Is that an MK9 disc or is that just me?
posted04/20/2010 05:21 AM (UTC)by
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03/21/2008 05:08 PM (UTC)

It looks like its near the calculator thing.
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04/17/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
Yes it is indeed and thats concept art which to me anyway confirms there will be weapons in the game.
Victim falls straight winner leans back?
04/17/2010 12:22 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
Yes it is indeed and thats concept art which to me anyway confirms there will be weapons in the game.
Victim falls straight winner leans back?

Hey do you think its going to bell called MK9 or just Mortal Kombat?
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04/17/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
They would be mad to call it mk9
9= long in the tooth old and busted.
04/17/2010 12:30 AM (UTC)
It looks like either a sticker or a patch to me. Center is black, how would that be a CD or Disc?
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04/17/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
looks more like a cup coaster to me than a patch.
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04/17/2010 01:45 AM (UTC)
Yea looks like a coaster, interesting tho.

God I wish they would announced it already!!

Maybe it is being released in December instead of November so the whole promotional cycle will be a month later compared to MK Vs DC.
So as MK Vs DC was Announced in April '08 and released in November '08. MK 8/9 would have to be announced in May to be released in December.
A release close to xmas would help sales too.

I'm grasping on to my last straws of hope here people!! grin
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04/17/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)
MK9 is just development name for the game giving the game a number in the title would be a bad idea.
Download the subzero art from my profile its brilliant.
04/17/2010 01:58 AM (UTC)
It already has a release date of Dec 2010.
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04/17/2010 02:34 AM (UTC)
KoRnKombat Wrote:
It already has a release date of Dec 2010.


...I actually remember reading that but I must have forgotten lol!
In that case I'm not expecting anything until May then.
04/17/2010 03:06 AM (UTC)
Well, the last hope is for May news since the sources say for a December release.And if we don't have any by then....unfortunately...we have to look to 2011.Just as I was saying in a thread of mine,I really feared that we have to wait longer....Anyway, we also have a glimmer of hope for next week,and I'm looking forward to it...

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04/17/2010 05:02 AM (UTC)
Dont panic games going to be out this year, the mk teams website just went live, boons teasing more and more, copyright is all in place.
This is the calm before the storm, info is incoming.
Boon even said news very soon that was last week.
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04/17/2010 05:46 AM (UTC)
very true. April is the moth of big news according to boons twitter.
04/17/2010 10:23 AM (UTC)
It definitely says "weapon" on that concept art. And is he cutting someone's leg off?
04/17/2010 10:45 AM (UTC)
cyberdog, is the site open to the public? Any info on the name of the site?
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04/17/2010 03:39 PM (UTC)
I'm kinda surprised that no one mentioned the giant pagoda in the background of the picture. Might that possibly be a reference to the style of the game or at least some inspiration for a background? It kinda reminds me of the palace grounds (I think that's what it was called) in MK1. Or the Lin Kuei temple in MK:DA.

Hopefully it's the former, and we're seeing a return to a more asian theme. Of course, those in fear of a reboot might take such a sign as an ill omen. Like I said though, I'm just hoping it's a return to look of the older games. No more ninjas fighting in streets or subways or death factories or whatever.
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04/17/2010 03:42 PM (UTC)
Also, just throwin this out there one more time, but couldn't we PLEASE have a stickied thread for Ed's Twitter messages? You know, a one stop place where we can look, maybe the topic name could change to say "updated" and then have the current date?

I mean, there are at LEAST five of these threads out there and this one doesn't even imply that it's from Ed's pic in the topic. No offense intended at all to the original poster. I absolutely appreciate the effort, but it would be nice to have one place, maybe where the original post gets updated to include all the pics?

Just an idea. Sorry if that would create more work for people, but it would be nice if all of these were a bit easier to find, much less identify.
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04/17/2010 03:57 PM (UTC)
agreed. We would stop all the searching and repedativeness. Theres as many threads as there are eds twitter posts.
04/17/2010 04:45 PM (UTC)
I expect they'd be making coasters for the dev team, and to give to journos. Would be cool to have a special edition with t-shirt, coaster and stuff. I seem to remember getting a free t-shirt with MK:DA because I preordered.
04/18/2010 03:20 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I'm kinda surprised that no one mentioned the giant pagoda in the background of the picture. Might that possibly be a reference to the style of the game or at least some inspiration for a background? It kinda reminds me of the palace grounds (I think that's what it was called) in MK1. Or the Lin Kuei temple in MK:DA.

Hopefully it's the former, and we're seeing a return to a more asian theme. Of course, those in fear of a reboot might take such a sign as an ill omen. Like I said though, I'm just hoping it's a return to look of the older games. No more ninjas fighting in streets or subways or death factories or whatever.

The Palace Gates stage was a pretty cool stage. I remember thinking when I played it at the arcades...what the hell is behind those red doors on the right edge of the screen, IIRC? I liked it along with these arenas to this day:

MK1 - every stage except the Warriors Shrine (I could of done without the character statues) Otherwise, it could have been better.

Mk2 - since the story started to go into the whole realm thing such as outworld, I didn't care much for the stages or graphics of this game. Only ones I care for are: The Deadpool and The Wastelands. And even though I believe this stage was set in Outworld, it still would have been plausible to set it on Earth.

Wont bother to mention other games. Nothing really memorable IMO. But what stages did you like from past games Baraka?

Anyways, definitely want MK to go back to the whole oriental theme and I hope we get a bunch of new arenas (since MK really needs to redefine itself, instead of rehashing). If not, there is always DLC :)

Would you include the Lower Mines from Deception in the list of death factories? Hahaha... But I thought that arena was cool. I think it might possibly fall into the whole oriental and archaic scheme of things, if they decide to keep these underground sort of arenas. Just maybe make the death traps look more like less technology was involved in making it. Like the laser bed pit in Quan Chi's Fortress, the Subway, or that rolling barrel in MKA's armory.

Also, they need to make things look more realistic, when they can. In the context of deathtraps: take a look at this of video of MKA's Belltower. Notice how the victims limbs, come off like butter, when they hit the bottom blades. If they wanted to make that more believable, they should have made the victim hit the blades quicker. Since the force of falling from high above, could make this possible. Also what's up with the rat's dragging your limbs? ....hahaha...but I digress.
You know since there were never any official numbered titles after MK4 I think it would be cool if they called it "Mortal Kombat 5"

I mean the latest Sonic games had numerous subtitles but the newest one is called Sonic The Hedgehog 4
04/18/2010 09:08 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
You know since there were never any official numbered titles after MK4 I think it would be cool if they called it "Mortal Kombat 5"

I mean the latest Sonic games had numerous subtitles but the newest one is called Sonic The Hedgehog 4

Nah it would be pretty weird, it would be like MKDA, MKD and MKA never happened
04/18/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
I wonder if the guy taped to the tube has any signifigance to the game other than him holding a controller...

And that does look like an MK9 DISC with the circle in the 9 being the center...Reminds me of the MK3 logo a bit.
04/18/2010 09:53 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
I wonder if the guy taped to the tube has any signifigance to the game other than him holding a controller...

And that does look like an MK9 DISC with the circle in the 9 being the center...Reminds me of the MK3 logo a bit.

In fact it reminds me a LOT of the MK3 logo. I wonder...
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04/19/2010 03:15 PM (UTC)
AdornedByFire Wrote:
The Palace Gates stage was a pretty cool stage. I remember thinking when I played it at the arcades...what the hell is behind those red doors on the right edge of the screen, IIRC? I liked it along with these arenas to this day:

MK1 - every stage except the Warriors Shrine (I could of done without the character statues) Otherwise, it could have been better.

Mk2 - since the story started to go into the whole realm thing such as outworld, I didn't care much for the stages or graphics of this game. Only ones I care for are: The Deadpool and The Wastelands. And even though I believe this stage was set in Outworld, it still would have been plausible to set it on Earth.

Wont bother to mention other games. Nothing really memorable IMO. But what stages did you like from past games Baraka?

Anyways, definitely want MK to go back to the whole oriental theme and I hope we get a bunch of new arenas (since MK really needs to redefine itself, instead of rehashing). If not, there is always DLC :)

Would you include the Lower Mines from Deception in the list of death factories? Hahaha... But I thought that arena was cool. I think it might possibly fall into the whole oriental and archaic scheme of things, if they decide to keep these underground sort of arenas. Just maybe make the death traps look more like less technology was involved in making it. Like the laser bed pit in Quan Chi's Fortress, the Subway, or that rolling barrel in MKA's armory.

Also, they need to make things look more realistic, when they can. In the context of deathtraps: take a look at this of video of MKA's Belltower. Notice how the victims limbs, come off like butter, when they hit the bottom blades. If they wanted to make that more believable, they should have made the victim hit the blades quicker. Since the force of falling from high above, could make this possible. Also what's up with the rat's dragging your limbs? ....hahaha...but I digress.

I like alot of what you're saying here ABF! Yeah, I'd consider the Lower Mines to be a death factory. Anything that has grinders that don't seem to grind anything beyond MK characters and a large monster mouth that does nothing but, you know, chomp MK characters... That's a death factory.

Any background that looks as though it was created simply for the death traps/stage fatalities, and not as a real fighting arena, which obviously most of Deceptions backgrounds fall in to, are death factories to me and I must say, I'm not a fan.

As far as arenas that I like? Well, like you, I tend to prefer the more asian theme of MK. Everyone on here always talks about how things need to be darker and grittier in MK, like they won't be happy unless they're surrounded by gargoyles and pure darkness or something.

I think that Deception got about as dark and gritty as I care for, but that's just me. At some point it ceases being cool and simply becomes corny.

As for the arenas that I like:

1) House of Pekara (MK:DA): There's just something about this arena that no MK arena has ever been able to replicate. It's almost ethereal and haunting in a sense. It's doesn't need blood water falls or the blacks/grays/browns everywhere to be dark. It looks dark while still looking bright as well. Easily the coolest looking arena they've ever come up with in my mind.

2) Lung Hai Temple (MK:DA): It seems like a rather simple concept, and while having dudes paddle an arena around seemed a bit odd, the overall look of the level is just awesome. The water, the pagodas, it has a very old school feel to it, like something you might see in a classic kung fu movie that features a tournament.

3) The Palace Gates (MK1): I agree with you whole heartedly on this arena. I wanted to see what was in the pagoda behind the statue, but more so I was convinced that you could somehow uppercut someone over the doors at either side of the stage and see what was on the other side. Just a great overall look to an arena.

4) Wu Shi Academy (MK:DA): A bit more out there in the overall idea (sorry, but how did they build this arena over a big hole of nothingness?) But I still like the asian theme and of course the large monks holding up the arena. Just a cool concept in style and execution.

5) The Wasteland (MK2): Probably what most people mean when they say "darker and grittier" when it comes to arenas. I don't know why the wastelands are purple, but it somehow makes sense and works well. It's a rather busy background, but that also works to its advantage. Plus, seeing all of the impaled people does wonders for thinking Shao Khan is a big a-hole.

6) The Pit (MK1): This was just an awesome idea. The first stage fatality. It was a bit plain due to the fact that all you really had was a sky behind you, but the fact that you could knock someone off of the pit gave the whole background a more precarious feel to it. Other versions might be more refined but this is the one that started it all.

7) The Armory (MK2): Another awesome MK2 background. It feels almost medieval given the weapons and what not. The colors work well to convey a sense of foreboding, which I dig.

8) The Temple (MK3): This is one of the few backgrounds from MK3 that I truly enjoy. The music was among the best in any MK arena... Ever. Plus you always wondered who was in that coffin. I also liked the candles in the foreground.

9) Rayden's Temple (MKvsDC): Holy crap, this level is awesome. While the large dragons are a bit overdone, this level is absolutely worthy of a Thunder God and a great addition to list of solid backgrounds in the MK universe.

10)The Warrior Shrine (MK1): I know you'll disagree, but I loved the Warrior Shrine, or at least the concept of it. The execution was solid, but just the idea of having all of the characters standing in front of you in stone somehow made all of the characters more... I dunno, legendary? I guess, that's the word I'm looking for. I'd like to see a modern update of that concept, only leave the MK1 characters in it and make the statues destructable.

Honorable mentions: The Sky Temple (MK:D), The Graveyard (MKvsDC), The Falling Cliffs (MK:D), The Church (MK4/Gold), The Courtyard (MK1) and Khan's Arena (MK2).

So yeah, like I said... I agree about returning to the more asian them. I think that MK:DA actually did a really good job with that to an extent. There were some hits and misses (not a fan of the acid bath and drum arena was kinda...meh).
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