idea for better movement.
posted02/06/2010 08:03 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i recently bought king of fighters 2006 for my ps2 and it got me thinking about mk's movement.

i know that we are never going to get the run button back or ever going to see sindel float and shoot fireballls from her mouth.

so my idea would be have characters move faster by using there moves and abilitys to enhance the speed and control of gameplay.

here's an example kula diamond from kof 06 glides when running to the opponet like on ice skates. i don't see why sub zero can't do the same. just change the animation a bit and it could improve the gameplay.

another example is louise from kof 06 flys inward to connect certain moves at the opponet. why not have ermac do something similar maybe have him float toward the enemy instead of having him jump towards the enemy.

i'm just saying mk speed is not what it used to be. also i'm saying mk shouldn't steal ideas from other fighting games but should make gameplay more fluid by tweaking and adding a few new ideas or concepts to make a better overall experience. what's your take on the subject.
01/29/2010 04:40 AM (UTC)
I actually think it's a great idea. In most fighting games, when you try a character out before doing any special moves, they usually feel different. Whether it be run speed, or how slow they jump. In street fighter Dhalsim slowly floats over his enemies when he jumps, and El Feurte can run and jump all over the level.

One of my problems with MK is that characters are too similar. Sure they have different ways to punch, and they have different special moves, but there aren't enough stark constrast such as movement. Also, almost every fighting game has a wrestler who plays a lot differently than the other fighters. I'm not saying they should inject a wrestler in, but there hasn't been anybody who plays really different.

So wrapping up. This is a great idea that should be added. A big character like Jax should have a lower jump, and slower movement. While Lui Kang should be faster, and lighter. Raiden should feel almost wieghtless when he jumps, because of his flight abilities.
01/31/2010 01:10 AM (UTC)
maybe also have the ability to go into different stances similar to the tekken series. which could be cool. not like mkda-mka were you have to switch stances.

heres an example lei can go into prey mantis stance than go into his lay down stance and mix and match moves to make better moves and combos.

if reptile returns i'd like to see him crawl to give him that lizard vybe. it would be similar to voldo but instead of standing he would crawl. it would make this character feel more athentic.

also fujin i could see him gliding across the screen whenever he does various specials and combos. plus it could give better hair and clothing movement. maybe have him on a cloud that sometimes becomes transparent if the inputs of a move are done very fast.

there's tons of ways to make each character feel more unique. so let's keep up with the ideas and i'll post more tomorrow.
About Me
01/31/2010 07:01 PM (UTC)
Kudos for the idea.
01/31/2010 11:38 PM (UTC)
Sindel should fly and so should Nitara with her wings flapping. With Nitara, she should do some creative diving moves that would be lethal to the opponent. Maybe she can grab the opponent with her legs, fly up while holding him/her, and then doing the frankensteiner during the air. Or better yet, Nitara can grab the opponent, bringing the enemy up, bite him/her while on air and then maybe punch them down to the ground. There's many things you can do with flying characters. glasses
02/01/2010 12:26 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Sindel should fly and so should Nitara with her wings flapping. With Nitara, she should do some creative diving moves that would be lethal to the opponent. Maybe she can grab the opponent with her legs, fly up while holding him/her, and then doing the frankensteiner during the air. Or better yet, Nitara can grab the opponent, bringing the enemy up, bite him/her while on air and then maybe punch them down to the ground. There's many things you can do with flying characters. glasses

i agree with character flight completely. even if it were just as simple as a hover for walking or a series of special combo moves...something...anything to imply that the wings are not just to look cool. even for other characters like stated sindel...its not that hard to do i am sure. if it is too much for gameplay than imply it to fatalities...otherwise why even make a character with wings? i say either make nitaras wings get ripped off or start using her flight properly.

as for the idea in general from the poster...Mk does have this element to some extent but not enough to see any sway in balance from characters. like Kabal how he runs and leaves the victim spinning or the flash in MK vs DC is a good example. but i do agree more of the concept with moves like that even with basic moves to a limit would be nice. i understand people want balance on a sense of fairness with each character but everything has a strong point and a weakness. movement has a small part in the intensity of movement...the movement could be slow but if you do a certain special move zoom in and get in personal...that is the only one thing that i do like from SF4. the focus on crazy moves so up in your face is kinda awesome and it does make the movement feel faster even though it isnt really.
02/01/2010 02:40 AM (UTC)
I liked the run button, I remember the fights in MK4 were crazy, fast paced fun.
02/01/2010 05:49 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
I liked the run button, I remember the fights in MK4 were crazy, fast paced fun.

02/01/2010 02:38 PM (UTC)
But um... didn't MK vs. DC have running if you double tapped the button on the directional pad in the way you were going? I could have swore they ran (even after a throw)
02/01/2010 05:08 PM (UTC)
running and jumping should be different per character.

characters that are cyborgs - could run with there hands out and arms to the side giving them that swooshing movement.

characters that are more human - could run like they are jogging.

boss/monster type characters - could run much slower than any other type.

ninjas - could dash for ther movement.

characters weight could effect there height and distance of there jump. characters that weigh more when they jump could show signs of foot prints, cracks, and holes in the ground of the arena when they land. it shows the dramatic ness of the impact.

wings could effect speed of the jump if that character even has wings.

type of jumps denpending on characters weight.
light fighters - can do double jumps, flips, somersaults, and twists.
medium fighters - can jump, and super jump.
heavy fighters - can jump and hop.

this would make things very interesting in vs battles and in the franchise it's self. plus it could effect juggles and air combat. so what you think about the idea. i'll post more later this week.
02/01/2010 10:28 PM (UTC)
this idea sounds like somthing for 2d games. 3d will always feel kinda slow because they are more realistic. 2d is where the fast paced fun gamplay comes in.......
02/02/2010 02:04 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
But um... didn't MK vs. DC have running if you double tapped the button on the directional pad in the way you were going? I could have swore they ran (even after a throw)

Not really the same as a run button.
02/05/2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
I agree. Characters should feel distinct before they throw a punch, kick or fireball. The movement moves should be for the most part universal and threfore intuitive, but some characters should be faster than others, and with different animations and properties. Ninjas should be more nimble than giant characters.

Even say, Tekken is very similar with the basic movement animations and speed. There are differences in having special stances, some of which are dynamic- like tackles and stuff, which is cool, but the basic moving forward, backward, jumping and ducking is all the same. MK could go one better by making movements distinct, much like how standing fighting stances are.

I'd like to see a game with full 3d movement on the d-pad, and jump and duck on the shoulder buttons. That way you can sidestep/duck to roll, sidestep/jump for cartwheel etc.

Also, it would be cool to have characters' move sets made with their "special powers", so scorpion would have a lot of spear moves, say. If there were more variations it would make the game more interesting at distance. Some characters could have good distance moves, others good close in moves etc, and this would mean different tactics depending on who you're fighting. Like with Soul Calibur.
02/06/2010 08:03 PM (UTC)
Oh, when Sub Zero freezes a jumping opponent, the frozen body should not stay frozen in the air. Instead, the frozen enemy should fall to the ground, having the ice shatter as damage is inflicted to them. And not only that, but when the opponent is falling from the air, Sub-Zero can perform juggle combos before the frozen body falls to the ground.
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