Ideas For new characters
posted01/13/2012 10:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/10/2012 08:37 PM (UTC)
he is a charecther which came to me after watching Army of Darkness then playing Legend of Zelda:00T.
Appearenc: (Just get rid of the shield)
Allignment: Neutral
Affiltration: Nobody(Elder Gods in his ending.)

Bio: Skellos was the first creature created in Shang Tsung's flesh pits and was considered a major sucess after fulifiling major missons for Shang Tsung's master Shao Kahn. But, eventually Skellos discovered how he was made and so he escaped to the Living Forest where he lived unperturbed until one day, he had heard that thier was going to be a Mortal Kombat tournament held in Outworld and this was supposdely the last one before Outworld was allowed to invade Earthrealm.

Skellos was filled with glee at the opertunity to finally kill Shang Tsung and so he would wait until it was the right time, then he would would win the tournament and kill Shang Tsung.

Ending: (Picture of Skellos with Shao Khan's helmet on his head, speaking to the Elder Gods as the emperor lays on the ground with his throat torn out.)
Furious that the so called 'emperor' would get in his way to try and stop Shang Tsung. Skellos ripped the emperor's throat out and began to feast on him, after a mighty battle. But, then the Elder Gods being worried about how powerfull Skellos must be to have easily defeated Shao Khan, made a deal with him, that they would give the location of Shang Tsung to him, if he didn't try to invade the otherrealms.

(Picture of Masked Guards and various other Flesh Pit creatures are shown on the ground, torn apart as Skellos is seen with his sword placed where Shang Tsung's head used to be, as the living skeleton holds the sorcerorr's head in his hand.)
Skellos gave the Gods his word, and so he was given his chance to finally kill Shang Tsung. The sorceror could only scream in terror as his first creation ripped his guards and other monsters apart, before Skellos severed his head. It was done, Skellos has taken his revenge.

Speical Moves

Spinal slap: Skellos twists his torso all the way around as he then runs at the opponent as his arms wildy swing around.

Rib Trap: This is a unblockable move in which Skellos would form a a rib cage shaped trap around the opponent which would allow Skellos to get some free shots in for 3 seconds.

Dead Rush- He charges at the opponent like a slower version of Skarlet's blood dash attack.

Bone tackle- Input during Dead Rush does overhead.

Low Bone- Push Input during Dead Rush hits low.

Finger shot- Shoots his fingers at the opponent, can be used in the air as well.

Xray move-Skeleton smash- Skellos punches the opponent in the jaw breaking it, as he then removes his left leg and hits them upside the head with it, fracturing it. He then finshes it off by re-attaching his leg as he headbutts the opponent, fracturing thier skull even more.

Cranium Munch- Skellos puts the opponent in a headlock with one arm, as he scalps them with his sword. He then chuckles before he removes the opponent's head and then munches on the exposed brain.

Hand rip- Skellos jabs his hand into the opponent's neck and rips out the arteries and vains, as he then forces his hand all the way through thier neck, ending it by removing his hand and then using it to rip the opponent's head off.

Babalite: Skellos giggles but crys as Shao Kahn's demon dog starts licking him


Realm of Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Good

Height: 6’1


Fighting Style: Shirai-Ryu( whatever that may be), also Judo and added in long range attacks

Foes: Damasco, Kaget

Allies: ?

Special Moves: “High” Kick: Abel uppercuts opponent into air, and kicks leg into air 3 times, hitting opponent each time. On 3rd and final time, he balances opponent on foot, and slams them into ground.

Stretch Punch: Grabs opponent and pulls them near him. Holds them in one hand, punches them with the other. He then tosses them across the screen.

Bicycle Kick: Abel jumps into air and stretches legs to the opponent and bicycle kicks them.

Kartwheel Kick: Abel does a cartwheel, and stretches his legs to kick the opponent.

Fatalities: Tug of War: Abel grabs the opponent’s neck and pelvis area, and pulls the opponent. Strangled cries are coming from the opponent as they are being stretched and stretched, until the parts snap off. The torso falls to the ground as Abel throws the parts he is holding off the screen.

Body Rip: Abel uses his arms to latch onto the opponent, he then snaps his limbs back, ripping off the opponent’s arms off. He then repeats this with the legs. As they are laying on the ground limbless, Abel walks over to the opponent and put his foot over their neck, as if to step on it. He, however, lets his foot drop down like a Guillotine. The opponent’s eyes pop out of the head and towards the camera.

Hara Kiri: Heart Surgery: Abel stretches his mouth and moves his jaw down enough ti reach his own arm in. He then reaches inside himself through his mouth and pulls out his heart. He falls to the ground, dead.

Friendship: Balloon Animals! Abel ties his arms into a balloon animal elephant, making the trunk wave. He then unties them and ties them into a balloon animal bird. He flies off screen.

Animality: Boa Constrictor: Abel turns into a Boa Constrictor and squeezes the opponent’s waist, causing them to pop in half.

X-ray: STRETCH!!! : Abel uppercuts the opponent in the stomach, bursting the liver. He then backhands the opponent, fracturing the left side of the skull. He then stretches his index and middle finger and pokes the opponent’s eyes, pushing back the skull into the brain

Bio (Note: Bio is in Alternate universe where either: A. Shirai-Ryu never dies B. Scorpion defeats Blaze, get clan back, and they return his son from Quan Chi) : In order to compete with the Lin Kuei Cybernetic Program, the Shirai-Ryu created the Super Assassins Program. Abel, real name Rain Hayabusa, was one of the three chosen. During a test on Abel to increase flexibility, the machine malfunctioned, giving Abel the ability to stretch and manipulate his body. Angry at the Shirai-Ryu for the error, Abel murdered the scientist running the experiment and a few Shirai-Ryu bystanders before fleeing. However. These actions have marked him for death by his former clan. They sent the other two successful Super-Assassins, Damasco and Kaget, after Him with a task; Find and return Abel, Dead or alive.
Posted 1/10/2012 11:58:07 AM
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Kharacter 2. Jacob Shan
Realm of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Fighting Style: Boxing, BJJ( Only used in X-ray and Fatalities)
Height: 6’0
Weight: 175
Age: 30
Foes: Kobra
Allies: Earthrealm Warriors

Special Moves: Roundhouse Kick: Jacob does a roundhouse kick to the opponent’s head.

Spinning Back Fist: Jacob does a spinning back fist to the opponent’s head, dropping them.

Flying Knee: Jacob delivers a flying knee to the opponent’s head, knocking it back.

Liver Shot: Jacob lands a spinning back kick to the opponent’s liver, dropping them to their knees.

Fatalities: Headshot: Jacob kicks the opponent’s head off. He then picks up the head, raises one of the opponent’s still standing body’s arms and puts the head in it.

Twister: Jacob tackles the opponent and snaps both arms in separate armbars. He then puts them in the actual twister submission, snapping the neck.

Hara Kiri: Head Pop: Jacob puts his hands to his throat, and squeezes it until his head pops off.

Friendship: Why are you hitting yourself? : Jacob grabs the opponent’s hand and makes them punch themselves a few times, before accidentally knocking them out. He then covers his mouth out of surprise.

Animality: Tiger: Jacob transforms into a tiger and claw swipes the opponent to death. He then rests upon their body.

X-Ray: Unleash the Pain: Jacob kicks the opponent in the head, shattering that side of the skull and dropping them. He then get on top of them and puts them in a leglock, severely breaking the leg. He then elbows them in the face, shattering the front side of the skull and squishing the brain.

Bio: For the past 10 years, Jacob Shan has dominated the MMA world. He has world records for longest reigning champion in the lightweight, welterweight, even middleweight. At the same time. However, accomplishing so much in one sport can lead to boredom. He still loved to fight, but he’s fought everyone possible. However, he hears of a tournament called Mortal Kombat. Thinking it might be a interesting challenge, Shan immediately signs on. How he eagerly awaits the date of the start of the tournament, finally getting a new addition to his routine.

EDIT: As I suck drawing with anything (Paper and Pencil, Flash, Photoshop, Etc.) There will be no pictures. If one of you guys wants to draw them for whatever reason, feel free to PM me and I'll tell you what I had in mind for them.
Posted 1/10/2012 11:58:59 AM
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Kharacter idea 3 Spector

Age: Unknown
Race:Wraith/ Hellspawn
Affiliation: Brotherhood of Shadow

Comes in the new version of MK4 (if there's going to be one) as a wraith seeking revenge on the elder gods for making him their personal slave. He died some years ago because of it and was reborn by Noob Saibot to assist him in the killing of the young Sub-Zero. However, he turns on Noob upon realizing Sub-Zero was his old friend. (Spector was Lin Kuei). He seemingly kills Noob, but later on is confronted by him. Spector and Noob fight to the death... whatever happens, happens.

Allignment: Neutral, because he only wishes to serve himself
Allies: Noob Saibot (at first), Smoke, Cyrax, Sub-Zero (later)
Foes: Sub-Zero (at first), Scorpion, Sektor, Noob Saibot (later)

Sabercuff spin: Spins around. (He has wristlets with sabers on them)
Sword Throw: Stabs his sword into the enemy and flips him around and hits them headfirst onto the ground.
Invisibility: Self- explanatory
Shadow Orb: Throws an orb that engulfs the enemy in a shadow, causing damage and stuns them as well.
Teleport: Self- explanatory
Teleport Stab: Like normal teleport, but stabs the enemy as he reappears behind them with his sword.

Now You See Me: Spins his sword in a weird fashion, seemingly nowhere near the enemy and very quickly. When he stops, there is a pause and the enemy's body falls to a bloody mess.
In the Shadows: Engulfs his enemy in a Shadow orb and gets his sword and jumps into the shadow cloud. You can hear screaming as blood flies everywhere and finally the head pops out of the shadow cloud. Spector appears and the shadow cloud disappears, but the rest of the body is nowhere to be found.
Klassic Kill: Grabs his enemy's head and holds him/her in a half-nelson. He quickly slices his saber wristlet across the enemy's throat and the body falls down as Spector holds the head in victory.
Posted 1/10/2012 11:59:58 AM
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Character idea 4 Name : Lu Bu
Age : 28
Combat Style : Bladed Weapon and hand to hand
Combat Speed : Medium [a mix of quick and slow, like Jade or Mileena]
Weapon Type : Lunar halberd

Special moves :
-Arrow Shot- Lu Bu shoots an arrow at opponant, inputing an Up or down to base combo changes the direction it is shot , same with in air version
-halberd Charge - a forword Charge with 3 swings of the weapon in front of Lu Bu
-halberd Grab - lu bu knocks enemy in air and lets them fall on weapon's spear tip before slamming tem into the ground
-Stomp- lu bu stomps on te ground with rage, it causes a shockwave and power boost,
Wistle - Lu Bu wistles and his horse comes rushing across the screen, similar to a kabal dash after
Grab-Lu Bu stabs enemy in stomach with weapon, tosses tem in the Air and slashes them in air 4 times before smashing them into the Ground
Unique combos
Death Spin, - lu bu jumps and swings weapon in a windmill patern 4 times
Clokeslam - Lu Bu grabs enemy by neck and forces their face into the ground

Fatality1 - LU bu swings spear's crescent side into ememies head, then jumps into the air, and uses te force to drive spear all the Way through body and utters "Who else seeks death" after

Fatality 2- Lu Bu swings spear waist high, cutting enemy's stomach open, spilling guts, he uses the momentum of the swing to turn and again swing, breaking them in half, enemy crawls away only an inch before the back end of the spear is driven through the skull, lu bu utters "Can nobody provide me with a decent Challenge"

story : A famed warrior know for not only his skills as a general and warrior but also his dissloyal being, as he was bribed by Dong Zhuo to kill his adoptive father Ding Yuan, but also talked into killing Dong Zhuo by a songstress named Diao Chan, Lu Bu is said to have held off entire armies in battle, most noted is the Battle of hulao Gate, shao kahn raises lu bu from death to serve him as a general, but lu bu has other plans, he will once again kill his lord , but this time , lu bu does it for greed, lu bu want's the power within Shao Khan,

Clothing : Lu Bu wears a Traditional Chinese armor with a dragon decorated War Robe, and a helmet topped with a White horse hair tassel , colors are black, red and gold trim, his belt is clasped together with the head of a dragon, he rids a tall, ashen red horse called Red hare

01/11/2012 05:14 AM (UTC)
So, we're suddenly bringing Dynasty Warriors into this?
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01/13/2012 10:09 PM (UTC)
Seriously, am I insane or aren't fan submissions like these supposed to go in the Fan Submission section? If not, then no problem, fire away. You have some intriguing ideas and all, I just didn't think we were supposed to put these in this section.
01/13/2012 10:56 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Seriously, am I insane or aren't fan submissions like these supposed to go in the Fan Submission section? If not, then no problem, fire away. You have some intriguing ideas and all, I just didn't think we were supposed to put these in this section.

You are indeed correct sir. Fatalities are one thing but characters are another.

There is a thread in the Fan Submission section called "Post your Fantasy Kharacters Here"
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