How will MK use new technology in its future games?
posted08/12/2009 11:12 AM (UTC)by
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Reason I think this is an interesting question is cuz it's a fighting game, and MK is notorious for fiddling with new ways to bring us Mortal Kombat. Recently, not only was I looking, but TRMK posted some news about the MK team looking for a Sr Software Engineer to head up an online networking department. All the typical slogans "push the limits of online capabilities"..ect

Then I got to thinking. What exactly could a fighting game do that won't be old already? We've seen alot from all sorts of games, and it seems like every year another, higher plateau in game technology is being reached.

So, think about it....MK has a few clans, right? As well as using the Unreal engine again (I'm assuming anyway...contract on it shouldn't be expired yet) so, what if capitalizing on alot of moving subjects on-screen comes true? Which would lean towards multi-player situations, where we're all playing together, or against each other online for once. Or...

What if more than just 2vs2 online arcade is in fact, now possible? What if making a "better KAKharacter system is actually possible w/o jeopardizing every other aspect of the game?

I figure, they've at least got more resources to work with now, and by the looks of such a high-profile want-ad for that Sr Software Engineer posting, they must have more money to work with since Midway went down too.

So what do you think they're gonna use new technology for in MK? Especially because they're no longer under the Midway management. You think it'll just be a bigger roster and some prettier graphics? Or will we join the masses in swinging at our tv screens to fight eachother online soon?

We could be in for some pretty crazy stuff come MK9 and on...

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08/11/2009 07:10 PM (UTC)
The problem with the development of mk, is that they hire more and more artists, but they use very little programmers. I have to assume that programmers salaries, are a lot more than artist salaries.

Whatever the case.. in stead of hiring five more artists, hire one more programmer. There is a serious lack of 'dynamic'ness in the mk code.

You can tell by the backgrounds of mk5/mk:da that they were planning to have the ability to fight on stair-cases/different player-heights. I kept wanting to chase the opponent up the stair-case in the background of Shang's Lair/Palace. Another example of dynamic physics/programming would have been if a player could hang onto the swinging bodies in the boat-hull in mk:deception, and let go at chosen moments to build up momentum for hits.

They wouldn't have to have so many testers looking for 'infinities', if they made it possible to block during combos. It's not realistic at all, to have the character become catatonic just after one-punch.
In stead of preventing infinite combos, add multiple forms of blocking/evading. Two professional fighters can swing at each other for minutes without making a hit, and it's a staple of martial arts movies, with someone jumping over a leg-sweep, then swinging, and the opponent back-swings, etc.
In other words, the ninjas don't act like ninjas. Add more reflexive fighting.

Motion-capture is definately not the way of the future. It's static. Combining rag-doll physics with a dynamic nervous system has already been used by some games. Dynamic physics also give realistic weight distribution.
Most of the fighters in mk:da, etc. don't match their weight/size.

Keep the mk staff, but give them software/etc. research to do, in stead of fighting over which fighters to return.
If only Phil Hartman was still alive, then he could sit at his grand-piano in the mk office, while doling out

If they don't, then one of these days, someone might do a second-life/mk type program, and put them out of business.

Kreate-a-fatality was a fine idea, but the execution was a 1/10.
Repeat that with even 5/10 execution/animation quality, and it would win out over 8/10 static finishers.

At least allow fighters to share finishers that fit, e.g. 40 finishers for 20 fighters, but 5+ of the 40 to be used by each.
Perhaps have finisher combos. Where some finishers can be done after others if done quickly.

And please more of the reptile in mk1 type glitches/secrets. More, 'What the what just happened!'

It would also make it more fun to manually experiments with sequences, if there 5+ different sequences, to iniate a given finisher.
Humans prefer memorizing things, when the data is very dissimilar, i.e.
Sequences should range from 1 to 8+ buttons.
Have a special that requires 10 inputs, but does ridiculous damage.

Break the monotony.. for Heaven's sakes.. break the monotony!

It's time that games/movies start doing voice rendering/digital waveguides.
It would give dynamic commenting abilities, and open the way for a truly complete piece of software.

If the mk team can rise to the occasion, regarding dynamic(rather than scripted) programming, then they could have multiple fighters fighting each other in a single arena, shaolin monks style.

Moral of the story..

MK needs more programmers/software engineers.

A lot more. Even if the current mk team have to learn new programming skills. One of them mentioned that a 4-legged Motaro needed lots of special case-ing. Then do lots of special case-ing.

Vogel sound like an open-minded guy, with people skills. Give him a new type of position, like liason between programmers and conceptual programmers(rest of mk staff). It could potentially make their jobs easier, since dynamic motion requires motion-capture only for reference/research.
Procedural textures save artist time. Check out the program facegen modeller, to see how good dynamic face models can be, that's only $1000 to licence for developers, has a great demo. It's even used by police artists.

They waste time making some characters too ornate. They should always do the type of work, that can be perfectly re-used, and improved.

08/12/2009 11:12 AM (UTC)
I would like to see the use of a Mortal Kombat space in Playstation Home with game launching for matches. and have like a test your might/sight minigame for the home space. even have mk kostumes for the characters. ie: unlock something in the game gives you access to something in ps home I think that could be implimented well if thought through properly.
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