06/03/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
I don't ever want to see Smoke as a cyborg again.
06/03/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
You know I've never thought about this, but had they just had Smoke bite the cyber bullet in Mk9 they probably could have just erased Smoke's chapter. Then, have his chapter replace Cyber Subz chapter and it would have worked out great. Instead Sub-Zero gets two chapters.lol
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/03/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
he's still probably been given more time and attention than the likes of Sheeva

Not in 9. Even with a mere two scenes where she stands around guarding people tied to things in Not-Dungeons, she showed more personality than Smoke did and HE got a chapter!

Hell, I'd argue the scene where Baraka scolds another Tarkatan for goofing off with a shotgun gave him more personality than any scene gave Smoke, because in that scene we learned that Baraka has the brains of a normal fucking person and isn't retarded like the entire rest of his species, and that's why he gets to be the leader.

I can tell you that MK9 Sheeva strongly believes in honor, the samurai kind where to get it back when you disgrace yourself, you have to die. She even has distinctive speech habits/repeated catchphrases.

I can't tell you anything Smoke believes in, I can't tell you what he thinks or feels about anything except that, y'know, he's Kuai Liang's friend and he doesn't like people being turned into robots. Which MOST people don't. So yeah, what a unique individual...

I guess the fact that he styles his hair like a female might say something about him...

First scene he shows up in? I see a guy who reminds his partner that they shouldn't fuck around while sporting his possibly-dead brother's identity. That tells me he's got his mind on his mission.

I see him taking a crack at Kitana and calling her a housemaid. Kitana herself says he's got a sharp tongue. So he's got a mouth on him. He's quick to get into fights. Maybe a bit of a hothead.

I can see from the way he addresses Raiden that he's courteous in the presence of those he respects.

And I can tell from how he assumed that Jade had taken out Kitana when he saw Mileena on the ground - an error for which I'll excuse him as this series has shown every single fucking person alive in this fiction has difficulty telling the girls apart for some stupid reason - that he's got a strong sense of justice; is not a fan of Kahn and thus reaffirms that he's made of better material than much of the Lin Kuei - that he shows disgust at the notion of treachery. He's loyal.

He didn't get five games' worth of development the way Sub did, and it's stupid to expect him to all of a sudden to somehow magically justify the switch. If he does, it'll take time.

But he got some character traits, like it or not. Did it bring much new to the table? Not much more than Sheeva. MK3 already told us she had a strong sense of honor, anyhow; here they expanded on it.

We've had this conversation before, you and I. I can see time has changed neither of us. tongue
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

06/03/2014 11:46 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
We could do that but that wasn't really the conversation we were having when we started.

See, my argument right now isn't actually that he has no potential. The Enenra thing has undeniable potential.

My argument is don't get your hopes up that NRS will USE that potential, because last time we put faith in them, they let us down. Don't get burned again, man.

If you go in EXPECTING disappointment, then if the game's story mode turns out to not suck, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I wasn't expecting him to become the next hero of the game by any stretch of the imagination. I know Smoke [either version] is a character that Boon and co. do not give priority too as far as screen time is concerned. I have no faith in Boon when it comes to characters that don't involve his pet ninja,
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06/03/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
Well if MKX is indeed a timeline crossover, every one might be happy and get the version of Smoke they want...

He has been my favorite character for ever... I really loved the character as human.. liked him as Cyber in UMK3, hated his robot form in DA/Deception.. and loved the fact he became human again...

I like the idea of being able to play as both Smokes, but do NOT like the idea of changing him BACK to a Cyborg. It would completely flush all character development from MK9 down the toilet.
06/03/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
If Cyber-Sub is dead, how do we have Human Sub-Zero? Retransformation ring a bell? It is MK after all.
I certainly would accept Cyber Smoke. He was awesome in his MKD alt outfit. Of course he would be updated.
I was thinking what if, Smoke was Human with cybernetics or would the Winter Soldier be a good look?
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

06/03/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

I was thinking what if, Smoke was Human with cybernetics or would the Winter Soldier be a good look?

Too be honest, that's what I originally thought Human Smoke in UMK3 was. He was able to escape the robotic casing [since Cyber-Smoke blowing up when you do the code] but still had bionic implants underneath his skin [which would explain why he was the fastest and strongest character in that game] It would have been the perfect ending to the Cyber-Smoke saga. He is able to escape his cybernetic prison but would still have to deal with the trauma of having been through that and still having remnants of the process in his body.
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