Jade possibly in
posted10/09/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/06/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
Ok so I'm at the gamestop midnight release for NBA2K15 on westcoast and I finally preordered MKX. I was talking to the manager and was talking about how he played it when they had the gamestop manager conference. He says he's only played the original trilogy, and when I asked him what he thought of quan chi he was confused. He gave general details about the gameplay nothing we don't already know, except he said the demo they played had scorpion, subzero, dvorah (insect chick as he stated), and JADE!!!

Again take this for what it is, he could be confusing who he saw, and he doesn't seem to be up to date on MKX info but he swears it's Jade. I'm skeptical so I'll talk to him again but we'll see. Im not a huge jade fan but im still excited to see if she made it in. I'll try to get more info.
10/07/2014 06:36 AM (UTC)
I really hope we see her. I want to see her and Tanya fight, but I think he was probably mistaken.sad
10/07/2014 06:55 AM (UTC)
I would love to see Jade return as well. but that story sounds a little strange
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10/07/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)
Guy doesn't know character names, but vaguely remembers Trilogy era references. Money says he forgot Sonya and didn't realize that was actually Cassie.
10/07/2014 07:27 AM (UTC)
Probably I asked him if it was clearly jade and he said yes, so heres to hoping he's not a moron.
10/07/2014 07:50 AM (UTC)
I doubt this is the case. If Jade was in there would no doubt have been a leak already, and on a playable build? I highly doubt it
Sonya since 92
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10/07/2014 08:54 AM (UTC)
They would not give new code to GameStop for a managers conference. He is mistaken unfortunately.
10/07/2014 09:19 AM (UTC)
Random westcoast gamestop manager confirmed DLC. Can't wait to play as him and offer Scorpion a longer lasting return policy!! Get hype!
10/07/2014 10:20 AM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
They would not give new code to GameStop for a managers conference. He is mistaken unfortunately.

I figured as much. Ok just wondering then. Can a mod take this post down now?
10/07/2014 10:41 AM (UTC)
Yeah, he doesn't seem like a trustworthy source of information...
10/07/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)
Heh, this is why I never believe anything that comes from the mouth of a Gamestop employee. (Sorry for those on here who works here) I have yet to meet someone who told the truth about the game, or didn't make me feel like I have no idea what I'm talking about for a game I point out.

Hell, someone managed to convince me to buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl at a different Gamestop because of their nonstop complaining when I tried to buy it. It's not your job to convince your customers to not buy the games from your store, but good job not knowing what gender Samus is!

Now, I'm not sure how many other people have had bad experiences, but all the employees I've been around tries to make it sound like they know more than the customer because they're working at a game store. Don't believe a single word they tell you unless you also see it flying around the internet. If Jade really was apart of a demo disc, she'd be talked about amongst us all. But since you've been told that the manager was lying, I guess this post really serves no point.

Although I would say something to the guy next time you see him and call him out on his lie so he can not do that to future customers.
10/07/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
Yeah Gamestop is totally trustworthy info

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10/07/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
Sweat another every Gamestop manager has secrets about the game thread. Also the fact that your source is a guy who hasn't played a MK game since 1997 this shit has to be true.

Do I think that Jade has a huge fan base. Yes Do I think she will be in MKX Yes. Did she die in MK9 yes. How do I think she will come back? IMO she will be part of Quan Chi's Army along side Kitana. But wait didn't Shawn Himmick say he had control over Earthrelm warriors? Yes but he may have just meant that Quan Chi control over good guys.
10/07/2014 05:45 PM (UTC)
I call Shenanigans. My manger who went to the conference had no mention of Jade. I mean they didn't even do anything special for Goro and he's a pre-order bonus.

Its a typical case of a Manager lying his ass off to seem like they have "secret" info.
10/07/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
But wait didn't Shawn Himmick say he had control over Earthrelm warriors? Yes but he may have just meant that Quan Chi control over good guys.

Yes, this is one interpretation.

Kitana and Jade "ally with Earthrealm", which makes them Earthrealm warriors. It's the term they used in MK9:

Sindel: Where's Kitana?
Quan Chi: She allies with Earthrealm now...
Sindel: Then she's no longer my daughter (and so on).
10/07/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
If you see him ask him to describe Jade.

I think Mick is correct.
10/07/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
If you see him ask him to describe Jade.

I think Mick is correct.

Nah, don't have him do that. You ask him to describe Sonya in Mortal Kombat X and if he says, "She's the blonde who's wearing a catsuit blowing bubble gum," then you just laugh and call him a moron.

But he should confront the guy and tell him that he's full of crap and he never played the demo. And if he continues to lie to his customers, he should get reported. Might not be that much of a big deal, but lying to your customers is certainly something people don't like to endure.

But that's just me.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
kungkang12 Wrote:
Probably I asked him if it was clearly jade and he said yes, so heres to hoping he's not a moron.

Smh, hun, he's a moron.

These whole "gamestop managers says" stories have been around for decades. They don't know anything. They're not privy to super secret info. It's just an idiot.
10/07/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
kungkang12 Wrote:
Probably I asked him if it was clearly jade and he said yes, so heres to hoping he's not a moron.

Smh, hun, he's a moron.

These whole "gamestop managers says" stories have been around for decades. They don't know anything. They're not privy to super secret info. It's just an idiot.

About 90% of the info Managers claim is exclusive, is well known by hard-core fans. There aren't really any secrets unless its about the store itself.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
kungkang12 Wrote:
Probably I asked him if it was clearly jade and he said yes, so heres to hoping he's not a moron.

Smh, hun, he's a moron.

These whole "gamestop managers says" stories have been around for decades. They don't know anything. They're not privy to super secret info. It's just an idiot.

About 90% of the info Managers claim is exclusive, is well known by hard-core fans. There aren't really any secrets unless its about the store itself.

Haha, I remember around this same time ten years ago when everyone was hyped about MKD. I remember all those old "My gamestop manager told me this character was in the game!" and how my then 14 year old self actually believed those. Now that I'm grown, I immediately dismiss such stories, even if the person relaying them to us is being truthful.
10/08/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
Now this is bullshit anybody can see.

However, I feel like Jade's name has been getting tossed around the past couple of weeks. With the JADED comment on twitter. Now this (keep in mind I know it's not reliable). Plus the fact I really do believe Tanya will be in and they have a rivalry. Idk, I'm just saying usually where there's smoke there's fire and I really wouldn't be surprised if she's in.
10/08/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Trust me, if he saw a playable Jade, then other people did too, and we would have heard about it way before now. Or at least that's my take on it lol
10/09/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
If we're getting our MKX information from someone who works at a fucking GameStop, the world might as well end right now.
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