If Noob Saibot is in MKX
posted06/17/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/29/2011 07:49 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is my secondary character in the Mortal Kombat Universe
So it got me thinking...

With MKX and three variations of each character.
Made me wonder how would Noob - Saibot would be handle if he were in MKX?

I always had mix feelings about Noob - Saibot. From his name being divided with his Shadow and having a Shadow as his main extention of his movesets.
Don't get me wrong... i love MK9's Noob Saibot, the duality is handle very well...
Made me appreciate his shadow moves in MK9 despite how broke he was in Trilogy.
But at the same time i miss the idea Noob playing solo like in MKA

So with the three variations in mind. What do you think would be the three styles with Noob Saibot?

One example is...

Noob - Maybe instead of Shadow Clones he uses shields and projectables
Noob Saibot - MK9 base
Noob or Saibot- Weapon Style?
I would like to see Kamas be a potential weapon of choice or maybe more than one weapon in this mode like the Scythe that everone wants which i think is cheesy as hell but eh.. better than a Troll Hammer.
The weapons extend from his shadow.

Note: This thread is about "What IF Noob Saibot is in the game" So none of this "Who is the new Sub-Zero debate part 2" I want a clean and a respective input despite how silly or bizarre your ideas maybe. I welcome constructive criticism
06/17/2014 06:23 AM (UTC)
Honestly i loved his use of "saibot" and shadow and clone moves. His mk9 iteration was by far my fav.

As far as variations go

Saibot- control shadows, including his clones and other shadow cloud

assassination- shurikens, his updown slams etc

deceit- something on the more castery side manipulation. Haven't really thought this one out fully.
06/17/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
There's already a thread similar to this one, where you can post ideas about you fav characters' possible variations: Here
06/17/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
The way he turned out in MK9 and the popularity he got from it. I would say it's a sure bet he will be back.
+ did you know that noob is Boon backwards? He needs his name in the game! ;)
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