I think the next action adventure game should be about 40 hours. Is that possible??
posted12/17/2006 04:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
If not, then how long should the next action adventure game be in youre opinion?? Thank you..
11/19/2006 01:47 AM (UTC)
I wouldnt mind a 40 hour game as long it has ko op in story mode so me and my friends could play i'd be fine. It would also depend what it was a bout like if it was shaolin monks but better charectors that would be cool. But if it was like phantasy star online or something i'd kill my self at the third hour.
11/19/2006 01:50 AM (UTC)
if it was with ko-op then hell yea i wuld want that. as long as it has alot more characters than Shaolin Monks.
11/19/2006 06:01 AM (UTC)
40 hours is long, however maybe it should have:

1. Ko-op gameplay (up to 4 players)
2. Skill upgrades/Fighting styles upgrades like Shaolin Monks but with more skills to allow more variety
3. Allow the usage of special weapons like in DMC3 which can be used on an off like Guns or Swords/Melee Weapons (plus can be upgraded)
4. Varied gameplay and mini-games. For example the use of vehicles like in Grand Theft Auto. Including mini-games like in GTA and JAK3 should add a more diverse game play experience that should make the game interesting enough to last 40 hours.
11/19/2006 07:59 PM (UTC)
yea 40 hrs would be good cause these mk games are kinda short
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"because real men throw eggs"

11/19/2006 10:47 PM (UTC)
It is possible, but it would have like 2-4 disk. it think they should
11/29/2006 11:48 PM (UTC)
The new blu-ray PS3 sics hold 10 times more memory than PS2 dics, so its possible. I think it should be ko-op but be playable online.
hold up where not playing the playstation one anymore
original ps1 discs yeah 2-4 sounds right playstation 2 discs with the blue backs probably 2 discs.
playstation 2 dvd-rom discs hell no they hold 9 gigobytes of info mk deception only scratched on four gigs. final fantasy X was on one ps2 dvd rom disc and that had over forty hours of play. now we get to blue ray discs and your talking a massive 50 gigobytes half of us have probably got 40 gig harddrive on our pc's and laptops's and somebody at sony are working on 200 gig blue ray disc

to answer the question i would say 40 hours worth of gameplay easily. 40 hours worth of in depth storytelling only if midway ask square-enix to do it.
12/02/2006 05:44 AM (UTC)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is more than 60 hours long. And that's a Gamecube/Wii game. PS3/XBox 360 could handle a 40 hour game for sure.
12/03/2006 05:13 PM (UTC)
If the kept to PS3 and 360, it is VERY possible.

Think of it this way dude.....A standard DVD (ps2) disk is almost 5GB, but a ps3 disk is a whopping 50GB of storage. Not to mention Sony is working on a Blu-Ray disk that is quad-layered which would be 200GB. That's alot of fucking room. gringringringringringringringringringringrinwowwowwowwowwowwowwow
12/03/2006 09:41 PM (UTC)
that's a lot of emoticons, Dtox.wink

anyway, although i think it's easily possible on 360 and PS3, but that dosen't mean Midway can make a40 hour game, even if there's enough space to do so.
12/04/2006 06:58 PM (UTC)
yeah smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile

but they need to take their time.....Midway seems to be acting like a bunch of lazy asses now a days.
They have lied to us quite a number of times......
They have also listened to the fans on all the WRONG ideas.
i mean c'mon, who the hell wants MEAT?! Oh that's right...the fans.
How about the timeframe? Fans bitched and moaned about making the game and releasing it in Oct. Midway listened and that is what EVERYONE is saying is "it's rushed"

Hideo Kojima (metal gear solid) created the best series in the world.......He took his time and paid attention to detail. Midway needs to learn a thing or two.
12/16/2006 06:01 AM (UTC)
40 hours long? I feel that could be possible, you would have alot of room to get in depth with each character's personality. I would like an adventure game where you start off as either

1. Shaolin Monk

2. Ninja

3. Tarkatan

4. Sorceror

5. Shokan

6. Oni

Depending who you pick starts you off in a certain realm. Even though you can pick a certain class, you can determine who your allies could be. For instance, you play as an Oni but be on the good guys side. Or you can play as a Shaolin Monk turned bad and go through the story that way.

Like the Kotor series your actions decide the fate for you, your allies, and the fate of the realms. The great thing is, depending on what actions you choose you gain the oppurtunity to meet up with already exsisting Mortal Kombat characters and have them aid you in your quest. You can have an influence guide with them and the higher you get it with them, the more you learn about them and also the more rewards you get. The thing is though, if your ally dies, that's it they don't come back. And depending on whether the character lives or dies, determines on other events in the game. Let's say you kill Liu Kang, later on in the game you would have to face Kung Lao.

12/17/2006 04:08 AM (UTC)
Is it possible on the wii?
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