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02/28/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
Sorry i thought you were talking about Subbie. I didn't get an angry vibe from Scorpion there. He looked like he had conflicting motives from the new heroes though.
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02/28/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
It's not explained anywhere, it's barely mentioned in the comic, purposely so, as they don't want to reveal what happened during the Netherrealm wars in full detail yet.
02/28/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
Jesus, this place lol. I can't believe people are giving you shit, Shock. No it hasn't been explained AT ALL. Saying he "Conquered he demons years ago" is NOT an explanation. Do you guys think Scorpion traveled the world helping the less fortunate? ... Ya I read the comic too, unfortunately he did something almost as cheesy as that lol. What I'm saying is this dude made a "crossroads" deal, in most fiction that has consequences, you DO NOT get out of that, you're done. He obviously got out of it but were going to get a more elaborate explanation, than him just calming down over the years... I would hope. Edit: Now I know the whole story of Quan Chi's deception blah blah. Now you could argue Scorpion and (Young) Sub are killers with hearts of gold that only want what best for the world sleep To me, I always assumed Quan Chi was able to offer him a deal because of who he was. Ya, the Shira Ryu weren't you're traditional "Ninja Assasins", they weren't hitmen but they were hired warriors. They killed and the morality of war is almost never black and white. In my mind he could have never made a deal with a White Lotus member but a Shirai Ryu? No problem. It's basically the same story as spawn. Their both guys who loved and provide for their family but they did so by killing, which landed them both in hell. I'm not saying I want Scorpion to be the pawn who screams "VENGEANCE" for the rest of his days but going white knight makes little sense to me. It seems like their jumping the shark... Or in the case of video games "Punching The Boulder"
02/28/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Why can't people consider that maybe Scorpion always could have looked like that if he wanted to? He always could remove his face from his skull, so why couldn't he make his face look like his unmasked live self's? For all we know, he's always worn two masks, the classic ninja one, over the fleshly one (worn over the skull), and it's only now that he's finally taking the ninja mask off his human (looking) face. But he's still a spectre, so he still got his hell-borne powers.
02/28/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)

Prior to "conquering" Scorpion he was always in Spectre mode once he was given another chance, so always skull face , always white eyes, and probably always pissed off and out for revenge, he probably could have lost the flame skull for his regular human face whenever, but since he likely didn't have control over his Spectre powers the way he seems to now, he never did or even thought about it since he was pretty much set on revenge only.

I also hope Scorpion doesn't become a straight up good guy, I like neutral Scorpion the best. Ill be fine with whatever they do im sure though, it would take a lot of butchering for me to hate my favorite MK character.
02/28/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.
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02/28/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
Yeah Hanno could make his face. After all you see human skin through the opening of the mask. Why do some people want all the details. Kenshi says he conquered Scorpion...ie he work ed through his anger and vengeance. He was a spectre so when he let that go he regained some humanity he had from his life. It's a good explanation that doesn't need to be shown how he did it. At least it's a cool new development in the characters growth. I love the look and really hope it is his alternate.
02/28/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:

Prior to "conquering" Scorpion he was always in Spectre mode once he was given another chance, so always skull face , always white eyes, and probably always pissed off and out for revenge, he probably could have lost the flame skull for his regular human face whenever, but since he likely didn't have control over his Spectre powers the way he seems to now, he never did or even thought about it since he was pretty much set on revenge only.

I also hope Scorpion doesn't become a straight up good guy, I like neutral Scorpion the best. Ill be fine with whatever they do im sure though, it would take a lot of butchering for me to hate my favorite MK character.

Makes sense, me I always kind of thought his mask had flesh on it. Like some Texas Chainsaw massacre stuff but magic infused. You and me both on Scorp man, I don't want to see him turned into a pure of heart white knight.
02/28/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Yeah Hanno could make his face. After all you see human skin through the opening of the mask. Why do some people want all the details. Kenshi says he conquered Scorpion...ie he work ed through his anger and vengeance. He was a spectre so when he let that go he regained some humanity he had from his life. It's a good explanation that doesn't need to be shown how he did it. At least it's a cool new development in the characters growth. I love the look and really hope it is his alternate.

IMO No, it's really not. Long story short, he sold his soul. Chilling out is not a good explanation for him getting it back. I agree with the look though, I have no problem with it as an alt.
02/28/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

Maybe you one variation has a mask! That's what I'm hoping for, with Scorp too.
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/28/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

Yeah, now that I'm starting to frequent the forum again, I've noticed his comments cropping up everywhere and they're usually drenched with the same crappy attitude.

Either way, NRS doesn't need to handhold their fans and tell them every detail about the story. Especially before the game is out. But as of right now, we do have an idea as to why he has a "human" form, and that's because he no longer wants to be considered Scorpion anymore. He's done with that.
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02/28/2015 08:44 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

His attitude towards things he doesn't like and people who disagree with him is ridiculous, but anyway I plan to ignore him. He seems way to arrogant to look at things that differ to his view so there's no point trying.

About Sub Zero, one of his variations gives him an ice mask, so if you chose that variation with his maskless costume you'll have him with a mask, like in the comics.
03/01/2015 07:39 AM (UTC)
Notice how when scorpion is usually masked you can see his skin around his eyes and nose bridge? Perhaps all this time he removed his face with his mask, and this time he leaves his face on this time. Since he's a ghost he retains everything he had prior to his death and can manipulate his own body.
I bet if he wanted to he could pull off his arm flesh and reveal a skeletal arm.
03/01/2015 09:48 AM (UTC)
Issue 10 of the comics tells the origins of Scorpion.. so I think we'll have his re-birth in the next arc.
03/01/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

Yeah, now that I'm starting to frequent the forum again, I've noticed his comments cropping up everywhere and they're usually drenched with the same crappy attitude.

Either way, NRS doesn't need to handhold their fans and tell them every detail about the story. Especially before the game is out. But as of right now, we do have an idea as to why he has a "human" form, and that's because he no longer wants to be considered Scorpion anymore. He's done with that.

Crappy attitude? I haven't seen this shock guys other posts but he's not asking some crazy question or trolling. The character has pulled a complete 180 something according to the lore that's been set up shouldn't happen... Then again, now it's looking like they never fully explained specters or their rebooting the lore on them. He's just asking why and you're all telling him to just go with it. Ya I agree, saying how it all happened at once wouldn't be a good writing but it's hasn't been clearly explained either. While were at it, yes this is a series that "handholds".Ever since they started including a story mode their hasn't been a whole lot of room for interpretation, this isn't dark souls or something. It's MK though, the story has become a complete mess, I don't know why I care at this point but there's no need to bash the dude for asking perfectly reasonable question.

I don't see what the big deal is here or how this guy is a troll.
03/01/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

Yeah, now that I'm starting to frequent the forum again, I've noticed his comments cropping up everywhere and they're usually drenched with the same crappy attitude.

Either way, NRS doesn't need to handhold their fans and tell them every detail about the story. Especially before the game is out. But as of right now, we do have an idea as to why he has a "human" form, and that's because he no longer wants to be considered Scorpion anymore. He's done with that.

Crappy attitude? I haven't seen this shock guys other posts but he's not asking some crazy question or trolling. The character has pulled a complete 180 something according to the lore that's been set up shouldn't happen... Then again, now it's looking like they never fully explained specters or their rebooting the lore on them. He's just asking why and you're all telling him to just go with it. Ya I agree, saying how it all happened at once wouldn't be a good writing but it's hasn't been clearly explained either... This is MK though, the story has become a complete mess, I don't know why I care at this point but there's no need to bash the dude for asking perfectly reasonable question.

I don't see what the big deal is here or how this guy is a troll.

I know, I really don't mind anymore. I have come to realize there are certain people on the forum that will attack you if you say NRS is doing something wrong or if you even disagree with them.

There are other people on this forum like you, who would love to have a civil discussion about mortal kombat and would actually like to see the facts and listen to other people's opinions.

It's too bad people like you are becoming less and less on MKO.

This forum is really great but it needs grown up people willing to understand that all we do here is discuss and speculate.

On the topic, I think His story will be explained(Or at least I hope it will) But as of now it's left for us to speculate on how he has a normal face.

The comics never explain that or make it clear.
03/01/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
ReptileFinally Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
I almost feel like you're trolling, dude.

He is like this in every thread, he gets worse when people disagree with him.

ANYWAYS, yes that is human Scorpion, you should check out the comics because it explains more there. Pretty exciting. On another note, I wish the Sub-Zero Alt kept the mask, that would've been awesome.

Yeah, now that I'm starting to frequent the forum again, I've noticed his comments cropping up everywhere and they're usually drenched with the same crappy attitude.

Either way, NRS doesn't need to handhold their fans and tell them every detail about the story. Especially before the game is out. But as of right now, we do have an idea as to why he has a "human" form, and that's because he no longer wants to be considered Scorpion anymore. He's done with that.

Crappy attitude? I haven't seen this shock guys other posts but he's not asking some crazy question or trolling. The character has pulled a complete 180 something according to the lore that's been set up shouldn't happen... Then again, now it's looking like they never fully explained specters or their rebooting the lore on them. He's just asking why and you're all telling him to just go with it. Ya I agree, saying how it all happened at once wouldn't be a good writing but it's hasn't been clearly explained either... This is MK though, the story has become a complete mess, I don't know why I care at this point but there's no need to bash the dude for asking perfectly reasonable question.

I don't see what the big deal is here or how this guy is a troll.

I know, I really don't mind anymore. I have come to realize there are certain people on the forum that will attack you if you say NRS is doing something wrong or if you even disagree with them.

There are other people on this forum like you, who would love to have a civil discussion about mortal kombat and would actually like to see the facts and listen to other people's opinions.

It's too bad people like you are becoming less and less on MKO.

This forum is really great but it needs grown up people willing to understand that all we do here is discuss and speculate.

On the topic, I think His story will be explained(Or at least I hope it will) But as of now it's left for us to speculate on how he has a normal face.

The comics never explain that or make it clear.

Funny you say that. I'm not gonna say the majority of people here but the majority of people who commented on it jumped on me for criticizing time travel. I thought it was a bad idea and wouldn't fit the tone of MKX... Of course I'm an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about.glasses
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/01/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:

I also hope Scorpion doesn't become a straight up good guy, I like neutral Scorpion the best. Ill be fine with whatever they do im sure though, it would take a lot of butchering for me to hate my favorite MK character.

I hope also and I do not think Scorpion ever will. Scorpion has concerned himself with himself only. He has low character interaction considering the amount of games he has been in although it is good that he branching out a little with Takeda.

We have enough characters kissing Raiden's rear end. I do not want to see Scorpion become another. Good thing in the comic he does not exactly trust Raiden.
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