I wouldnt mind getting a little more bang for my buck, so to speak/
posted05/22/2010 05:40 PM (UTC)by
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04/22/2010 03:22 PM (UTC)
Each edition would be for a few dollar$ more of course....

MK9 Klassic Edition:
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Mortal Kombat 2
- Mortal Komat Trilogy (exclude MK3 and UMK3)
- Mortal Kombat Gold (exclude MK4)

MK9 Special Edition:
- Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
- Mortal Kombat Unchained (exclude Deception)
- Mortal Kombat Armageddon (with both Chameleon and Khameleon)

MK9 Kollector's Edition:
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Mortal Kombat 2
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Mortal Komat Trilogy
- Mortal Kombat 4
- Mortal Kombat Gold
- Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
- Mortal Kombat Deception
- Mortal Kombat Unchained
- Mortal Kombat Armageddon

All of the classic MK games should have arcade sound and graphics, no glitches (especially MKT) but also include an options menu which was featured in the home console versions.

All the games should support Multiplayer as well.

I'm tired of hanging on to my old console systems to play MK games. I'd like everything on one system...
I'd love to play others in past MK games now that (1) arcades are dead, (2) emulators/rom illegal, and (3) emulator MP is laggy as crap

Maybe I'm just dreaming too hard sleep
I sure would like it to come true though sad
05/20/2010 04:01 PM (UTC)
I think your on a good track here but I am thinking you went just a bit overboard lol.

First,there should be just a standard version with just plain ole MK9.

Second,there should be a premium version with maybe an extra classic game or two...maybe a DLC code and a poster aswell.

Lastly,there should be the Kollecter's Edition with all the above stated and extras like action figures,comic books,a soundtrack disc,an autographed strategy guide w/rare art or maybe even one of those Hospitality shirts signed by the team! Something for the actual collectors you know...that is what I think would be cool.

I understand wanting all of the MK goodness on one console but that can be solved by digital downloads on PC,Live and PSN.
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05/20/2010 04:05 PM (UTC)
Id pay $200 for it, no problem.
05/20/2010 04:48 PM (UTC)
Too bad it couldn't be a October/Halloween release because than maybe they could release random Halloween masks of the ninjas or something.Or maybe for November/Thanksgiving...A Cooking with Scorpion cook book. LOLfurious
05/20/2010 05:26 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
I understand wanting all of the MK goodness on one console but that can be solved by digital downloads on PC,Live and PSN.

That's even better !!grin
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/20/2010 06:53 PM (UTC)
I'd love this sort of thing as long as Europe gets it too. Just to be able to play MK4 and MK Gold again would be worth the money!
05/20/2010 08:28 PM (UTC)
That would be sweet! I think most people on here would pay a little extra cabbage for a complete MK collection. Funny when I think back...I had MK1-3 on the SNES, MK4 on PC (yikes), MKGold on the Dreamcast, MKDA-MKA ...MKSM (and MK1 and 2) on the PS2.

I gave my SNES away 10 years ago, sold my Dreamcast (such potential...) to a buddy, sold my PS2 to go on vacation a few years back, and I have no idea where the MK4 disk ended up...

It's good to have MK2 on the PS3, but it's hard to find online matches these days. I just re-purchased MKvsDC after finding it used for $15...first online match I was infinite-spammed by Super Man...awesome.

Anyway, hell yes I'd pay good money for a complete collection!

About Me
05/20/2010 09:39 PM (UTC)
I'd really want an MK poster and MK Trilogy.
All that other stuff would be amazing.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/21/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
I'd let MK9 be MK9. We're long, long past due for a complete collection of the first four MK games and their iterations. Based on the track record of a buggy MK1 port included with the collector's edition of MKD, and the godawful Midway Arcade Treasures II port of MKII which prevented you from fighting Smoke - and was for some stupid reason ported again to Shaolin Monks with that flaw intact, I'd prefer we weren't tossed out any haphazardly-assembled appendages. A complete package of MKI, MKII, MK3-UMK3-MKT, and MK4-G (with Gold bugs fixed, plz) would sell oodles on its own. Heck, if they were feeling generous, they could put MKM:SZ and MKSF on a separate disc.

But I'm going to go out on a limb and say we're overdue for an ENHANCED collection. Super Street Fighter II Turbo got its day with HD Remix...and goddammit, so should MK.

I wouldn't just package them all as-is though: I'd provide enhanced versions (making sure the originals are selectable on their own, of course), and with the following adjustments. Here's my wishlist for a 'remastered' collection:


-Permit the selection of Goro, Shang Tsung and Reptile
-Give Reptile his own moveset
-Give all three their own bios and Arcade mode endings


-Permit the selection of Kintaro, Kahn, Jade, Noob Saibot and Smoke
-Give the secret characters their own unique movesets
-Give them all their own bios and Arcade mode endings
-Rebalanced gameplay (EX: Better damage for Reptile's acid spit, less recovery time and a faster force ball)


-Permit the selection of Motaro, Shao Kahn and Noob Saibot
-Give Noob his own moveset - and import the character sprite from UMK3-T. Shadow Kano is silly.
-Import MKT fatals for all three
-Give them all their own bios and Arcade mode endings


-As above.
-Original moveset for Human Smoke.
-Import his fatals from MKT, and all of Classic Sub's (seriously, what happened that he only wound up with one fatality and a stage finisher?)
(As a bonus, I'd port the elusive Wavenet version of the game, assuming it could be found, just for a legitimately playable Noob Saibot.)


-Import the N64 exclusive MKT features into the PSX/Saturn version: Uber Sub-Zero, Khameleon, boss popups, star bridge background, boss fatalities. The N64 version may have been the inferior among the two, but it had some nice pips. Make the two one game and it'd be so awesome you'd have no choice but to punch your neighbor in the back of the head like you just drank a quart of Powerthirst and got UNCOMFORTABLY ENERGETIC because it was so awesome.
-Holy god, Rebalanced gameplay. I'm looking at you, Rain and Noob.

-Import the MK Gold version of Noob.
-Original moves for Meat
-Fatalities for the above two and Goro
-Original endings for all three
-Major glitch fixing
-Rebalanced gameplay
-Increase hits taken before weapons drop, and introduce commands to put them away.
-Ditch MAXIMUM DAMAGE in favor of damage scaling. This was a hilariously bad form of damage control.
-Given the opportunity, I'd replace MK4's endings with pics and text, MKI-3 style, because the voice acting and animation is, in retrospect, painful to look at and make me giggle at times (see: The Jarek Hum)

-As above.

The piece de resistance would be that I'd go back and adjust endings through the whole thing to match the MK canon so far, eliminating all the what-if endings. wink And of course, online gameplay for all titles.

That's's just the tip of the iceberg, though. I could go on for days...How much of a trip would it be to hire new actors and re-film them in HD? I bet it'd look incredible. Heck, they could take the opportunity to update all the ninja and assassin outfits to set them further apart. It's a pipe dream, but a nice one.

Anyway, all of the above is why I look down on the old MK games just being bundled with new releases....they're worthy of consideration and release in their own right. There's so much that could be done to make them better, too... in a perfect world.
05/21/2010 01:23 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd let MK9 be MK9. We're long, long past due for a complete collection of the first four MK games and their iterations. Based on the track record of a buggy MK1 port included with the collector's edition of MKD, and the godawful Midway Arcade Treasures II port of MKII which prevented you from fighting Smoke - and was for some stupid reason ported again to Shaolin Monks with that flaw intact, I'd prefer we weren't tossed out any haphazardly-assembled appendages. A complete package of MKI, MKII, MK3-UMK3-MKT, and MK4-G (with Gold bugs fixed, plz) would sell oodles on its own. Heck, if they were feeling generous, they could put MKM:SZ and MKSF on a separate disc.

But I'm going to go out on a limb and say we're overdue for an ENHANCED collection. Super Street Fighter II Turbo got its day with HD Remix...and goddammit, so should MK.

I wouldn't just package them all as-is though: I'd provide enhanced versions (making sure the originals are selectable on their own, of course), and with the following adjustments. Here's my wishlist for a 'remastered' collection:


-Permit the selection of Goro, Shang Tsung and Reptile
-Give Reptile his own moveset
-Give all three their own bios and Arcade mode endings


-Permit the selection of Kintaro, Kahn, Jade, Noob Saibot and Smoke
-Give the secret characters their own unique movesets
-Give them all their own bios and Arcade mode endings
-Rebalanced gameplay (EX: Better damage for Reptile's acid spit, less recovery time and a faster force ball)


-Permit the selection of Motaro, Shao Kahn and Noob Saibot
-Give Noob his own moveset - and import the character sprite from UMK3-T. Shadow Kano is silly.
-Import MKT fatals for all three
-Give them all their own bios and Arcade mode endings


-As above.
-Original moveset for Human Smoke.
-Import his fatals from MKT, and all of Classic Sub's (seriously, what happened that he only wound up with one fatality and a stage finisher?)
(As a bonus, I'd port the elusive Wavenet version of the game, assuming it could be found, just for a legitimately playable Noob Saibot.)


-Import the N64 exclusive MKT features into the PSX/Saturn version: Uber Sub-Zero, Khameleon, boss popups, star bridge background, boss fatalities. The N64 version may have been the inferior among the two, but it had some nice pips. Make the two one game and it'd be so awesome you'd have no choice but to punch your neighbor in the back of the head like you just drank a quart of Powerthirst and got UNCOMFORTABLY ENERGETIC because it was so awesome.
-Holy god, Rebalanced gameplay. I'm looking at you, Rain and Noob.

-Import the MK Gold version of Noob.
-Original moves for Meat
-Fatalities for the above two and Goro
-Original endings for all three
-Major glitch fixing
-Rebalanced gameplay
-Increase hits taken before weapons drop, and introduce commands to put them away.
-Ditch MAXIMUM DAMAGE in favor of damage scaling. This was a hilariously bad form of damage control.
-Given the opportunity, I'd replace MK4's endings with pics and text, MKI-3 style, because the voice acting and animation is, in retrospect, painful to look at and make me giggle at times (see: The Jarek Hum)

-As above.

The piece de resistance would be that I'd go back and adjust endings through the whole thing to match the MK canon so far, eliminating all the what-if endings. wink And of course, online gameplay for all titles.

That's's just the tip of the iceberg, though. I could go on for days...How much of a trip would it be to hire new actors and re-film them in HD? I bet it'd look incredible. Heck, they could take the opportunity to update all the ninja and assassin outfits to set them further apart. It's a pipe dream, but a nice one.

Anyway, all of the above is why I look down on the old MK games just being bundled with new releases....they're worthy of consideration and release in their own right. There's so much that could be done to make them better, too... in a perfect world.

Basically MK9 would be MK9. I think you may have misunderstood what was meant. I meant that all the games you want as a collection should not be on MK9 or even a separate disc(s) that comes with MK9. As I said before...DLC is the way to go now days for that. Sure it would be nice to have it all on disc(s) but economically that would be a bad idea at the moment.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/21/2010 11:29 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Basically MK9 would be MK9. I think you may have misunderstood what was meant. I meant that all the games you want as a collection should not be on MK9 or even a separate disc(s) that comes with MK9. As I said before...DLC is the way to go now days for that. Sure it would be nice to have it all on disc(s) but economically that would be a bad idea at the moment.

I was responding to the OP's post, which clearly promotes inclusion of the old games with special editions of MK9. Such inclusions would more than likely be shitty ports, hence my desire to see them released on their own elsewhere.

I wouldn't care whether it was disc-based or DLC; just note that disc-based collections of games are still happening: see SNK and their various fighters. Provide enough incentive and people will buy.
05/22/2010 05:40 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Basically MK9 would be MK9. I think you may have misunderstood what was meant. I meant that all the games you want as a collection should not be on MK9 or even a separate disc(s) that comes with MK9. As I said before...DLC is the way to go now days for that. Sure it would be nice to have it all on disc(s) but economically that would be a bad idea at the moment.

I was responding to the OP's post, which clearly promotes inclusion of the old games with special editions of MK9. Such inclusions would more than likely be shitty ports, hence my desire to see them released on their own elsewhere.

I wouldn't care whether it was disc-based or DLC; just note that disc-based collections of games are still happening: see SNK and their various fighters. Provide enough incentive and people will buy.

I get ya man. I kinda want the same thing...HD remixing and all that enhancement would be sweet with the plus of online play. I look at all the sharp player made videos on Newgrounds and YouTube and the sharpness and polishing really makes the characters stand out a lot.The only way I would release disc based versions though is on last gen consoles like the ps2. It would really be sweet if they threw out a remix with online play for MK:T...my PSx copy is kinda overplayed and won't even play passed the playstation logo lol. I even skip doctored it to the max and its finished lol...flawless victory!
Personally I would poll or survey for the disc based versions to make sure but it would be better to just go digital downloads (DLC). I have all the games except MK1...the others I either have on DLC or emulated. I have purchased all the games so I don't consider it pirating lol. I don't have Mythologies or Special forces though...I can't seem to find a good rom for either of them but that is no biggy. I did the MUGEN games but I can hardly get any of them to work with my PC controllers. Perhaps it my controller brand (Logitech)?
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