03/11/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

In all honesty, neither Scorpion nor Sub-Zero are important to the main plot. However, The important characters in the main plot are Raiden, Liu, Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kitana, and whoever the big bad is at the time. So I myself don't care about the main plot because only Raiden and Kitana (slightly Sonya) interest me out of that group.

Sonya, Johnny, and Jax are not important to the main plot. Yes they are defenders of Earth, but Liu Kang is the only who is part of the main plot, the others are like supporting roles in the series, they have their own less important storylines.

03/11/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
One thing they could try, would be to leave Scorpion and Sub-Zero out of the next game. If the public's reaction turns out to be as explosive as some, including (and especially) NRS, would expect, then they could bring them back as DLC.

Another thing I wonder, is if the general public even cares if these two are involved in the story or not. I know I brought that up a while back, but dead characters like Sub-Zero could remain so in the story, and still be playable a la Human Smoke and Classic Sub-Zero. It would truly shake things up, to go through a story mode that doesn't at all feature Sub-Zero, or any of the other popular and deceased characters, but him, especially.

Though it wouldn't be the same as completely excluding them, one or both mascots being absent storywise, but playable gameplay-wise, would come close. In my case I don't mind them playable, but I want the story to progress, and keeping a major character like Sub-Zero dead would contribute greatly to it. Like Dexter, when it killed off major characters.

I think the public's reaction would actually be worse if you took out Scorp and Subby then put them in as DLC. They are 2 characters who should be in no matter what happens in the story. People would feel completely ripped off by that.

The general public doesn't give a fuck about the story. They just like the fatalities and the fighting itself. You could still have Scorpion and Sub-Zero in the game as playable characters just not be part of the story. For example, In Tekken 5 Heihachi was a playable character. But it was revealed in Tekken 6 that he was never actually at the Tekken 5 tournament. So if Scorpion and Sub-Zero were permanently killed in the story, they could still be playable fighters. Just not part of the canon.

What you said in your second paragraph, if true, means that NRS doesn't have to make popular but deceased characters canonically part of the story. So it's a shame they never seem to take this opportunity to progress the storyline while simultaneously pleasing fans of the popular characters by keeping them around for gameplay purposes.

Both Sub-Zeroes remaining dead, in the story. Liu Kang's death couldn't have a similarly powerful impact, not even if he did stay dead before the last game.
03/13/2014 10:25 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
If Scorpion was left out, I'd be happy. In every game all he wants to do is kill Sub-Zero. With him out, Sub can be free and move on to different things.


The "revenge" story is so damn tired and it's made him a simpering idiot.
03/15/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
If they were left out of the next game, it wouldn't make sense considering the likely story of the next game. Putting the story aside, if those two were left out, most people would be pissed off. I'm sure in some form or another, they'll continue to be in the main MK games.
03/15/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
If Scorpion was left out, I'd be happy. In every game all he wants to do is kill Sub-Zero. With him out, Sub can be free and move on to different things.


The "revenge" story is so damn tired and it's made him a simpering idiot.

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04/01/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
They would more than likely be replaced by Smoke and Frost.

04/03/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)
I would buy it.

I doubt they would remove their flagship characters though. Then again, MK3 didn't have Scorpion due to Bloodstorm-Pesina problems and MK Tournament Edition didn't have Sub-zero (Noob doesn't count) probably due to memory constraints.
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