If Kano, Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, and Cassie Are All In...
posted08/04/2014 08:39 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Yet somehow they find a way to get rid of Kitana, Jade, or Mileena, then I don't think I'd enjoy playing this game very much. Regardless of playstyles and all, it's still true that certain characters have different aesthetics which they bring and honestly, I don't see how Kano is more important than any of the 3 main female ninjas. Not to mention the fact that Liu Kang SHOULD STAY DEAD. There is nothing more annoying than his incessant need to come back and remain boring as hell. If they just bring back every character then they should just have every character die every game and come back because what's the point? I hate to sound salty but it's so frustrating that this game is said to have limited roster space and that it's all going towards the same original 7 every time. I was hoping for Sonya to come back just to spite the sexists, but Liu Kang was someone I wanted gone. Not to mention Kano. Now all that this game needs is another few male ninjas.

Sorry about the rant. I'm just a tiny bit frustrated at the fact that Mileena is probably not going to be in this game and neither will Jade or Kitana. And no, I'm not counting DLC. That means no story so it's pointless.
08/03/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
Either Kitana or Mileena will probably be in, if not both. I do think Jade's chances to be in are quite slim though... sadly.
08/03/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Yet somehow they find a way to get rid of Kitana, Jade, or Mileena, then I don't think I'd enjoy playing this game very much. Regardless of playstyles and all, it's still true that certain characters have different aesthetics which they bring and honestly, I don't see how Kano is more important than any of the 3 main female ninjas. Not to mention the fact that Liu Kang SHOULD STAY DEAD. There is nothing more annoying than his incessant need to come back and remain boring as hell. If they just bring back every character then they should just have every character die every game and come back because what's the point? I hate to sound salty but it's so frustrating that this game is said to have limited roster space and that it's all going towards the same original 7 every time. I was hoping for Sonya to come back just to spite the sexists, but Liu Kang was someone I wanted gone. Not to mention Kano. Now all that this game needs is another few male ninjas.

Sorry about the rant. I'm just a tiny bit frustrated at the fact that Mileena is probably not going to be in this game and neither will Jade or Kitana. And no, I'm not counting DLC. That means no story so it's pointless.

You're reaching, and assuming a lot.

Fact is, we really have no idea who else is going to be in the game. The seven originals is still just a rumor at this point.

Relax and be patient. smile
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08/03/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
I'd be extremely upset if any of those duds make it in and not Mileena or Kitana.
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08/03/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
Calm down.

I think there is actually a pretty good shot of Mileena making it in. If the rumor that there are 8 characters from the MK Trilogy cast returning is true, and Sub-Zero IS a descendant rather than Kuai or Bi-Han returning that means there are two other slots open for returning MKT characters in addition to Raiden, Scorpion, Kano, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Sonya. I'm thinking that the two most likely candidates for those other spots are probably Ermac and Mileena.
Nah, Jade and Kitana are the ones who should stay dead. At least with Liu you could get some interesting potential plot points...
08/03/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
>>> Assuming KItana, MIleena and Jade aren't going to be in the game

And so what if Liu, Cage, Sonya, and Kano are all in the game? They're all popular characters, interesting in their own right, and all play very uniquely. Seeing how the most "classic" or "iconic" characters are in, i can't see Kitana missing this game either, and surely they'll find a way to revive her.

Mileena on the other hand, is a little more "disposable", but who knows, even if she misses MKX they'll surely have her back by MK11
08/03/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
Ill enjoy this game no.matter who doesn't make it in cuz it looks awesome
08/04/2014 12:14 AM (UTC)
I think either Kitana or Mileena or both have pretty good chances to be in depending on the story. Even Jade if they intend to bring mysterious woman into the picture in MKX and also choose to have Jade be involved in that (probably not like in her ending but something else perhaps).

It was said that the roster should be more than the E3 build when it first ships, near 30, so there's still room for returning kombatants to make the cut and we'll see at least one of the female ninjas I'm guessing.
08/04/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
If Kano, Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, and Cassie Are All In... Yet somehow they find a way to get rid of Kitana, Jade, or Mileena, then I don't think I'd enjoy playing this game very much.

I truly, truly doubt they've gotten "rid" of three characters based on two confirmed and three speculated to return characters being announced at once.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Regardless of playstyles and all, it's still true that certain characters have different aesthetics which they bring and honestly, I don't see how Kano is more important than any of the 3 main female ninjas.

And I don't see how Jade, Mileena and Kitana are more important than Kano. Every character serves this game in some way. Granted, Kano can be a bit of a bland, but he definitely serves a good purpose. If it wasn't for him, Sonya wouldn't be involved in this mess.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
INot to mention the fact that Liu Kang SHOULD STAY DEAD.


MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
IThere is nothing more annoying than his incessant need to come back and remain boring as hell.

He's the Champion of Mortal Kombat, that kinda plays a huge part in his character.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
If they just bring back every character then they should just have every character die every game and come back because what's the point?

Except they've been doing that for the last twenty years. Nothing has changed.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I hate to sound salty but it's so frustrating that this game is said to have limited roster space and that it's all going towards the same original 7 every time.

Because they're popular. Popular characters do tend to get more show time than others. That's not to say Kitana, Jade, and Mileena aren't popular. They are.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I was hoping for Sonya to come back just to spite the sexists,

What in the world is this supposed to mean? There's not one person I've seen on any website that states they don't want more females thrown in. Please don't start bullshitting when there's no need for it all because you're angry.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
but Liu Kang was someone I wanted gone. Not to mention Kano. Now all that this game needs is another few male ninjas.

So because one character who seems to be pretty much confirmed and one speculated character announced to be in means that there's a chance more ninja-like characters will be added? Okay, because that makes a whole lot of sense.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Sorry about the rant. I'm just a tiny bit frustrated at the fact that Mileena is probably not going to be in this game and neither will Jade or Kitana. And no, I'm not counting DLC. That means no story so it's pointless.

It's not pointless to throw in characters that won't make the initial roster as DLC. Basing that you think five characters are all going to take your favorites' spot with nothing but one magazine mentioning that they're in shouldn't mean it's an automatic break for you. There's plenty of time for reveals, and I hardly doubt all three will not make some sort of appearance in this game. Don't jump the wagon just yet based on one magazine. You have GamesCon, and the rest of this year as well as how many months after in 2015 for announcements from Netherrealm Studios. This is like the second game convention Mortal Kombat X will have something, it's also the second time we'll be receiving actual news from the developers. So no one needs to get their panties in a bunch over this. Nothing is indicating certain characters will be dropped because of this.
08/04/2014 12:28 AM (UTC)
>>>Thinks Liu Kang should stay dead

>>>Wants Kitana and Jade to be revived

08/04/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
I've got this feeling that the 7 original characters will be in MKX in one way or another.


Kano (looks legit).

That leaves 3

Sonya (might be killed off by Kano in storymode).
08/04/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Don't jump the wagon just yet based on one magazine. You have GamesCon, and the rest of this year as well as how many months after in 2015 for announcements from Netherrealm Studios.

But didn't you go positively apoplectic when the same magazine said Kotal and Shao Kahn were related? And I'm definitely not trying to be snarky.
08/04/2014 12:44 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Don't jump the wagon just yet based on one magazine. You have GamesCon, and the rest of this year as well as how many months after in 2015 for announcements from Netherrealm Studios.

But didn't you go positively apoplectic when the same magazine said Kotal and Shao Kahn were related? And I'm definitely not trying to be snarky.

Yeah, yeah I did (and normally I don't do such a thing). But what I was mostly referring in that statement is not jumping to conclusions that characters won't be in the game because of other characters' reveals.

Like I don't get how five of these characters holds the fate of three characters that really has nothing to do with one another. That's where I was mostly going with.
08/04/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Don't jump the wagon just yet based on one magazine. You have GamesCon, and the rest of this year as well as how many months after in 2015 for announcements from Netherrealm Studios.

But didn't you go positively apoplectic when the same magazine said Kotal and Shao Kahn were related? And I'm definitely not trying to be snarky.

Yeah, yeah I did (and normally I don't do such a thing). But what I was mostly referring in that statement is not jumping to conclusions that characters won't be in the game because of other characters' reveals.
Like I don't get how five of these characters holds the fate of three characters that really has nothing to do with one another. That's where I was mostly going with.

Got it. smile
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/04/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
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08/04/2014 05:06 AM (UTC)
I think the rumor about six returning characters from MK9 has officially gone to shit. Which is good because that means we wouldn't be getting 14 new characters.
08/04/2014 08:21 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
>>> Assuming KItana, MIleena and Jade aren't going to be in the game

And so what if Liu, Cage, Sonya, and Kano are all in the game? They're all popular characters, interesting in their own right, and all play very uniquely. Seeing how the most "classic" or "iconic" characters are in, i can't see Kitana missing this game either, and surely they'll find a way to revive her.

Mileena on the other hand, is a little more "disposable", but who knows, even if she misses MKX they'll surely have her back by MK11

Yes, because a freaking monstrous clone is far more worse than a couple of boring humans that can fit in Tekken games.

08/04/2014 08:35 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think the rumor about six returning characters from MK9 has officially gone to shit. Which is good because that means we wouldn't be getting 14 new characters.

It would have to, especially since Quan Chi will be in it. And Boon also said we'd be getting another ninja which i'd hope would be a returning ninja and not a newly created one. So those two plus Raiden, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Kano are already six. Plus Boon has been on record for saying just because one character is in(let's say Cassie) doesn't mean another will be out(Sonya/Cage) so chance is at least one of them is in as well. I'm also assuming Kenshi will be in MKX because he's popular & didn't have time to shine in MK9's story line.

08/04/2014 08:39 AM (UTC)
I would hate nothing more than seeing Li Mei into this game.

But one thing can be seen as just as bad.

Spoiling the so far interesting roster with Sonya Bland is the most horrid thing they can do to me.

There are many more way more interesting characters that survived MKX that didn't get annoying children in X that should be there over her freaking corpse (hopefully Kano in means that he killed that boring, bland bimbo)

So Sonya being in would mean, total unhappiness and a waste of character space.
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