if capcom bought midway how would you react.
posted05/18/2009 03:53 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i wouldn't mind having mk vs street fighter but i'd rather just have a purely mk game. if these two brands did fight i'd like to see street fighter characters to be able to do fatality's. here are some ideas for fatality's for some street fighter characters.

vega- multi slash. vega jumps on top of his opponnets shoulders and continues to claw away the opponnets face until there is only a skull showing and a pool of blood on the floor. fatality.

ryu- blast. ryu stands back and continues to charge his attack until it's ready to be projected at the opponnet. when it hits the opponnet it blasts the skin and tissue off the opponnet. leaving only a corpsy skeleton. fatality.

ken- dragon uppercutt. ken jumps towards the opponnet then stops for about two sec then hits the opponet in the jaw upwards bringing fourth the dragon. the dragon then goes crashing down while eating the opponnet. fatality.

i have many more. plus if capcom would allow streetfighter characters to die and still have all the bloodyness of mk then i think mk fans would accept a mk vs streefighter game. but it have to be m for mature and the streetfighter characters would have to feel and seem alot darker than they are now. if this were to happen would you be cool with it.
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05/12/2009 07:15 AM (UTC)
Gotta think differently if something like that were to actually happen though man. For everything MK fans demand, we'd also have to give up something. For instance:

:: Blood, Gore, and Fatalities? = Then it would have to play like Street Fighter, all the way.

:: MK styled Story line? = Then SF would get screwed. Or they just wouldn't even make a story for the thing. But if they did make a story for the thing, someone would have to loose....and no matter how you play that, not one fan from either side of the fence would be happy with the result. Plus, they already did the "all the good guys win" thing with MKvsDC.

:: Realistic, Dark MK graphics? = Then the SF characters would probably look like shit instead of what we all like about the SF character designs. Either that, or it's back to cartoon-like graphics for MK characters to accommodate the SF characters.


That said, I'd expect something like a MKvsSF game to:

:: Definitely perform in some sort of 2.5D mechanic. I'd almost expect each franchises characters to feel like what their supposed to feel like....but just a bastardized version of it somehow. (Mk characters would work right, SF characters would work right...enough. lol!)

:: Have a Story mode that equated to about what MKA//MkvsDC offered. Not excellent by any means, but really good considering the circumstances.

:: Look alot like MKvsDC did. Not real enough to be a "true" MK, but real enough to pass the test. Cartoon-like enough for the SF guys to be happy, but just real enough for them to appreciate what's going on. Realistic expectation though, would probably be like a cartoon with some freaky realistic textures and stuff on them (skin, hair, ect). Although I'd really like the characters to seem like each team created independently, and "ended up" putting them in the same system together. "They don't belong together, and it shows...on purpose", sort of thing.


I'm for a MKvsSF game...I'm just really, reeeeally cautious about it.
05/15/2009 12:44 AM (UTC)
if midway bought capcom, i would want capcom to bring out a good mk game first with a good fighting system. then if they want to do a crossover it would be fine.
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05/16/2009 01:10 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
if midway bought capcom

BEST. Joke. Evar.
05/17/2009 02:39 PM (UTC)
if midway bought capcom ahahahahahahahahahah lol.....yeah i messed that up real bad. i must be was typin too fast.
05/18/2009 03:53 AM (UTC)
I don't think it would really matter seeing how Capcom makes great games...

And what, just because they make Street Fighter, they're going to make MK become SF? When pigs fly then it will happen...

Oh shit... pigs ARE flying these days... **cough**cough**SWINE FLU**cough**cough**
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