Its Time For A Questionaire!!!
posted07/18/2013 12:09 PM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Hello folks, I'm not sure how many of you remember that a while back, I used to make a few threads containing me asking you about ten to twenty questions about what you want in the latest game and if you were satisfied with the end result. So today, we're going to do something a little bit different. Enjoy!

1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

Stay tuned, there's more to come if this gets the attention I'm hoping for.
Historical Favorite
07/16/2013 07:35 AM (UTC)
1. Something completely different. Perhaps Mortal Kombat: A Space Opera in Three Acts.

2. Doesn't matter, they're inevitable. DLC is simply good business.

3. Let's keep him as a cyborg, but one dressed like the typical MK ninja.

4. Death is irrelevant in this series, so let's just cut out a long trek back to status quo by keeping him alive.

5. All the alities, ma'am. All the alities.

6. X-rays should return, but should be more difficult to perform. This two button crap needs to go.

7. Naturally. If I have my way, they'll continue in the tradition of Shujinko and Taven: "This guy is now the main hero. Because reasons".

8. Sure, why not? We're officially in the 'greatest hits' phase of the series, so that would only be fitting.

9. Of course.

10. Good Lord, no.
07/16/2013 10:25 AM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

An altered MK4 storyline.

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any way all?

DLC similar to Injustice would be nice.

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

His body is destroyed and his soul is in hell. Maybe wraith then redemption? I really don't care, I just want him human again.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

No one is ever dead in Mortal Kombat.

5.) Any other abilities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

Friendships would be nice.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

Keep em.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

No, there's a lot of malleable material with the characters that were introduced in the original MK4. They deserve some sort of redemption. Maybe introduce Belokk...maybe.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

I'd rather not. Perhaps Frost, though?

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

I really, really miss Chess Combat.

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

Yeah, I think it's kind of their thing now. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but it's a good element.
07/16/2013 12:01 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

MK4 cause I want Fujin, Reiko and Shinnok in action!

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

As long as it's not guest characters it's fine.

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

Human. Cyborg SZ should have never happened in the first placed. I wouldn't mind cyborg Scorpion though, just to troll the bitch. j/k

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

Quan Chi is one of the greatest MK characters and the #1 villain at the moment. His moves are pretty cool and his design is not bad. If they kill him, he should still be a playable character in the games to follow, just left out of the story mode. He's quality material, so to get rid of him for good on all levels would be a shame.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

Last game did a rather good job with -alities, but I don't really care much about those anyway so I'm pretty much indifferent.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

I want them to stay, but they should be buffed to be more useful in high level play. I suggest reducing the damage scaling on them in combos and make them build no meter for the opponent when they hit. This way they'd be more worthy of those precious 3 bars of meter.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

If they just bring back all the MK4 characters (+ maybe some from DA/D) in the next game I'd be fine with no new characters. But in the long run, yes, there should be some brand new characters introduced. However, limit it to max 3 new chars per game and make them cool.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

Yes, especially those tied to Netherrealm.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

1 player vs CPU would be nice. A costume editor would be nice too, especially if they're going to make female characters look shitty again. Also, this would solve the problem of having difficulties in tracking players when watching mirror matches of characters whose costumes are way too similar (like Kung Lao in MK2011, it's so hard to tell who's who when all 4 of his costumes are so similar and he's a very mobile character; Sonya P1 costume is another example- primary and alt color way too similar).

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

If it doesn't return, I wouldn't miss it one bit. Played it once and never touched it again. I'd rather have a tournament mode like in MK4 (featuring the option to watch CPU matches) or a team mode or endurance...
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07/16/2013 05:12 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

MK4’s story was always rather vague, so I wouldn’t mind seeing its events play out and seeing the characters from that game make their entrance.

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

Meh, truthfully I haven’t had a chance to play the newer MK games. So either way I wouldn’t really care.

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

Find a way to make him human. If Sub-Zero stays a cyborg, they should at least have his human-self as an alternate costume. Or vice-versa, human the primary, cyber the alt.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

Don’t want him to be killed off, but I don’t want him to be so involved or out in the open like he was in MK9. But really, this is actually Quan Chi’s era so he’d have to have lots of involvement what with being Shinnok’s right-hand man. Oh, whatever...

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

Didn’t care much for the majority of MK9's babalities; so if they don’t show up in the next game, oh well. Actually, I’m curious about upgraded Hara-Kiris...

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

X-rays were a great addition; I’d love for them to stay.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

If their involvement would be logical to the plot, and if they don't turn out to be rip-offs of other characters, then sure why not. Not too many, though.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

I wouldn’t mind briefly seeing Frost or Bo Rai Cho.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

I’ll pass.

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

I feel like the Challenge Tower would be one of those things I’d play once and never go back for again... so not really.
07/16/2013 06:33 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?
A little of both. It should polish up MK4's story and fix its shortcomings, as well as include some new plotlines to avoid heading towards a retelling of MK:DA-MK:A. However, I'm pretty sure Ed said (via Twitter) that the next MK will not be a strict retelling of MK4 anyway.
2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?
DLC is here to stay. I'm indifferent.
3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?
Even though it was cheap to turn him into a cyborg, it would be even cheaper to just turn him back into a human again. When he eventually is resurrected, maybe (come MK11) he'll regain his human form somewhat. Maybe he'll have some scars from the process of becoming a cyborg.
4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?
I don't really care. Whether he dies or not, there needs to be a different villain that's making waves.
5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?
As long as there are no Animalities, I'm fine. Brutalities are probably going to return, as Ed stated they had created a system for MK9 but didn't have time to include it. If the funny finishers are going to return, I'd prefer Friendships to Babalities.
6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?
X-Rays were a nice touch, though I do agree they're a little too simple to achieve. They should stay, with a few little tweaks here and there.
7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?
As far as I'm concerned, NRS needs to work on fixing some of the characters (with potential) that they previously abandoned before adding some ill-thought-out half-baked characters to the mix.
As I'm sure they're going to add some new characters, I'd limit the number to three or four. (I think it's been said (by Tanchaeron) that one DLC will be an original character from the next MK movie.)
8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?
Certainly. I think any of the characters that made cameo appearances in MK9 have a good chance of returning. Especially Havik and Bo' Rai Cho.
9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?
Sure. I can't think of anything, but I do miss the mini-games.
10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?
I enjoyed some parts of it, though the reward was completely unsatisfactory. However, it certainly was satisfying completely finishing it, though I never really replayed it afterward.
07/16/2013 07:05 PM (UTC)
1. Yes. I thought that storyline was pretty cool. it was an under rated story imo.

2. I don’t think there should be DLC characters. Maybe just have DLC costumes.

3. Sub-Zero must return human!! Cyborg Sub was beat. Human Sub is more traditional to me and they gotta make his story go back to the way it was in the previous games.

4 .I can’t imagine not seeing Quan Chi in Mortal Kombat. They should try keeping him around and maybe in another game be a main boss again.

5. Bring back BRUTALITYs. Those were awesome.

6 .X-Rays are cool, I wouldn’t mind them coming back.

7. I don’t know about bringing in new characters. I feel like there’s so many characters that can be improved. Not every character in mortal kombat 4 got their fair shot. So I’d hold off on new characters for now.

8. Yes there should be. Only a few tho.

9 .I don’t know what other modes they can even come up with to be honest haha. They went from tetris like games, to Mario cart like games, I cant really think what other type of mini games they can make. All the test your sight, test your mights, etc. were good tho.

10. Yes the challenge tower was awesome!!
07/16/2013 07:57 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

Same concept but different. Not different in the way MK2011 screwed up.

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

Yes, but all consoles should have the same features. This time, DLC should include stages NRS was too lazy to create (like if they leave out a fan favorite from the MK4 ear like they left out the Kombat Tomb and others from the MK1-MK3 era in MK2011).

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

Since they screwed up Sub-Zero, he's stuck. The MK Team have hit the "undo button" too many times and it's gotten to a stupid point. We have to live with their mistake.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

Keep Quan Chi, but de-troll him a bit... don't force him in places he doesn't blong.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

Stick with fatalities and stage finishers.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

Stay. Especially since MK4 had bone-breakers.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

Maybe 3-5 new ones. That's it. The MK Team can't handle too many at once.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

Why the hell not?

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

Nah... too many "tes yours" can become a bit stupid. I'd rather see Konquest or KAF make a return

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

Yes. Old challenges AND new ones.
07/17/2013 11:52 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

Personally, I’d rather have a REAL reboot of the series, one that knows how to tell a solid story and properly explore the characters. I’m still of the opinion that MK9’s story was an overall disaster mainly due to the core of the story being an Idiot Plot.

Realistically, NRS will almost certainly continue off of MK9’s story and focus on the events of MK4. NRS could actually make good use of MK4’s timeline by having a big story on Earth’s and Outworld’s aftermaths of Shao Kahn’s Earthrealm invasion. However, I’m not expecting anything particularly deep.

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any at all?


3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

NRS could use the Shinnok/Quan Chi story as a means of pushing Sub-Zero more towards a main hero role, but given the way the MK team has been favoring Idiot Plots since MK: Deception, I’m not particularly confident that they’ll really do Sub-Zero justice. They messed him up big time in MK9, and part of me wants him to stay dead. Given that such a notion is highly unlikely, I’d like to have him return to being human.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

I want Quan Chi to be killed off for good for two main reasons. The first reason is that villains like him who get a lot of appearances are ones that will need a sense of exploration into the past. The other reason is that he really overshadowed the other villains in MK9 by being almost ubiquitous. That is problematic for a villain who is supposed to be more about subtlety by being a more “behind the scenes” villain. The amulet stuff is EXTREMELY problematic and really broke MK9’s story but that’s a whole other issue.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

I’m just interested in Fatalities and Brutalities. I don’t care so much for the others though Friendships might not be too bad.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

I actually like the x-ray attacks, but I’d rather have them replaced by the kind of super moves like in Injustice.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

It depends on how the story is told.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

That is very likely. It would make sense to introduce characters like Hotaru and Havik in the next MK game due to Outworld being without a ruler.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?


10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

07/18/2013 12:00 AM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

Altered storyline

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

Yes, its builds more anticipation for the game

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

He should stay dead

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

Killed off.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

I think each character should have 4 fatalities instead of other gimmicks

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?


7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

I say 3 should be new

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

Ashrah, she is my bestie.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

I LOVE minigames.

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

Yes and i want minigames. (I love minigames!)
07/18/2013 11:20 AM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?
I want it to follow MK4's storyline up to a point. Remember that this is a tainted timeline. I imagine that actually the story mode will start out with Shinnok invading Outworld and you will play as characters that join with them (Reptile, Mileena, Baraka) and as characters who dont (Sheeva, Skarlet, Rain)

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?
I've never minded DLC. BUT I want more than just 4 characters, random ninja skins. I want MOAR. Story mode. Challenges. MOAR.

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?
He should regain his humanity in the story mode. But I dont want two characters to be Sub Zero.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?
I dont want anyone to be properly killed off really. But Quan Chi being killed by Shinnok when he thinks he is going to betray Shinnok would be the ultimate moment of brilliance and will make Shinnok an actual badass. Watch it not happen and Quan Chi is untouched.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?
I'd personally like Friendships and Hari Kiris to comeback.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?
Stay. They are the Super/Ultra combo of Mortal Kombat. Maybe put a fast forward in there though. Like you press two buttons and it skips to the end result.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?
Yes. Because if Jarek comes back, heads will roll. Him and Kai were the only ones that came back in Armageddon and still looked like forgettable characters. And Kai has potential. Because his second name is Monteiro. It is you know. Or Gordo.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?
Yeah, I mean I could see Frost, Bo Rai Cho, Mavado, Hotaru, Havik, SAREENA making a come back. Definitely Sareena. No doubt she is going to be the key for Sub Zero getting his groove back.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?
Yes. Loved Puzzle Kombat, Test Your Sight, Might, Strike, Luck from the other game. Nothing like Kombat Chess though.

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?
Yes, but dont make it compulsary for you to unlock unique items through it. I mean. Yeah Achievement for you if you 100% it but let me buy the grand prize because I am a jobber.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/18/2013 12:09 PM (UTC)
1.) Do you want the next story to actually follow Mortal Kombat 4's story, or be something completely different?

Altered MK4-MKDA timeline with less cheese and corn.

2.) Do you want DLCs to make a return, or should the next game not feature any ay all?

Sure, but bring back unlockables. Sick of being spoon-fed all the characters in the beginning.

3.) Should Sub-Zero return as a Cyborg or find a way to make him human?

Human, CSZ should have never existed.

4.) Do you want Quan Chi to be killed off in the next story for good, or be around for another game after that?

Scorpion should kill him near the end of the game.

5.) Any other alities to make a return or did the ones that made a presence in the last game were fine?

Friendships would be cool to bring back, they can be much more creative than yet another way to decapitate someone.

6.) Want the x-rays to stay or should they go?

X-rays were cool for MK9 because it brought back the gore and glory of the series to full force, but now I think they should be replaced with Injustice-like supermoves because to me, they have a bigger 'HOLY SHIT!' factor.

7.) Should we be introduced to some brand new characters?

Yeah definitely should expand the MK Universe, we haven't seen any new characters since Armageddon.

8.) Could there be any characters from Deadly Alliance - Armageddon making an appearance for the next game?

Bo Rai' Cho, Dairyou, Havik, Hotaru, Li Mei, Drahmin, Moloch, Frost, Mavado, Nitara, Sareena. Anyone from this list should be included whether on-disc or DLC, but def include Rai' Cho and Sareena primarily.

9.) Do you want any new features such as mini-games or modes to make a debut?

Create-a-character or customizable costumes, chess mode.

10.) Do you want the challenge tower to make a return with brand new challenges?

I don't care if they bring it back or not. But if it is back, you should be given a better reward than just one costume for beating it.
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