I dont care about the storyline...
posted11/21/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)by
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Sektor?? Ermac??

Member Since
09/03/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
Story line, as long the gameplay is good i am in.
11/11/2005 11:22 PM (UTC)
well I'm hoping both are good. Storylines are very important in MK and so is gameplay. Both have went down recently, I'm hoping they can come back up in MK7
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11/11/2005 11:49 PM (UTC)
Storyline's are good and all but if they're just going to do more picture with writing and a background voice again they might as well focus more on the gameplay, I'm sure it doesn't take that long to come up with a decent storyline.
11/12/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)
Can you imagine the amount of pissed off posts there would be here if Scorpion didn't kill Onaga though.

C'mon Sindel!!!! gringringrin

go tanya overall! Wooh!!
11/12/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
Even though I enjoy the story over the game itself, I am starting to agree with you.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/12/2005 01:49 AM (UTC)
See i like a good story but the #1 thing i am looking for are good graphes and a good game play, on games like MKSM, They have to have a good stoy line to back up but just fighting games like MKDE MKDA and i guss MKA they dont need a real good story line or anything, as long the blood and the graphes/game play are good i am in.
It's good to have the story, but after watching the same thing 3 or 4 times, I just skip it.

Like Tekken 5, it has the FMV endings that are better than just a picture, but I don't even watch those any more.

I hardly ever play story mode, I just go straight to arcade mode where all you do is fight one character after another and it never ends.

So, if they make the story part of the game quick like in old games, it wouldn’t bother me one bit, because I usually skip it anyway.

Game play is where it's at, that has to be good and well developed.

If the game play sucks, I get sick of the game very fast.

If the story sucks, I don't really care.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/12/2005 05:54 AM (UTC)
Yeah. It is good to have a story just for the fun of it.
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"I have heard it said that it is better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do you know what I mean?"

11/12/2005 06:34 AM (UTC)
Well , I guess I feel the same way. If the guys at Midway turned out a brillant fighting game with a crappy storyline(Virtua Fighter) I 'd still be for it as well. But the storylines for MK are so good it would really be a waste.
11/12/2005 07:32 AM (UTC)
you should care about the storyline cuz currently thats all MK's gotgrin
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11/12/2005 10:04 AM (UTC)
thanks to our wonderfull globalised commerce based industry, people not only want to see a good fighter, they need to have a proper coverage on it. Thts why story is important.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/12/2005 02:33 PM (UTC)
Yeah true.
11/12/2005 05:27 PM (UTC)
Both are important. Story and game play.

Mks story has always been amazing (please dont count MKSM), but the game play (even though its fun and decent), its just not as deep as other fighters, it needs serious improvement (even though I enjoy it).

Fix and improve the game play, but let the storyline be as good as ever.

I would actually hate the game if the storyline sucked, believe it or not, that was the thing that really got me interested in Mk, the storyline of Mk1 simply captured me.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/12/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)
See now if the story line sucks will the game play will make it up, but if the game play sucks they wont sell as much even if the story line kicks ass.

Depends what you like the game play or story lines.
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11/12/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
If you ask me,DA had a fantastic and flawless story,no plot holes what so ever.But then came MKD and it completley ruined the perfect story DA had set up.MKD got's sooooooooooo many plot hole's it's not even funny.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/13/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
MKDE is confuseing in story that is all i have to say, ps it miessed up ever story line in the MK games, but to me not game play.
11/18/2005 04:57 PM (UTC)
cyrax24 Wrote:
Story line, as long the gameplay is good i am in.

you are a fool
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/18/2005 11:16 PM (UTC)
I am not the only one that dont care about storyline, many other people would agreed with me.
11/19/2005 12:00 AM (UTC)
When it comes to MK, I care about both the gameplay and storyline. The gameplay should be the top priority though and they need to at least make it decent.
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11/19/2005 12:19 AM (UTC)
cyrax24 Wrote:
I am not the only one that dont care about storyline, many other people would agreed with me.

theese people you mention are called presentatively imchallenged, or in another case, efficiency gamers, what I have grown to loathe after five years od Diablo 2.
11/19/2005 11:22 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
When it comes to MK, I care about both the gameplay and storyline. The gameplay should be the top priority though and they need to at least make it decent.

Yeah we need a GOOD (Excellent) story line since its a big game to come on PS3
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/19/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)
PS3?? I thoght it would come out on PS2 and Xbox. Forget what i said a wile back, The story line should be A LOT MORE batter in MKA or 7 cuz when i was playing MKDE, i look at the story line and i hope MKA will make that up.
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11/20/2005 08:05 AM (UTC)
When MK1 first came out way back when, I was impressed by the visuals, and while I dug the fatalities and the moves, it was the storyline that really sucked me in. Characters had depth. Sub Zero worked for a secret shadowy organization, Scorpion had an aura of mystery about him, Liu Kang was the chosen one, Sonya was out to get Kano etc etc. Never before in a fighting game had the world seen the kind of secrets, intrigue, plot twists, backstabbing and other aspects in this kind of game. You look at plots/storylines in other fighting games and they're an absolute joke. Most are incoherant at best, and pointless wastes of time spent by programmers simply looking to show off their graphics engine at worst.

MK's arrival back then signaled several new innovations in the genre, and arguably video games as a whole. MK didn't take the easy route and just stuck a bunch of characters into various arenas. They didn't confine themselves to genre conventions or videogame conventions (ie only RPG's could actually have plots, and most of those plots were, at the time, unforgivably derivative and cliche). I'm not trying to say that plot, character depth, and storyline are the most important aspects of MK. Indeed, the gameplay (which has fallen off steadily since...oh...MK2) is what matters most. But as far as what makes this series unique from the Virtua Fighter's, DOA's, Soul Calibur's and Street Fighters of the world is the fact that MK has a coherent plot with characters that die, disappear, and have actual motivation, where winning is not the only storyline that matters.

If you don't care about MK's storyline, then you never played MK1 and 2 back in the day when video game plotlines, especially in fighting games, were an absolute joke. MK is one of the main reasons why video games became the mainstream phenomenon that they are today, and I think that at least a small part of that is due to the storylines. For me at least, they fueled my imagination, and actually made me care about the characters. It wasn't just Street Fighter. It wasn't just two cartoons characters squaring off. It was an adventure; a story that unfolded every time I picked up the controller. I know, I'm being melodramatic, but for a 12 year old that had never seen anything like this in a video game before, well, I'll say this: I began writing because of MK. By the time I was 13, I had written 350 typed, single spaced pages of the story of Mortal Kombat. I lost that "book" a long time ago, but the desire to be creative and to write has never left me. That's just my experience though.

I like to think now that MK's storyline is what keeps me coming back to the series. I think that ever since John Tobias left the MK team, the characters have been significantly worse, and the overall level of creativity has been less than what it once was. But even while the MK team's energies seem to be misplaced (stupid minigames, the krypt etc), I still hold out hope that the MK series can be what it once was in terms of creativity and gameplay. Until then, I know that the story can at least hold me over until such a time that the MK team wakes up and realizes what's important. 1) Gameplay 2) Creativity with characters and storylines 3) graphics and 4) everything else.
11/20/2005 11:41 AM (UTC)
cyrax24 Wrote:
PS3?? I thoght it would come out on PS2 and Xbox. Forget what i said a wile back, The story line should be A LOT MORE batter in MKA or 7 cuz when i was playing MKDE, i look at the story line and i hope MKA will make that up.

Im not sure but I think its mostly coming for PS3 & X-360
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/21/2005 01:34 AM (UTC)
I was looking at MKDA storyline and it made sense, it told you what the next game will be about, (The dragon king) in Blaze ending he had to protact the Dragon King egg and in Reptile he was in the wrong place in the wrong time where the egg opend and found Reptile and whent in him to from the Dragon King, But there is one thing that dont make any sense how did Goro died, in one of the endings they showed Goro tomb going in to the lave. Mabey in MKTE Noob Saibot ending was that he killed Goro for something.

PS: sorry if this does not make any sense what so ever.
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