if returns
posted02/12/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/10/2007 03:21 PM (UTC)
if motorkombat return, i would like to have two attack for the character you play as.
for example say you are subzero you can have the frost ball for the first special move they can also give him for secondary move a move that freezes the ground.

for scorpion he has the spear and for a second move maybe the hell fire that comes up from the ground.

for barraca the blast he does and if some one come to close to his vehicle say on the side he can have the razor blade move that he does in a regular fight where he take his blade and moves them up and down.

jsut some ideas let me know what you think
02/09/2010 03:55 PM (UTC)
so you just want two special moves for each fighter??? uuuummmmmmm NO!!
02/09/2010 04:09 PM (UTC)
no what i mean is in motor kombat, have two special instead of just the one they have now. they should just take one of teh moves they have in a fight and use it as another special move for motor kombat.

say if they do bring motor kombat back.

what they have for a specail in a fight is fine how it is for the number.
02/09/2010 04:11 PM (UTC)
So, if Motor Kombat returns you want two specials for each character? Motor Kombat was stupid.
02/11/2010 03:18 PM (UTC)
i kind of liked motor kombat. i play motor kombat to get koins, to take a break from just the fihgting when i want to just have some fun. imo motor kombat was not a bad mode at all. but if you think that it was stupi then that your opinion
02/11/2010 03:34 PM (UTC)
No Motor Kombat. It's a waste of time and money.
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02/11/2010 09:48 PM (UTC)
I remember before MKA came out and Motor Kombat was just a rumour.
It sounded so good, then we played it lol.

It was obviously just thrown together, not to diss the makers of MK cos I love MK but Motor Kombat was awful.
I do give them credit for trying something new.

I NEVER want to see it again in a MK game tho. wink
02/12/2010 12:01 AM (UTC)
It's stupid for many reasons:

Armageddon was supposed to be this big bad-ass game to end the old generation MK. Armageddon failed miserably to have people actually like it.

The new concepts they added in the game was horrible. If they came back in future games, I may or may not give it a second chance.

With Motor Kombat, I doubt I'll give it a second chance due to the fact that the creators had so much potential to make this mini-game a success. Thing is, there were barely any interesting levels to race in, only a few hand chosen characters to play as, and their specials were just horrible to execute.

It's like, they knew they were going to head into a more violent Mario Kart direction, they just wanted to make sure that it wasn't a perfect copy-cat-like mini-game. Thing is, they should have made it exactly like Mario Kart, that would have gotten some laughs along the way, it would have probably been more successful, and I probably would have liked it.

Sadly, it failed to entertained me with what was given in the game, despite that I was not so clear on why I disliked it in my first post, I thought it might have been better if I explained exactly on why I dislike this mini-game.
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02/12/2010 05:45 AM (UTC)
In defense of Armageddon, I'll say this:

It had a FAR better combo system than MK:DA and MK:D.

The air combo system was also a helluva lot more fun and rewarding than all of the tacked on minigame garbage the MK team shoe horned in to MK vs DC. "Hey! Let's stop fighting and mash buttons while our two characters crash through a building that's seemingly over a mile wide!" or "Let's stop normal fighting so we can play Guess Which Button I'll Press!" and my personal favorite... Freefall kombat.

Three ideas that NEVER should've come to fruition. Look, you want to throw in your stupid nonfighting minigames like MK Chess or MK Puzzle Fighter or MK Dance Off or whatever, the fans obviously can't stop you even in spite of the fact that a large portion of die hard fans have been begging to leave this junk out and concentrate on making better gameplay for YEARS.

But for the love of God, PLEASE in the future, leave the mini game junk out of the actual fighting! No more running through walls button mini game, no more free fall or any of that horse poop.

Oh, and Motor Kombat? As an extra mode, I thought that it was decent. I actually played it a few times with friends and they didn't seem to mind it. Now just make the graphics a lot better, make the courses a lot more interesting to race on, give each character a bunch of special moves, add fatalities during the race, add several characters and add about 15 more power up types and you might have something.

If the MK team could do all of that, without sacrificing one second, one person, or one piece of effort that was supposed to go toward the main MK experience... I'd be cool with seeing it come back. But priorty-wise? It's WAY down the list below fighting engine, character design, story, arenas, fatalities, extra fighting modes like Survival, alt costumes, money system, online etc.

But yeah, if all that looks great and you've got some time left over smile
02/12/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)
mini games like that i think deserve there own titles...i think it would be better than making crossovers to be able to market to younger players and the casual fan base. i think the same for konquest too...if it were its own title the stories could be in more depth and there is more of a chance to have all the characters playable. sure its nice to have a variety on the original title(MK9) but the only options a fighter should have is survival,versus,arcade and online...maybe another 1 or 2 other types but nothing too fancy just for currency or point builing for unlocks or something. but i agree that Motor Kombat originally sounded good on paper but played out bad in the end...all it did for me was give me a laugh and flash backs of playing mario kart on snes lol. i think it would be cool if someone just made MK sprites for Mario kart instead and put it up for DL non profit for fun lol.
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