I know Noob is awesome and all but...
posted06/19/2015 12:26 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
isn't he dead? As in Never-coming-back-unless-the-elder-gods-say-so dead? He was ripped apart from the Soulnado in MK9 and Quan Chi is dead. No one can revive him if i'm correct so what now? Why i'm bringing this up is that everybody thinks he'll be in MK 11. Others are wanting him in MKX as DLC which would be fine since he's just DLC and has no story impact but, like I said, it seems he can't come back. You know what would be cool though? Make Saibot a character. Techinally he didn't die but then again, he wasn't even in MK9's story but who knows. Anyway, why is everybody thinking he will come back? Or i there a way he could come back that I overlooked? Or do people just want him back because he's Noob?
06/14/2015 04:39 AM (UTC)
Scorpion was tossed into a soulnado once, and was rescued by the elder gods. Also, Johnny was completely dead once, and just decided to be revived instead of going to heaven. There are defiantly ways for Noob to come back if NRS want him to.

Personally, if Hanzo and Kuai Liang are now allies, then I defiantly want Bi-han to be involved since there is a lot of untaped potential with those three intertwined together again. Whether this means Bi-han returns as Noob or something else, I want that story to continue.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/14/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
I beleive there are interactions in-game between Sub-Zero and the Revenant versions of Liu Kang, Kitana and Kung Lao where they indicate Bi Han is calling out to Kuai Liang for help from the other side. His defeat in MK9 was also very Darth Vaderish - he got completely knocked out of the battle, but got away from it intact.
06/14/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
I feel comfortable with his death if we get smoke and his new Enenra form has some of noob's moves. For all we know the Enenra are a hivemind and Noob was an Enenra so they might as well be the same character now Smoke is bound to the Netherrealm.
06/14/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
Noob will definitely return. Remember he's already dead as a wraith.
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06/14/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Scorpion was tossed into a soulnado once, and was rescued by the elder gods. .

Not so much as rescued, bu they happened to find his near-corpse floating around. Noob however exploded in the Soulnado. Circumstances are different, but they probably not going to pay attention to that.
06/14/2015 08:18 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Not so much as rescued, bu they happened to find his near-corpse floating around. Noob however exploded in the Soulnado. Circumstances are different, but they probably not going to pay attention to that.

True, in Deadly Alliance the soulnado ripped him apart, so I don't think exploding would be that different to comeback from.
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06/14/2015 08:46 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

Not so much as rescued, bu they happened to find his near-corpse floating around. Noob however exploded in the Soulnado. Circumstances are different, but they probably not going to pay attention to that.

True, in Deadly Alliance the soulnado ripped him apart, so I don't think exploding would be that different to comeback from.

Except that did not really happen, as he begins MKD intact before being remade into the champion of the elder fucks.

06/14/2015 09:17 AM (UTC)
Noob was never mentioned in MKX, but Shang Tsung popped up in every other arcade ending because the writers are lazy as fuck.
06/14/2015 10:02 AM (UTC)
Noob will be back definitely so will jade nobody stays dead in MK for long they killed of boring old unpopular jax in the last game and look he is back now if he can make it back then so can good popular characters like noob and jade etc
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

06/14/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Noob will be back definitely so will jade nobody stays dead in MK for long they killed of boring old unpopular jax in the last game and look he is back now if he can make it back then so can good popular characters like noob and jade etc
that is such an overused statement. No one stays dead, whatever. pretty sure Liu Kang, kitana, kung Lao, kabal, nightwolf, sindel , smoke and we don't know what happened to mileena, she's probably going to stay dead. It's a new era of mk, I think since mk9 they've been trying to distance themselves from some of the stigmas people have with the series, so I think people who die from now on, until there is another way found to bring dead warriors back, people will stay dead that die. BTW no Raiden isn't dead, he has been corrupted by shinnoks magic, but probably more powerful than everwow
I think Smoke's chances are higher tbh...and I'd also rather have him.
06/14/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
How Noob can make a badass comeback:

1) Carry a big badass scythe
2) Look like a fucking king with a cape and lots of spikes
3) Plots to take over the Netherrealm from Liutana and succeeds
4) Be voiced by Ron Perlman (Slade from Teen Titans, Hellboy)
5) Flirts with Sareena to be his Queen given their previous history, but she rejects him over his brother Sub-Zero despite her conflicted feelings
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/14/2015 06:09 PM (UTC)
Where there's a will, there's a way.

And NRS WILL bring him back eventually. I wouldn't be surprised if Shang has a hand in that resurrection.

Either that, or Sareena wants her boo back.
krajax Wrote:
How Noob can make a badass comeback:

1) Carry a big badass scythe
2) Look like a fucking king with a cape and lots of spikes
3) Plots to take over the Netherrealm from Liutana and succeeds
4) Be voiced by Ron Perlman (Slade from Teen Titans, Hellboy)
5) Flirts with Sareena to be his Queen given their previous history, but she rejects him over his brother Sub-Zero despite her conflicted feelings

How about none of the above :\
06/16/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Noob will be back definitely so will jade nobody stays dead in MK for long they killed of boring old unpopular jax in the last game and look he is back now if he can make it back then so can good popular characters like noob and jade etc
that is such an overused statement. No one stays dead, whatever. pretty sure Liu Kang, kitana, kung Lao, kabal, nightwolf, sindel , smoke and we don't know what happened to mileena, she's probably going to stay dead. It's a new era of mk, I think since mk9 they've been trying to distance themselves from some of the stigmas people have with the series, so I think people who die from now on, until there is another way found to bring dead warriors back, people will stay dead that die. BTW no Raiden isn't dead, he has been corrupted by shinnoks magic, but probably more powerful than everwow
06/16/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
If NRS wants to bring Bi-Han back they'll do it, it doesn't matter if he died or not. Hell, they turned Sub-zero human again even after they showed him as a cyborg in the netherrealm at the end of MK9. NRS is not past making changes and using Deus Ex Machinas in their plot, I just hope they never again do it in the from of "He wasn't dead, it was a clone"

I hope we get to Bi-Han back, if he is human, all the better, if not, I'll still take it.
06/16/2015 09:37 AM (UTC)
Noob will be back. Next game probably, mainly because story will be centered around Netherrealm and i want him to confront Scorpion and kick his ass (although Boon won't allow this because he is jerking off to pictures of Scorpion lol).
He is way too popular also to be left dead.
06/16/2015 01:21 PM (UTC)
I'd just like to point out there's a big difference between Shao Kahn's Soulnado and Shang Tsung's Soulnado in Deadly Alliance.

Shao Kahn's soulnado was created by ripping the souls of everyone on earth to bring them to Outworld.

The DA Soulnado was created by opening a portal to the heavens and pulling souls out.

Scorpion was stuck in that Soulnado and found his way upwards into Heaven were he met the Elder Gods.

Noob Saibot was stuck in what amount to a real tornado made out of souls. He might still be alive, but you can't compare the two.
06/17/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Noob will be back definitely so will jade nobody stays dead in MK for long they killed of boring old unpopular jax in the last game and look he is back now if he can make it back then so can good popular characters like noob and jade etc
that is such an overused statement. No one stays dead, whatever. pretty sure Liu Kang, kitana, kung Lao, kabal, nightwolf, sindel , smoke and we don't know what happened to mileena, she's probably going to stay dead. It's a new era of mk, I think since mk9 they've been trying to distance themselves from some of the stigmas people have with the series, so I think people who die from now on, until there is another way found to bring dead warriors back, people will stay dead that die. BTW no Raiden isn't dead, he has been corrupted by shinnoks magic, but probably more powerful than everwow

You want to know what seems to be an overused and silly notion? That this game was an attempt to discard everything old about MK and be all about wiping the slate clean.

That's not what MKX was at all. If it was, Jacqui would have had robotic arms and a ground pound move.
Cassie would have both her father and mothers moves.
Takeda would have a spear move ect.
This installment was never about shedding MK of it's legacy it was simply about moving forward and continuing being MK. Just like every other installment in the series.

And...I don't know how you can say with a straight face "Pah! This time characters are going to stay dead" When we have "dead" characters who are still part of the roster and active participants in the story.
Hell in the endings they are telling us one way or another dead as hell Shang Tsung is creeping his way back into the realm of the living.

And fuck, the state of characters can and is just outright being ignored now for the sake of the roster or maintaining the status quo Examples. Hellspawn Scorpion. Even though he is alive and doesn't have the power to summon demons nor does his marketed costume ever come into play in the story of the game.
And then of course there is Liu, Kitana, and Kung Lao. All dead, advertised as living and yet are never ever resurrected in the game. Not that it would matter we could have easily just had them be revenants in every way and still had them as selectable characters.

Death is still meaningless. It always will be in MK. You die you become a wraith, specter, revenant, oni, spirit, a glowing orb, Ermac, ascend to the heavens and can easily make a request to be alive again ect.
06/18/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
Noob is a much cooler and original character than all the new entry ́s combined in MKX. Noob isnt dead, Mk is.
06/18/2015 06:30 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Noob will be back definitely so will jade nobody stays dead in MK for long they killed of boring old unpopular jax in the last game and look he is back now if he can make it back then so can good popular characters like noob and jade etc
that is such an overused statement. No one stays dead, whatever. pretty sure Liu Kang, kitana, kung Lao, kabal, nightwolf, sindel , smoke and we don't know what happened to mileena, she's probably going to stay dead. It's a new era of mk, I think since mk9 they've been trying to distance themselves from some of the stigmas people have with the series, so I think people who die from now on, until there is another way found to bring dead warriors back, people will stay dead that die. BTW no Raiden isn't dead, he has been corrupted by shinnoks magic, but probably more powerful than everwow

Don't be surprised when some of the MKX newbies go missing in the next game to make room for classic revenants lol.
06/18/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
Noob is a much cooler and original character than all the new entry ́s combined in MKX. Noob isnt dead, Mk is.

06/18/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
MindStrikes Wrote:
Noob is a much cooler and original character than all the new entry ́s combined in MKX. Noob isnt dead, Mk is.


It's a riddle, figure it out yourself
06/19/2015 07:26 AM (UTC)
Noob will be back sooner then everyone thinks I am putting money on him being DLC for MKX later this year Noob and Fujin last two characters, sales would go through the roof and breathe life back into the game around late July early August as it starts to drop off!!!
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