How powerful do you think Kotal Kahn will be?
posted12/14/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)by
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08/13/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
In terms of story, not gameplay, how powerful do you think he will be? Do you think he could hang with Shao if he was still alive? Or how about Onaga? Or do you think he will be weaker than them?

Obviously we don't know much about how strong he will be yet, but speculating is fun.
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12/12/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
It is obvious that D'vorah is his second in command so he has some power but he is easily manipulated by other people such as his minions the Baraka's. He probably will be betrayed but it is too early to tell who kills or just defeats him to take over the throne. Speculation is that it is Quan Chi but as I said it is too early to know right now till the roster gets bigger.
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12/12/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
Maybe as powerful as Shao, but not as Onaga. I mean, Shao Kahn was extremely powerful, yet he had to poison the DK in order to dethrone him.
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12/12/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
There are strong clues that hint at Kotal being much weaker than Shao Kahn. First off, he is a playable character just like the rest and it is likely he is no boss of some sort. Storywise, all we know is he will rise to power in Outworld but will fall as well. In issue #3 of the comics it is stated that he enlists the power of the Kamidogu just to be able to take on Goro who is seemingly the new champion of Outworld. That alone tells you that he is much weaker than Shao Kahn since Goro never challenged Shao Kahn for dominance of Outworld. He knew he was no match. Of course, this theory would not be applicable if Goro managed to gain some sort of serious power since MK9 which I think is highly unlikely
12/12/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
I think that Kotal will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in that he becomes the ruler of Outworld. But something tells me he will be in way over his head at some point.

Its not even because he's a newbie that I think the character won't be the wisest it's just the vibe that I get. We have no idea of his origins or where he's from and I just feel he'll get lucky becoming the ruler? Perhaps get his hands on some mystic Mortal Kombat artifact..

We'll see but I really hope he and Quan Chi aren't allies, that is a match up I would love to see. As a side note in general I really would like there to be multiple alliances throughout the story mode. Give us a reason to root for this group or that group. Not just the good guys vs the bad guys.

12/12/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
Medusa Wrote:
I think that Kotal will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in that he becomes the ruler of Outworld. But something tells me he will be in way over his head at some point.

Its not even because he's a newbie that I think the character won't be the wisest it's just the vibe that I get. We have no idea of his origins or where he's from and I just feel he'll get lucky becoming the ruler? Perhaps get his hands on some mystic Mortal Kombat artifact..

We'll see but I really hope he and Quan Chi aren't allies, that is a match up I would love to see. As a side note in general I really would like there to be multiple alliances throughout the story mode. Give us a reason to root for this group or that group. Not just the good guys vs the bad guys.


12/12/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
I think he will be very powerful in terms of story for two reasons that we already know about.

First he is a God and we know that in mortal kombat gods are powerful like Raiden,Fujin and Shinnok.

Second we have the fact that he took over Outworld at some point meaning he was powerful enough to take over Outworld and that's not an easy thing to do considering he has to go through Kintaro,Goro,Baraka,Mileena and possibly even Shinnok and Quan Chi. that's just naming a few.

So I personally think he will be a powerful character both story and gameplay.
12/12/2014 02:09 AM (UTC)
I'm saying he is about as powerful as Shang Tsung or Sindel.
12/12/2014 02:31 AM (UTC)
The games about his rise and fall so I'm guessing not powerful enough.
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12/12/2014 02:33 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
I'm saying he is about as powerful as Shang Tsung or Sindel.

Sindel ain't that powerful... unless you're talking about Sindel with Shang's powers.
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12/12/2014 02:39 AM (UTC)
I would like to see him as an average skilled fighter who won by using cheap blinding light tactics; pretty much like how Raiden's eyes glared his way to victory against Shang and his guards to let Sonya and Jax Fighting Kotal Kahn would be very difficult when he is can emit sun rays to blind your sight.

It reminds me of the Helios battle in GOW.

Very few warriors in MK can oppose a moderately powerful enemy while blinded, with the obvious exceptions of Johnny as he has his sunglasses and Kenshi is blind so it does not matter to him.
12/12/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
Sindel is probably near the strength of Tsung. She is the queen of Edenia! She is definitely the most powerful female.
12/12/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn is a tough call. I definitely don't think he's as strong as Shao Kahn or Onaga, at least physically. He seems much more level-headed and far less bellicose. I'm curious to see how he "rises."
12/12/2014 05:23 AM (UTC)
My speculation on Kotal Kahn will probably be dislike by a few, but who cares its just speculation right?!

I believe Kotal is relatively new, younger, inexperienced. In comparison to Shao Kahn, i believe the Aztecan Warrior would be somewhat on par with SK and could possibly be stronger Kahn. But as far as Onaga goes, ill just say KK would definitely put up a good fight but i believe Onaga's strength and experience would win that battle.

I also would like to believe that KK isnt as bad as he is being perceived. I would like to think that maybe he is out with good intentions, but goes about it the right way. He is lost in a sense and eventually becomes a powerful ally to Raiden and maybe still a Ruler of sorts. shouoldn't sideline him so quickly
12/12/2014 05:25 AM (UTC)
Let's see... We don't know Sindel's powers before she became what we know her as today... She can spit fireballs, fly, scream, and has magical hair.

While Shang Tsung can shoot fireballs both from his hands and through sorcery, he can morph into anyone he wants, oh and he can steal souls and is a sorcerer who probably possesses other powers that we have yet to see.

Sindel, while is amongst my favorites, is certainly no match against Shang Tsung. Just because she's royalty doesn't mean squat.

But to actually answer the question... I have no answer. Mainly I'll have one based on how he got the ruler title. You can be not that powerful but can outsmart so many. Or he could be one giant brute who likes to douse themselves in blue green paint.
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12/12/2014 06:16 AM (UTC)
I don't know. I can't call it. I mean Mortal Kombat is this series where powerful Sorcerers and Beasts, and Kings can be killed by mortals(atleast in the movies). Anybody is capable of anything.

Judging by raw strength, it's "NOT" likely he is as strong as Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn is a beast.
12/12/2014 08:55 AM (UTC)
He looks pretty fuckin' powerful. I still don't think he would be a match for Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok, or Quan Chi. Maybe equal footing with Shang Tsung, who knows.
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12/12/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be surprised if 1 of 2 things happened. NRS did a DARK KAHN move and had Kotal and Shao Kahn Merge into one. OR Shao Kahn gets his soul transferred into Kotal Kahn.
12/12/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be surprised if 1 of 2 things happened. NRS did a DARK KAHN move and had Kotal and Shao Kahn Merge into one. OR Shao Kahn gets his soul transferred into Kotal Kahn.

Lord, I hope not. While MKX would be a good time to reveal some more of Shao Kahn's history in Outworld, I don't want to see him return for at least one or two games. Kotal Kahn as a standalone character could generate a lot of in-story comparisons and references to Shao Kahn as opposed to his successor.

I get the sense that Kotal Kahn probably isn't as physically powerful as Shao Kahn. He is playable, and we know he falls from power at some point. But I do think he is possibly more cunning than Shao Kahn.
Looking forward to seeing Kotal Kahn's rise, rule, and fall, though. Kind of hoping that he might actually retake power again after his fall, instead of going through successive rulers on a game-by-game basis as we've done in the past. I get the gut feeling that, even if Kotal is a less brutal and bloodthirsty ruler than Shao Kahn, Raiden will probably factor into his downfall somehow.

It could probably push Raiden down the path of making huge mistakes if he involved himself in dislodging an emperor who would rule Outworld with a softer hand.
If he was more powerful then Shao Kahn he would have taken over while he was still alive.
12/13/2014 06:19 PM (UTC)
Azraelthelastangel Wrote:
If he was more powerful then Shao Kahn he would have taken over while he was still alive.

Unless Kotal wasn't alive during Kahn's time.

(Counter argument) Well Kotal looks like he could be older that Kahn.

(counter counter arguement) Rapid aging.

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12/13/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
New ascending power in Outworld, not strong nor cruel enough as the previous Emperor.
12/13/2014 07:52 PM (UTC)
According to the comic previews, he's at least strong enough to walk from a fight with Goro alive (it looks like there is going to be a fight between them and this happens before the game story).

It's also mentioned that he could have access to at least 1 kamidogu, which would be another plus to his power.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/13/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
It's also mentioned that he could have access to at least 1 kamidogu, which would be another plus to his power.

Yep. Them 'Dogu are essentially the most powerful items in the MK universe, so he's strong enough to wrestle them (or at least one) away from the likes of Shujinko and Onaga while still avoiding Quan Chi, Raiden, and Shinnok.

Not to mention like you said, survives a fight with Goro AND still manages to claim the throne to Outworld? Yeah, he a bad mofo.
12/14/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)
Something I've been wondering about Kotal Kahn....

His variations are "War God," "Blood God," and "Sun God." I'm just going to make an educated guess and say that he is/was a god, much like Raiden.

However, Raiden had to give up his immortality in order to fight alongside the Earth Realm warriors and intervene in Shao Kahn's invasion.

So, if Kotal Kahn is intervening in Outworld's events, did he give up his god status in order to become Emperor instead? Seems like he might have done so in hopes of restoring order to the realm. If he had to give up his god status to do so, he might not be as powerful as he could be.

Of course, this is all speculation, and I'm probably way off base.
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