10/15/2005 04:19 PM (UTC)
must keep bumped.......

kano- the gutting- kano takes out one of his knives and stabs it in to the enemy's lower torso. while the blade is plundged in, he starts to bring it up to the enemy's chest. after that he rips out his knife and steps backs, as the enemy's guts and organs spill out the gapping wound.
10/15/2005 05:14 PM (UTC)
abomb1987 Wrote:
must keep bumped.......

kano- the gutting- kano takes out one of his knives and stabs it in to the enemy's lower torso. while the blade is plundged in, he starts to bring it up to the enemy's chest. after that he rips out his knife and steps backs, as the enemy's guts and organs spill out the gapping wound.

Oooh nasty........ But, this is MK..........
10/16/2005 01:31 PM (UTC)
Hotaru Fatality:grabs one of his flags,lights the other one on fire,grabs the non fire flag and sticks it through the opponents stomach,he then takes the burning flag and lights the opponent on fire with itgrin

Reptile fatality: he shoots acid at the opponents eyes making them blind,then rips off their head with his tongue,eats the head's flesh,and burps out the skulltongue
10/23/2005 07:40 AM (UTC)

Leg Freeze: Sub-Zero tears off his opponents legs, freezes it whole, and bashes his opponents head with it.
Shatter: Sub-Zero uppercuts his opponent high into the sky. While up in the sky, he freezes their body whole, which shatters when it hits the ground.
Body Breaker: Sub-Zero freezes the midsection of his opponent, and with a roundhouse kick, breaks his opponent into two.

Hara-Kiri: Sub-Zero pulls on his head until he rips it off, with the spine still attached.


Slicer: Scorpion uses his spear to pull his opponent toward him. While his opponent is flying toward him, Scorpion pulls out his sword and slices his enemy in half when they get close.
Spear Hell: Scorpion sends his spear through his opponents chest, sets the rope on fire, burning his opponent to death.
Explosion: Scorpion stabs his opponent through the chest with his hands and shoots fire into his opponents body until they blow up.

Hara-Kiri: Scorpion summons a fire from Hell behind his opponent. Scorpion runs, jumps over his opponent, and throws himself into the fire.

Kung Lao

Equal Cut: Kung Lao cut his opponents body in half from bottom to top, spins around and slices them in half at the waist, making four pieces of his opponent.
Dismemberment: Kung Lao grabs his opponent’s arms and rips them off. He then pulls one of their legs off and uppercuts their head off before kicking their body off-screen.
Air Slice: Kung Lao uppercuts his opponent into the air and throws his hat at them. When they come down, their body is in to pieces, cut at the waist.

Hara-Kiri: Kung Lao throws his hat, which boomarangs around and slices his head off and comes around again, slicing him off at the waist.

Sonya Blade

Kiss of Death: Sonya kisses her opponent with a poison. When they fall to their knees, she snaps their neck.
Interrogation: Sonya uses her Kali Sticks to beat her opponent senseless, until they blow up into pieces.
Source of Pain: Sonya grabs her opponents arms and continuously kicks them in the midsection until they spilt in half at the waist.

Hara-Kiri: Sonya stabs herself through the chest with her Kali Stick, drops to her knees, then uses the other stick to stab herself through the head.

Johnny Cage

Uppercut Decapitation: Cage uppercuts his opponents head off.
Death By Shadow: Cage overwhelms his opponent with shadowballs until they burst into pieces.
Super Shadow Kick: Cage shadow kicks his opponent so hard that their body flies off screen but their head, arms, and legs remain, falling to the ground.

Hara-Kiri: Cage uppercuts his own head off.


Body Breaker: Kitana cuts off her opponent’s head and slices them off at the waist at the same time with her fans.
Kiss of Death: Kitana kisses her opponent on the lips with a deadly poison that causes her opponent to blow up into a million pieces.
Going Half: Kitana slices her opponent’s body in half down the middle.

Hara-Kiri: Kitana throws her fans up into the air. When it comes down, it stabs her in the head, killing her.


Super Strength: Jax lifts his opponent over his head and rips their body in half at the waist.
Skeleton Rip: Jax stabs his opponent through the chest with his hands and pulls out their entire skeleton.
Head Bash: Jax hits his opponent over the head, destroying it.

Hara-Kiri: Jax grabs himself at the waist, and with his super strength, rips himself in half.


Impalement: Jade sticks her staff into the ground and uppercuts her opponent into the air. When they fall, them become impaled on the staff.
Stabbings: Jade throws her staff through her opponents chest and pulls it out. When they drop to their knees, she stabs them through the face.
Bone Rearrangement: Jade pushes her opponents arms backwards at the elbow, breaking them. She then kicks them in the stomach and places her hand on their forehead, snapping their neck backwards. They fall to the ground in a broken mess.

Hara-Kiri: Jade stabs herself through the chest with her staff. She pulls it out, drops to her knees, bleeding heavily, and snaps her neck.
10/30/2005 01:34 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao (what goes up must come down......in two): Kung lao kicks the back off the op's leg and the op trips and kung lao does a roundhouse kick and the enemy is in the air with his body twirling . then kung lao throws his hat on the floor like a buzz saw and it goes across the floor and when the enemy comes down the hat goes up and it goes all slow motion and "SLICE" the op falls onto the floor in two and the hat returns to kunglao and kung lao does his moves.
11/02/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
scorpion:fatality 1: scorpion opens a small hole under the opponent fire comes out burning them, then lit on fire skeletons crawl up burning the opponent even more then the opponent is completly on fire before the skelingtons pull them to the netherealm. fatality 2:scorpion throws his spear at the opponents head and pulls but instead of the whole head being pulled the brain gets brought to scorpion
11/02/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
Do you know what would be cool, is if people made flash animations of their Fatalities and then posted the link to them, here?

It's all very well typing it, but I wanna' see 'em god dammit!grin
11/03/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot - Noob Saibot has a double of himself rise from the ground behind his opponent. The double puts the opponent in a half nelson and the opponent begins to struggle to break free. Like in Noob Smoke's ending against Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot walks over to the opponent and rips his insides out and tosses them to the floor. The opponent is let go of and the shadow vanishes into the ground while the opponent's hollow body slumps to the floor.

I would post one for Liu Kang but after playing Shaolin Monks i'm all out of ideas.

I'll pop up in this thread when I have more ideas.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
11/03/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
Smoke: Terror Mist
Smoke begins to change phases from his solid form into a vapor form. the vapor form begins to swirl around the opponent, graduallr rising up their body. As it reachs their neck level, it begins to swirl around, and the opponent is yanked into the air. They try to grab at anything solid as they flail helplessly. The mist entangles their arms, as well as their feet. The mist rips off one of the opponent's legs at the knee, and then one of their arms as they start screaming. Their other arm get bent in the opposite way and finally, with a quick twist in two places, the opponent's entire torso is ripped off and their head twisted the other way around. Smoke, all the while is only a shadow in the mist, with only his eyes glowing.
11/03/2005 02:19 AM (UTC)
scorpion throws his spear into his opponents head and rips it off then uses it like a mace and smashes then body .
smoke punches the stomach of his opponent so hard the intestines and guts and all spew out of the victiams mouth
11/03/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
Sonya Blade

Fatality 1: Sonya blows the fireball at her opponent a lá MK1. They run around screaming and collapse onto their hands and knees. They reach out for Sonya's leg but die before they get the chance.

Fatality 2: Sonya does her leg grab and lifts them up a lá MK4. The opponent moves about wildly trying to escape. Waving arms and legs and shouting. Sonya then splits her legs and slices them down the middle.

Fatality 3: Sonya blows dust into her opponents face. It's a corrosive substance andit removes flesh from their face. The scream wildy trying to wipe their face until they collapse. Sonya then gingerly removes her glove. And drops it on the floor. And takes a bow.

Fatality 4: Sonya does her leg grab and locks onto their head. She then backflips multiple times slaming them head first into the ground. She then finally snaps their neck (MKA style)

Weapon Fatality: Sonya pulls out her Wind Blade (Mk4) and vertically slices her opponent. She walks away and just before the body parts she fires it back in a boomerang motion and cuts the opponent horizontaly as well. Kinda like quartering.

Friendship: Air Guitar: Electric solo plays in the background and Sonya plays air guitar to it.

Mercy: I miss this feature and would like to see it again.

Hara Kiri: Sonya draws her wind blade and sticks it in her stomach. It continuoesly whirs out her insides even after she has collapsed.
11/03/2005 03:48 PM (UTC)
-Intestine Slew- kabal takes out his hooksword and quickly stabs it into your stomach. when he takes to hooksword out it has the end of you opponets intestine hooked on it. then kabal dahes at high speed in the opposite direction pulls out all your enemy's intestines. after everything has been ripped out, the enemy is left with a whole through their torso. the intestines are spread throughout the stage. blood everywhere.
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