Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/03/2005 06:19 PM (UTC)
Good work Versatile.

Like Sub-Zero the 7th, I would also picture Sonya more as poised towards the offensive though, but of course it's your choice. I'm looking forward to Jax.

I'm curious what you would make of characters like Kabal, Ermac, Hotaru or Kenshi.

06/03/2005 07:50 PM (UTC)
Hmmm I wonder if Tony is reading this.....

Anyway, yeah, a lot of people told me that Sonya should be an all around character, but I wanted to do something new and different since so many people consider her to be boring and bland now(and even in MK1 days actually). While she's not my favorite character that I've done so far(that would be Kitana), I think I did an ok job and I hope peeps for the most part like it. I'm saving my best stuff for Scorpion and Sub-Zero(hope I don't jinx myself).

Thanks for the feedback..keep it comin till I am done with Jax.

06/03/2005 08:21 PM (UTC)
That's cool Versatile. About the bland and boring thing, well, for me, it's really about her storyline, but that's for a different topic. wink

Anyway, you have some good ideas even though I don't think Sonya should be a defensive type character.

I look forward to Sub-Zero and Scorpion. wink glasses
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I don't want a bigger movelist Boon. I want a reason to use more than
10% of the ones you've given me. Fix MK with Move Properties.

06/05/2005 02:13 AM (UTC)
Sonya is great, I really like the fact that she is defensive. It really shows how the military style really is, as it is extremely defensive and emphasis on brutal grapples and countering.

Have you guys played Metal Gear Solid 3? I'm imagining Sonya stuff to the degree of the Boss in that game. Mad defense, mad countering (arm-twisting and position forcing and all), a crazy takedowns like Versatile's design, really fitting in my opinion.
06/05/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Yeah HD that's whjat I had in mind as well.
06/06/2005 01:11 AM (UTC)
To me, I see Jax as being specialized in grappling moves while Sonya is specialized in kicking. That's not to say that I wouldn't want Sonya to lack any grappling moves. It's just that I see her as more of a kicking-based fighter who is more on the offense. I also see Jax as an offensive type fighter.
Omega Supreme
About Me

There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/06/2005 02:07 PM (UTC)
Hmm, wouldn't that be too much of a cliché, a black wrestler-type warrior?

I would also see Jax as a more offensive fighter, however, but more along the lines of the muay thai style which, after all, he had in MKDA.

06/06/2005 03:12 PM (UTC)
VainQueur Wrote:
Hmm, wouldn't that be too much of a clich�, a black wrestler-type warrior?

I would also see Jax as a more offensive fighter, however, but more along the lines of the muay thai style which, after all, he had in MKDA.


Well, I wouldn't want him to be just full of wrestling moves. I see him using various throws, slams, and takedowns. For me, it has to do with Jax having that multi slam move of his.

I think his style should be like a Vale Tudo and Muay Thai type combination. I know it's been done before with Vanessa from VF4, but that's a little different in that there's a style switch there. I'm talking about having Muay Thai punches, elbows, knees, and some kicks along with Vale Tudo type throws and slams.

The Muay Thai thing is a bit of a cliche in that in the Tekken series, you have Bruce Irvin who is black and does Muay Thai. There's also this black guy in DOA 3 who does Muay Thai.

Perhaps he can have a style that combines both Muay Thai and Judo, the two styles he used in MK: DA.

The basic attacks can be the punches, elbows, kicks, and knees of Muay Thai and the throws can be derived from Judo and he should also have his Multi Slam as a throw move instead of a special move.
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

06/07/2005 06:59 PM (UTC)
Great stuff, Verse. Nice to see peeps still fighting the good fight; really it is great to see that. A few comments, though.

One thing that really stuck out was Kungs +10 poke. WTF? +10 off an already safe poke? Are your jabs typically 8-10 frames? Just curious. That would be pretty hardcore if so. Though, I'm all for natural combos, so if MK had actual frame data catering to NC's, i wouldn't mind crazy advantage on normal hits; as long as other elements are dealt with such as push back, tracking, etc. Bleh.

Lots of parries with BIG frame advantage?! If that's your thing, go for broke then bitch! tongue Also, didn't see a lot of movement other than auto ss that is inorperated into the moves execution. Though, I like sonya's J+J.

What's your damage scale based off of? I see damage calculations, but I don't know the scale. Also, most CH systems are just that, a system. You had damages for CH but it shouldn' be just some random value. Damages should co-exist with-in a determined system. Meh, anywho. Nice read, Verse. Good stuff.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/11/2005 04:38 AM (UTC)
I haven't posted in a while but I gotta say this is awesome stuff. I'd really like to see your gameplay ideas for characters like Li Mei or one of the more obscure characters. Anyway, keep it up Vers.
06/11/2005 04:34 PM (UTC)
Wow..thanks guys...

Yo Saty I didn't even know I made a +10 poke for KL..wow..my bad. I do admit that I don't always sit and think out all the frames for all the moves when I do these "guides", but I try to make it so every character is really good and can win vs anyone so that it really comes down to who is the better player and not who is using the better character. For example, I think if this was an actual game that overall Kitana is better than Sonya, but it would still comes down to a match of skill and not tiers. I'm making these with a vision of MK7 being a tournament game(yeah right) where everyone can use their favorite character and still feel like they have a chance to win because everyone is balanced. This is more than I can say for almost any MK. If you're a dedicated Sub player like myself you don't expect to win tournaments. The highest goal you can really have is to place in the top 5 or 10, which is still incredibly hard. I made these with the mind set that any of these characters can win if used correctly, whether it's Sonya or Kung Lao or whoever.

The J+J movement is something I like too. I figured Sonya needed a pop up but should have to earn it. I must say that my favorite movement that I've made so far is Mileena's Rave Step. Reminds me of Lee's crazy bull shit in Tekken 4 with a little twist.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys..Jax soon...

Oh, and the damage scale is 250 guys. Wait..you mean how big the bar is right? 250. If you're referring to how much a move's damage decreases during juggles/etc I guess by 20%? Dunno, didn't think of that. After I'm all done I'm going to look over it and fix things I don't like and things you guys don't like..this is why feedback is important.

Aight..peace yall...oh yeah, and im getting DSL...so can't wait to play you guys in shitty ass MKD.
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