If we get 2 additional DLC characters - Fujin and Li Mei, heres why
posted04/06/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)by
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06/02/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
I've seen many people requesting additional DLC packs, including a wide range of characters. Let's be real, folks. 4-8 additional playable combatants? It's not gonna happen. NRS is moving to their next project, Injustice 2 or whatever it is.

Best case scenario is: we get 2 additional characters after Tanya, Tremor and the guests... You know, sort of what happened with Injustice.

I'd be fine with that as long as those two are MK characters. I haven't seen anyone hating on Fujin. He's not in my top 20 of all time fave characters, but I get the idea why he "must" have been in MKX. He's one of the most requested post-trilogy MK fighters and NRS should take this into consideration. And he has a new 3D model for the cutscenes that looks great, even better than some of the playable heroes.

So, IMO Fujin should be one of the two additional DLC characters.

What about the second one? Well... there's so many faces we'd like to see again. Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax, Rain, Baraka, Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, Havik, Reiko... to name a few.

Personal feelings aside, I'd pick Li Mei. She has been in all three of the 3D era games. She's recognizable and has decent amount of fans. Many people seem to love her redesign. She's a female and MKX definitely needs more badass chicks. Judging from the Story mode, Li Mei is very busy and her place in the roster is well grounded for those who care mostly about the plot.

I really don't see the other mentioned characters coming back for MKX and it's not because they don't "deserve" it. Everyone deserves another chance, but there are so many things that we should take into consideration.

The story produces the weakest arguments for someone's inclusion in the game, because every character can be written in the plot.

Gameplay-wise, probably Predator will feel (and look) like Cyrax and Sektor. Rain, Baraka, and Smoke will be made playable by the modding community, since these characters have in-game models. I like Bo Rai Cho more than Li Mei, personally I feel we need more body shape diversity and a Drunken Master stereotype fighter, but I'm not taking the egoistic route. I know Li Mei is generally more likable than Bo, so...

Fujin and Li Mei - the perfect last DLC additions. I guess, the team that creates characters is different than the one, responsible for the arenas. Maybe it's not that unreasonable to expect DLC arenas, or is it?

That's my two cents. Hope it helps NRS make the right decisions.
I don't think enough people like Li Mei as much as you think they do and if She got in over fan favorites, more important NPCs or other characters that have been requested since forever She'd recieve even more hate and disdain than the last games. And being a 3D character that response has potential to kill them harder than any story mode death NRS can think of.

I mean she's there and thats nice but I don't want her right now. Sareena has more of an importance here in this game And of course the NPC thing really sucks for Non-PC players who can't mod those characters back in.

But Fujin is fine. I want to believe they're grooming Fujin to take over as new protector and Frost as Next generation Lin Kuei much like Takeda.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/06/2015 01:03 PM (UTC)
Agreed, OP. Yeah, I'm a die-hard Li Mei fan so perhaps I'm not objective enough but because of this I pay attention where she's mentioned. On the various MK boards including this one she's consistently mentioned in regard to 3D era characters people want back. Her latest appearance has caused many to take to Twitter to call for her being DLC. She's actually a lot more popular than people give her credit for.

Anyway I hope she can squeeze in as DLC eventually. I'm hopeful because her redesign is so drastic for a character that only appears in a couple of scenes like Fujin. Why create such an elaborate model? Why bother redesigning her in such detail? Why have her as a cameo at all?

These questions you could ask of characters like Fujin as well. He's the other character I'd like to see fully playable eventually too.
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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/06/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
tl;dr most of it

4-8 characters ridiculous?

In case you haven't noticed, dlc has had a bit of popularity in NRS games. People always want more.

It's why you had 4 characters in MK9, and 6 in Injustice.

It's why this time, the dlc is releasing much sooner than it did in both those games too. How sooner? About 1/2 the time it did to release on injustice.
Two weeks after MKX launch, you'll be getting Jason as the first dlc character.
You had to wait a month for Lobo.

In case you also haven't noticed, Tanya has an ingame model in the story mode. The same Tanya that is one of the dlc characters.

Which other two characters have ingame models that had a redesign?

Baraka and Rain. Those two are DEFINATELY in.

Their MK9 moves are just placeholders. Much like Tanya's Kitana's fighting stance and some moves.

The future dlc characters are most likely Fujin, Baraka, Rain and Li Mei.

I'm going to be very surprised and angry if not. 2 because they already have ingame models. the other 2 because they play a prominent role in the story and are also redesigned.
04/06/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
Assuming we don't get Spawn as a guest character in the 2nd Kombat Pack.

Fujin,Reiko,Frost and Li Mei are the likely choices.

Rain was DLC last game and Boon has already said no DLC from last game will be DLC this game. He is already on record for saying that. He won't go back on his word there. Baraka is sitting this one out. I would throw Sereena in as a darkhorse.
04/06/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
Renmazuo Wrote:
Assuming we don't get Spawn as a guest character in the 2nd Kombat Pack.

Fujin,Reiko,Frost and Li Mei are the likely choices.

Rain was DLC last game and Boon has already said no DLC from last game will be DLC this game. He is already on record for saying that. He won't go back on his word there. Baraka is sitting this one out. I would throw Sereena in as a darkhorse.

Boon said a lot of stuff that didn't come to fruition this time around. If fans get vocal enough for Rain, he will make it, no doubt about it.

I, too, agree that I think if we do get four, I think we will be seeing Fujin, Baraka, Rain and Li Mei.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/06/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
Renmazuo Wrote:
Assuming we don't get Spawn as a guest character in the 2nd Kombat Pack.

Fujin,Reiko,Frost and Li Mei are the likely choices.

Rain was DLC last game and Boon has already said no DLC from last game will be DLC this game. He is already on record for saying that. He won't go back on his word there. Baraka is sitting this one out. I would throw Sereena in as a darkhorse.

Oh bullshit. Boon's been on record for saying a lot of shit. You don't think if the demand was there they wouldn't make Rain DLC all because of something Boon stated 6 months ago?

It's called having a change of mind.
IF there is a 2nd pack, Spawn is most probably in. Boon's reaction to his name in the interview with AngryJoe sorta gave me that impression.

I want Rain, even though it's bugging me how he's only making it into a MK game as DLC or as part of an "all stars" roster.
Still pissed that he was robbed of a spot in MK9 (I'm looking at you, lousy sorcerer)
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/06/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
Who are these LOSERS who keep asking for SPAWN? lol

Wasn't spawn in soul calibur 3 or 4?

Put in actual MK characters.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/06/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Of all the characters I desire for all the reasons, I simply cannot wrap my mind around the fact that ....

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Noob Saibot

.... is not in this game in any capacity.

The fact that this game has these central figures such as Quan Chi and Shinnok just further baffles me. My mind jumps to DLC. Who would make them the most money? A good four choices would be Smoke, Noob, Fujin and then a choice between Li Mei or Sareena.

Just baffled. If this character doesn't make DLC, it's the only character that would genuinely leave me in a state of "Seriously, NRS?".
04/06/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
Fujin, Frost, Reiko, Spawn. The only questionable one in my list is Reiko. If its not Reiko then its Rain.
04/06/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
I hope we get Frost, Sareena, Smoke, Noob, but that is extreme wishful thinking on my behalf.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

04/06/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
Reiko, Fujin, Shang tsung

my only 3 i would like
04/06/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
Rain and Baraka are not getting in. Rain for the DLC reason and Baraka need a break in a worst way. I do like Rain chances being on the main character in MKXI though.

I think they will likely hold back on some of the characters that were in MK9 and left out MKX. Basically use them as sequel bait for MKXI. Speaking mostly of Cyrax,Noob,Jade,Smoke and perhaps a few more.

Fujin,Reiko and Frost and/or Li Mei seem to be the safe choices. Spawn is the wildcard in this whole scenario. I hope they don't use him. Maybe save him Injustice 2. I would prefer Kombat Pack 2 be MK characters or more specifically MK4-MKA era characters.

04/06/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Of all the characters I desire for all the reasons, I simply cannot wrap my mind around the fact that ....

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Noob Saibot

.... is not in this game in any capacity.

The fact that this game has these central figures such as Quan Chi and Shinnok just further baffles me. My mind jumps to DLC. Who would make them the most money? A good four choices would be Smoke, Noob, Fujin and then a choice between Li Mei or Sareena.

Just baffled. If this character doesn't make DLC, it's the only character that would genuinely leave me in a state of "Seriously, NRS?".

Cyrax is another one: he's not even MENTIONED in the story mode,thus far. What the hell happened to him? all we have is a joke ad in the Sonya and Farmer Jax cutscene.
I wouldn't be surprised if Tremor also is not mentioned at all or even shown in Story mode. For the record, we should jump to really weird and unpopular characters this time,after all,a lot of people predicted it would be either the cyborgs or a combination of Cyrax/Smoke and look at how that turned out. no,no Li Mei,or Frost,what about... KOBRA? JK.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/06/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Renmazuo Wrote:
Rain and Baraka are not getting in. Rain for the DLC reason and Baraka need a break in a worst way. I do like Rain chances being on the main character in MKXI though.

I think they will likely hold back on some of the characters that were in MK9 and left out MKX. Basically use them as sequel bait for MKXI. Speaking mostly of Cyrax,Noob,Jade,Smoke and perhaps a few more.

Fujin,Reiko and Frost and/or Li Mei seem to be the safe choices. Spawn is the wildcard in this whole scenario. I hope they don't use him. Maybe save him Injustice 2. I would prefer Kombat Pack 2 be MK characters or more specifically MK4-MKA era characters.


I sometimes wonder if I'm part of this very small and very priviledged group of people that uses their brains to think and read in between the lines...

04/06/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Renmazuo Wrote:
Rain and Baraka are not getting in. Rain for the DLC reason and Baraka need a break in a worst way. I do like Rain chances being on the main character in MKXI though.

I think they will likely hold back on some of the characters that were in MK9 and left out MKX. Basically use them as sequel bait for MKXI. Speaking mostly of Cyrax,Noob,Jade,Smoke and perhaps a few more.

Fujin,Reiko and Frost and/or Li Mei seem to be the safe choices. Spawn is the wildcard in this whole scenario. I hope they don't use him. Maybe save him Injustice 2. I would prefer Kombat Pack 2 be MK characters or more specifically MK4-MKA era characters.


I sometimes wonder if I'm part of this very small and very priviledged group of people that uses their brains to think and read in between the lines...


still doesn't mean anything, it all depends on what NRS wants. what the fans want does influence their decisions a bit,but not entirely.
for all we know,we could have Kobra in the next Pack,haha(okay,i'll stop making that joke)
truth is,we gotta wait and see. they could even deconfirm a second Pack at any given time if they want to,after all MKX is gonna sell like crazy.
04/06/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
I see you are a Rain fan and thus holding out that Boon is talking out of his ass with regards to the DLC.
04/06/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
Renmazuo Wrote:
I see you are a Rain fan and thus holding out that Boon is talking out of his ass with regards to the DLC.

for the record,remember Shinnok in MK9. considered DLC,had a model done...nothing happened. Same thing happened with Motaro(and don't even dare to come up with the technical explanation,it's still possible,they just weren't interested in putting extra effort into making a Centaur fightable)
Just because the model is redesigned,it means NOTHING.
wait till NRS announces or something leaks,that's all I can say.
However,if Tanya could become DLC,anybody,even Moloch's head,can.
04/06/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
I believe Fujin and Li Mei will definitely be DLC. If we get two more than Id say either Bo Rai Cho, Frost, Sareena, Reiko,Rain, or Smoke
About Me

I will rock you.

04/06/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
I want my mind blown with 13 DLC characters. I noticed each row has 13 silhouettes and I hope the question mark for random and choose your stage gets moved to another spot. Oh and I hope there is a third row it would make me so happy.
04/06/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
So I take it nobody saw Boon's recent tweet about Cyrax then...

About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/06/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Renmazuo Wrote:
Rain and Baraka are not getting in. Rain for the DLC reason and Baraka need a break in a worst way. I do like Rain chances being on the main character in MKXI though.

I think they will likely hold back on some of the characters that were in MK9 and left out MKX. Basically use them as sequel bait for MKXI. Speaking mostly of Cyrax,Noob,Jade,Smoke and perhaps a few more.

Fujin,Reiko and Frost and/or Li Mei seem to be the safe choices. Spawn is the wildcard in this whole scenario. I hope they don't use him. Maybe save him Injustice 2. I would prefer Kombat Pack 2 be MK characters or more specifically MK4-MKA era characters.


I sometimes wonder if I'm part of this very small and very priviledged group of people that uses their brains to think and read in between the lines...


still doesn't mean anything, it all depends on what NRS wants. what the fans want does influence their decisions a bit,but not entirely.
for all we know,we could have Kobra in the next Pack,haha(okay,i'll stop making that joke)
truth is,we gotta wait and see. they could even deconfirm a second Pack at any given time if they want to,after all MKX is gonna sell like crazy.
... really?

betting cold hard cash that you were also one of the people that said that just because the characters in the comics had their old MK alts from previous games, it meant nothing. They would totally be in day 1.

How about that Reiko? Huh?
04/06/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
Moshmellow Wrote:
So I take it nobody saw Boon's recent tweet about Cyrax then...


I stopped reading his twitter about a month ago, got tired of all the trolliness. Interesting though.... I definitely wouldn't mind a second pack that included; Fujin, Cyrax and Li Mei. Can't fully keep my mind set on a fourth though, either; Baraka, Rain, Bo' or Frost.
04/06/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
futuretime23 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Renmazuo Wrote:
Rain and Baraka are not getting in. Rain for the DLC reason and Baraka need a break in a worst way. I do like Rain chances being on the main character in MKXI though.

I think they will likely hold back on some of the characters that were in MK9 and left out MKX. Basically use them as sequel bait for MKXI. Speaking mostly of Cyrax,Noob,Jade,Smoke and perhaps a few more.

Fujin,Reiko and Frost and/or Li Mei seem to be the safe choices. Spawn is the wildcard in this whole scenario. I hope they don't use him. Maybe save him Injustice 2. I would prefer Kombat Pack 2 be MK characters or more specifically MK4-MKA era characters.


I sometimes wonder if I'm part of this very small and very priviledged group of people that uses their brains to think and read in between the lines...


still doesn't mean anything, it all depends on what NRS wants. what the fans want does influence their decisions a bit,but not entirely.
for all we know,we could have Kobra in the next Pack,haha(okay,i'll stop making that joke)
truth is,we gotta wait and see. they could even deconfirm a second Pack at any given time if they want to,after all MKX is gonna sell like crazy.
... really?

betting cold hard cash that you were also one of the people that said that just because the characters in the comics had their old MK alts from previous games, it meant nothing. They would totally be in day 1.

How about that Reiko? Huh?

On the contrary,I thought that if they had their old costumes or not,it didn't mean they were in or out. We had to wait and see.
BTW,i'm not trying to be an asshole to you,I'm just trying to say be patient,and that we don't need to jump to conclusions: the game isn't even out yet,not even the Pack is out. we gotta wait.
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