ideas for Juliet Starling if they use her in the future
posted01/07/2013 09:04 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2005 03:08 AM (UTC)
As far as moves her chainsaw dash could work and a move where they throws nicks head like a boomerang at the foe which returns and to add humor to the move everytime he hits an opponent he says ouch or ow and she could also use her chainsaw gun and throw stale lollipops at the foe etc

For her x-ray move she turns on her chainsaw and slashes the foe in the stomach damaging there ribs and organs then shoots them at point blank range in the chest with her chainsaw gun damaging more ribs and insides making them fall down then she takes nicks head and slams him on the foes head/face headbutting them with a head lol breaking there skull then after the combo is over Nick says Juliet that hurt.


1 Limbless split she turns on her chainsaw and cuts the foes arms & legs off then making them fall down on there back then while they are lying on the ground without any limbs she uses her chainsaw to vertically split the foe in half from groin to head.

2 zombie feast first she throws a pack of blood at the foe which attracts zombies. Next the zombie swarm starts attacking the foe
tearing there flesh chewing them up and ripping out there intestines. Then the cheerleader says enjoy and then the undead people vertically rip the foe in half splitting them in two.

3 a new beginning Juliet first revs up her chainsaw & decapitates the foe then takes her boyfriend Nick who is nothing but a head without a body and places hum on the dead foes shoulders once Nick gets in his new body he and Juliet hold hands and walk off the screen together.

4 horizontal chainsaw attack first she turns on her chainsaw and horizontally saws the foe right across the waist gradually making them fall apart in half or fall in half horizontally. Then while the foe is lying on their back without there pelvic area and legs Miss Starling steps on there chest with 1 foot and slowly slices there head off.

5 armless decapitation Juliet Starling first revs up her chainsaw and cuts the opponent's arms off next they scream in agony while walking & flailing around with blood squirting out of there exposed open arm sockets next she beheads them with her chainsaw to shut them up.

6 chainsaw gun head shot first Juliet shoots the enemy four times with the gun part of her chainsaw given to her by her older sister in the game lollipop chainsaw once in the stomach twice in the chest and once in the groin making them hold it in pain then she cuts there legs off preventing them from doing that and they land on there leg stubs then she shoots them in the head at close range which explodes to bits.

7 family love she takes her cell phone off her chainsaw and calls her family ten seconds later they attics and beat the foe repeatedly with there fists and bats and kick and stomp the neck out of them stab and slash them several times with knives as the foe coughs up blood and teeth then finally they they shoot them repeatedly and shove a grenade up there butt or down there throat blowing them to bits then she hugs and kisses her family.

8 family love part 2 or sisterly love like family love except she only calls her younger sister who arrives driving a demolition truck and crushes the foe with the swinging ball I will post more ideas later.

Rayne (Bloodrayne) and Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)- Revenge of the Slayers: First, Rayne goes in front of her opponent to turn on her "Blood Fury" mode, making her arm blades extend, and stabbing each of his shoulders, just right above the chest, lifting him up with the sharp metals (similar to Baraka's MK2 fatality but the blades are extended, keeping the loser away from her body, and the heart remains untouched). Then from behind, Juliet uses her chainsaw to split the victim vertically in half from groin to head. At the end, Rayne keeps the split remains of the victim impaled up in the air with her blades.
11/30/2012 11:49 AM (UTC)
Uncle Ben, BIG fan, But I'm afraid no one really likes the idea of NON MK characters in MK games. Well I say NO one. I mean a really vocal majority.

Even if the character fits. I doubt a cheerleader with rainbow chainsaws will fit in MK. TOO much colour.
11/30/2012 05:50 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Uncle Ben, BIG fan, But I'm afraid no one really likes the idea of NON MK characters in MK games. Well I say NO one. I mean a really vocal majority.

Even if the character fits. I doubt a cheerleader with rainbow chainsaws will fit in MK. TOO much colour.

shhh!Silent! Don't speak so loud, there's plenty of people wanting Kratos' and Freddy's comebacks!
11/30/2012 06:20 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Uncle Ben, BIG fan, But I'm afraid no one really likes the idea of NON MK characters in MK games. Well I say NO one. I mean a really vocal majority.

Even if the character fits. I doubt a cheerleader with rainbow chainsaws will fit in MK. TOO much colour.

shhh!Silent! Don't speak so loud, there's plenty of people wanting Kratos' and Freddy's comebacks!

SHIT SORRY. When is the next meeting?
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01/07/2013 09:04 PM (UTC)
I actually had to google who Juliet Starling was. Am I totally out of the loop here? I didn't realize that the chick from Lollipop Chainsaw was such a household name now.

Regardless, I don't know if I'd want to see her in an MK game. Do I think that she could fit? Theoretically, I guess. But I don't know if I'd call it an ideal match.

If we're talking about guest characters (and personally I'd rather not), I'd like to see some characters from dormant fighting games that might fit in a little better with MK's mood and style.

Jago from Killer Instinct, though he'd likely have to be Xbox exclusive, would be a nice fit, I think. There are also characters from Kakuto Chojin, Eternal Champions, Tao Feng, Mace: The Dark Age, Kasumi Ninja etc that could theoretically find homes in this (or more likely, next) generation of MK.

Obviously I'm not saying that they should get a ton of guest characters, but if we're picking one or two characters? I wouldn't mind seeing some old characters from games gone by. Probably not gonna happen since Sofia from Battle Arena Toshinden doesn't help game sales like she used to.

If we get any guest characters next time around, my guess is Marcus from Gears of War on Xbox and Cole from Infamous on PS.
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