How will the New MK turn out????
posted10/10/2005 05:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/05/2005 02:15 AM (UTC)
Post your thoughts on what we should expect for the next MK????

I have no clue i thought MK:DA would be awsome and it was just okay I havent played MK:SM or MK:D yet so i dont know how those are?

WHat do you think?
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Deep within the netherealms lies the ELDERGOD SHINNOK powerless without his amulet

10/10/2005 04:30 AM (UTC)
mk da was awsome and as far as mk 7 goes theey bettter make a return of shinnok in it and have more to the story and i alos think they will amek a game like shaolin monks all the way to the arcade games so for 3 to 5 mk sm 2 and for 6 and 7 mk sm 3
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10/10/2005 06:14 AM (UTC)
Don't count on it. Ever since MKDA Midway seems to stray away from that piece of crap sorry excuse of a former elder god called Shinnok. ONly Quan Chi retained some info from MK4 since it was necessary.

I kinda like how they are making the new characters (Seidans, Ashrah, Hsu Hao and Kobra easily top Reiko and the UMK3/Trilogy characters) and I think this is where they will bring back more of the already established characters and expand upon them.
10/10/2005 10:44 AM (UTC)
shinnok could kick quan chi's ass and quan chi dies in Deception so there is a great possibility that they will bring back Shinnok plus you never know what they are gunna do... but no one is really dead the the MK world now are they
10/10/2005 01:52 PM (UTC)
if it will be on a next gen system, and ed boon and the rest of the MK team utilze it to its full power. it can turn out to be a great game.
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10/10/2005 02:07 PM (UTC)
shinnok :S arrrrrr he sucked ass in MK4 only good moves wer the fatalities, if they really worked hard it could work. otherwise in my oppinion the next boss should be raiden, after raiden then the one being (wer raiden shows his commitment) if anything time to bring back fujin and kai (only coz kai was a kickass fighter and fujin has a good appeal to him.)
10/10/2005 05:56 PM (UTC)
I really want to see more of the MKDA newcomers make their comeback next game. As a group, these guys were, imo, MK's best new intake of fighters since MK2, and many have a lot of potential for future games, and to develop in interesting ways, both in gameplay as fighters, and also in the storyline. Mavado, Nitara, Drahmin and Frost all deserve places in MK7, along with Li Mei and (although I'm crap with him) Kenshi, and they were far better designed and developed than most MKD newcomers. Even Blaze could be developed into a worthwhile character, the unused concept drawings for him looked quite cool.

As well as these guys, I also think Stryker, Kai and Sareena should be revamped and brought into MK7. For a character who's never been in a mainstream MK, Sareena has a lot of potential, and a lot of fans. The thing I liked best about MKD was that it gave B List classics like Ermac and Jade a chance to come back to MK, with cool new fighting moves, makeovers and storylines. OK, some didn't work out (Tanya, Nightwolf) but they got their shot. I'd like to see the same done with this batch of less established MK fighters, along with a mix of classics, and a couple of the better MKD newbies. Havik at least has to return, he has too much potential.

I think they should try to put in less all new characters next game. Maybe nine in MKD (eight plus boss Onaga) was aiming for too much, and many of them ended up generic, with little or no potential for the future. I'd say if they kept the new characters to, at most five, they could work more on those, and there would be more chance of most or all of the newbies being good additions to MK's cast.
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