If Scorpion or Sub-Zero were left out of the next game...
posted04/03/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Or any popular characters really, but mostly these two. Scorpion, especially. Would any fans really refuse to play a MK game that didn't feature these two? Some act like their absence from a game would pretty much be an apocalyptic event for the series. NRS sure acts like it. But how pathetic would you have to be to refuse to buy a MK game just because Scorpion and Sub-Zero aren't in it?

So I want to know just how many MK fans would really miss out on a new MK game just because the spectral dimwit wasn't included this time around. Is it just another one of those empty threats fanbases tend to make when things aren't going their way? Wouldn't be the first time we had some fans trying to sound so mighty and principled, only for them to stick with their favorite series anyway.

I might understand not playing a new MK game if all the popular characters (Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Kung Lao, etc) were left out (though that is unlikely to happen) but only two of them? Come on. Why wouldn't any of those four compensate for either of the mascots' absence?
03/07/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
First thing I'll say is u should make a poll if u really want to know, because some won't declare they won't buy MK , if it didnt feature both of well known characters.

Secondly, Sub-Zero was voted the Supreme Champion in 2012 on this site. Sub-Zero and Scorpion must be in, it's a no-brainer.
03/07/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
As a huge Sub-Zero fan that I am... I really wouldn't mind if he sat out a game. It wouldn't bother me.
03/07/2014 10:45 PM (UTC)
...I would be beyond ecstatic.
03/08/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Most people here would be happy, but the general population would be unhappy and the money grubbers in charge can't have that.
03/08/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Most people here would be happy, but the general population would be unhappy and the money grubbers in charge can't have that.

Pretty much this.

That'd be like a SF game with Ryu and Ken. Some people wouldn't see it as a bad thing. But a game without your flagship characters would certainly leave the majority of players confused as to why they aren't in there.

As for myself, I like Scorpion. I'd be bummed if he wasn't in an MK game. Sub-Zero on the other hand, I really don't give a shoe what happens to him. But I recognize his importance to the brand, so he should be in the next game.

Them not appearing in a game could actually cost them potential sales.
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03/08/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
As much as I like both of them I wouldn't mind if either one was left out.
Or have them both in just don't ram them in our faces as much in the promos and art leading up to the release of next game.
03/08/2014 05:12 AM (UTC)
I could care a sh** less bout Scorpion, but I know one way or another Im going to get him. He's been shoved down our throats so long now you would think he's the main hero.

In all honesty, neither Scorpion nor Sub-Zero are important to the main plot. However, The important characters in the main plot are Raiden, Liu, Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kitana, and whoever the big bad is at the time. So I myself don't care about the main plot because only Raiden and Kitana (slightly Sonya) interest me out of that group.

I would Consider Subz and Scorps stories to be sideplot A in Mk though. Meaning tight next to the main plot their stories are most important. Also the thing about these two is this. They aren't going to take the main spotlight in story which means people aren't going to grow tired of them as easily (although Scorpion is making a bad case for this argument lately). However, Liu and the other earthrealm warriors constantly saving the day could get old. So.replacing them isn't as big of a deal and makes the game feel fresh like with Kai replacing Liu, or Kenshi replacing cage possibly.

There is no replacing Scorps and Subz though. They are flagship characters which carry the brand and make it recognizable.

To answer your question though (finally). I would buy a game without Scorpion because Im sick of seeing him at this point. However, I will not buy a game without Sub-Zero. He's my favorite character and yes I want him there.
03/08/2014 05:21 AM (UTC)
To go back to the question though, I wouldn't mind playing a game without Hanzo and Kuai.
03/08/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
Never gonna happen.

Because look at the MK vs DCU basic cover. It has Scorpion and Sub Zero on it.

Two characters at that point who would be Mitsurugi/Yoshimitsu level of interest in any other series on the cover.
03/08/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
If Scorpion was left out, I'd be happy. In every game all he wants to do is kill Sub-Zero. With him out, Sub can be free and move on to different things.
However, Ed Boon will not let that happen as Scorpion is his fave.
03/08/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

Them not appearing in a game could actually cost them potential sales.

Some good replies so far.

In reply to the quote above, I must ask, again: why wouldn't any other popular characters like Kitana and Reptile compensate for the mascots' absence? Are Scorpion and and Sub-Zero that much more popular than even the other popular characters, that said other characters are considered disposable by comparison?

MK3 might have lacked Scorpion, but it still had Sonya, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Jax, Kano, Smoke, and of course, Sub-Zero. Eight popular characters, ten if you count Noob Saibot and Shao Kahn. That's more classic characters than any of the Street Fighter III games included. And yet Scorpion's absence alone apparently hurt the game's sales?

Just what is it about those two that makes them more more precious than anyone else to most of the fanbase? Their stories? Their gameplay, which was always scrub-friendly, especially Scorpion's? An addiction to telling people to get over here? Sometimes, as far as the popular characters go, it seems that Scorpion and Sub-Zero are in a category all their own, while the others are beneath them.
03/08/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
In all honesty, neither Scorpion nor Sub-Zero are important to the main plot.

They don't have much to do with fighting Shao Kahn, sure, but that game already came out.

They''re extremely important to the plot if it's about Quan Chi and Shinnok.
03/08/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
In reply to the quote above, I must ask, again: why wouldn't any other popular characters like Kitana and Reptile compensate for the mascots' absence? Are Scorpion and and Sub-Zero that much more popular than even the other popular characters, that said other characters are considered disposable by comparison?

MK3 might have lacked Scorpion, but it still had Sonya, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Jax, Kano, Smoke, and of course, Sub-Zero. Eight popular characters, ten if you count Noob Saibot and Shao Kahn. That's more classic characters than any of the Street Fighter III games included. And yet Scorpion's absence alone apparently hurt the game's sales?

Just what is it about those two that makes them more more precious than anyone else to most of the fanbase? Their stories? Their gameplay, which was always scrub-friendly, especially Scorpion's? An addiction to telling people to get over here? Sometimes, as far as the popular characters go, it seems that Scorpion and Sub-Zero are in a category all their own, while the others are beneath them.

Because Kitana and Reptile don't market the brand like Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Scorp and Sub are household names, everybody knows "Get over here!" and the guy who can freeze people. Scorpion and Sub-Zero's rivalry is legendary, and they have some of the most iconic fatalities. It's no surprise they are so popular.

Both of them having moves that allow for free hits could have something to do with it. Having them both being easier characters to play makes them attractive to new players.

And about SF3, they may not have had many classics, but they had the common sense to keep Ryu and Ken.
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03/08/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
That'd be like a SF game with Ryu and Ken.
Ken is always the first "main" Street Fighter to get left out tbh.
03/09/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
I think fans of the series wouldn't mind - or would even be pleased - if Scorpion and Sub-Zero were absent from MK10.

However, the Mortal Kombat fanbase is only a portion of those who play the games, and for the rest, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are hallmark characters.

To be honest, while I would much rather Scorpion burn in hell (pun not intended), I don't think I'd like the idea of Sub-Zero being absent from a MK game. He seems more pertinent to the franchise than Scorpion, imo.
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03/10/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
I think that there's a compromise in there somewhere between having the old mainstays and just leaving them out. I think that both characters need a complete revamp (and not the automation kind).

Make Scorpion human, leave his spear, but make it look a little different. Other than that, give him completely different moves. No fire. Change his outfit, his colors, rename him Hanzo and explain what happened at the start of his story and give him a new mission. For fans that want the old Scorpion, well, that's what alt outfits are for.

As for Sub Zero, same kind of deal, take his look away from the ninja style. Give him a completely new move set that uses ice in cool new ways, but also has a variety of moves that fit his new look. Personally, I'd go darker and plainer with his look, like someone that's on the run.

Whatever, I'm not trying to write fan fiction here, the main idea is to take their basic concepts and reinvigorate them for old fans looking for a change without alienating any casuals or new fans that want the two biggest names in the series.
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03/10/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
They're the Ryu and Ken of this series. Sub-Zero's probably the most respected character of MK, especially on this site since he was the supreme champion in the polls. And Scorpion is the most popular character: you either love him or you hate him (which makes him the most talked about character).
03/10/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
That'd be like a SF game with Ryu and Ken.
Ken is always the first "main" Street Fighter to get left out tbh.

Not to go off topic but what are you talking about? Ken has been in literally every single SF game. And almost every crossover, he was only left out of some because Ryu was already there. They play pretty similar so yeah.
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03/10/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
Yeah but of the sacred cow Street Fighter characters he's still the one most likely to not make the cut. Him or Cammy.

The point being that MK could survive just fine without Scorpion or Sub-Zero for one game.
03/10/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
The point being that MK could survive just fine without Scorpion or Sub-Zero for one game.

True. But it would be less successful than if it would've had them in it. And NRS LOVES money so...
03/10/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
The point being that MK could survive just fine without Scorpion or Sub-Zero for one game.

True. But it would be less successful than if it would've had them in it. And NRS LOVES money so...

Doesn't everyone love money? I don't think sales would drop if Scorpion and or Sub-Zero missed out on a game. The game doesn't evolve around either of them as there are other important and better characters.
03/10/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
The point being that MK could survive just fine without Scorpion or Sub-Zero for one game.

True. But it would be less successful than if it would've had them in it. And NRS LOVES money so...

One thing they could try, would be to leave Scorpion and Sub-Zero out of the next game. If the public's reaction turns out to be as explosive as some, including (and especially) NRS, would expect, then they could bring them back as DLC.

Another thing I wonder, is if the general public even cares if these two are involved in the story or not. I know I brought that up a while back, but dead characters like Sub-Zero could remain so in the story, and still be playable a la Human Smoke and Classic Sub-Zero. It would truly shake things up, to go through a story mode that doesn't at all feature Sub-Zero, or any of the other popular and deceased characters, but him, especially.

Though it wouldn't be the same as completely excluding them, one or both mascots being absent storywise, but playable gameplay-wise, would come close. In my case I don't mind them playable, but I want the story to progress, and keeping a major character like Sub-Zero dead would contribute greatly to it. Like Dexter, when it killed off major characters.
03/10/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
The point being that MK could survive just fine without Scorpion or Sub-Zero for one game.

True. But it would be less successful than if it would've had them in it. And NRS LOVES money so...

Doesn't everyone love money? I don't think sales would drop if Scorpion and or Sub-Zero missed out on a game. The game doesn't evolve around either of them as there are other important and better characters.

Releasing GOTY editions on both of your games this generation really doesn't look too good. I'm kind of hesitant to buy the new MK at launch because they might just fuck me over again by releasing another Ultimate edition down the road. But that's for another thread.

Sales WOULD drop, but it would still be successful. The general public doesn't care about better characters because they don't know them like they know Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
03/11/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
One thing they could try, would be to leave Scorpion and Sub-Zero out of the next game. If the public's reaction turns out to be as explosive as some, including (and especially) NRS, would expect, then they could bring them back as DLC.

Another thing I wonder, is if the general public even cares if these two are involved in the story or not. I know I brought that up a while back, but dead characters like Sub-Zero could remain so in the story, and still be playable a la Human Smoke and Classic Sub-Zero. It would truly shake things up, to go through a story mode that doesn't at all feature Sub-Zero, or any of the other popular and deceased characters, but him, especially.

Though it wouldn't be the same as completely excluding them, one or both mascots being absent storywise, but playable gameplay-wise, would come close. In my case I don't mind them playable, but I want the story to progress, and keeping a major character like Sub-Zero dead would contribute greatly to it. Like Dexter, when it killed off major characters.

I think the public's reaction would actually be worse if you took out Scorp and Subby then put them in as DLC. They are 2 characters who should be in no matter what happens in the story. People would feel completely ripped off by that.

The general public doesn't give a fuck about the story. They just like the fatalities and the fighting itself. You could still have Scorpion and Sub-Zero in the game as playable characters just not be part of the story. For example, In Tekken 5 Heihachi was a playable character. But it was revealed in Tekken 6 that he was never actually at the Tekken 5 tournament. So if Scorpion and Sub-Zero were permanently killed in the story, they could still be playable fighters. Just not part of the canon.
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