Ideas to introduce for MKX
posted06/22/2014 12:06 PM (UTC)by
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06/19/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Anyone have good ideas for what kind of brand new characters might be introduced later on?
06/19/2014 02:43 AM (UTC)
....Hoping for another disfigured guy from Chaosrealm who tags along with Havik. He would have faces growing out of his back and would fight with stretchy limbs and strange bodily elements.

....maybe a monk with a giant wicker hat and uses a bamboo stick...sort of like a mix of Shujinko and Bo Rai Cho, unless we already get those guys.

I know an undead Gunslinger (like Caleb from 'Blood') probably won't ever happen, so I won't bring that up, but a 'Redneck' character would be fun implement

Demon Groundhog that works under Shinnoks command. MK4 showed a lack of Hellish characters for a game thats all about HELL INVADING EARTH!

For Stages, I would like to see an arena that takes place in the so-called "Heavens", and throw in cartoony looking rainbows and demons attacking angelic ships while the bloody fight ensues. For seriousness, I would like to see some stages similar to MKDA where there is a moving background.

My ideas are far fetched I know.
06/19/2014 09:53 AM (UTC)
A whole new Tremor model, if they hate Tremor so much change the name into Antaeus and make him NON-ninja.

Also I really hope to see more non-human characters like D'vorah, Kotal Kahn and Ferra/Torr.

Really like such non-human terrors!
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/19/2014 10:44 AM (UTC)
More netherrealm species/creatures pls
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06/19/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
I would like it if you could do a special fatality in story mode. That would be awesome instead of just beating the opponent.
06/19/2014 01:41 PM (UTC)
Hm... i would like to see a sorcerer type with two metal spheres like in phantasm.

Also a young lady with "piano strings" which could be a maniac serial killer. She could be out of control and a threat for everyone in MKX.
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06/19/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
I would like a stage where you fight super near to the earth's core and actually can see it and do pit fatality of course ;)
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06/19/2014 01:54 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see more references/archetypes popular in dystopian or post-apocalyptic futures.
06/19/2014 01:55 PM (UTC)
I wanna see the blob as Guest Character!

That would be soooo awesome!

Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
I'd like to see more references/archetypes popular in dystopian or post-apocalyptic futures.

Agreed, this is very MKish, look at outworld! Its more apocalyptic than anything else.

Wouldn't mind more arena's to return like 'the bank' but maybe with a darker tone and a pit fatality etc
06/19/2014 02:32 PM (UTC)
The only area i'm really fond of is the living forest, if that one returns i'm happy.

But there is a ice forest, so there is little chance they put in two forests.
06/19/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
I would really like to see a character with a radioactive move set. A completely savage character who comes from a barren wasteland of Outworld or Chaosrealm. Just don't make him a ninja. Lol.
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06/19/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
I'd like a character who offers an everyman perspective on faith. Someone who just gets sucked into this world of gods, demons, dimensions, and rather than instantly taking a 'good or bad' side, just sets out to meet with every god he can to try and gain a comprehension what the actual state of things means to his beliefs, and raises questions about humanity's history with religion in general.

But of course that's asking too much...
06/19/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
I want more characters based on mythology and folklore.

But not boring Chimera's, Centaurs, Zombies, Dragons, Minotaurs, Vampires, Werewolves and other such boring overused horrors.

I'm thinking more about the obscure creatures.

This list has lots of creatures I like to see in the game.

Much like the Enenra from smoke, Skarlet could become a Polong.

And many others can be used to create awesome monsters from.

Aatxe, the criminal hunting red bull that can take human form for example, or the sacrifice demanding lava-horror and will/mobility/voice of the volcanoes named Cherufe.
06/19/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
I would really enjoy a Makhai (greek war daemon) character that has two upper- bodies growing out of only one set of legs, dancing into battle with its two bodies armed to the teeth.

Would make an awesome sub-boss.
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06/19/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
undead Gunslinger (like Caleb from 'Blood').

06/19/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
These are all awesome.

I would also love a snake-like creature, maybe in humanish form but with monstrous features.

A hybrid beast ape that is similar to Caesar the ape and Bigfoot, with sharp claws and razor teeth.

Something mythological wind based would be cool.

06/19/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
SnakeEater15 Wrote:

Something mythological wind based would be cool.

Let me see you have the following mythological creatures based on wind.

The Slavic Vila
The Slavic Ala/Hala demon
The Sylph
The Slavic Planetnik (a living storm)
The Tsenahale from Native American mythology is a wind-based thunderbird creature, but can be changed into a humanoid creature all the same.
The Slavic Rarog is a fire/wind based creature that resembles a hawk or a dwarf.

There are probably more wind creatures out there, but I can't recall them out of the top of my head right now.
06/19/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
undead Gunslinger (like Caleb from 'Blood').

Hell Yeah! It would be funny if that was the character with the hat in the character select
06/19/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
I would like MKX to have a "kustomize" option when u select ur fighter. Nothing crazy, just something u could do to ur fighter's Look. For example, unmasking a ninja, removing Raiden's hat, or giving KotaL Kahn pants (LoL)

Scorpion could have his Skull head and Reptile could show off his sexy ;)
06/20/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
Milaana, I really like your ideas for wind, like the Slavic ones smile
06/21/2014 08:58 AM (UTC)
I know these probably won’t be in it, but a person can have wishes!

My wishes for new characters are these:

1) Male Vampire (named Vetala) or Incubus. I’m not really fond of Nitara so another demon-winged character that is male and Incubus would be fun, make him darker and give him two forms, one he uses in his x-ray, Intro, Outro and fatalities which is more demonic, and one that is more human and which he uses in everything else. His fatalities are awesome as he can invade your dreams and kill you from your dreams, THIS is not taken from Freddie Kruger, but Kruger stole these abilities from Incubi from legend, also from the Japanese creatures called Nue and the Germanic creatures called Mare/Mara/Nightmare, YES I know my mythology.

2) Reptile isn’t the last Raptor out there, once the proud Aztec/Mayan folk roamed the earthrealm, but many thousands of years ago they were abducted to outworld/enter any other realm Kotal Kahn is from by (unknown still) forces. Kotal Kahn had this Raptor slave/minion that resembles reptile but who is closer to snakes. His name could be Taipan or Mamba, after my favorite and most poisonous snakes alive. He would use poison more than acid, and can stretch his body much like Mr.Fantastic or the Rokurokubi (long necked Japanese yokai)

3) The Black Dragon LIVES ON, and this time Kano managed to create a half human, half dragon. This black dragon humanoid doesn’t have dragon wings, but he has the darkness breath of a real Black Dragon, like the Gaasyendietha (meteor dragon from Native American folklore) from legends he can turn into a small meteor instead of the cannonball from Kano. Maybe Jarek can take this role, losing the Kano-clone abilities and becoming somewhat more original while keeping the famous name.

4) With Kotal Kahn obviously being evil, I want a good Aztec/Mayan character as well. Preferable female, this character could be based on the Aztec god Quetzalcouatl, complete with the bright bird feathers and with divine powers. She has fights against Kotal Kahn for countless ages, and she joins the earthrealm warriors in their still unknown quest.

5) Another Edenian MALE character would be nice now we only have Rain and King Jarrod which is inside a non-edenian male body called Ermac. My idea would be that Reiko is a son of Shao Kahn and Sindel, so he being HALF edenian and half outworlder, that would make a cool sidestory for Kitana as well, as she gains a half-brother in Reiko and Rain gets a college in Reiko for him being the second (if only half) Edenian male. A totally new Edenian male would be cool too, if not just return Rain please, or is Edenia build by females?

6) Another Aztec/Mayan character could be based on the bat-God Camazotz, this would replace the vampires as this could be too a bat-winged creature with Aztec roots and bat-like features, his abilities would be sound based, much like Sindel but also different with sonar and stuff, he can see invisible characters like Sektor, Reptile and Tanya.

7) While I wish Tanya could have the Illusion powers (how else could she become invisible? And Illusion powers suits her attitude) I think Ed Boon will NEVER give her that, so a new character that is much like Mastermind from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is in place. I just love illusion powers, dunno if that is possible in fatalities or abilities, but still I wish to see such a character, maybe she/he will only use the illusions in the story.

8) Another Oni (not Drahmin or Moloch) would be fun. I don’t care what they do with it, as long as it’s a non-human looking demon.

9) Antaeus, originally the son of Gaia and Neptune in Greek Mythology, Antaeus was a creature half giant and half earth elemental, whenever he touched his mother (the earth) he would be invincible and regenerate all the damage done to him, making him very arrogant as no other creature/human could beat him. Hercules beat Antaeus by lifting him in the air where the connection with the earth was broken and he choked Antaeus to death there. This character could be a Black Dragon clan member like Tremor, or it could be a whole new character maybe even the sub-boss fight. All I want for him is to have earth-based powers, quake powers, regeneration and the ability to create hands and animals out of the soil.

10) I love Baraka, BUT I think he’s too much like the ordinairy Tarkatans... So another more horrified Tarkatan warrior would be nice.

11) Every vain/narcistic character that really likes his own appearance (not that he’s good or great, but just his looks) and which is EVIL ( I don’t like Johnny) would be my instant favorite. He must be more narcistic than Vega from Streetfighter, Zarbon from Dragonball Z and Vanity Smurf combined.
06/21/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
I would also love the blacksmith or whatever character from Kabal's ending to be in the game. A very smart person who can make all kinds of life-saving stuff and work miracles with metal and stuff like that.

He's much of a crazy professor.
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06/22/2014 02:19 AM (UTC)
It would be great to see a samurai-type character as one of the new charcaters. He could be some other clan member, rival of the Shirai Ryu and/or the Lin Kuei with a secretive purpose
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/22/2014 02:34 AM (UTC)
I want a character similar to Snake Plissken from "Escape from New York". More his look than anything.
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