human smoke??//noob saibot back as subzero
posted01/17/2009 05:29 PM (UTC)by
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10/13/2005 04:44 AM (UTC)
human smoke needs to be back and also noob saibot should return with the original subzero outfit..if you like this idea let me know
01/27/2008 07:54 PM (UTC)
OK I like itsmile
01/27/2008 07:55 PM (UTC)
I'm very "meh" about Smoke becoming human again. Story regression can be annoying and all human Smoke was was just a gray Scorpion.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again....

01/27/2008 07:57 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'm very "meh" about Smoke becoming human again. Story regression can be annoying and all human Smoke was was just a gray Scorpion.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again....


LOL so true.
01/27/2008 08:06 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'm very "meh" about Smoke becoming human again. Story regression can be annoying and all human Smoke was was just a gray Scorpion.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again....


That pretty much explains everything.

I don't understand what is so important with Human Smoke. It's like how people want Kane to put on his mask again so he can win more. Putting on masks and becoming unmask doesn't do anything special. Duh!
01/27/2008 08:17 PM (UTC)
i thought it would be cool to have smoke granted his human form back again but with diff. moves other thans scorpions
01/27/2008 08:25 PM (UTC)
Well, i'm quite willing to see Smoke in his human Ninja form back. It just seems much better than his cibernetic form. Or maybe, i say this because i'm not quite found of the hi-tech side of MK (robot characters, laser firing fatalities, mechanical themed stages, Special Forces group etc), and i LOVE the mystical and asian-like MK side (Ninja characters, warrior clans, Shaolin monks, mystical fireballs, Sorcery and black magic etc)

As for N00b, or return as he is, a wraith, and have an ultra epic rivalry with Scorpion, or don't return at all.

And the 'back to original Sub Zero' idea...

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01/27/2008 08:39 PM (UTC)
No, Noob is by far better then any Ninja on the block, thus far. I don't want Twins again. Chameleon and Khameleon are cool. But it end's there.
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01/28/2008 07:35 AM (UTC)
No human Smoke. Ever.
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01/28/2008 04:19 PM (UTC)
Human Smoke rox.
01/28/2008 04:27 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Human Smoke rox.

Indeed, my curiosly named friend.
01/30/2008 03:07 PM (UTC)
i think if they had human smoke it would be alot better because you hardly seen much of human smoke so i think that we should leave the robots to cyrex and sector

i think we should keep noob the way he is i like him and + we already have are subby so lets keep him the way his is let him be the ice ninja
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01/30/2008 07:33 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'm very "meh" about Smoke becoming human again. Story regression can be annoying and all human Smoke was was just a gray Scorpion.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again....

That really just depends on what the character is in essence. If a character is the element of story attributed to the design, than I could hardly say smoke was a gray scorpion anymore than Reptile was a green Subzero. If a character is nothing more than his/her design, than Smoke was indeed just a gray version of the other ninjas, but even if that philosophy holds true, Smoke would be revamped entirely if he were to return as a human, giving him a new appearance and a different moveset. It wouldn't be an issue.

But let's brush that for a moment. How could tranforming him into a human be a regress in story? Since I DO believe that a character is in essence an element of story (and not just a design), Smoke couldn't possibly regress any further. He's a mindless tool. He's virtually not even in the game. What we have now is hollow shell that use to be Smoke. If subzero was decapitated, his head replaced by an orb, and physically controlled by someone else, would that still be Subzero? I would argue otherwise. Smoke debatably hasn't been conscious since MK3, and until he is, Smoke as he was introduced originally has yet to even return.

Now if he was dead and resurrected, I would agree. I personally don't care if he's human or cyborg. Give him consciousness, and I'll be happy.
01/31/2008 02:27 AM (UTC)
When I referred to Smoke as little more than a gray Scorpion, I was referring strictly to aesthetically....appearance/moves. My point was I saw little reason in the desire to see Smoke become human again strictly for the sake of moves and appearance. I am not paticularly interested in seeing Smoke transformed back into a gray ninja...regardless of how his individual appearance is varied...and I think most would agree characters sharing moves has gotten tiresome. One may argue why not give Smoke new moves...but I don't see how/why he has to become human again in order to do so.

From a story/character perspective, I again see little reason in Smoke becoming human again. Smoke, as a character, is Smoke and always will be regardless of what form he takes. By regression, I meant backtracking the story. I equate Smoke becoming human again with Raiden becoming "light" again or Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again or them being separate entities. Regression, as in a development in story/character that is undone. There are ways of doing this correctly...but more often it comes across as insulting and aggravating, and leaves one witha sense that everything that had happened prior was useless.

I can understand the desire to no longer see Smoke being used as a mindless weapon, but again, I fail to see why his becoming human again is requisite for that to happen. Now if the desire is simply for Smoke to NOT be a cyborg I mentioned in the other cyborg thread in this forum...I would rather them continue with his becoming more elemental or ethereal in form. I want there to be a sense of moving forward...not backward. This would also succeed in giving Smoke a more unique appearance.
02/01/2008 09:51 PM (UTC)

First of all, Noob should never go back to being Sub-Zero. He is fine the way he is and should only become more mysterious and wraithly. I'd like to see him get more moves that involve disappearing into and appearing out of the shadows and give him tendrils of inky black smoke that he can summon to do his bidding. I wouldn't mind a plot twist involving him becoming new lord of the Netherrealm, he's more suited for the job than Shinnok anyways. He truly loves the place and I can't see him rather being anywhere else. Noob loves who he's become and there's no way he wants to be redeemed. There's nothing wrong with the way he is. He does not need to have petty beefs with Sub Zero or Scorpion in order to make his character relevant. He's so much better than they are anyway. He doesn't need Smoke, either. Smoke needs to go in his own direction, which I will discuss here in a minute.

Anyways, Noob should stay on course to being the ruler of Hell. He sould amass his army of cyber demons without Smoke's help. He's already aquired the information he needs, and Smoke, with his newly reacquired human soul and concience would only get in his way. Noob should use his newfound army and power to take the Brotherhood of Shadow as his own, a course which would surely bring him into conflict with Quan Chi. Surely, Noob remembers Quan from his days as Sub Zero and if anyone is on his shit list, it's him.

Once the Brotherhood is firmly under his control, Noob should direct his attention to overthrowing Shinnok and becoming the true ruler of the Netherrealm. As far as his practical place in the next game he should be a powerful unlockable character. While I would like to see Noob as a boss, I really don't see him as enough of a pretensious asshole to be boss material. He should stay the enigmatic figure in the shadows, a constant reminder that life is fleeting and death hides in the shadows. He is not motivated by power and greed but by simply being who he is.
02/01/2008 09:58 PM (UTC)
NO....Noob saibot is alright and Smoke is alright too with his nanosuit.End of story.
02/01/2008 10:09 PM (UTC)
Sorry to double post but look at this as a series of posts.

On Noob. He should definitely be a more advanced character. One who is hard to pick up and play but once mastered is truly powerful. He should be a fighter who appeals to those who prefer to weave a web of deception around their enemy and then strike with careful, well placed blows. His fighting style should be lean, efficient and lethal.

Now, about Smoke. Smoke has apparently become an elemental/cyber-demon. Given this definition, he would probably haver no problem changing his form to resemble his depiction in Shaolin Monks. I know many people, myself included, prefer that look to all his others. Of course, I believe in giving people what they want and people want options. So I would not be opposed to giving him his robot form (from MK3) as an alternate costume. As far as the original ninja suit or his "cyber-demon" appearance of late (which was ironically designed to appease the ninja Smoke fans) I could care less if they are used as long as the former two are included.

Gameplay: Smoke should play somewhat like Noob as in constantly teleporting, dissappearing and reappearing as well as using moves to confuse and confound the enemy but use it in a more direct, brutal approach. Whereas Noob focuses more on deft, lethal precise attacks that are sneaky and underhanded, Smoke should be more up front and rely more on raw strength. He could use moves such as invisibility via a smoke bomb-esque cloud of smoke or even enshroud the arena in smoke, concealing his moves from his opponents. Maybe even disappear into the floor to emerge behind the opponent, dragging them under.

Storyline: Smoke should regain his independent will, perhaps with the aid of Sub Zero, perhaps not. He should remain a free agent, one who may occasionally assist the Lin Quey and the other "good" guys through either explicit or covert means. He is not human and should not return to being human. He should not have some sentimental, bullshit happy ending where he returns to being the way he was. Smoke has been through Hell and has been forever changed by the experience.
02/01/2008 10:11 PM (UTC)
reptile88 Wrote:
NO....Noob saibot is alright and Smoke is alright too with his nanosuit.End of story.

PLEASE, no nanosuit. And Noob should be McFarlanized and should be more wraithly than ever.
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02/03/2008 07:11 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'm very "meh" about Smoke becoming human again. Story regression can be annoying and all human Smoke was was just a gray Scorpion.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again....

That really just depends on what the character is in essence. If a character is the element of story attributed to the design, than I could hardly say smoke was a gray scorpion anymore than Reptile was a green Subzero. If a character is nothing more than his/her design, than Smoke was indeed just a gray version of the other ninjas, but even if that philosophy holds true, Smoke would be revamped entirely if he were to return as a human, giving him a new appearance and a different moveset. It wouldn't be an issue.

But let's brush that for a moment. How could tranforming him into a human be a regress in story? Since I DO believe that a character is in essence an element of story (and not just a design), Smoke couldn't possibly regress any further. He's a mindless tool. He's virtually not even in the game. What we have now is hollow shell that use to be Smoke. If subzero was decapitated, his head replaced by an orb, and physically controlled by someone else, would that still be Subzero? I would argue otherwise. Smoke debatably hasn't been conscious since MK3, and until he is, Smoke as he was introduced originally has yet to even return.

Now if he was dead and resurrected, I would agree. I personally don't care if he's human or cyborg. Give him consciousness, and I'll be happy.

Did Hell freeze over? Well I haven't seen in awhile TUN.

Well I do think you are correct in your post. As long as the essence is there, a good story can forumaled.

02/04/2008 09:24 PM (UTC)
DeathScepter Wrote:
Well I do think you are correct in your post. As long as the essence is there, a good story can forumaled.

The question is, " Is the MK team capable of creating that good story?"wink
02/05/2008 01:58 AM (UTC)
Nahh, due to storyline this won't happen. Second off, Noob also has nothing to do with the current Sub-Zero with the exception of Noob being his brother(original Sub-Zero)

So, unless Noob some how comes back or returns as Classic original Sub-Zero and the current one dies I don't see it happening honestly.

I'm looking forward to see where all 3 characters wind up.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

02/05/2008 03:32 AM (UTC)
Anansi Wrote:
DeathScepter Wrote:
Well I do think you are correct in your post. As long as the essence is there, a good story can forumaled.

The question is, " Is the MK team capable of creating that good story?"wink

Depends. As long as they don't listen to the Noobs and listen to the more mature fans of Mk to get some inspiretation for future MK.

02/05/2008 03:38 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Nahh, due to storyline this won't happen. Second off, Noob also has nothing to do with the current Sub-Zero with the exception of Noob being his brother(original Sub-Zero)

Right. Noob/Smoke's ending where they kill Sub-Zero was out of the blue all of a sudden. We understand that we like both Noob and Sub-Zero, but the whole story wouldn't happen.

If it does though... Aww brotherly love is in the air...

mkflegend Wrote:
So, unless Noob some how comes back or returns as Classic original Sub-Zero and the current one dies I don't see it happening honestly.

And this will happen if MK heads towards the direction of bringing back Noob to his old self. But because he's already dead, what's the point? And not to mention what's the point on who's who?

To be honest, I'll never understand why some of you people wnat Noob to go back being Sub-Zero when the Sub-Zero right now who's Sub-Zero is Sub-Zero and not Noob. I-I don't get where you people are going with this to be honestly frank.

It's confusing me.

02/05/2008 07:19 PM (UTC)
Yeah, personally I'm happy with the way things are with both characters. Noob since we now know was the original Classic Sub, and assuming his ending is canon he's going to be an all new character (as some fans wish "Black-Ice" a made up name but it's more or less a new character that some fans want that midway hinted at in Noob's ending being "a new warrior part C. Sub and part Noob" so who knows lol

I also like the newer, good, current Subby. I really do hope his ending is canon, I think it would be cool to see him as an Ice God. Hey, what's one more god right? It's MKglasses
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03/12/2008 03:26 AM (UTC)
There's only ONE SUB-ZERO! AND THAT'S ME!!! Erm.. *Ahem* I mean.... We only need one Sub-Zero! Noob Saibot has became too much of a character to return him to become Another Sub-Zero again! this would be wasting a character! and Human smoke wasn't anything awsome, He's cooler to me with his cyborgnetic Body wink
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