02/17/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
I'm with Ion on this one.

As of right now, Jacqui brings nothing to the table. She's just a Kickboxer that happens to be Jax's daughter. That's it. And I hate the idea of giving her any sort of robot limbs, that's what made Jax special.

I'd rather have Jax, who fought with Muay Thai and Wrestling. At least he has the potential to utilize the Muay Thai Clinch and have Command Grabs.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/17/2015 10:14 PM (UTC)
If she doesn't make the cut then Jax will and vice versa.

At least...I hope.
02/17/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
She betta have metal legs
02/17/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
He was a comic character, far more interesting than Jacqui and with way more unique powers and abilities.

He was there just to put more bodies in the story as sometimes you need more than the playable cast to tell the story and not all those NPC have to be subpar guys, sometimes they can be powerful guys like Hydro.

Hydro was like Smoke, a friend of Sub-Zero and company with cool unique powers, which sets a precedent of these kind of characters not being in the game.


Hydro was nothing more than a cypher with zero character development whose sole purpose was to be bumped off by Scorpion after a whopping four issues. And when that happened, Sub-Zero didn't seem to give two shits about it.

And he shot...water. Big wow. Rain is far more intimidating in that department.
02/17/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
She'll be playable, Ed Boon has been saying for months how the relative thing is one of the game's selling points, so far we only have Cassie but they said there would be multiple. Not to mention she IS a fighter, a kickboxing champion so that pretty much says they planned her to be in the game and playable all along.
02/19/2015 01:28 PM (UTC)
To people who say Jacqui doesn't bring anything to the table, tell me: what does Cassie really bring us, exactly?

Don't get me wrong, I like her, but her intrigue as a character largely comes from her being the daughter of two classic characters. She doesn't play much like a combination of the two, as she lacks most of her parents' major moves except for the low blow and a fiery version of Sonya's blowkiss, but her gameplay still isn't all that unique. The one thing that I feel truly is hers is her fondness for bubblegum.

Compare that to Jacqui, who from what we know so far is a black female kickboxer with no magical abilities (OOPS, did I bring up her race? My bad, heh). That would be fresh, and I feel her appeal as a character could be less dependent on her being Jax's daughter. Hell, I think her connection to him hinders her, and that she should just be a next-generation fighter with no connection to any veteran characters.
02/19/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
The only thing I don't like about Jacqui is that she has to be related to a past character (Jax).

Oh well, guess it's easier to have a new character coattail an existing one rather than NRS having to whip up a whole new backstory from scratch.
02/19/2015 02:49 PM (UTC)
please just kill her in the comic. i don't want to see her boring character in mkx
02/19/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
To people who say Jacqui doesn't bring anything to the table, tell me: what does Cassie really bring us, exactly?

Don't get me wrong, I like her, but her intrigue as a character largely comes from her being the daughter of two classic characters. She doesn't play much like a combination of the two, as she lacks most of her parents' major moves except for the low blow and a fiery version of Sonya's blowkiss, but her gameplay still isn't all that unique. The one thing that I feel truly is hers is her fondness for bubblegum.

Compare that to Jacqui, who from what we know so far is a black female kickboxer with no magical abilities (OOPS, did I bring up her race? My bad, heh). That would be fresh, and I feel her appeal as a character could be less dependent on her being Jax's daughter. Hell, I think her connection to him hinders her, and that she should just be a next-generation fighter with no connection to any veteran characters.

If you take away Cassie's guns or connection to the Special Forces, she still has Shadow moves. And she uses them her own way. Now we look at Jacqui, all she has is Kickboxing. That's essentially Kobra isn't it? Except he just liked fighting to kill people.

Now that's not to see Jacqui won't ever get something to set herself apart. But from what we have seen, she's too generic right now.
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ain't nobody got time fo sigs

02/19/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Then what was the point of introducing her in the first place? Some people seem to think she won't be a playable character, and the thing is...they may actually be right.

I dread that Jacqui's purpose is to eventually die and add drama to Cassie's story, as well as Jax's if he returns. I certainly hope it's not the case, as I find her promising, but I'm not setting my expectations high.

Shawn Himmerick said there will be one more son/daughter.
Can be Jacqui, can be Takeda.
02/19/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
To people who say Jacqui doesn't bring anything to the table, tell me: what does Cassie really bring us, exactly?

Don't get me wrong, I like her, but her intrigue as a character largely comes from her being the daughter of two classic characters. She doesn't play much like a combination of the two, as she lacks most of her parents' major moves except for the low blow and a fiery version of Sonya's blowkiss, but her gameplay still isn't all that unique. The one thing that I feel truly is hers is her fondness for bubblegum.

Compare that to Jacqui, who from what we know so far is a black female kickboxer with no magical abilities (OOPS, did I bring up her race? My bad, heh). That would be fresh, and I feel her appeal as a character could be less dependent on her being Jax's daughter. Hell, I think her connection to him hinders her, and that she should just be a next-generation fighter with no connection to any veteran characters.

If you take away Cassie's guns or connection to the Special Forces, she still has Shadow moves. And she uses them her own way. Now we look at Jacqui, all she has is Kickboxing. That's essentially Kobra isn't it? Except he just liked fighting to kill people.

Now that's not to see Jacqui won't ever get something to set herself apart. But from what we have seen, she's too generic right now.

Well, Kobra sucks, so anything of worth that he has, like the machete and the kickboxing, should go to more interesting characters like, of course, Jacqui. Plus, I feel that fighting style would be much more entertaining under MKX's gameplay, especially if it was made a crucial part of a character's gameplay, rather than a fighting style randomly given to anyone.

Secondly, what unique Shadow moves does Cassie have that are significantly different from her old man's? As for what you said about the guns making her distinctive, they're taken right from Stryker, and that overhead missile attack is so Sektor's thing. Hell, she's even got Baraka's double kick. Cassie's fun, but let's not pretend her gameplay's that unique.
02/19/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Well, Kobra sucks, so anything of worth that he has, like the machete and the kickboxing, should go to more interesting characters like, of course, Jacqui. Plus, I feel that fighting style would be much more entertaining under MKX's gameplay, especially if it was made a crucial part of a character's gameplay, rather than a fighting style randomly given to anyone.

Secondly, what unique Shadow moves does Cassie have that are significantly different from her old man's? As for what you said about the guns making her distinctive, they're taken right from Stryker, and that overhead missile attack is so Sektor's thing. Hell, she's even got Baraka's double kick. Cassie's fun, but let's not pretend her gameplay's that unique.

Sure Kickboxing could be cool with MKX, but I can say that for any fighting style. There's nothing really unique with Kickboxing that Jax couldn't do with Muay Thai.

Cassie uses her Shadow moves quite differently than Johnny. She uses an Up Kick, which goes straight up and a shadow Backspring which launches the opponent. Cassie has elements from other characters, yes. But she has potential with Shadow moves, that's what sets her apart.

Jacqui literally has nothing. Sure, you could give her moves but like I said, she can't do anything that Jax couldn't do.
02/19/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
I'm sure that whatever Cassie can do with her Shadow abilities, Johnny could do, as well.

And like Kobra, Jax sucks anyway, so if Jacqui makes the cut and has superhuman strenght, she can just get a Jax variant. His moves and/or fatalities (his qualities, in short) should go to someone more interesting.
02/19/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm sure that whatever Cassie can do with her Shadow abilities, Johnny could do, as well.

And like Kobra, Jax sucks anyway, so if Jacqui makes the cut and has superhuman strenght, she can just get a Jax variant. His moves and/or fatalities (his qualities, in short) should go to someone more interesting.

Maybe, but that is something that makes her different than a generic soldier.

I don't think taking stuff from Jax and giving it to Jacqui helps make her unique. It's just copy/pasting. Jacqui needs something to distance herself from her father not make them the same.
02/19/2015 07:28 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm sure that whatever Cassie can do with her Shadow abilities, Johnny could do, as well.

And like Kobra, Jax sucks anyway, so if Jacqui makes the cut and has superhuman strenght, she can just get a Jax variant. His moves and/or fatalities (his qualities, in short) should go to someone more interesting.

Maybe, but that is something that makes her different than a generic soldier.

I don't think taking stuff from Jax and giving it to Jacqui helps make her unique. It's just copy/pasting. Jacqui needs something to distance herself from her father not make them the same.

Hence why I suggested Jax's moveset for one of Jacqui's variants (but again, only if she's got superhuman strenght). Her other two variants should be unique.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/19/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
Blue-Mario Wrote:
I mean she could be a good character theres just nothing unique about her except lineage , and adding robot legs or arms just make her a kobra/kira scenario . Though im pro anything with more black characters so if its between her and the bad characters from the 3d era ill go with her all day long , like I said I just want her to shape something in the Mortal Kombat universe for herself .

It's about time for a African American woman. Jade and Tanya are cool but they are from Edenia. People can make fun of me for being "pc" but MK has always relied on archetypes. It's about time for a black American woman in the series. jax haters can kick rocks
02/21/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
This could be premature but it's my impression so far...
What is it with NRS and dark-skinned women just being the white girl's best friend? Hopefully if they add Jacqui she doesn't become Jade 2.0.
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I will rock you.

02/21/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
I have a strong feeling Jacqui is in the game. I know they will make her cool.wink
02/21/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
Been watching various Marvel movies on TV during the past week and after re-watching Cap 2 I thought it might be cool if they took a Winter Soldier approach to Jacqui's character.

Basically, she seemingly dies during a battle, perhaps sacrificing herself for Cassie. Either way, her body is never recovered.

Of course, somehow Kano and his Black Dragons recover her broken body and save her from dying. This would include cybernetic implants of some sort to repair her damaged limbs.

The years pass by and finally Jacqui reappears. Once thought dead, she is now a brainwashed half-cyborg supersoldier in the employ of the Black Dragon. She shows no emotion, but perhaps somewhere deep inside the real Jacqui is in there and only Cassie can bring her back.

Yes, this is basically a straight rip off of Cap/Winter Soldier, lol. But hey, I think it could be pretty cool.

For her moves, I am thinking something along the lines of RAX from Eternal Champions. Basically take the following two ideas, cybernetics and kickboxing, and combine the two to create some crazy ass moves.

So yeah, that is just one direction they could take with Jacqui to maker her more interesting. Just an idea.
02/21/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
Been watching various Marvel movies on TV during the past week and after re-watching Cap 2 I thought it might be cool if they took a Winter Soldier approach to Jacqui's character.

Basically, she seemingly dies during a battle, perhaps sacrificing herself for Cassie. Either way, her body is never recovered.

Of course, somehow Kano and his Black Dragons recover her broken body and save her from dying. This would include cybernetic implants of some sort to repair her damaged limbs.

The years pass by and finally Jacqui reappears. Once thought dead, she is now a brainwashed half-cyborg supersoldier in the employ of the Black Dragon. She shows no emotion, but perhaps somewhere deep inside the real Jacqui is in there and only Cassie can bring her back.

Yes, this is basically a straight rip off of Cap/Winter Soldier, lol. But hey, I think it could be pretty cool.

For her moves, I am thinking something along the lines of RAX from Eternal Champions. Basically take the following two ideas, cybernetics and kickboxing, and combine the two to create some crazy ass moves.

So yeah, that is just one direction they could take with Jacqui to maker her more interesting. Just an idea.

I must say no to this idea. I don't Jacqui to be yet another evil black woman (unintentionally or not), nor do I want her to have any cybernetic limbs, nor does she need to be a female Deathlok or what Smoke used to be, the automated sidekick in distress who was turned against their best friend by a villain, and more importantly, fuck the Black Dragon! I hope neither Cassie or Jacqui's stories (if she makes the cut) have much if anything to do with the Black Dragon.

Just because Jacqui's Cassie's friend doesn't mean she can't be more independent as a character. Why do people seem determined to treat Cassie as the more important of the two, anyway?
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
02/21/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
If they give Jacqui metal legs, I'm going to facepalm so hard I'll need a metal forehead.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/21/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I'd rather her die in the comic, giving Jax and Cassie some motive.

But If she is in the game, I really hope she is in the Black Dragon, having been playing Cassie like a fiddle this whole time. This twist would also give Jax some added motive.

I'd love that.
02/21/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
If they give Jacqui metal legs, I'm going to facepalm so hard I'll need a metal forehead.

LOL. Hell, why not go further with the metallic body parts, and give Jacqui a metal ass, metal boobs and a metal pussy. She's a black gal, she doesn't need her lady parts (sarcasm).

(OOPS, did I once again bring up her race? Sorry)

Eat your heart out, Metal Mario! Metal Jacqui is coming to lay the smackdown!
02/21/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
If they give Jacqui metal legs, I'm going to facepalm so hard I'll need a metal forehead.

Agreed, If they give her metal anything it would just be stupid. I don't mind her playing the typical friend role, stories need those, just as long as she gets more development later on.
From a gameplay standpoint I hope she is a badass Kickboxing Muay Thai master with variations similar to Sagat, Adon and Bruce.
02/21/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
If they give Jacqui metal legs, I'm going to facepalm so hard I'll need a metal forehead.

Right, like that's going to happen anyway.
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