If Konquest really did make a return, heres what Im hoping to actually see (Long read)
posted01/25/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/13/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
I'm probaby sure that MK will NOT feature a Konquest mode becuase Midway is probably FOCUSING on the TIME they put in in MAKING THIS GAME better... but if they had Konquest mode returning, here's what I hope to see, probably not, but just a HOPE.

Okay, I'm gonna resurrect Deception here for a while. You know how you had to follow Shujinko's entire life? Well, here's something to do with Konquest.

Let's say in this MK's Konquest, you had the ability to choose your own charcter like in Deadly Alliance, but there is a twist. Instead of just seeing your character all grown up, your character is about in their teens and you must live through their entire life until they entered Mortal Kombat or something like that.

For example:

Let's say you picked Sub-Zero (The younger brother, not Noob-Zero) You will be playing him as he is in the Lin Kuei, training to become the Lin Kuei Grand Master he is right now. You will have to go on quests or train, or do some other things in order to upgrade Sub-Zero to a couple years older. And as time goes by, you will experience everything Sub-Zero had to go through all the way up until where he stands now in this Mortal Kombat. What his story is in MK8 will be the end of the line and then once you beat Konquest with Sub-Zero something might pop up like:

"You have just completed Sub-Zero's story, please play Kombat Mode to find out what happens next"

Or you want to play as Scorpion. You might go through his entire life, both human and spectre and you will see everything what Scorpion went throug. During the times in fighting Noob in his human self, how he became a spectre, how his family died and his encounters with Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.

But lets say, you wanted to play someone like Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn if they do make an appaearance.

Well I'm pretty sure it would be hard to come up with a childhood for these characters, so lets put them in a position where they're about to become the villians they were in the past MK games. Like how did Shang Tsung really obtained his sorcery powers. How Kahn became the ruler of Outworld, and how Goro became the Undefeated Shokan he is.

If Konquest makes a return, you will also have the finding the chests, unlocking art work, music tracks, alternate costumes, hidden characters and special secrets I guess.

Konquest should feature a feeling like Armageddon's Konquest where you can roam around freely. (Well, not really in Armageddon more like Deception once again.) And you will experience encounters with other Mortal Kombat characters, whether they were in the game or not. Maybe a few new characters as well.

But I understand that Midway should be more concern about making this next game (If there even is one) be a successful hit. I beleive the most of this game's problem is that there are other features in the game rather than Kombat Mode itself that pushes the real main point of this game away and loses everything MK has to stand for. I know that Konquest was really entertaining, but yet I doubt that this will return becuase it makes MK lose focus. But if it did happen to return, I want this to happen. It would be cool to see what were the lives of this Kombatants were like during their childhoods, and I'm sure that it will help make people understand these characters a lot more than they already know already or if there are people who are still confused where these characters go, it will help clear things out.

So that's the end of that.

01/22/2008 04:43 AM (UTC)
Well, let me start off by saying, there is going to be an MK game.

Next point, about the whole Konquest thing, I really like youre ideas a lot. However, I know the MK team will focus on the fighting aspect of the game more, as you have stated.

The only problem is, say youre idea gets implemented, you would need a different konquest environment for Scorpion and Subzero, and Kahn, and whomever else. Well, good read. And yes, there will be an MKwink
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01/22/2008 10:23 AM (UTC)
I had this kind of idea before, so of course, I think it's great. I wanna say before I go any further here, that this type of thing should be it's own game...or a series of games centered around maybe a couple of characters each time.

I think they'd make a crapload of money off this kind of thing because it's the type of thing that fans have been begging for - for a long time now. On top of that, I think it would provide a fun, more interractive method when considering us fans in the process.

You make some particular points though, that may make your idea......a bit better than mine. wow!


Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Okay, I'm gonna resurrect Deception here for a while. You know how you had to follow Shujinko's entire life? Well, here's something to do with Konquest.

First off let me stop right-here. This kind of idea seems brilliant for Mortal Kombat to begin with. Just because there is so much of the game, and it's characters that are not exploited to even near the max.

I loved that we actually grew up with Shujinko. But I feel like there are many more things you can do with just that concept while playing the game. The legnth and side missions made it even better.
If they did this kind of idea again they could:

a. Again, take the easy route, and just have the character in question hit markers in time on their way growing up. But this way doesn't clarify alot and makes the free-roaming environment a bit boring.


b. Delve into the character....Get into all the little fan inquiries about the character. Background psyche, Power acquirement, weapons training and potential. Hell, get into the way they think about a situation, and what choices eventually brings them in-to the world of Mortal Kombat as a contest.

It should be to a point where, if there's humor there, we should be able to stop and talk to someone, and find out who babysat for that character....and then go visit them to find out something important. Little stupid stuff like that would make the game more comprehensive, and intense.

I'm saying like, after you knew who your parents//friends//"old babysitter" was, and in the game, and established good repore with themsomhow, how pissed off would you actually be if they got killed?

They could have been a crucial element in your life, and "someone" sucked their soul out...which motivates your character to get into Mortal Kombat. That could be a part of "Li Mei's" story that you play through.

I just think there is SO much to do in a characters life that the MkTeam could try and present to us in the game.

2008-9 we should be seeing the work, emotion, and motivation involved in becoming a character on the roster. Not just some costumes, a short synopsis, and some special moves.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Let's say in this MK's Konquest, you had the ability to choose your own charcter like in Deadly Alliance, but there is a twist. Instead of just seeing your character all grown up, your character is about in their teens and you must live through their entire life until they entered Mortal Kombat or something like that.

This is where we cross ideas the most. Only thing here though, is what do you do with the Eternal characters? Maybe as you play through their life, their "time clock" just moves faster for them?

Like if you wanted to play through Raidens life, obviously the "rate of time" would move alot faster than say Kitana or a regular human like Sonya.

You know what would be interesting? The characters that "die" during MKs' entire storyline at some point.

People like Liu Kang, Scorpion, or Noobs "time clock" would move at normal speed, then speed up after he died and became a spectre or zombie....Cuz they're not aging anymore. You see that? Although Liu Kangs would speed up after he is declared the champ, and then again after he died.

Maybe if there were some sort of actual indicator for time in a game like this, when a character dies, it just turns to a skull or something...dunno.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
For example:

Let's say you picked Sub-Zero (The younger brother, not Noob-Zero) You will be playing him as he is in the Lin Kuei, training to become the Lin Kuei Grand Master he is right now. You will have to go on quests or train, or do some other things in order to upgrade Sub-Zero to a couple years older. And as time goes by, you will experience everything Sub-Zero had to go through all the way up until where he stands now in this Mortal Kombat. What his story is in MK8 will be the end of the line and then once you beat Konquest with Sub-Zero something might pop up like:

"You have just completed Sub-Zero's story, please play Kombat Mode to find out what happens next"

Yea, but how about the Older Brothers(the first Sub-Zero) life though? He'd probably take you more places emotionally. Consider how much he changed during his life, Actually Dieing//Being Killed, and then how drastic a change he went through after he died....Same for Scorpion.

Not to discredit the younger Sub, cuz his storyline should be pretty emotional too. Playing his storyline, you'd have to acknowledge that your older brother was killed and becomes your enemy at some points.

Among alot of other things in both their stories.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
If Konquest makes a return, you will also have the finding the chests, unlocking art work, music tracks, alternate costumes, hidden characters and special secrets I guess.

This is the one part I don't like. It juuust doesn't seem practical that a bunch of chests are laying around for you to find. It's probably the thing that should be, if it were implemented, used as the "super-secrets".

"Super Secret Golden Chests" unlock a crazy amount of money to buy different costume elements(armor) or weapons. Then you spend time in a training mode with a sensei learning how to use what you got...or something like that.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Konquest should feature a feeling like Armageddon's Konquest where you can roam around freely. (Well, not really in Armageddon more like Deception once again.) And you will experience encounters with other Mortal Kombat characters, whether they were in the game or not. Maybe a few new characters as well.

I think that should probably depend on the character you're playing with actually. Someone like Stryker won't know anyone at all in the vast beginning of his story. Where Raiden would come into contact with somebody familiar almost all the time. Just depends on who and when really.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
But I understand that Midway should be more concern about making this next game (If there even is one) be a successful hit. I beleive the most of this game's problem is that there are other features in the game rather than Kombat Mode itself that pushes the real main point of this game away and loses everything MK has to stand for.

Uum, I'd say don't be so sure. A konquest mode, or better, a devoted game would be an excellent substitute for a "MK Bible". Plus, there's so much story there that we could get a couple games out of the deal if they ever decided to go this kind of route. I mean, we had MkSM which, if they didn't fudge on the story so much in that game...it might have been revered as the "most perfect" Mk game to date.

On the flip side, we have also had two konquest modes that the MKTeam obviously recognized as efficient "story telling mechanisms that we could play through".

Maybe they'll get someone in there that connects the dots....

Third times the charm?

I must first say that I am lovin' your idea. I'll just be addin' tidbits on what i think.
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
I'm probaby sure that MK will NOT feature a Konquest mode becuase Midway is probably FOCUSING on the TIME they put in in MAKING THIS GAME better... but if they had Konquest mode returning, here's what I hope to see, probably not, but just a HOPE.

Okay, I'm gonna resurrect Deception here for a while. You know how you had to follow Shujinko's entire life? Well, here's something to do with Konquest.

Let's say in this MK's Konquest, you had the ability to choose your own charcter like in Deadly Alliance, but there is a twist. Instead of just seeing your character all grown up, your character is about in their teens and you must live through their entire life until they entered Mortal Kombat or something like that.
Yes. I really was fond of that as well. I could also se this as a perfect idea to do a hubworld idea (Sonic Adventure). You could talk to everyone. . .as long as some of the stupid stuff (i.e. Seidan Airwalk, The same person in every realm, absolute disposal of MK canon.).

For example:

Let's say you picked Sub-Zero (The younger brother, not Noob-Zero) You will be playing him as he is in the Lin Kuei, training to become the Lin Kuei Grand Master he is right now. You will have to go on quests or train, or do some other things in order to upgrade Sub-Zero to a couple years older. And as time goes by, you will experience everything Sub-Zero had to go through all the way up until where he stands now in this Mortal Kombat. What his story is in MK8 will be the end of the line and then once you beat Konquest with Sub-Zero something might pop up like:

"You have just completed Sub-Zero's story, please play Kombat Mode to find out what happens next"

Or you want to play as Scorpion. You might go through his entire life, both human and spectre and you will see everything what Scorpion went throug. During the times in fighting Noob in his human self, how he became a spectre, how his family died and his encounters with Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.
Perfect to a T. Explain the burning shithole that is that character's life. Make the player feel like they are the fighter.

But lets say, you wanted to play someone like Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn if they do make an appaearance.

Well I'm pretty sure it would be hard to come up with a childhood for these characters, so lets put them in a position where they're about to become the villians they were in the past MK games. Like how did Shang Tsung really obtained his sorcery powers. How Kahn became the ruler of Outworld, and how Goro became the Undefeated Shokan he is.
I'd agree aon that too. my big beef is on how to flesh out the story of someone like Meat (Just an example).
The guy hasn't lived for incredibly long. So the problem is how to make this character almost endearing (in a creepy, maybe Frankenstein-ish sense.).
Screw the Meat reference. Probably Taven is a better example. Same deal, the guy has been knocked out for a long time, leaving not a lot of a story to tell. How do we solve this?

If Konquest makes a return, you will also have the finding the chests, unlocking art work, music tracks, alternate costumes, hidden characters and special secrets I guess.

Konquest should feature a feeling like Armageddon's Konquest where you can roam around freely. (Well, not really in Armageddon more like Deception once again.) And you will experience encounters with other Mortal Kombat characters, whether they were in the game or not. Maybe a few new characters as well.
Checkmate. But I want to have a bit more of a secrecy to how to unlock them besides finding a key or a chest. In the old MKs, you had to do a certain move combination in order to fight a secret brawler. In MKA (And MKD) ,you had to look all over and beat up certain folks in order to unlock certain people.
Maybe hide them in more discreet places and make them unlockable only by doing something unique to a character (Like to find Onaga as Shao Kahn, you have to bust a bust of the Dragon King and a notification will pop up and tell you that you unlocked Onaga for play, etc.).

But I understand that Midway should be more concern about making this next game (If there even is one) be a successful hit. I beleive the most of this game's problem is that there are other features in the game rather than Kombat Mode itself that pushes the real main point of this game away and loses everything MK has to stand for. I know that Konquest was really entertaining, but yet I doubt that this will return becuase it makes MK lose focus. But if it did happen to return, I want this to happen. It would be cool to see what were the lives of this Kombatants were like during their childhoods, and I'm sure that it will help make people understand these characters a lot more than they already know already or if there are people who are still confused where these characters go, it will help clear things out.

So that's the end of that.

Very. I might think this could also fit as an interactive bio. Those could work.
01/23/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
I like the idea,but i hated Konquest,more in MK:D than in MK:DA....If this mode is set to return,i wanna see it like MK:SM,with that type of gameplay it could be good.
01/24/2008 12:02 AM (UTC)
Or how about a two disk? One can be nothing but Mortal Kombat, the other can be this?
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01/24/2008 02:47 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Or how about a two disk? One can be nothing but Mortal Kombat, the other can be this?


See, anytime you have two disc, it complicates things....Not to mention it makes productions and distribution more costly.

(*in thought*)
A two disc Mortal Kombat hu?....one disc dedicated to fighting, the other to story and character building....hm hm hm......

...The idea has Mks' over the top fashion about it...AND it would be a pretty exciting way to introduce MK to these new consoles.....hm

I think your idea is brilliant.

Where do they loose with this idea? More importantly though, how much do you charge for something like that?

Usually games cost something like 60$ bucks a pop. But essentially what you're talking about is a two game release at once.

100-130$ for a Mortal Kombat package? I'd get it just to see what all the hype was about, to tell you the truth. I'd get it just because it's such a bold move for a fighting game with a big name.

Hell, imagine them releasing a movie right after the release of a package like this...huge media attention all at once.


Look at that though. Since they have more memory to work with on these disc and consoles, the "Konquest Disc" would make that game longer and more in-depth like Shaolin Monks, or Jinkos konquest modes...All the while getting more out of the experience like an extended version of Tavens Konquest in MKA.

It could even be more interactive, and could bridge that console, slash MMORPG fascination that people have been talking about for some time now. You hypothetically then, could actually have a sort of KaK feature that let you play on the fighting disc, AND take your character through a story mode with the attributes you built your character up with on the Konquest disc.

On the flip side of that, or on the fighting disc, it could allow the team to concentrate on fighting mechanics and graphics without jeopardizing space for story...In essence, they could include a created character feature harmlessly, that would also be quite in-depth beyond even that of MKAs' kak feature.. Arenas could still retain great graphics and intuitiveness, and none of the characters on the roster(as long as the roster is smaller) would suffer..

Hm. Brilliant.

Say that because most MK fans, and more over, most fighting game fans just want to see MK live up to it's potential for once. We're not exactly looking for a "MK" to be extravagantly innovative really. That's really already been done. Just more impressive on the things that have been there. i.e. :

More fighting possibilities in real time(while we're actually playing), better weapon-play, and more diversity in the special moves that we see and can use. Better(more realistic)-than-before-graphics...ect

Less of a roster, more substance = Better fighting experience.

So yea, if this is the kind of "totally unexpected" thing Boon was talking about, and it comes to be truth, I'll be sure to credit you for it.

Very unorthodox perception, but very good concept at the same time.
01/25/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)
Why thank you. These ideas just come out of nowhere... They usually arrive in my head some time during school when I get really bored or just finished my work. Things just pop into my head like crazy.

But if I have anymore to add for this idea, I'll keep updating. But for right now, I'm not in a realy MK mood. I have moods depending on how long of a game I play. Right not its WoW. Just wait about two days, and I'm bound to have something up.
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