade could face her own problems. I did enjoy her rivalry with Tanya, but I don't want a repeat of deception so I think she should sit this one out. (With Tanya likely in)
06/15/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
While I like Jade and would enjoy to see her return, I doubt they will. She is still a reanimated soul serving Quan Chi in the Netherrealm, so that is why I doubt her playability in this game. She MIGHT return in MK11, but I have a feeling she will remain unplayable in MKX.
06/15/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I feel that Jade's story and main purpose is too reliant on Kitana's. I could see why they tried to branch her story off and involve Tanya, but I don't feel like it is even possible this time around. I have the strangest feeling that if Tanya is included, she will be good, based on how I see the story heading right now. OR maybe Mileena will take the thrown and join the good side to save Edenia ( to really save her thrown and her ass) against Shinnok and Quan Chi, and maybe Tanya would try to betray Mileena this time around. Who knows? But... I'm getting side tracked.

I am sure if they had to pick between the two, out of Kitana and Jade, if that's what it boils down to, they would pick Kitana. Jade isn't really developed enough to fly solo. However, I wouldn't mind for her to return, nor really care if she sat this one out. She'll return eventually, I'm sure.
06/15/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
See, here's what I don't understand. Some people say No, Jade shouldn't come back. If not that they say her character relies on Kitana.

Well, wtf does Smoke do, and he's got plenty of people saying he should come back. I get it his playstyle was fun last time, but after what they did with nightwing in injustice I think they could possibly make Jade a real badass.

Personally, I want Kitana AND Mileena sitting out now. I want Tanya and Jade to build their characters without these two.
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06/15/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)
I also love Mileena, but I've never seen her as the one to desire to be a ruler. I've alway viewed her story as "the one with the thirst for her Sisters crown" as in she just wants to replace her sister, not because she particularly cares for the title.

I certainly want Jade back, but it's time to move her past Kitana. Let Kitana be the focus of Mileena's story because it works. Jade proved she is smart, witty, and loyal so let her be rewarded for it. I hope the lady in her ending comes back to help in this evolution. Maybe the lady is a future reincarnation or something.

Abou the first: Are you sure? What about her Armageddon bio?
She exclaimed "Outworld was mine". Mileena had, in a moment of her timeline, lust of dominance and conquer. It's true her actual childish attitude isn't the kind of Empress we may expect. But she, actually, can be the next ruler in Outworld's line of sucession.

About the second, and all the Jade thing overall: I'm not a big fan of her; actually, I really didn't care too much overall. Some part of me can't conceived all the fame and populatity she has. Mileena and Kitana are, equally and in my opinion, two of the greatest characters of the game, and two of the greatesr female character in all the videogame industry; to me, Jade and/or Tanya has no chance to compete against they. I think Mileena is almost in the game; populariry, story and chartismatic-wise, she is an ideal choice for the MKX. Kitana has almost zero relevance in the last story, and that's her role since MKDA; but her popularity and charisma makes her an iconic and necessary character in this game. Jade is fun, cool, cute... but not necesary in the game. We can make ANY MK, we put out Jade... and the game is gonna be essentially the same Tanya is cool, indeed, maybe not an icon, but story-wise is a great character and I'm sure she, Mileena and (90% of confidence in) Kitana make her way to MKX.

Other female I want to see: Ashrah or Nitara, Ashrah much more.
06/15/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
Jade and Mileena > Kitana

I'd rather want Sindel or Sheeva back before Kitana.
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06/16/2014 12:06 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
It's hard to discuss her future without mentioning Kitana.
No it's not. She does something while Kitana does something else. Jade regrettably hasn't been in enough games to be sooo attached to Kitana. It's honestly more of a Mileena issue than a Jade one.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/16/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
It's hard to discuss her future without mentioning Kitana.
No it's not. She does something while Kitana does something else. Jade regrettably hasn't been in enough games to be sooo attached to Kitana. It's honestly more of a Mileena issue than a Jade one.

Jade is more reliant at this point in this timeline on Kitana than mileena.

People need to remember in this "alternate" timeline mileena didn't grow up with Kitana, therefore eliminating years of jealousy towards her. Shao Kahn favored her now, not Kitana. If anything, mileena's attention was more so just focused on serving Kahn, but now that he is dead, she can rule and realize her thirst for power.

Jade is still just kitana's childhood friend and bodyguard. As long as Kitana plays damsel in distress, there will always be a jade willing to take a bullet for her.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/16/2014 12:27 AM (UTC)
I loved Jade's appearance in MK9. If she did return I'd be curious to see how'd they top that...if they could. She was damn near perfect.
06/16/2014 12:43 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Jade and Mileena > Kitana

I'd rather want Sindel or Sheeva back before Kitana.

I agree, Kitana has gotten so boring and stale, i hope she sits this one out.

As for Jade, i can't see her coming back at all, but f they do, she would still be a 2nd rate character and unimportant, even with her one-sided rivalry with Tanya. Even when Jade is playable in a game where Kitana isn't, her storyline is all about Kitana. With Mileena, used to be the same in the old timeline, but the member above said it very well, Mileena likely does not care about Kitana nowadays.

Tanya i also can't see coming back seeing how the roster is turning out, but i really want her back, and she can fit into any storyline really. Also she is always around the big good and bad boys/girls, and is not dependant on Kitana or Jade or Sindel's storyline to continue hers, she will always do her thing.
06/16/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
I think it's possible for Jade to have a story that doesn't necessarily rely on Kitana being there too. I mean her ending in MK9 doesn't have Kitana one bit. Not to say that if she were to be in the next game, they'd have to follow her ending story but it does show that there is potential for Jade to do her own thing for sure.
06/16/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)

If Tanya makes a return in this game, there needs to be a good reason and story for her to be feuding with Jade and/or Kitana, if that's the type of story they would do with Tanya.

It would be nice if NRS gave us some answers about Jade's MK9 ending. I know it probably wasn't canon, but still can we at least get some closure on Jade's ending? Please NRS!

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-sig by MINION

06/16/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Jade is more reliant at this point in this timeline on Kitana than mileena.
But she doesn't need to be. Have her do literally anything without Kitana and viola, she's freed up. Jade doesn't NEED Kitana for a story.
06/16/2014 05:56 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:

Abou the first: Are you sure? What about her Armageddon bio?
She exclaimed "Outworld was mine". Mileena had, in a moment of her timeline, lust of dominance and conquer. It's true her actual childish attitude isn't the kind of Empress we may expect. But she, actually, can be the next ruler in Outworld's line of sucession.

About the second, and all the Jade thing overall...
...Other female I want to see: Ashrah or Nitara, Ashrah much more.

Mmmm yeah I think so. That was a moment which I don't believe is anything definitive of her character, especially since it's coming from MK:A. I do think over time Mileena has shown that she believes that she is the rightful heir over her sister and would do anything for that cause. She certainly doesn't have a problem maintaining her status as a grunt for the most part right? That's why I see her that way.

At the end of the day Jade has a pretty strong following and she just needs the story to fill that. Being Kitana's lackey isn't cutting it anymore.

I would accept Ashrah in MKX if it meant Nitara would never return ever again. I would also accept Jades exclusion from MKX if it meant Ashrah and Nitara would never ever return. Lol

I've got that classic MK disease, where I just want to play up to MK4 forever.
06/16/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
I love Jade, but Tanya kinda took her place for me.

While I would love Jade, I wouldn't like to see Kitana ruin a spot, so I hope Jade is out for this reason.

But her ending in MK 9 was kinda unique and mysterious, maybe they do something with that.
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06/16/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
I would prefer Tanya over Jade.
06/17/2014 07:12 AM (UTC)
I want Tanya & Jade together againsad
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