Ideas For Fatalities/Hara-Kiris/Animalities etc. For future MK games 2!
posted11/03/2005 03:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/14/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
I made this thread a while ago and it got about 140 replies (I think) and was quite close to being stickied. That thread can be found here. So here it is again!

Basically post any fatality, hara-kiri, brutality etc. ideas you have and would like to see in future MK games. I'll start:

Kung Lao Hara-Kiri (called Hat slice):
Kung Lao takes off his hat and slices himself down the middle. He collapses, then the opponent takes the hat and throws it away likes a frisbee.

Post any ideas here!
Rain: raises his arms into the air and creates a tornado or hurricane, the opponent is swept up, along with sharp blades and spikes, the tornado leaves behind a bloody corpse strewn about the arena.

Sub zero: Hara kiri: he freezes his own head and rips it off, falling to the floor like a rock.

10/08/2005 03:04 AM (UTC)
warrior_of_a_thousand_souls Wrote:
Rain: raises his arms into the air and creates a tornado or hurricane, the opponent is swept up, along with sharp blades and spikes, the tornado leaves behind a bloody corpse strewn about the arena.

Sub zero: Hara kiri: he freezes his own head and rips it off, falling to the floor like a rock.

Rain: I've always thought of him as some kind of water elemental, and that sounds more like something befitting to Fujin.

Sub-Zero: If his head is could he rip it off? Need to think, man.

my rendition of Ermac's Hara-Kiri: he uses his own telekinetic power to rip off his limbs, arm by arm and leg my leg. With the last bit of energy in his body, he separates head and torso.

Shang Tsung fatality (revised Soul Steal): he slowly drains the life from his opponent, all the while emaciating their body and giving them an effect from "The Mummy (when Imhotep was taking organs)"

As for Animalities, I'd like to see Ermac or Shang Tsung turn into a dragon. glasses
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art by fear-sAs
10/08/2005 05:55 AM (UTC)
Havik's Fatality: When the opponent is dazed, Havik walks up to them and makes his hands into fists. He then punches downward through their hip area, and his hands come out of the other side. He then puts his leg on the opponent's chest, and pulls back. With a quick jerk, and a vicious scream, Havik rips out the opponent's pelvis. The opponet's entire top half, collapses to the floor in between their legs, which tilt over a second later.

Kobra's Fatality: Kobra unleashes a huge combo on the opponent, everything from high elbow strikes to the face and chest, to strong kicks at the shins, and the knees. But, there is no blood being spilled. Kobra then charges his fist with chi and punches the opponent straight in the forehead, but it looks as if he held back. Suddenly, we are shown an X-Ray of the opponent's skeleton. It's completely cracked to pieces inside of the skin. Kobra removes his fist from the opponent's forehead and the whole skeleton shatters on the inside. The body falls into a pile of flesh infront of Kobra.
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10/08/2005 07:28 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Havik's Fatality: When the opponent is dazed, Havik walks up to them and makes his hands into fists. He then punches downward through their hip area, and his hands come out of the other side. He then puts his leg on the opponent's chest, and pulls back. With a quick jerk, and a vicious scream, Havik rips out the opponent's pelvis. The opponet's entire top half, collapses to the floor in between their legs, which tilt over a second later.

Kobra's Fatality: Kobra unleashes a huge combo on the opponent, everything from high elbow strikes to the face and chest, to strong kicks at the shins, and the knees. But, there is no blood being spilled. Kobra then charges his fist with chi and punches the opponent straight in the forehead, but it looks as if he held back. Suddenly, we are shown an X-Ray of the opponent's skeleton. It's completely cracked to pieces inside of the skin. Kobra removes his fist from the opponent's forehead and the whole skeleton shatters on the inside. The body falls into a pile of flesh infront of Kobra.

i like kobras fatality.

Id love to see something more exciting with raiden, he always has explosion fatalities..

so heres wat id make his do ..

nice and simple.
After creating distance between him and his opponent.
He would do his flying torpedo thingy move. but as he gets closer to the opponent he turns into lightning and surges through the opponent (like the matrix) leaving them shocked with a hole through there body.

orrrrr a bit more creative, he could run up to the opponent and uppercut them really high, as they fell down he would remove his staff and as they fell, he would swing the staff to hit them .. but he would miss... he gets really shitty at missing so he pulls out his hammer and squashes there head with it..
10/08/2005 02:56 PM (UTC)
some ideas of my own.

johnny cage- cage autograghs a pic of him self and gives it to the enemy. as the enemy is look at it in confusion, johnny cage has time to chrage a super shadow kick. he hit it while the foe is still looking a the pic. his leg goes through the enemy torso. he removes his leg from the chest recealing a flesh and organ hole through the torso.

then he says someting chessy like" only my die-hard fan get my autograph"

kano- revamped heart rip- kano takes out his knives, and first does an uppercut slice to the chest, this makes a deep gapping wound. with his other knife, he plunges it into the wound. blood sprays out as he is hitting mahor veins and organs. when he pulls out the dagger it has the enemy's heart skewered through on it.

Kung lou- this fatality came to me in a dream- kung lou act as if he is going to do his vertical hat slice. but he stops the cut mid torso. he then takes his hat back and leg sweeps the enemy completely around upside down and grabs their legs. thensince the enemy is held by their legs upside down . kung lou stars shaking them causing all the organs to spill out there body from his incomplete vertical slice.
10/08/2005 03:52 PM (UTC)
abomb1987 Wrote:
some ideas of my own.

johnny cage- cage autograghs a pic of him self and gives it to the enemy. as the enemy is look at it in confusion, johnny cage has time to chrage a super shadow kick. he hit it while the foe is still looking a the pic. his leg goes through the enemy torso. he removes his leg from the chest recealing a flesh and organ hole through the torso.

then he says someting chessy like" only my die-hard fan get my autograph"

kano- revamped heart rip- kano takes out his knives, and first does an uppercut slice to the chest, this makes a deep gapping wound. with his other knife, he plunges it into the wound. blood sprays out as he is hitting mahor veins and organs. when he pulls out the dagger it has the enemy's heart skewered through on it.

Kung lou- this fatality came to me in a dream- kung lou act as if he is going to do his vertical hat slice. but he stops the cut mid torso. he then takes his hat back and leg sweeps the enemy completely around upside down and grabs their legs. thensince the enemy is held by their legs upside down . kung lou stars shaking them causing all the organs to spill out there body from his incomplete vertical slice.

I like those, but that Kung Lao seems a bit off. If he stopped mid-torso, that would be the fatality itself. The whole "shaking and organs falling" would take away from it, in my opinion.
10/08/2005 06:56 PM (UTC)
^^^^^ i see what you mean, it is kinda of an overkill. i have an revised verison.

kung lou- kung splits you from crotch to mid torso. they kicks your legs into a johhny cage split, causeing all your organs and gut to spill through your crotch split.

here are more

ermac- implode- ermac leveitates into the air. where then the enemy starts twitching and shaking. use his telekenic power he pulls the enemys arms into their own torso, same with their legs. all that is left is a limb packed torso and head.finally ermac just slames the enemy head first shattering the head. the torso with packed broken limbs in side it is all that remains.

scorpion- scropion disappears off the screen. the camera then focus on the enemy. spears shoot out of all directions into the enemy like in the hellraiser movie. 2 in each of their arms, 2 into leg 4 in the torso an 1 to the headh. all the spears pull at the same times tearing the enemy into oblivion

scorpion reapears in victory
10/09/2005 12:50 AM (UTC)
abomb1987 Wrote:
^^^^^ i see what you mean, it is kinda of an overkill. i have an revised verison.

kung lou- kung splits you from crotch to mid torso. they kicks your legs into a johhny cage split, causeing all your organs and gut to spill through your crotch split.

here are more

ermac- implode- ermac leveitates into the air. where then the enemy starts twitching and shaking. use his telekenic power he pulls the enemys arms into their own torso, same with their legs. all that is left is a limb packed torso and head.finally ermac just slames the enemy head first shattering the head. the torso with packed broken limbs in side it is all that remains.

scorpion- scropion disappears off the screen. the camera then focus on the enemy. spears shoot out of all directions into the enemy like in the hellraiser movie. 2 in each of their arms, 2 into leg 4 in the torso an 1 to the headh. all the spears pull at the same times tearing the enemy into oblivion

scorpion reapears in victory

Once again, bordering more on cartoonish. They need to be gory, that's true. But with a realistic feel to them.
10/09/2005 01:24 AM (UTC)
your critizim is good it is pushing me into think of more elborate ways of killing.

but maybe simple is better.

Nightwolf- whips out his tomahawks. strikes the enemy in the chest with the tomahawk to bring them to their knees. he then pulls there head up and in one quick swipe he scalps the enemy. with the top of the head cut off reavealing the brain, the enemy falls face first causeing the brain to plop out.

10/10/2005 11:09 AM (UTC)
i swear, every fatality in mksm is just a creative way to decapitate someone. my ideas:
fujin: hurricane; fujin creates a huge storm and huge hailstones drp out of the sky, each one about the size of a softball. they each strike the opponent, making him weaker with every strike. finally, he takes one, and applies a whole bunch of wind power to it (imagine what raidens hands looked like when he killed himself in the mkd intro) and then he launches it at his opponent, destroying him

baraka hara kiri: he rips out his arm blades and stabs them into his heart and brain, one after another.

johnny cage fatality (joke); he does his famous split crotch punch, and he knocks off their balls. then they kill themselves.
10/10/2005 12:24 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage (fatality)
Shadow Split Punch:
From a distance, he does the splits. He then does a shadow-slide (whilst in the splits) over to the opponent and hits them in the crotch at full pace. They flip over his body holding their crotch, then, landing on their feet, vomit 2 bloody round balls, before dropping to the floor. If female, you would hear 'woopsy' then he would throw an open palm to the crotch (fingers facing down) His hand would stay there before the female automatcially commited their hara kari

Johnny Cage (hara kari)
Shadow Moonsault
Johnny Cage would perform a massive backflip, but while upsidedown, back-arched, in midair, he would shadow dive down, hitting face first, and his legs still bending the other way, so his lower back snaps due to the downward force.
10/10/2005 01:50 PM (UTC)
johhny cage and testicle removal seems to go perfectly with each other.

kitana- fan expand- kitana stabs the enemy in the throat with her closed fan. after a few seconds of agony. kitana opens the fan up while it is lodged in the enemy's neck. it opens and decaps the enemy and taersing through their neck.

sub zero- arm impale- subby breaks and then rips of the enemy's arm off. whille the enemy is stunned in pain, subby frezze the arm he just removed. once the arm is frozen into a stiff icicle like thing. subby impales it through the enemy's torso.
10/10/2005 04:30 PM (UTC)
Kabal Fatality (called hooksword hell):
Kabal takes out his hookswords and hooks them round the opponents neck. He cuts their head off and throws the head away as the body of the opponent collapses.
10/10/2005 05:03 PM (UTC)
i got some Kabal ideas

Kabal- kabal takes out one of his hookswords and stabs it through the enemy's calf(leg). it basic has then hooked on it. after this kabal begings draging the enemy at high speed by running at high speed in a cricle. the enemy is shredded and scraped due to the speed and friction. all that is left are skidmarks of blood torn flesh and broken bones.

at the end of the fatality kabal raises his hooksword witch only has the foot and calf of the enemy still through scewered through it it.

kabal 2- buzzsaw revenge- kabal hacks off the enemys feet with a cool croos cleve hooksword swipe. as the enemy is knocked off their now blood stumps. kabal start to press buttons on his respirator. sec after that the ground begins to shake and the buzzsaw rip out the ground a few feet away from the enemy's crotch. just as kung lous buzzsaw in MK:sm, the buzzsaw cuts up the enemy vertically in half.
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art by fear-sAs
10/10/2005 07:46 PM (UTC)
Fujin:Reverse Wind Tunnel: F, F, D, B, F, 2 (Close Range)
When the opponent is dazed, Fujin spins them around so the face backwards. The then plunges his hand into their back and uses his wind power with his other arm. Suddenly, the opponent starts shaking as blood begins to shoot out of their body, and across Fujin. Then the opponent bends inwards as his insides get flushed through his front before getting sucked back in and out of his back, all going through Fujin. At the end the opponent's bones and organs are all removed and spread across the floor while his skin is turned inside out.

Kenshi: Telekenetic Press: U, D, U, D, F, 1 (Close Range)
Kenshi uses his Telekenetic Slam to lift the opponent into the air and smash them back down onto the floor with a huge amount of force. As he towers over them he begins to lower his arm down towards their chest. You begin to hear the cracking of the opponent's bones as a pool of blood begins to form underneath him. Kenshi keeps on pushing and as he is about to make contact with the opponet, they explode from the preassure and fly all over the room. Kenshi is left kneeling there next to a small crater still surging with power.

Ermac: Stone Storm: F, B, D, U, 2 (Full Screen)
Ermac brings his arms out to his sides and begins to generate his telekentic power into the ground. Suddenly, chunks of the arena floor begin to rise into the air and circle around Ermac. He then brings his arms together and chunks of floor fly towards the opponent. The circle around him very rapidly. Ermac closes his open palms into fist and the chunks move in even closer making contact witht he opponent. We hear them start screaming as the chunks begin to bash, cut and break their body, almost like a grinder. Suddenly the screaming stops and the rock chunks seperate, showing that the opponent has been diced to pieces on the floor. The rocks then swirl back around Ermac and aligne behind him as he stretches his arms out once more, glowing with power to finish the move.

Sub-Zero: Ice Sicle Kicks: B, U, F, D, F, 3 (Sweep Range)
Sub-Zero charges a wave of Kori energy and douses the opponent with it, incasing them in a solid ice statue. He then does several back hand springs to distance himself from the forzen opponent. On his last one he does a full flip kick, unleashing a Sicle of Ice from his foot to carve acros the ground and towards the opponent. While still in mid air, Sub-Zero comes around with a round house kick, releasing another sicle which travels horziontally, right behind the Vertical one. The vertical sicle meets the opponent first, slicing them vertically in half, and then the horizontal one makes contact, cutting from thier waist up, cutting them into quarters. The frozen opponent's body then slides appart, shattering on the ground. Sub-Zero lands in a leaned back postion with his arms in a dragon position for his victory pose.

Kung Lao: Hat Folly: F, F, B, F, 2 (Outside Sweep range. 5 steps back)
Kung Lao takes off his hat and launches it into the floor, rim first. The hat bounces off the floor and straight into the opponent's stomach, lodging itself halfway in. Kung Lao does a quick stance switch and then launches into a double arieal where he flips sideways with both feet landing on the other end of the hat, pushing it downards. it has enough force to quickly tear through the remaining half of the opponent's waist, causing their upper half to rip off and fly off. As their legs drop to the ground, Kung Lao's hat flips upwards and he snatches it out of the air. He puts it on, whiping the edge of the hat and does a victory pose.

Sektor: Missle Command: D, D, F, U, F, 2 (Full Screen)
Sektor locks onto the opponent and opens up his shoulder plates, releasing 18 missles straight into the air in rapid succession. There is a slight whistling sound as the missles come back down on the opponent. Each missle blows off a part of the opponent's body covering his dismemberment in cloud of naplam and blood. Sektor lets out some coolant from his shoulders as they close back up. His eyes glow red and you here "Target Terminated" before he looks at the screen for his fatality victory.

Scorpion: Hell Raiser Fire Ball: B, B, F, D, U, 1 (Full Screen)
Scorpion charges a blast of fire into his right fist and then launches it into the opponent. It engulfs the opponent in flames and raises them into the air to the motion of Scorpion's arm. Scorpion's eyes glow as he screams out "Farewell Forever!!" And pulls his arm back, the burning opponent then erupts into stronger flames before exploding in mid air.

Scorpion: Inertia's Blade: F, B, D,.D, F, 3 (Full Screen)
Scorpion launches out his spear at the opponent and then hooks it in place. With his trademark "Get Over Here" he pulls back and the opponent comes flying towards him. He takes out his sword and just as the opponent is about to collide with him you see two bright flashes from a different camera angle, behind the opponent. The opponent seperates into four pieces right infront of Scorpion's face as their pieces go flying past him, tumbling on the floor a bit further back.

Smoke: Chain Scythe Destruction: D, F, F, B, F, 4 ( Five Steps Back, Weapon must be equipped)
Smoke extends his chain scythe into segments and launches the sicle part of it into the opponent's head. The opponent staggers back abit and starts screaming. Smoke then warps all over the arena, extending his chain all the while. He warps about 10 feet behind the opponent and pulls on his chain to retract it. The chain starts to retract but webs the opponent in its center. It beginst to contract harder and harder, digging into the opponent;s flesh before it simple cuts straight through him, slicing him to pieces before reforming into a single file and coming back to Smoke's hand. Smoke wipes the blade off and gives a side glance to the camera before the word "Fatality" appears on the screen.
10/10/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
Joes04 Wrote:
Kabal Fatality (called hooksword hell):
Kabal takes out his hookswords and hooks them round the opponents neck. He cuts their head off and throws the head away as the body of the opponent collapses.

Doesn't seem all that exciting,maybe needs some work.

abomb1987 Wrote:
i got some Kabal ideas

Kabal- kabal takes out one of his hookswords and stabs it through the enemy's calf(leg). it basic has then hooked on it. after this kabal begings draging the enemy at high speed by running at high speed in a cricle. the enemy is shredded and scraped due to the speed and friction. all that is left are skidmarks of blood torn flesh and broken bones.

at the end of the fatality kabal raises his hooksword witch only has the foot and calf of the enemy still through scewered through it it.

kabal 2- buzzsaw revenge- kabal hacks off the enemys feet with a cool croos cleve hooksword swipe. as the enemy is knocked off their now blood stumps. kabal start to press buttons on his respirator. sec after that the ground begins to shake and the buzzsaw rip out the ground a few feet away from the enemy's crotch. just as kung lous buzzsaw in MK:sm, the buzzsaw cuts up the enemy vertically in half.

I like the first one, I could imagine the various limbs flying everywhere. Second one is a bit weird though.........he's not a cyborg.

SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Fujin:Reverse Wind Tunnel: F, F, D, B, F, 2 (Close Range)
When the opponent is dazed, Fujin spins them around so the face backwards. The then plunges his hand into their back and uses his wind power with his other arm. Suddenly, the opponent starts shaking as blood begins to shoot out of their body, and across Fujin. Then the opponent bends inwards as his insides get flushed through his front before getting sucked back in and out of his back, all going through Fujin. At the end the opponent's bones and organs are all removed and spread across the floor while his skin is turned inside out.

Kenshi: Telekenetic Press: U, D, U, D, F, 1 (Close Range)
Kenshi uses his Telekenetic Slam to lift the opponent into the air and smash them back down onto the floor with a huge amount of force. As he towers over them he begins to lower his arm down towards their chest. You begin to hear the cracking of the opponent's bones as a pool of blood begins to form underneath him. Kenshi keeps on pushing and as he is about to make contact with the opponet, they explode from the preassure and fly all over the room. Kenshi is left kneeling there next to a small crater still surging with power.

Ermac: Stone Storm: F, B, D, U, 2 (Full Screen)
Ermac brings his arms out to his sides and begins to generate his telekentic power into the ground. Suddenly, chunks of the arena floor begin to rise into the air and circle around Ermac. He then brings his arms together and chunks of floor fly towards the opponent. The circle around him very rapidly. Ermac closes his open palms into fist and the chunks move in even closer making contact witht he opponent. We hear them start screaming as the chunks begin to bash, cut and break their body, almost like a grinder. Suddenly the screaming stops and the rock chunks seperate, showing that the opponent has been diced to pieces on the floor. The rocks then swirl back around Ermac and aligne behind him as he stretches his arms out once more, glowing with power to finish the move.

Sub-Zero: Ice Sicle Kicks: B, U, F, D, F, 3 (Sweep Range)
Sub-Zero charges a wave of Kori energy and douses the opponent with it, incasing them in a solid ice statue. He then does several back hand springs to distance himself from the forzen opponent. On his last one he does a full flip kick, unleashing a Sicle of Ice from his foot to carve acros the ground and towards the opponent. While still in mid air, Sub-Zero comes around with a round house kick, releasing another sicle which travels horziontally, right behind the Vertical one. The vertical sicle meets the opponent first, slicing them vertically in half, and then the horizontal one makes contact, cutting from thier waist up, cutting them into quarters. The frozen opponent's body then slides appart, shattering on the ground. Sub-Zero lands in a leaned back postion with his arms in a dragon position for his victory pose.

Kung Lao: Hat Folly: F, F, B, F, 2 (Outside Sweep range. 5 steps back)
Kung Lao takes off his hat and launches it into the floor, rim first. The hat bounces off the floor and straight into the opponent's stomach, lodging itself halfway in. Kung Lao does a quick stance switch and then launches into a double arieal where he flips sideways with both feet landing on the other end of the hat, pushing it downards. it has enough force to quickly tear through the remaining half of the opponent's waist, causing their upper half to rip off and fly off. As their legs drop to the ground, Kung Lao's hat flips upwards and he snatches it out of the air. He puts it on, whiping the edge of the hat and does a victory pose.

Sektor: Missle Command: D, D, F, U, F, 2 (Full Screen)
Sektor locks onto the opponent and opens up his shoulder plates, releasing 18 missles straight into the air in rapid succession. There is a slight whistling sound as the missles come back down on the opponent. Each missle blows off a part of the opponent's body covering his dismemberment in cloud of naplam and blood. Sektor lets out some coolant from his shoulders as they close back up. His eyes glow red and you here "Target Terminated" before he looks at the screen for his fatality victory.

Scorpion: Hell Raiser Fire Ball: B, B, F, D, U, 1 (Full Screen)
Scorpion charges a blast of fire into his right fist and then launches it into the opponent. It engulfs the opponent in flames and raises them into the air to the motion of Scorpion's arm. Scorpion's eyes glow as he screams out "Farewell Forever!!" And pulls his arm back, the burning opponent then erupts into stronger flames before exploding in mid air.

Scorpion: Inertia's Blade: F, B, D,.D, F, 3 (Full Screen)
Scorpion launches out his spear at the opponent and then hooks it in place. With his trademark "Get Over Here" he pulls back and the opponent comes flying towards him. He takes out his sword and just as the opponent is about to collide with him you see two bright flashes from a different camera angle, behind the opponent. The opponent seperates into four pieces right infront of Scorpion's face as their pieces go flying past him, tumbling on the floor a bit further back.

Smoke: Chain Scythe Destruction: D, F, F, B, F, 4 ( Five Steps Back, Weapon must be equipped)
Smoke extends his chain scythe into segments and launches the sicle part of it into the opponent's head. The opponent staggers back abit and starts screaming. Smoke then warps all over the arena, extending his chain all the while. He warps about 10 feet behind the opponent and pulls on his chain to retract it. The chain starts to retract but webs the opponent in its center. It beginst to contract harder and harder, digging into the opponent;s flesh before it simple cuts straight through him, slicing him to pieces before reforming into a single file and coming back to Smoke's hand. Smoke wipes the blade off and gives a side glance to the camera before the word "Fatality" appears on the screen.

All of yours sound magnificent, but I have one 'little' issue. Ermac is the original telekinetic, the slam was always his. Kenshi having something like that makes as much sense as Scorpion with Sub-Zero's Spine Rip.
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art by fear-sAs
10/10/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
I gave it to Kenshi since the Tele-Slam is a basic technique. Since Ermac is much more skilled in telekenesis, I gave him a much more complex fatality. But I understand what you mean. Any of them you like in particular?
10/11/2005 12:57 AM (UTC)
to clear up kabals buzzsaw fatality- he summon the saw out of the ground like in MK3, when it was his special attack. now its a fatality. i didn't mean to imply that is came out of his chest or anything he just summons it by romote control
10/11/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
here are some more ideas.

Kabal- gut spin- kabal takes his hooksword and and makes a deep horizantial cut in the enemy's mid-section. kabal then takes a couple of steps back and then does his spin dash. when he hits the dash it causes the enemy to spin violently, since the speed and the force of the spin are so strong all the enemy's guts and organs and tons of blood shoots out of the mid-section rip. all the enemys organ and blood are spread through the stage 360 degree style with a hole in the enmy's torso in the center of it..

kenshi- teleknetic drain- kenshi takes out his sword and does a 5 hit slash and stab combo with his sword. this combo hit the enemy vital blood area, so you see the enemy is bleeding slightly from the cuts. then keshi lifts the enemy up in the air with his telekentic power. then he does a pose as if he was "wringing a wet mop or wash cloth". the enemy's body then gets twisted tightly like a wet mop being wrung out. when this happen kenshi is wringing out all the enemy's blood through this. as well as breaking vital bones like the spine and what not. the blood spews out violently when all the blood is out of the enemy's kenshi drops the withere
d broken body into the pools of there own blood.

10/12/2005 09:25 AM (UTC)
Baraka Hara-Kiri (called Head Wound):
Baraka takes out his blades and stabs hmself in his head. He takes out his blade, staggers about then cuts his own head off. His body collapses, then the opponent catches his head.
10/12/2005 01:27 PM (UTC)
^^^^^^ would baraka be dead already if he got stabbed in the head, then agian this MK, in MK:SM he survived getting impaled twice, then dying.

i will try my hand at the hara kiri-

melinna- takes out her 2 sais and drives them into her eyes. after that her body falls face first with the 2 sais still lodged in. the force of her fall on the sais drives them out the back of her head, gushing out brian and skull fragments out the back end.

here is a another fatality: since someone said that rain shold have a water power, i ll try that.

Rain- water pressure- rain goes up to his enemy and breaks his leg to bring them to their knees. then he puts one hand on their lower jaw and one hand the upper mouth, basically streching the mouth wide open. he then leans the enemy foward with their mouth and jaw unhindged wide, and his uses his water power to make a small but powerful water stream shoot out the ground. with the enemy's wide open mouth, rain forces the water down the enem'y throat. as the water is ging in the enemy's mouth at a high rate. the enem'y stomach is expand far beyond its threshold. finnally the mid-section of the enemy explodes from the acess water being forced into him. blood and guts spills everywhere.
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art by fear-sAs
10/12/2005 03:03 PM (UTC)
Super Conductor: U, U, D, B, F, 3 (Outside of Sweep Range)
Rain runs towards the enemy and then turns his body into a liquid state. He keeps his shape together just enough to envelope the opponent into his liquid frame. He then raises his hand towards the sky and a bolt of lightning comes down through his liquid frame, electricuiting the wet opponent, causing them to explode and fly out of Rain's frame in pieces. Rain remains in his liquid state until the fatality ends as his eyes glow purple.

Phase Change: F, F, D, B, F, 1 (Full Screen)
Rain cups his hands and begins to channel tiny droplets of water into their center, creating an orb of water. When the ball gets larger enough, he launches it at the opponent, drenching them completely. The opponent looks at their body seeing that nothing seems to be wrong and suddenly they let out a brief scream as their entire solid frame dissloves into small droplets and splashes all over the floor.

Wind Crescent: F, B, D, D, 1 (Sweep Range)
Kitana takes out both of her fans and then does her "Fan Lift" and raises the opponent into the air with a strong gust. As the opponent is floating in the air, Kitana pulls her fan back to her right hip and twists her waist. With both hands on the weapon she untwists and moves the fan in a diagonal, upward motion. This creates the Wind Crescent and it shoots straight through the opponent. By this time, the Fan Lift has worn off and the opponent falls to the floor in two pieces, with his torso cleaved from his right hip to his left shoulder.

Plasma Spray: F, D, F, F, 2 (Full Screen)
Kabal is able to discharge balls of Plasma energy from his backpack convertor which doubles as a respirator. Kabal reaches back and flips a small switch on his backpack and lowers himself a bit, as if he was performing his normal Plasma Shot. The Plasma begins to build up until it reaches critical mass, and at this point he unloads a chain of Plasma balls at the opponent, five total. Each one blows off a piece of the opponent, starting with one fore each arm, leg, and then, before their body hits the ground, he blows up their body, leaving the head to fall to the ground.

Spiral Slash: B, F, F, D, 1 (Close Range)
Kabal takes out one of his hook swords and plunges the hook end of it into the opponent's shoulder. He then uses his Tazmanian Devil Spin to run at extreme speeds around the opponent. You hear the opponent scream inside of the vortex, as Kabal runs around them, lowering his blade at a constant speed. When he stops at the same place he started with the hook end of his blade drenched in blood, the opponent's lifeless body slides down in pieces to the floor.

Fireball Smash: D, U, F, U, F, 4 (Close Range)
Kai grabs the opponent by their neck and levitates about 10 feet above the ground with them in his hand. With his other hand, Kai creates four fireballs about 10 feet in front of him. There's one fireball to his left, and one two his right. There's one above him, and one below. With the opponent still in his grasp Kai pulls back and throws them into the center of the fireballs which then act homing mines and launch into the opponent, exploding on contact, killing the victim instantly.

Dagger Hang: D, D, F, D, F 2 (Close Range)
Kai swings around the opponent, grabbing them by the neck and flipping them over his shoulder into the air. As the opponent descends, Kai takes out his knife and tosses it at them, impaling them through the stomach and stapling them into a wall. The opponents struggles for a bit before giving up. Their weight causes their body to slide down, slicing them upwards, from the stomach to their sternum. They scream, and die hanging on the dagger's blade bleeds through their wound.

Mine Field: B, F, F, U, 2 (Full Screen)
Cyrax opens up his chest and launches a wave of explosives that hover around the opponent, creating an aireal mine field. Cryax then launches one more mine causing the rest to explode in a sequence in whic the opponent is blasted backwards and forwards between the mines, getting blown to pieces.
10/12/2005 04:08 PM (UTC)
id like to see fatalitys involving animals. like if ur fighting in a forest and u kick a guy into a certain part a pack of wolvs attacks him and tears him apart. and ermac should use his powers to make himself blow up from the insideglasseswink
10/12/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
what more

Noob saibot-
-Shadow crush- nood raises his hand and makes a black shadow appear at your enemy's feet. the shadow englufs the enemy in a sack like trap a levitates them 3 feet in the air. at that point you see the the sack is moveing with the enemy trying to get out. nood then summons a spiked club and procedes to beat the sh!t out of the sack holding the enemy. after ten swings, nobb backs up and the sack opens up dropping the broken pieces and bloody chunk of the enemy.

Quan chi-
-portal rip- Quan chi takes out 2 big ass nails from his vest and drives then into the enemy's feet pinning them to the ground like kira's fatality. Quan chi then does a big flip back, and that out his shinnok amulet. with that amulet quan chi open up a small portal and stands behind it. the vortex of the portal rips the pinned enemy aparts bit by bit in a fast manner. after quan chi closes the portal all that is left are the 2 nailed feet of the enemy.

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