Ideas for Final battle(s)
posted02/08/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/13/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
This time around, could the final battle be more than just one simple 3 round, one-on-one fight? I know it's difficult but I'm tired of just a simple boss at the end and that's it. Bosses can be made more difficult, but that would just make it more frustrating when you lose a couple of times.

Here's my 2 ideas:

1. When you beat the sub-boss, who should be one of the different Kings / Gods / Emperors in my opnion, so let's say one of Goro, Empress Mileena / Emperor Baraka or Shinnok, you are taken before the Elders and given the option to choose another ally before taking on the big bad. The ally would one of the normal character list or a Lord: Fujin (Wind), Lui Kang (Fire) or new (Water / Earth) - these 3 elements are also used in the 2nd movie. Thunder is not an option since Raiden is a regular character.

This ally would appear after your character is defeated and with that one you would have to beat the boss in a 1-round battle (his energy bar fills up a bit but not all the way). If unsuccessful, you simply lose. This would work with I think should be possible, which is the option to fail. A video will be shown with your first character and all 3 of the Lords being killed, as well as other good characters (so standard video, except for the one you started out with). You would then need to start all over!

I like the idea of failure, instead of frustratingly trying to beat a boss by analysing his pattern since you would want to beat the boss, even if takes you hours on end! By failing, beating the big bad would be a lot more difficult and there is more of an incentive to take a break and try again. Since you cannot really get the pattern or all the moves of the big bad if you lose, the big bad and his moves remain more of a mystery. What you do know, you could then train for to get better at the game and learn from each time you lose to him.

2. The 2nd option could be after you beat the sub-boss / last character seen on the tower, whoever is boss shows up and takes you to another arena where you are to beat 2 random fighters and another sub-boss (of the same list as described above so they alternate) with the boss talking, screaming and stuff (like Shao Kahn but more mysterious and fierce where you would be scared somewhat) and sometimes appearing and disappearing in the background.

The 2 characters are random and consist of playable characters and non-playable fighters who you can unlock. The difference would be that the opponents are stronger and faster than during the regular tower mode. They would be 'possessed' and very tough.

This is why I would then would like to see that you have a simple 1 round battle, win or lose. If you die, you can choose another player and continue where the other left of. So the energy bar of the one you fought is the same and in case you beat 1/2, that remains as well.

After you've beaten the 2 random and the sub-boss, you would then face the big bad in yet another arena or different part of the setting (first in the garden / certain part of a castle, and then to the top).

For this option, I would like you to be able to choose just one more character after you've been beaten in the battle against the big bad. This would look as follows: your soul will leave the body of character you chose, you appear before the Elder Gods and are granted to choose from the normal character list or select a Lord (again one of the 3 listed above) and that's it.

The big bad is also win or lose, 1 round and his energy bar fills up just a bit. If you fail with the 2nd character, the video of the big bad winning MK and taking over shows and you have to start all over again!

In both options, the Lords would be unlockables and only unlocked when winning with them.

What do you guys think, what would you like to see and do you think there is any chance NRS has shaken up the idea of the big bad / final battle?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
Option 2 reminds me of the last challenge of MK9's Challenge Tower...

...which would be a lot of fun, but also very difficult.

I still hope to see Onaga show up as at least a sub-boss. I still like to think of him as "worst-case scenario" for the MK troupe. And c'mon...just how badass would he look in MKX?
About Me

I will rock you.

02/08/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
The story mode may only have 1 round fights like MK9 had.
02/08/2015 03:38 PM (UTC)
Why would it be difficult?

I'm talking about Tower mode, story mode just goes the way it goes.
About Me

"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/08/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
The more difficult the final boss, the better.
About Me

I will rock you.

02/08/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
Oh ok the ladder mode I mostly play on easy difficulty. I rarely play on the hard mode.
02/08/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
That has nothing to do with it, regardless of easy / difficult, the idea for a final battle / final battles stays the same.
About Me

I will rock you.

02/08/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
Ok the 2nd option best suits me.wink
About Me

02/08/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Honestly i do not really care the harder the better i prey they make quan chi bring back Motaro as a sub boss or even the very last boss with 4 legs ofcourse because he will be a bitch to beat lol
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
That has nothing to do with it, regardless of easy / difficult, the idea for a final battle / final battles stays the same.

Well I didn't say I disliked the idea. Hard or not, this would be a refreshing change to the usual end-of-tower scenarios.
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