~*~In Depth Character Gameplay Analysis For Mortal Kombat 7~*(SONYA ADDED)
posted06/11/2005 04:34 PM (UTC)by
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02/09/2003 06:41 AM (UTC)
Welcome to my Character Move Analysis For Mortal Kombat 7 guide. Keep in mind this is basically a fantasy movelist and in no way is factual and will probably never happen. This is just something I'm doing because I have some free time here and there to be the prideful geek I truly am and hoping that people who have the ability to impliment some of this stuff into the game(ed boon!) may drop by and read it. Here is the guide line for what the hell im talking about. This are some words I will be using the guide that may be unfamiliar to some of you.

#Quick Definitions#

Safe - Moves that cannot be punished if they are blocked or miss completely.
Unsafe - Moves that can be punished if blocked or miss completely.
Priority - Moves that have a good chance of hitting. Reason being either because of it's built in properties or it's qukcness.

Change Up/Mix Ups - Going from mid to low to make your opponent guess between crouch blocking and stand blocking.

Frame Advantage - Amount of advantage you have on hit or block with the attack you do.
Frame Disadvantage - Amount of frames you are disadvantaged at among an attack being blocked or missing.

Reversals - A timed command that avoids an incoming attack and automatically does something to punish them with big damage like a arm break or a shoulder toss. Better reversals may let you input commands after the initial reversal to do extra damage.

Parries - A timed command that avoids an incoming attack and gives you massive frame advantage and gives them massive frame disadvantage, giving you an oppurtunity to get free damage. Normally requires stricter timing than a reversal.

Counter Hit - When an attack beats out an incoming attack due to speed or move properties. When an attack hits on counter hit it normally gives you an extra effect. I.E. if a move doesn't launch normally on counter hit may launch, or a move that doesn't knock you back normally on counter hit will knock back. No matter what, moves that hit on counter hit gives you extra damage.

Crumple Stun - The state of the opponent crumpling down to the ground after being hit with an attack on counter hit or an attack that naturally causes the effect whether on counter hit or not. When a character is crumpling they cannot block, giving you free damage.

Power Moves - Single blows that do massive amounts of damage. These moves normally are incredibly unsafe if blocked. They also normally knock them far back to give you space.

Movement - Any type of moving outside of regular side step,walking forward or walking back that has some sort of purpose.

Throw Break - Pressing a button upon the initial grab animation to escape a throw. Throws would be broken by pressing 1(the square/b button),2(the triangle/y button) or the 1+2(both buttons at the same time). Most characters have two throws at minum with two different button escapes so that they can be mixed up, but some characters have multiple throws.

Escape Window - Amount of frames you have to escape a throw before it's too late.

Track - Means the move being used cannot be side stepped. Some moves only track to the left or to the right making it vunerable to one of the sidesteps and invunerable to the other.

Canceling - Hitting block during a cancelable move's animation to stop your character from completing the move. This is used for mind games and to stop a move from being initated when you have the feeling it may be parried or reversed. This makes your opponent fuck up since most parries and reversals are unsafe so if they try to do it and you cancel your move then you can punish them.

Delaying - Holding onto the button used for a move to make the move come out slower. This throws your opponent's reversal/parry/sidestepping/ducking timing off. Some moves that normally don't causes crumple stuns do when they are delayed.

Attachments - These are moves that when they hit under a certain condition they turn into a different move.

Move Properties - The properties of the move are basically what the move does other than damage. Some move properites are that they go under high attacks, under mid attacks or over low attacks. Some moves automatically side step before excecution while some moves actually go through all kinds of attacks(known as a move having invincible frames). Move properties for the most part are always a good thing.

Combos - A set of connected attacks that are guaranteed off first hit. These are normally because they don't do much damage or because the first hit connected on counter hit.

Strings - A set of connected attacks that are not guaranteed off first hit. These are used to add pressure onto your opponent and for mix ups.

Aggressor - Originally from Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but I am putting my own little twist into it. Every character would have an aggressor with a different look to them and different effects. These aggressor can be activated whenever you want and are earned by smart play(good defense, smart offense and doing damage to the opponent). Once you earn aggressor bar you do not lose it till it is activated and the aggressor can only be used once per match. Your opponent cannot attack you during your aggressor animation.

If anyone has any other questions ask me, and for those who know absolutely nothing about fighting games: No, I did not make any of the above up.

~Hand To Hand~


All Around - A nice decent mix of everything in both offensive and defensive characters. Nothing over powering but nothing extremely lacking.

Offensive - Characters with the purest and best all around offensive move sets. They also have excellent movement to help add on pressure and give them new offensive weapons. These characters lack any truly good defensive options,however.

Defensive - The most defensively sound of the cast. Has the best parries and reversals that lead to the biggest damage. They also have the best defensive movement. However, these characters lack any extremely deadly offensive techniques.

Technical - These characters have the best move properties and the most damaging and hard to escape throws that leave them in good positioning afterwards. They have decent pokes and good movement, but their movement normally excells in one particular category(offense or defense) and normally lacks in the other. They also also either lack parries or reversals depending on the character.



All Around - Weapons of medium size with decent range, power, priority, throws and everything else.

Force - Weapons that do massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. Great move properties, good defensive options and great counter hit options. Characters who wield these weapons also have the most damaging throws. However, they lack any good pokes to maintain a solid offense.

Grace - Weapons that can rack up damage quickly with amazing priority and safe pokes. These characters have great change ups and decent throws. However, they lack for the most part any good defensive options and have poor range.

~Liu Kang~

~Hand To Hand - All Around~

#Introduction# - Liu Kang should be the epitome of balance. Power, speed, priority, defense and throws all in one nice neat package. He should have nothing that is game breaking or super overpowering, but should be able to be played in several different styles and be adaptable to almost any situation. A character you can learn when fresh to the game and still be able to use him at the highest levels of play.

*Offensive Game*

(Poking Game) - Liu Kang should have a solid set of moves that come out quick, interrupt well and leave him in safe/frame advantage positioning. These, along with any other character's pokes should only do extra damage on CH and not lead to crumple stun which would give Liu an oppurtunity for extra damage. A few examples.

High - A quick jab that comes out quick and does mediocre damage. On block this should be about +2 or so on block, and on hit it can be as much as +6. This should track both ways.

Mid - A quick gut punch that comes out a little slower than the high jab but does more damage and is still very quick. Safe on block(maybe about +1) and decent frame advantage on hit(+4 maybe).

Low - A quick low kick similair to Liu Kang's d+3 in jun fun in MKD. On block it could be -2(not advantageous but still safe since no move is more than 2 frames making it unpunishable). This poke could go under high attacks.

(Power Game) - Liu should possess a solid array of moves that do around 15-25 damage on hit. These moves on counter hit could do extra damage and some could causes a crumple stun which leads to more guaranteed damage. A few examples.

High - A fancy looking dragon punch type moves that causes crumple stun whether it hits on counter hit or not. It should come out fairly slow but have great damage advantage on block(around +6) or maybe even causes guard stun. This move should do about 20 damage on regular hit and 26 on counter hit. It hits high so it'd obviously be able to be ducked to avoid it and therefore make it punishable. This move could be canceled by hitting block before the animation is done and should not track.

Mid - A sharp, slow knee to the gut that hits mid and is unsafe(around -15 on block). If this move hits on counter hit it launches. On regular hit it does 30 damage while on counter hit it does 20 damage(does less damage to make it more balanced since it does launch afterall which means it's going to lead to more damage anyway). This knee would have invincible frames to all high and mid attacks.

Low - A sharp low kick to the shin that does 12 damage and has poor range. On block it should be -20(unsafe for people that don't understand frames) and on counter hit it could cause a crumple stun(they like grab onto their leg in pain or something).

(Moves With Properties) - A few of the moves listed above already have properties built in. I dont think Liu Kang really needs much more since remember the overall theme of Liu Kang should be perfect balance and not being too strong in one category or too weak in another. However, here's a few I feel would compliment his game.

Auto Step Move - A move that automatically sidesteps during the animation and comes out fast. On block this move should be fairly unsafe(around -9) but nothing too punishable. This attack should hit high.

Tracking Move - Liu kang should have a sweep that tracks both ways and does decent damage. On block it shoud be -13 or something unsafe enough to be a risk. It would go under high and mid attacks. Along with that attack Liu should also have other moves that track(high pokes,etc).

(Throw Game) - Liu Kang's throws should be simple, flashy and not overly damaging or easy to escape. Here are the throws I picture in my head for Liu.

1. The Fists of Fury - This would be the 1 escape throw. Liu kang grabs your arm and punches you 4 times in the gut, the 4th time knocking you to the ground. This would do around 22 damage.

2. Gravity Defiance - This would be the 2 escape throw. Liu Kang runs up your body and at the top of your head does a back flip and axe kicks you to the ground. This would do around 25 damage.

3. Enter The Dragon - *note* This throw can only be done out of dragon dash. This thorw has a 1+2 escape. Liu Kang punches you in the gut then rapidly(and i mean lightning fast) kicks you in the face 5 times and the fifth quick is a round house that sends you flying back. Does 28 damage.

(String/Mix Up Game) - Liu Kang should posses solid changes ups of strings. Safe pokes(like the ones listed above) that can link into other moves. His combos could vary from high,low,mid to mid,low,low,etc. Things that gives him options other from throws and random lows to break up the opponent's defense. His more rewarding mix ups and strings should be unsafe if avoided,however. Some strings can become combos if they hit on counter hit.

(Offensive Movement) - See below.

Dragon Forward Dash - The dragon dash should be Liu Kang's only offensive movement. This dash is a quick dash that covers great distance(more than a regular forward dash) and goes under high attacks. From the Dragon Dash you can press 1+2 do the throw(hits high like regular throws and tracks both ways) or press 3 to do a quicker version the mid hitting knee that launches on ch(this version comes out 5 frames faster, is safer and launches whether it hits on ch or not). The Dragon Dash can also link into any of Liu's pokes.

Final Statement - As you can see I tried to make Liu Kang as balanced as possible on the offensive end. Nothing is extremely good or extremely bad, but he has a nice foundation to work off of which would be good for beginners and tournament hi-level players as well.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Liu Kang should possess a high/mid reversal only, but lack any reversals for low attacks. His reversal could be like this.

Sign Of The Dragon - Liu Kang puts both hands out open palm facing his opponent and they are glowing red. During these few miliseconds if your opponent hits liu kang with a high or mid attack Liu Kang grabs onto their arm(or leg) and breaks it out of place for 20 damage. The breaking of arm/leg effect is just cosmetics and the character won't be effected and will walk regularly once getting up. Liu Kang can be punished if the reversal is not timed appropriately.

(Parries) - Liu Kang should possess a parry for high,mid and low attacks. His parries would work like a normal parry would, Liu Kang throws their arms/legs to the side/dodges the attack completely which gives you frame advantage to do what you want. Liu Kang's high/mid parry could give him +18 frame advantage while his low parry would give him +16 frame advantage.

(Defensive Movement) - See below

Dragon Back Dash - The Dragon Back Dash(DBD) should be Liu Kang's only defensive movement. DBD would cover a much greater amount of distance than an ordinary back dash and would go under both high and mid attacks. During the DBD you can link into a bicycle kick, low fire ball, high fire ball or flying kick if you choose. The recovery time afterwards isn't extremely punishable, but bad enough that the opponent can punish with a projectile if they feel you are going to do it.

Final Statement - Liu Kang's defensive options should be limited but should cover every possible need Liu Kang has. None of them are too overpowering or unbeatable, but would help the Liu Kang player with their overall game.

~Weapon - All Around~

*Offensive Game*

(Range) - This is assuming Liu Kang's weapon is again the nunchuku, but even though Liu Kang is an all around character that weapon is a little below average on range, but not to the point where you have to be directly in their face to do damage.

(Poking Game) - Liu Kang's weapon is the nunchuku so he should have solid pokes and quick attacks that leave him unsafe if blocked. A few examples.

High - A swing to the head and then a swing back the head. Solid frame adavantage on hit or block, but duckable. Comes out fairly fast and tracks both ways.

Mid - Liu Kang sort of elbows you in the gut with the nunchuku(they are like bent into one. Maxi players will get what I mean). This would go under high attacks and causes crumple stun on counter hit, giving Liu guaranteed damage. This move would not be safe on block, however, which would make this move purely situational and would require you to have a good sense of anticipation.

Low - Liu Kang should lack a low poke. This way his mix up game isn't too strong.

(Power Moves) - The nunchuku is not a stance of pure power, but should have a few moves that give you good damage quickly. Here are few examples.

High - Liu Kang lunges at you with his arms spread about so the chain part of the nunchuku is extended. If it's blocked, Liu Kang falls to ground and is at a -30 frame disadvantage, but if hits Liu Kang nails you to the ground and begins to strangle you with his nunchuku for a total of 28 damage.

Mid - Liu Kang crouches low(which means this move goes under high attacks for a few frames) and then swings his Nunchuku upwards for 20 damage and launches(giving you juggle options). This move lacks range and it isn't safe, but it comes out quickly.

Low - Liu Kang sweeps you and follows up with an automatic nunchuku uppercut for a total of 20 damage. If blocked this move is very unsafe but it goes under high and mid attacks.

(Moves With Properties) - A lot of the moves above already have built in properties, but here are a few I feel Liu should also have.

Auto Step Move - This move should obviously involve the nunchuku and auto step during the animation. It should be fairly safe(around -2) and give Liu great frame advantage on hit.

Tracking moves - A lot of Liu's nunchuku attacks should track regardless, so I won't put any examples here.

(Throw Game) - Liu Kang should possess two throws out of his weapon stance that do great damage and have decent escape windows. Here are my ideas..

A Lesson Well Taught - The opponent automatically tries to punch Liu Kang and he automatically ducks out of the way. Liu Kang then taps on their shoulder and they turn around. At this point Liu Kang nails the opponent in the gut with his nunchuku, knees you in the face and ends it with a nunchuku uppercut that launches for a total of 28 damage(not including the probable follow ups since it launches). This throw should have a fairly slow start up and a decent escape window.

Inner Rage - Liu Kang goes berserk on the opponent with a fury of nunchuku swings and combos that ends with a swing that sends the opponent flying back for a total of 30 damage. It should have a normal start up and a similar escape window to the Lesson Well Taught throw.

(Offensive Movement) - Liu Kang should possess no offensive movement out of his nunchuku stance.

Final Statement - Liu Kang's offense in his nunchuku stance should resemble the balance of his hand to hand combat stance with more emphasis on poking and power hits and less emphasis on movement. Nothing overpowering and nothing horrible.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Liu Kang should have one reversal out of his nunchuku stance that reverses both high and mid attacks, and here is my idea for it.

Greet The Floor - Liu Kang stands with his nunchuku fully extended for a few miliseconds and if you touch him while the nunchuku is glowing his wraps the nunchuku around you hands and slams you into the ground with one arm for a total of 21 damage. You can be punished if it is not timed right.

(Parries) - Liu Kang should possess a low parry in nunchuku stance but no high/mid parry. This low parry would give you +20 frame advantage.

(Defensive Movement) - Liu kang should lack any defensive movement in his nunchuku stance.


(Aggressor Animation) - Liu lets out a scream and the spirit of a dragon enters his body, at which point his eyes start to glow red and he is slightly more beefed up(muscle wise).

(Aggressor Effect) - Liu Kang does 4% more damage for all his moves, all of his throws come out faster and his reversal and parries are now completely safe. This aggressor would last for 20 seconds.


~Fire Ball~


- Solid frame advantage on block.
- Comes out fairly fast.


- Can be sidestepped.
- Hits high.

~Low Fire Ball~


- Solid frame advantage on block.
- Comes out fairly fast.
- Hits low.
- Goes under high and mid attacks.


- Does less damage than regular fire ball version.
- Can be side stepped.

~Flying Kick~


- Comes out very fast
- Goes over low attacks.
- On counter hit it causes a crump stun, giving you a guaranteed bycycle kick.


- Can be sidestepped.
- Unsafe if blocked.

~Bycycle Kick~


- Comes out fairly fast.
- Goes over low attacks.
- The ending frames of the bycycle kick has invincible frames, meaning it's penetrates all attacks during that time period.

- Tracks both ways.


- Extremely unsafe if blocked.

About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/02/2005 06:39 PM (UTC)
Very nice. If only the MK Team could read and understand this then the world would be a much better place. My recommendation for new characters to do this for would be more obscure or less liked characters like Mavado or Kira or something.
04/02/2005 07:43 PM (UTC)
Awesome thread Versatile and yeah, Boon and Co. ought to read this and apply it to MK7 and future MK games.

I have ideas for some of the basic moves in Jun Fan. On a side note, Jun Fan is a style of Kung Fu developed by Bruce Lee through modifying Wing Chun techniques. It is referred by some as the "original Jeet Kune Do". Later on, boxing, fencing, Savate, etc. techniques were incorporated.

1 in Jun Fan could be a jab that of course hits high, is safe with good frame advantage but it's a pretty weak move and the range should be between close and medium range...something around there..

B + 1 could be the Hook Fist he had which would hit high and launch the opponent. It can be ducked though and the recovery time is relatively mediocre.

2 could be a cross and would be a bit stronger, but slightly slower than a jab in that it consists of a bit more frames (like a couple more) and the frame advantage would still be pretty good but not as good as that of a jab.

3 could be the hopping snap kick that hits mid and would cause a crumple stun on CH. Perhaps it could have a bit of a frame disadvantage if blocked.

4 could be a kick to the face which would of course hit high and be punishable if ducked or blocked.

U + 4 (High Hook Kick) could hit high and hit twice with pretty good damage and maybe even knock the opponent down on the second hit. But if the opponent ducks, Liu Kang will be quite vulnerable. Also, it's not a good move to use when being relatively close to the opponent as it's more of a long ranged type move.

About that sweep, it could be that B + 4 move he had in Jun Fan.

This is what I have so far. What do you think?

04/02/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
Good stuff man. u+4 is one of my favorite "normal moves" in MKDA/D and I wish it was actually good. Maybe they could keep it for MK7 with properties.

1. Hits high. duckable.
2. Guard crush if both parts of kicks are blocked.
3. On hit gives you a guranteed throw attempt.
04/02/2005 08:05 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
Good stuff man. u+4 is one of my favorite "normal moves" in MKDA/D and I wish it was actually good. Maybe they could keep it for MK7 with properties.

1. Hits high. duckable.
2. Guard crush if both parts of kicks are blocked.
3. On hit gives you a guranteed throw attempt.

Ah yes, the guard crush! I forgot about that. Yeah, that would be good to put for those who continue to block high against that move.

I was thinking he could have a Hook Punch and the command for it could be F + 1. It would hit high, it could track and knock down the opponent or make him/her a bit dizzy (as in them spinning around and giving Liu Kang some frame advantage) and do pretty good damage for a basic attack.

However, it's not a fast move and Liu Kang would have frame disadvantage if the attack were to be ducked or blocked.

D + 1 (Groin Punch) would be a jab when he's crouching which I assume would hit mid (a lower level mid but still a mid) and would be a weak but safe poke. Like the regular jab, the range of the move would be between close and medium range.

About Me
04/02/2005 09:55 PM (UTC)
Thats really KOOL shit u wrote man!
I hope as the others that MK TEAM "steal" some ideas from u like they did with MK:D (i mean they used some ideas by members from here including mine)
04/03/2005 06:45 PM (UTC)
Thanks a lot guys. I added Liu Kang's introduction in just now since I felt each character should be introduced before going into what they are all about so I did that. Kung Lao is the next character I am doing and you can expect it later today or tomorrow. PEACE
04/05/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
~Kung Lao~

#Introduction# - Kung Lao would be for a player who wants balance but a challenge. Not neccessarily a worse fighter, but requires more to be played at the highest level of play and can be more rewarding and(in turn) more successful vs good players since he would probably be used less. Kung Lao would introduce to beginners the deeper aspects of the game like delays, cancels and deeper specials.

~Hand To Hand - All Around~

*Offensive Game*

(Poking Game) - Kung Lao's poking game, while arguably a little stronger than Liu Kang's, should still be solid and not too over powering. Here are a few examples

High - A poke to the eye with both index and middle finger. Comes out quick, +2 frame advantage(safe) on block and +10 frame advantage on hit. If this hits on counter hit it causes a crumple stun. This moves doesn't track either way and can obviously be ducked.

Mid - A quick one,two punch to the gut that both do little damage(total of about 13). Relatively safe on block(-3), comes out fairly fast and goes under high attacks. Also tracks both ways.

Low - A quick stomp on the foot that does relatively little damage, has bad range but has very good frame advantage on hit(+10). However, if blocked Kung Lao is at a small -4 frame disadvantage.

(Power Game) - Kung Lao's power game should be noticeably weaker when compared to Liu Kang's, but still very solid and fairly damaging. Only Lao's high hitting power hit(s) should cause crumple stun.

High - Hard elbow to the face that does 20 damage on regular hit and 27 on counter hit. If done regularly it is -12 on block and has no properties. If delayed it has guard crush, a few invincible frames, causes crumple stun and is safe(+4). This move can also be canceled by hitting the block button for the attacking animation is complete

Mid - Two sharp kicks to the gut that do a total of 22 damage and 30 on counter hit. If done regularly this attack is unsafe(-9). You can delay the input between the first and second kick, and if you delay the second and it is blocked it is now safe(+3). On counter hit you are at +16 frame advantage.

Low - Kung Lao should lack a power hitting low attack.

(Moves With Properties) - This is where Kung Lao and Liu Kang are basically even. Both have moves with properites to help them in certain situations but neither have several options are neither of them lead to super big damage off of an auto stepping move.

Auto Step Move - Keep in mind that these are just examples and that each character should not be limited to just one auto stepping move or one move that tracks because that would be stupid. These are just one or two examples of each. Anyway, one autostepping move Kung Lao could have is he quickly steps to the side and goes straight into an uppercut. This move not only auto steps but goes under high attacks and launches. It is -18 on block,however and cannot be canceled. However, it can be delayed. This does 20 damage on regular hit, 30 damage on counter hit, 28 damage if delayed and 40 damage if it hits on counter hit and delays.

Tracking Moves - Most of Kung Lao's quick pokes should track. He should lack a sweep that tracks or anything like, but rather make up for that with his specials and throws(all throws for every character should track no matter what).

(Throw Game) - Kung Lao's throw game should be similar to Liu Kang in that they have decent escape windows and come out at a decent speed. However, Kung Lao's throws should do a little bit more damage for the most part.

1. Free Fall - This would be Kung Lao's 1 escape throw. Kung Lao throws you into the air and does a backflip, landing standing on top of the opponent's stomach as they fall for a total of 24 damage. Kung Lao then hops off.

2. Strangle Hold - This would be Kung Lao's 2 escape throw. Kung Lao goes behind the opponent and puts them in a sleeper type of hold. After the opponent begins struggling to escape for a while Kung Lao cracks their neck. Does 24 damage.

3. Ancestral Tribute - This would be Kung Lao's 1+2 escape throw. Kung Lao kicks the opponent into the sky and throws his hat horizontally. As they land the hat goes back and forth 5 times slicing the opponent up. Does a total of 44 damage. This throw has a slow start up but a very small escape window, making it hard to break out of.

(Offensive Movement) - See below.

Mantis Dash - The Mantis Dash(MD) covers the same amount of distance as a regular forward dash but he automatically reverses all incoming high attacks during the dash INCLUDING throw attempts. No moves can link from the Dash so Kung Lao's only options after the dash is to link another dash, back dash, sidestep or block. The reversal would be that Kung Lao grabs onto the particular body park and knocks them back with a swift kick to the head.

(Mix Up/Change Up Game) - Kung Lao's mix up/change up game should be similar to Liu Kang in that they varied and his better mix ups aren't safe if blocked.

Final Statement - While not quite as balanced as Liu Kang on the offensive end, Kung Lao can potentially deal much more damage than his shaolin counterpart. He still offers most of the tools you need to be an offensive contender without being super damaging or having insane pokes. The Mantis Dash adds on a layer of depth to Kung Lao's game and allows him to add on pressure while staying on the defensive at the same time.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Kung Lao should possess reversals for mid and low attacks onsidering his MD already reverses high attacks if successful. Here are my ideas for them.

Gut Check - This can only reverse mid hitting attacks. Kung Lao stands with both hands near his stomach as if hes being given a big watermelon. During this short animation if Kung Lao is hit he grabs on to the opponent's body part to the side and punches him in the gut for a total of 10 damage and a +18 frame advantage. The opponent ramins standing.

Gut Check 2 - This reversal goes under high attacks and can only reverse low attacks. Kung Lao crouches with both hands out. If the opponent does a low attack during this animation Kung Lao throws the opponent's body part to the side and punches him in the gut for a total of 10 damage and a crumple stun.

(Parries) - Kung Lao should possess a parry for high,mid and low attacks. His parries would work like a normal parry would, Kung Lao throws their arms/legs to the side/dodges the attack completely which gives you frame advantage to do what you want. Kung lao's high/mid parry could give him +12 frame advantage while his low parry would give him +15 frame advantage.

(Defensive Movement) - Kung Lao should lack any defensive movement.

Final Statement - Kung Lao's defensive options are much more specific than Liu Kang's and require a better understanding of your opponent's style, but they can potentially lead to much more damage.

~Weapon - All Around~

*Offensive Game*

(Range) - Kung Lao's broadsword should possess medium range.

(Poking Game) - Kung Lao's Broad Sword should have decent pokes that aren't too unsafe but don't give him great frame advantage either.

High - A lightning fast slice to the face that gives you decent frame advantage(+2) on block and +4 on hit. It tracks very well.

Mid - A swift slice upwards that does great damage for a poke (15 damage) and is relatively safe(-3) on block. On hit it gives you +4, but it does not track at all.

Low - A swift slice downward that does decent damage and is relatively safe(-4) on block. On hit it is even frames(neither player has advantage) and it tracks very well to the right.

(Power Moves) - The Broadsword should be a weapon of not only medium range, but medium power as well.

High - A powerful slice to the left and quick right slice follow up that does a total of 23 damage. This is -12 on block and can obviously be ducked. The first initial slice can be delayed to cause guard crush

Mid - Broadswords should lack a mid hitting power attack.

Low - Similair to Kung Lao's broadsword: d+4 move in MKDA. This move can be delayed to do more damage. This move goes under high attacks and is -14 on block.

(Moves With Properties) - Like earlier most moves have properties such as tracking and going under certain types of attacks, but here are a few I feel doesn't fit in any of the other categories but should be mentioned.

Auto Step Move - Kung Lao takes a quick step to the side and slashes the opponent's chest area. Causes guard crush on block(+7) and hits high. Does about 18 damage regularly and on counter hit it causes a crumple stun.

Tracking moves - Kung Lao is a weapon with lots of horizontal and verticar slices so Kung Lao should be equipped with moves that track well, but only to certain sides(left or right).

(Throw Game) - Kung Lao should posses only one throw out of his broadsword stance.

Slice Em + Dice Em - This throw should be a 1+2 escape with a very small escape window. Kung Lao chokes the opponent with his left arm and furiously swings his broadsword at their face with the other hand. After he's done he hops back and takes a look at his work. The camera then goes to the opponent and they have the initials "K.L." carved into their face. Does a total of 35 damage.

(Offensive Movement) - No offensive movement out of weapon stance.

Final Statement - Kung Lao's weapon offense can be even more deadly than Liu Kang's, but it requires a smarter player to be effective with him. He doesn't track as well as Liu Kang in Nunchuku, and he doesn't have two weapon throws to mix up like Liu Kang does, but he can deal way more damage more quickly than his shaolin counterpart if used correctly.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Kung Lao should have one reversal out of his Broadsword stance.

Take Off - Kung Lao stands with both hands to his side and his broadsword glows slightly blue. If you hit Kung Lao with a high or mid attack during this short animation Kung Lao dodges the attack completely and launches you into the air with a hard swipe upwards leading to juggle damage.

(Parries) - Like Liu, Kung Lao should posses a low parry out of his Broadswoard stance but no parry for highs and mids. This low parry gives Kung Lao a +13 frame advantage if successful.

(Defensive Movement) - See below.

Shadow Retreat - Kung Lao retreats back with the same backdash speed as a regular one, but with less coverage. While doing this Kung Lao has his broad sword pointed towards the opponent. During this animation if you hit Kung Lao with a high attack Kung Lao automatically parries the attack and has a +20 frame advantage.

Final Statement - Again, Kung Lao's defensive options in his Broadsword stance might be harder to use effectively, but he can lead to much more potential damage than Liu Kang. He also has defensive mobility on the defensive end with his Shadow Retreat.


(Aggressor Animation) - The spirit of the original Kung Lao enters his body and he is surrounded by a yellow aura. In this state Kung Lao gains move speed and his attacks do 4% more damage. The Mantis Dash now parries not only high attacks, but mid and low attacks as well. This lasts for 18 seconds.


~Hat Throw~


- Where the hat toss hits is 100% up to you. When the hat is sent out, pressing down will make it hit low, pressing forward will make it hit mid, and not pressing anything makes it hit high.

- The high version of the hat toss gives you guard crush.
- On CH it causes a crump stun, guaranteeing you a spinning shield.
- Comes out very fast.
- Tracks both ways.


- The hat throw can only be used once per round.



- Avoids incoming attacks by teleporting behind the opponent.
- If you teleport on counter hit(meaning you teleport as soon as your opponent attacks), kung lao german supplexes you from behind for 25 damage.


- Can be anticipated and punished.
- Kung Lao is slightly unsafe after teleportation unless it's on counter hit.

~Spinning Shield~


- Hits mid.
- Safe on hit.
- Spinning shielf is a juggle starter.
- On counter hit it causes a crumple stun, guaranteeing another spinning shield that launches for a juggle starter.

- Draws in the opponent like a tornado even if it doesnt touch them.
- Tracks both ways.


- Starts up fairly slow.
- Kung Lao can be hit out of start up.

~Diving Kick~


- Goes over low attacks.
- Hits mid.
- On counter hit, spinning shield is guaranteed.


- Can be side stepped.
- Very unsafe if blocked.

~Whirlwind Kick~


- The beginning of the move has invincible frames.
- If all 3 hits are blocked, the third hit will causes guard crush.
- Tracks both ways.


- Hits high.
- Not safe if block

About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

04/05/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
Verse... You are nuts, you know that right? wow But I'm glad you are! grin This definately needs a sticky. The breakdown of just those two characters is pretty much perfect. I think the only thing I don't like is that Kung Lao only gets to use hit hat throw once. I kinda like the suspension of disbelief when it magically reappears on his head. But if those properties stay the same, yeah, it needs a major disadvantage like that to be balanced out. Otherwise it would probably stand as the best special in the game by far.
04/06/2005 02:57 AM (UTC)
lol thanks....up next is Kitana and Mileena. Don't expect them for a while though.
04/06/2005 08:19 PM (UTC)
I'd just like to say 3 things will quick....

1. Forgot to add Kung Lao's Mix Up/Change Up game in his offensive section. Will do that as soon as my Sox are done putting it up Mariano Rivera's asshole.

2. The reason why I didn't put mix ups/change ups in their weapons is because I feel the whole reason for weapon combat is to add a level of spacing(with moves) and single hit power that is not accesible through hand to hand combat with most characters.

3. Kitana will be done for Friday while you can expect Mileena on Sunday.

About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

04/06/2005 10:50 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
Will do that as soon as my Sox are done putting it up Mariano Rivera's asshole.

About Me

I don't want a bigger movelist Boon. I want a reason to use more than
10% of the ones you've given me. Fix MK with Move Properties.

04/07/2005 12:53 AM (UTC)
If the next MK only had Versatile's Liu Kang and Kung Lao... only two characters in the entire roster, but made in this way, it would still be the best MK.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/07/2005 08:01 PM (UTC)
Very good. *thumbs up*
04/07/2005 08:37 PM (UTC)
Thanks a lot guys.
04/11/2005 10:51 PM (UTC)


#Introduction# - Kitana would be the purest of the technical characters. She dominates the match through pure mind games, and by controlling the tempo of the match whether on the offensive or defensive end. It's through various move properties and some of the best throws the game that she keeps opponents at her bay. If you're too offensive she has several attacks that can penetrate, go under, or go over your moves. Too defensive and she has plenty of moves that causes guard crush or hard to escape throws. Kitana doesn't outright beat you with pure power or defensive prowess, but rather by getting into the opponent's head with the tools she has.

~Hand To Hand - Technical~

*Offensive Game*

(Poking Game) - Kitana should possess pokes that are of decent speed but have great move properties. They should have decent power as well.

High - A sharp poke to the neck that goes under high attacks. Come out fairly fast, is -2 on block(+3) on hit and does about 10 damage.

Mid - Two quick cat like claw swipes to the mid section that goes under high attacks, is -3 on block(+2 on hit) and does 12 damage. Comes out at a decent speed(a little slow for a poke).

Low - A crouching jab to the leg that has poor range and comes out very quickly. No frame advantage or disadvantage on block and +1 on hit. Goes under high attacks and causes a short crumple stun if it connects on counter hit.

(Power Game) - Technical characters for the most part don't have really damaging power attacks, but they are still more powerful than defensive characters in this regard. Kitana's damage for her power attacks should be among the weaker of the technical characters.

High - Kitana sort of power pushes the opponent with both hands. This move has invincible frames to high and mid attacks, does 18 damage and causes crumple stun on counter hit. On regular hit this move is -10 on block and +12 on hit. This move can be delayed and canceled. When delayed this move causes guard crush if blocked(+7) and and does 24 damage. This move comes out fairly slow and can obviously be ducked.

Mid - Look's exactly like her launching crane kick(u+4) in MKDA. This move comes out very quickly for a power move, has invincible frames to low attacks, launches on hit and is -12 if blocked. This move can be delayed in which it causes crumple stun if hits rather than launches(guarantees another u+4 anyway) and also causes guard crush(+7) if blocked.

Low - Kitana should lack a power hitting low attack.

(Moves With Properties) - Almost all of Kitana's moves has some sort of property, so this section for her and other technical characters is pretty much futile, but still I'll put a few moves that I feel needs to mentioned that I did not mention.

Auto Step Move - Kitana should have several of these. A few examples.

High - A side stepping sharp chop to the neck. Automatically causes crumple stun on hit and is -16 on block(not safe for those who still don't understasnd frames). This move has invincible frames for high attacks.

Mid - A side stepping sharp chop to the stomach. -10 on block and +9 on hit. This move has invincible frames to low attacks and causes crumple stun if it hits on counter hit.

Low - A side stepping chop to the legs that goes under high and mid attacks and has invincible frames to low attacks. This move is -17 on block and causes crumple stun on hit.

Tracking Move - Most of Kitana's moves should track with the exception of some of her high attacks. In future entries I will just put whether the move tracks or not instead of putting this section here.

(Throw Game) - Kitana's throw should be damaging, difficult to escape and have good properties. Besides Sub-Zero and Jax she should arguably possess the best throws of all the technical characters. Here are my ideas.

1. Power Within - This would be Kitana's 1 escape throw. Kitana smacks the opponent in the face leaving them stunned for a bit, and her body glows an aqua blue like she is charging up. She then walks up to the opponent and everything slows down(matrix style) and she punches you hard in the stomach for a total of 30 damage. Your aggressor bar gets filled up 40% and the opponent remains standing.

2. Royal Ass Kicking - This would be Kitana's 2 escape throw. Kitana unleashes a fury of palm strikes to the chest and ends it with a axe kick to the head that leaves the opponent crouched for a total of 32 damage.

3. Jezebel Annihilator - This would be Kitana's 1+2 escape throw. Kitana grabs onto your legs and swings you around and around until eventually tossing you into the air. She then jumps up into the air and does a 3 hit kicking combo that ends with a back flipping kick sending you crashing to the ground. Kitana then automatically lands and stomps on your head for a total of 45 damage.

(Offensive Movement) - Kitana lacks any offensive movement.

(Mix Ups/Change Ups) - Kitana's mix up/change up game should be strong. Her pokes could lead to strings that vary in mid/low attacks. These strings should be delayable and cancelable as tribute to her technical prowess. Her more devasting mix ups should be unsafe just like all the other characters.

Final Statement - Kitana can be played defensively while offensive due to her amazing move properties. Not quite as safe as other characters, but she can really put the hurting on you with her throws and solid pokes.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Kitana should lack any kind of reversal.

(Parries) - Kitana's parry game should be simple and effective. She should have one parry for high/mid attacks(gives you +17) and another parry for low attacks(+17).

(Defensive Movement) - See below

Paradox Step - Kitana sort of semi crouches with her left arm out, palm showing and she slowly moves back(she can stay still by the player holding down). While in this state Kitana goes under all high attacks,automatically low parries any incoming low attacks and the player can manually mid reversal any in coming mid attacks. The retreat animation lasts for two seconds and can be cancelled out by pressing block. Out of the PS you can forward dash and link into any of her throws. All of Kitana's pokes can be cancanceled into PS by pressing back,back. The mid parry gives you +18 frames and the auto low parry gives you +12. Paradox Step is not safe(-12) if not cancelled. The animation for Kitana's mid reversal is she shoves the opponent away(10 damage) and you have a +5 frame advantage.

Final Statement - Kitana has enough defensive tools to support her in matches. While not as defensively sound as some of the better defensive type characters, or even some of the all around ones, she can definetly hold her own with the dominating Paradox Step.

~Weapon - Grace~

*Offensive Game*

(Range) - Kitana's fans should have a below average range.

(Poking Game) - The steel fan is classified as a grace weapon and should be supported with the best of the best among weapon pokes. Here are a few examples.

High - A very quick slash to the face with her right fan followed by another slash with her left fan. Does a total of 20 damage and is -2 on block(+9 on hit). Can be delayed to make it causes guard crush(does more damage on hit as well).

Mid - A Quick poke to the opponent with her right fan that comes out quick and invincible frames to mid attacks. This move is +1 on block and +5 on hit. On counter hit it forces them into a crouch.

Low - Similar to her d+4 low poke in MKDA, but faster. It's -2 on block and +6 on hit. This move goes under high and mid attacks. This move can be delayed and causes crumple stun if it connects on delay.

(Power Moves) - This is where her steel fans would lack. She should have very little if any true power attacks. One that she should have in this stance is this, however, is a mid hitting move that looks similar to her b+2 launcher in MKDA. This move should be fairly safe for a launcher(-9) and hits mid.

(Moves With Properties) - A lot of moves with properties have been listed above, but here are a few I feel needs mentioning.

Auto Step Move - This should be one of Kitana's specialities. Here are a few examples.

High - Kitana takes a step to the side with her fan outward. This move is -8 on block and has invincible frames to high attacks. If this move hits on counter hit it causes a crumple stun.

Mid - Kitana crouches low and steps to the right with a sharp poke to the stomach(her fans closed). This move goes under high attacks and has invincible frames to mid attacks. This move is -10 on block and +10 on hit.

Low - Kitana should lack an autostepping low attack.

Tracking moves - A lot of Kitana's moves track well and I don't feel this should be a section any longer. So next time when I do Mileena(and all the rest) I will put a section called Overall Tracking Ability in the character's hand to hand and weapon sections. I feel this section is rather pointless.

(Throw Game) - Kitana should posses one throw out of her steel fans stance. Here it is.

A Game Of Catch - This throw would have a 1+2 escape, a fast start up and a very small window of escape. Kitana grabs onto the opponent and sort of puts them in a sleeper hold with her right arm, at which she throws her left fan in the air. She then quickly switches to her left arm to hold them in the sleeper and throws the right fan in the air. She then puts her hand on their shoulders and guides their face towards both fans allowing to opponent's face to get impaled by the two fans. Kitana then lets go and they fall down in pain. This does a total of 48 damage.

(Offensive Movement) - See Below.

Free Roam - Kitana retracts her fans into small knives. With this movement Kitana's pokes all come out 3 frames faster. The pokes can also be cancelled and she automatically parries all incoming low attacks. However, in this state Kitana can only use her poking attacks and cannot low block.

Final Statement - Kitana's offensive game is very effective with her fans. While I feel overall her hand to hand offensive options offer more versatility, I also believe that her fans have better poking options, especially with Free Roam movement.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Kitana should have one reversal out of her steel fans stance. Here it is.

Right Swipe Upper - This reversal works for high and mid attacks. Kitana stands with her fans glowing sky blue close together opened up. If the opponent hits Kitana during this animation she knocks the incoming attack away with her left fan and launches them into the air with her right fan(looks similar to b+2 in MKDA). This move counts as a launcher.

(Parries) - Kitana should lack any parries in her steel fans stance.

(Defensive Movement) - Kitana should lack any defensive movement in this stance.

Final Statement - Steel fans is a relatively weak defensive stance, but you can still hold your own defensively in this stance with the combination of good blocking, smart use of Free Roam and good reversal timing.


(Aggressor Animation) - Kitana's fans let off a purple aura that engulfs her body. If she is in hand to hand combat stance, she puts the fans away and the aura remains. If she is in her steel fans stance then the fans remain out.

(Aggressor Effect) - While in this state all pokes in both hand to hand and weapon stances causes invincible frames to the corresponding position at which it hits(I.E. mid pokes have invincible frames to mid attacks). Also, all high and mid power moves can be cancelled into her paradox step/free roam. This aggressor lasts for 20 seconds.


~Fan Throw~


- Does the most damage of all the projectiles in the game.
- Tracks both ways.
- Comes out fairly quickly.
- On counter hit the Fan Throw causes the opponent to crumple, giving you guaranteed damage.


- Can be ducked.
- Fan can only be used once per match.

~Fan Lift~


- Like in previous Mortal Kombat, the fan wave entraps you in a wave that gives you guaranteed damage.
- Hits mid
- Comes out fairly quickly.


- Very unsafe if blocked.
- Can be sidestepped.

~Square Wave Punch~

- Advantages-

- Comes out very quickly.
- Takes you to the back of your opponent.
- Has invincible frames so it beats out all jumping attacks.


- You can be punished upon landing.

~Pretty Kick~


- Goes over low attacks.
- Tracks both ways
- Very good frame advantage if blocked, making it safe.


- Doesn't do a lot of damage.
- Hits high, meaning it can be ducked and punished.

Up next in Mileena, and by the way guys, keep in mind that I am doing this "guide" with the mind set that everyone's bar is set to 250(meaning it takes 250 damage to kill them).
04/13/2005 09:18 AM (UTC)
Again, very well done but I don't agree at all with the one fan throw only.
This feature was only in MK:DA cus of the weapon stab. So, u should forget abut it and start proposing Kitana's classic infinite fan throws special move (if not infinite fan throws it's like eliminating Scorpion's infinite spear throws for example...).

About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

04/18/2005 11:14 PM (UTC)
MK2US Wrote:
Again, very well done but I don't agree at all with the one fan throw only.
This feature was only in MK:DA cus of the weapon stab. So, u should forget abut it and start proposing Kitana's classic infinite fan throws special move (if not infinite fan throws it's like eliminating Scorpion's infinite spear throws for example...).

I agree with you on this.
04/23/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
Hey guys...don't think I am neglectings this or anything. I've been a little busy with..everything. You can expect Mileena tomorrow, and then I'll reveal the next two I am going to do..which will be complete by next friday.
05/07/2005 12:33 AM (UTC)

#Introduction# - Mileena introduces the style of pure offense in exchange for defensive capabilities. This makes Mileena a very deadly character in the hands of an offensive enthusiast, but somewhat worthless in the hands of someone looking for balance or defensive options as far as hand to hand goes. While the weakest of the offensive characters, she is perhaps the safest and fastest. Like the others in her group she's equip with great mix ups and options to keep the pressure going. With her weapon would be a rare case of a force character with very little range, but with the same great defensive options.

~Hand To Hand - Offensive~

*Offensive Game*

(Poking Game) - Speedy moves that have above average priority and solid damage. Here are a few examples.

High - A speedy elbow to the face that comes out faster than most jabs and does 10 damage. +1 on block and +4 on hit.

Mid - Swift knee to the gut that has invincible frames to mid attacks. Tracks well both ways and is -2 on block. On counter hit this move forces a crouch.

Low - A quick duck jab to the leg that comes out very quickly and does minimal damage. Goes under high attacks. No frame advantage or disadvantage if blocked.

(Power Game) - Being an offensive character, Mileena has the power that many other characters in the roster lack. Some of these power hits are relatively safe when compared to other power attacks and quick as well.

High - Mileena dashes in and jumps into the air with ninja like athleticism and drop kicks the opponent in the face for a total of 28 damage. This move tracks both ways and is -20 if blocked. Right before contact with the player's face you can press 3+4 to have Mileena wrap her legs around the opponent's neck and flip them over into a mount position. Mileena then punches them(left,right,left,right) and cracks their neck with her thighs for a total of 42 damage. If you do the special timed version of this attack then it's completely unblockable. This move can be canceled by hitting guard before Mileena actually jumps.

Mid - Mileena does a super sharp knee to the gut followed by (using the same, still elevated, knee) a launching kick. Does a total of 20 damage and leads to juggle damage. The knee can be delayed for extra damage and guard crush(at which point it is +7 on block AND causes crumple stun if it hits), and the input for the pop up can be delayed as well, but not the move itself.

Low - A double legged sweep that goes under high and mid attacks and does 20 damage. Comes out at a decent speed and is -14 on block.

(Moves With Properties) - Like most offensive characters what you see is what you get with Mileena. Other than the expected pressure tools that she has, there isnt much to offer when compared to Kitana in the properties section

Auto Step Move - Mileena should lack any autostepping attacks.

Tracking Move - Mileena's move should track well to make her a very difficult character to evade/defend.

(Throw Game) - Mileena's throw game should be solid, efficient and damaging. While not as strong as Kitana's(or most technical characters in general), her throws are still something to be feared, and can be extremely dangerous if used well with her strong pokes and pressure attacks.

1. Head Bangers - This would be Mileena's 1 escape throw. She grabs the opponent by their shoulder and bashes her head into theirs 4 times, the fourth time causing them to fall to the ground for a total of 29 damage. This throw has a decent escape window.

2. Supernatural Strength - This would be Mileena's 2 escape throw. Mileena grabs the opponent by their legs, raises them high into the air then slams them to the ground. She then does it again. This does a total of 31 damage and has a medium sized window of escape.

3. Cannabilism - This would be Mileena's 1+2 escape throw. Mileena jumps onto the opponent, mounting them, takes off her mask and feasts on their face, causing it to become deformed and contorted for the remainder of the match. Does a total of 38 damage and has a very small window of escape.

(Offensive Movement) - See Below

Rave Dash - Mileena crouch dashes forward with both arms crossed in a X. During this quick dash Mileena goes under all high attacks. During this dash Mileena can link into her high, mid and low pokes. Mileena can cancel this dash at any time by pressing block.

(Mix Ups/Change Ups) - Mileena's mix up ability is among the best in the game. Fast change ups from high to mid to low makes her a constant threat if you are not a good defender. Her ability to chain together strings that are safe allows to her to continue to apply pressure while slowly chipping away at your life.

Final Statement - Mileena is an offensive powerhouse. Blending pure speed with solid power and great mix up ability makes her a great character for those who understand the ins and outs of a strong offensive game.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Mileena has no reversals.

(Parries) - Mileena has no parries.

(Defensive Movement) - Mileena has no defensive movement.

Final Statement - Expect to see this a lot with pure offensive style characters. It takes a great blocker to be truly great with a character like Mileena, but diligence and hard work can lead to matches that end very quickly in your favor.

~Weapon - Force~

*Offensive Game*

(Range) - Mileena's sais should be among the worse weapons in the game range wise.

(Poking Game) - The sai's poking game should be mediocre at best. Here is an example of one of the few pokes she should have.

Mid - A double strike to the gut with the sais. Comes out fairly slow for a poke(but still quick), has invincible frames to mid attacks and does 12 damage. This move is -3 on block.

(Power Moves) - Mileena has a unique set of power moves with good move properties that leave the opponent close unlike most other power move sets. Here are a few examples.

High - Mileena quickly draws her right arm back and lodges her Sai into the opponent's face then pulls it out. If blocked, this move causes a +10 guard crush. On hit it causes crumple stun. This move tracks both ways and does 23 damage and 33 on counter hit. This move has invincible frames towards high attacks. Holding the button used for this move lets you delay it for extra damage(28 and 38 on counter hit), and it can also be canceled.

Mid - Mileena spins towards the opponent in a crouched position and ends the movement with a dual slash to the right and then to the left with both sais towards the stomach area. This move goes under high attacks, track very well and does a total of 33 damage. On block this move is -8 on block. This move can be canceled at any part of the animation before the initial hit.

Low - Mileena lodges her left sai into the opponents foot. If you don't input the next command(b+1+3), Mileena takes the sai out and it does a total of 20 damage. However, if you press b+1+3 right after initial contact, Mileena grabs onto the opponents other leg and raises it up. She lets out a monstrous laugh and kicks the opponent in their crotch area. If the opponent is a guy this move does a total of 40 damage. If the opponent is a girl this move does a total of 28 damage.

(Moves With Properties) - A lot of moves with properties have been listed above, but here are a few I feel needs mentioning.

Auto Step Move - Mileena's autostep game with her sais should be solid. Here are a few examples.

High - Mileena takes a step to the side, and while stepping she swiftly slashes with her all her might to the direction that she is stepping. This move causes guard crush(+7), does 20 damage and causes crumple stun on counter hit. This move comes out fairly slow.

Mid - Similar to the high auto step move, but Mileena swings at the mid section instead. This really isn't a mix up because the starting animation is noticeably different. This move doesn't cause guard crush, but is -10 on block. This move is invincible to mid attacks.

Low - Again, similar animation, but Mileena takes a quick step to the direction you press while crouching. After the initial step crouch, Mileena quickly does a quick slicing motion to the opposite direction at the opponent's legs for 15 damage. This move goes under high attack and is -9 on block.

Tracking moves - Mileena's moves with her sais don't track particularly well, but well enough.

(Throw Game) - Mileena should have one throw with her sais. here it is.

Puncture Wounds - Mileena jumps into the air and lands, jamming her sais into the opponent's shoulders. The game then goes into slow motion as she raises her legs up to their face. She then snap kicks the opponent's head back and forth, and as this happens, the motions slowly quickens up back to normal game speed. Afterwards, Mileena pulls the sais out from their shoulders and licks the blood, letting out an orgasmic "mmmmmmm". This throw has a decent escape window and does a total of 42 damage.

(Offensive Movement) - Mileena lacks any offensive movement.

Final Statement - Mileena uses pure tactics and force to strategically pile up the damage on the opponent. All it takes is a simple mistake for Mileena to dominate the match with her Sais. With damaging single blows that can lead to massive damage off counter hit and post-frame advantage, she's a wild beast that is very difficult to contain.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Mileena has one reversal out of her sai stance.

Sai Lift - This reversal only works for high and mid attacks. Mileena stands with her two sais(glowing purple) pointed towards the opponent 4 inches apart from each other. If the opponent kicks her during this animation, Mileena locks the opponent's leg in with her sais and flips them over like a pancake for a total of 17 damage. If the opponent punches her during this animation, Mileena locks the opponent's arm in with her sais, raises them into the sky and slams them into the ground for 22 damage.

(Parries) - Mileena has a low parry with her Sais. If successful, she gets +15 frame advantage to work with.

(Defensive Movement) - See below.

Rave Sidestep - This movement is activated by pressing 1+4 during a successful sidestep. Mileena twirls around the opponent. The RSS covers much more vertical distance than a normal sidestep. During the ravestep you can buffer in any command for any move in her sai stance. If the move hits you can link that move into another RSS and the process begins anew, but if the move is blocked Mileena is left at the same frame disadvantage that she'd be if the move blocked was done without the RSS.

Final Statement - Sai's is an amazing defensive stance, but that's to be expected considered that they are Force type weapons. The Rave Sidestep is arguably the most deadly defensive movement if used properly and sparingly. With a reversal and parry she can more effectively stay in the match without being forced to constantly use unsafe power attacks.


(Aggressor Animation) - Mileena rips her veil off, revealing her ugly, monsterous face. Her body is now englufed in a purple aura.

(Aggressor Effect) - While in this state the Rave Sidestep can be linked from moves instantly without havhing to initiate a sidestep into RSS before entering a command. Also, anytime a move is blocked from the ravestep it is frame lock between Mileena in the opponent no matter what rather than the frame disadvantage she'd normally get. In hand to hand style all of her moves do 3 percent move damage.


~Sai Blast~


- Comes out very quickly.
- Penetrates through incoming projectiles.
- On counter hit another Sai blast is guaranteed.


- Hits high, meaning it can be ducked.
- Can be sidestepped.

~Teleport Kick~


- Goes over high,mid and low attacks.
- On counter hit it causes crumple stun, giving you guaranteed damage.


- If blocked, you are at a major frame disadvantage(meaning you are very unsafe).

~Rolling Thunder~


- Goes under high and mid attacks.
- Comes out very quickly
- On counter hit it counts as a launcher, allowing you to juggle them.
- Track both ways.


-If blocked, it's very unsafe.

Up next I cover Sonya and Jax.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

05/07/2005 07:10 AM (UTC)
Nice to see this thread back in the works. Good stuff.
05/07/2005 02:40 PM (UTC)
Excellent thread Versatile. Great work.

I also think Kitana should have an infinite fan throw. If thats not the case, Mileena should only get to use her sai throw once, and scorpion his spear once etc.
06/01/2005 11:14 PM (UTC)
Sorry guys..Sonya will be done tonight. Jax by end of week.
06/03/2005 01:39 AM (UTC)

#Introduction# - Sonya introduces the defensive type of characters, and she's arguably the best of her set. Armed with reversals that do juggle damage, parries that give a lot of frame advantage and other evasive techniques, players think twice before attacking her. While she lacks moves that keep pressure or any real effective mix ups or power moves, patient players who are good with reading patterns are in for a treat when they become skilled with her.

~Hand To Hand - Defensive~

*Offensive Game*

(Poking Game) - Sonya's pokes should have very few pokes, but they should be good enough to give her spacing she needs to set up her defensive traps. Here are a few examples

High - A quick right hook to the face. This move is +3 on block and gives Sonya good space on hit. This move can be delayed to do 13 damage(does 9 damage regularly). If blocked when delayed, this move is -5.

Mid - A fast underhand punch to the gut. This move is -2 on block and has invincible frames towards mid attacks. This move can also be canceled by hitting guard before contact.

Low - Sonya should lack any low pokes.

(Power Game) - Sonya's power comes from her reversals, so she shouldn't have any overly powerful attacks. Here is one she should have.

High - A move that looks similar to her Tae Kwan Do: 3 round house kick in MKDA, but comes out slower. This move causes guard crush on block and comes out fairly fast for a move that does 20 damage. On hit it causes an instant crumple stun. This move tracks very well to Sonya's right and a little to the left.

(Moves With Properties) - Here are a few moves I think need mentioning for Sonya.

Auto Step Move - Sonya should be supported with lots of moves that have an autostep in them. Here are a few examples.

High - Sonya backhand slaps the opponent in the face for a +6 frame advantage on hit and a +2 advantage on block. Though near unnoticeable, Sonya takes a quick step to her left before the slap.

Mid - Similar to the high move, but this time it's an elbow to the gut. This move also has an auto step in the animation. On hit it's +6, but on block it's -4.

Low - Sonya lacks an autostepping low attack.

(Throw Game) - Sonya's throw game should be decent, but noticeably weaker when compared to the throws of technical,offensive and even all around characters. Here they are.

1. Resisting Arrest - This would be Sonya's 2 escape throw. Sonya clotheslines the opponent, hop on top of them and beats them silly with a nightstick. This does a total of 24 damage. This move has a fairly large escape window.

2 F.B.I.(Full Body Impact) - This would be Sonya's 1+2 escape throw. She quickly grabs the opponent, turns around, slips her arms in between there's and lifts them up almost in a crucifix like manner. She then does a spin and slams the opponent head first into the ground with a sit down powerbomb. This move has a fairly small escape window and does a total of 35 damage.

(Offensive Movement) - Sonya should lack any offensive movement.

(Mix Up/Change Up Game) - Almost non existant. Her combos are very straightforward and don't have many mid/low variations.

Final Statement - When compared to most characters, Sonya's offensive game leaves a lot to be desired. Still, she's not completely helpless and is supported with decent pokes and a dangerous high hitting power move. Also, she is armed with the a good 1+2 escape throw that is fairly hard to break out of.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Sonya should have reversals for high,mid and low attacks. Here they are.

Queen Of Breaker - Version 1 ~ This reversals work for both high and mid attacks. Sonya stands with her arms in an X sign with both palms open facing the opponent(they are glowing pink). If the opponent kicks/punches/etcs Soyna during this animation she quickly grabs their limb/body part with one hand, spins around(think super mario 64 bowser boss battle) and slams them into the ground(ground damage noticeable). From this point on if you press 2+4 right after Sonya slams the person into the ground she grabs the arm/leg, wraps her leg around it and snaps it out of place. If you press 1+3 after the snap she stands up to her feet and repeatedly kicks the opponent in the stomach while they scream in pain. Finally if you press 1+2+3+4 right after the final kick she jumps into the air and does a leg drop on the opponent's neck. This does a total of 55 damage. The opponent can break out of the series of attacks after arm/leg snap, but it's very difficult to do with a very small frame window(2 frames). Version 2 ~ After the intial slam if you press 1+3 sonya lifts you up(grabbing the same leg/arm) and slams you again. Pressing 2+3+4 after this makes Sonya put her boot/high heel on the opponent's neck and press hard. This all does a total of 40 damage, but unlike Version 1 it cannot be broken out of at any stage of the series. The window for the initial reversal is very small when compared to weaker reversals of other characters.

Around The World - This reversal works only for low attacks. Sonya stands with her lowered hands twisted in opposite directions(think someone with a jar of peanut on their left palm and using their right palm to unscrew it). If the opponent hits sonya with a low attack she quickly grabs their leg/arm and spins them around and around, quicker and quicker. At her maximum momentum she lets go, sending the opponent flying to their eventual damaging landing. This does a total of 30 damage. The window for the intial reversal is again smaller than weaker low reversals.

(Parries) - Sonya should have parries for high, mid and low attacks. If anything, just to accomodate to the lesser skilled players who have not yet mastered her reversals. Her high/high mid parry should give her +20 if successful done, and her low parry should give her the same advantage if it connects.

(Defensive Movement) - See below

Sway Back - Sonya can cancel many of her strong hitting attacks(such as the high hitting TKD 3 look a like move I talked about earlier) and some of her pokes into a quick sway back that avoids most high attacks and some mids as well. If longer ranged moves go beyond the sway backs evasive distance she can cancel her sway into any of her reversals or parries.

Back Turned - During this movement Sonya can walk in the opposite direction with her back turned for up to 5 seconds. This technique is best used when time is running out and you want to win due to having more health. Movement is not limited when your back is turned, meaning you can dash as well, but you cannot attack with anything. Also, if you dash in back turned for longer than 3 seconds Sonya becomes tired and is at a -25 frame disadvantage.

Jumping and Jiving - Sonya jumps to her side and does a little wiggle. If the J+J is successful Sonya launches the opponent in the air with a swift uppercut. A successful J+J is sonya either hopping over a low attack during the J+J movement or successfully stepping an incoming attack.

Final Statement - Only Sonya's defensive peers give her competetion in this category. If used at her max potential on the defensive end she can be a force that is near impossible to defeat. When used correctly she makes her offensive weapon game more effective since the opponent is less passive.

~Weapon - All Around~

*Offensive Game*

(Range) - Sonya's kali sticks, like in MKDA, should have medium-slightly below average range, allowing to play a sweep distance game and an up close game.

(Poking Game) - Sonya's kali sticks should be equip with solid pokes for setting up damage while staying safe. Here are a few examples.

High - A quick right handed bash to head(think a drummer bashing a symbol). This is a quick move(though kind of slow for a poke) that gives sonya a -4 frame disadvantage if blocked a +5 frame advantage if it hits. On counter hit it forces a crouch.

Mid - A double fisted poke to the gut with both sticks simaltaneously. This move comes out very fast and is +5 on hit and -1 on block.

Low - Looks exactly like Kobra's d+1 with Kali Sticks in MKD, except the hit detection isn't all goofed. This move is 0 frame advantage/disadvantage on block and +4 on hit. Comes out very quick and goes under high and mid attacks.

(Power Moves) - Deceptively strong for an all around weapon. Probably among the strongest of weapons with medium range and speed.

High - Sonya extends her arms out forward and smashes her kali sticks together. If it connects with your opponent's head it's an instant crumple stun. This move does 25 damage and can be canceled and delayed(for 10 more damage).

Mid - Looks just like her b+3/kobra's b+3 in DA/D. This move has invincible frames to mid attacks and does 27 damage. This is a pretty quick move for a move that does so much damage(the speed is toned down when compared to DA/D version).

Low - Sonya lacks a power hitting low attack.

(Moves With Properties) - A few moves I feel need highlighting.

Auto Step Move - Sonya should hava nice step attack in her arsenal, but with her great step stuff and J+J movement it shouldn't be too devasting. Here is one example.

High - While stepping to the side Sonya quickly bashes the opponent in their ear with her right stick. This move is safe on block(-2) and does 12 damage.

Tracking moves - A lot of Sonya's moves track well both ways.

(Throw Game) - Sonya should possess one throw out of kali stick stance.

Stick Death - This throw would have a 2 escape. Sonya hops on top of the opponent and mounds them to the ground. She then bangs her kali sticks onto the opponent's head like she's playing drumbs. This throw does a total of 35 damage and has a small escape window.

(Offensive Movement) - Sonya has no offensive movement with her kali sticks.

Final Statement - Solid, which is what all around weapon users should be. Besides a powerful low hitting attack, she has the answers to any situation on the offensive end.

*Defensive Game*

(Reversals) - Sonya should lack a reversal with her kali sticks.

(Parries) - Sonya should have parry for high and mid attacks with her kali sticks. If successful th parry gives her +12 frame advantage.

(Defensive Movement) - Sonya should lack defensive movement with her kali sticks.

Final Statement - While lacking some of the defensive moves that other all around weapon users have, she still has a parry that is supported with a very balanced offense.


(Aggressor Animation) - Sonya is engulfed within a bright white light and when it fades away her eyes are glowing bright white and she's surrounded by flickering sparkles.

(Aggressor Effect) - Sonya's Juking and Jiving movement is instant launcher whether it's successful or not. If it's blocked, however, it's -5. All of Sonya's moves do 4% more damage, including her reversals. This aggressor lasts for 30 seconds.



- Track both ways
- On counter hit it causes crumple stun and gives you guaranteed damage.
- Can be charged by holding down on the button. Once fully charged it causes guard crush and hits mid.


- Comes out slow.
- Regular version hits high, meaning it can be ducked.

~Square Wave Punch~


-Takes you behind the opponent unless they jump, at which point the punch has invincible frames and cannot be interrupted.

- Goes over everything.
- Comes out super fast.
- On counter hit(the move happens the same time that your opponent does a move), you have no frame advantage or frame disadvantage.


- Horrible recovery time.
- The opponent can uppercut you out of it before you land as long as it's not on couner hit.

~Leg Grab~


- Hits mid
- Comes out fairly quick.
- On counter hit when sonya slams you, she doesnt let go, but rather pins you down, from which point you pres 1 or 2 to alternate between a left punch or right punch. You can do this up to 4 times, but if your opponent press the button that corresponds to your punch they escape.


- Can be sie stepped both ways.
- Not very safe.

~Bycycle Kick~


- Goes over low attacks.
- Hit mid
- Comes out fairly fast.
- On counter hit they land on their head for a guaranteed leg grab.


- Can be sidestepped.
- Has horrible range.


- Advantages-

- Hits mid
- Covers great distance
- Tracks both sides well.
- On counter hit you get a guaranteed throw attempt.
- Fairly safe.


- Comes out fairly slow

~Flying Kick~


- Comes out very fast.
- Goes over low attacks.
- On counter hit it causes a crumple stun, giving you guaranteed damage.


- Can be sidestepped.
- Unsafe if blocked.

~Kiss Of Death~


- Like in MKDA, if the kiss of death hits, the opponent is stunned for guaranteed damage.
- Has great range
- Tracks both ways


- Bad recovery time.

Alright..coming soon...

Jax - By end of next week
Johnny Cage - A little after that
Scorpion - End of June
Sub-Zero - End of June

I'll be posting Scorpion and Sub-Zero at the same time, and then after that I'll be taking request from others fans. Thanks for dealing with me not updating frequently peeps.
06/03/2005 02:09 AM (UTC)
Interesting stuff on Sonya. I will say that I don't picture her as being a defensive type character. In fact, I kind of see her as somewhat all-around but more on the offense side with decent power, pretty good speed, and specializing in kicks.

Btw, what is the first special move you listed? Is that the Ring Blast attack?
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